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Below is user information for :) Bite me :). If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:1warrior (2429302)  
Name::) Bite me :)
Location:United States
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I like to read, write, explore, listen to music and dance my own thing.

i support hot gay sex.

Marriage is love.

More and more people are attacked each year, simply because of their sexual orientation. Their rights as human beings and US citizens are often trampled upon. Please take a moment from your day to stop the cycle of hate. The more education and awareness, the less hate and discrimination, and ultimately, violence. Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Trans or Inter-gendered, we are all people.

i support hot lesbian sex.


I support the troops in Iraq, because they are our people, some of them that went into the military for tution purposes, and ended up in a war. So I support them as people. But I'm against war.

my pet!

§ Tell Me 'Bout Yourself §
Just copy and paste the following in my journal if you'd like to add me and add in your answers. All are invited to participate. Thanks to Chewie for the idea!

Hi, 1warrior! My name is _______________. I'm from _______________. My favorite book is _______________. I love the sound of _______________. My major goal in life is _______________. And my dream vacation is _______________.

"Don't forget, there's always a day at the end of a night. Even if it's going to be a rainy day, there will still be a day after that one and maybe that one will be brighter!" -- love_lostfound

"Not all yesterdays are todays tomorrows"

No smoking around 1warrior. Thankyou for your co-operation.



"Life gives u many tricks to play with, it is how u use them that matters" - blueozsun

~The Horror Diva~

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Hummingbird Spirit Calls To You!
represents optimism and sweetness.
Being able to roll with the punches is an attribute
of Hummingbird.

Hummingbirds's Wisdom Includes:

*Ability to heal by using light as a laser from

*Endurance over long journeys

*Ability to fly into small places to heal




*Messenger, stopper of time.

If you enjoyed
this quiz, please rate and I may do another!

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by Quizilla

If you're on my friends list, I read your journal. Some people like to verify by ordering their friends to comment, and well, that's just not how this is gonna work. --andr00 (I agree)

Are You Fucking Cool?</ tr>
     </ td>
GOOD! Support the Nephie Love - 'Truth Behind The Walls' in stores Summer
Support?< /font>
</ center>
Be Prepared For the Illness.

My Tarot Cards
Do you want to know what your tarot card is?
Do you want to know what your tarot card is?
Do you want to know what your tarot card is?
Do you want to know what your tarot card is?

You are Woodstock!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Want your own digik zodiac card?
Memories:4 entries
Interests:18: adult swim, alter ego, dreams, extravagant nail polish colors, finding myself, introverted-extrovert, love making, loving myself, modest mouse, personal issues, rainforests, redwoods, saying 'no offense', silence, tattoos, the shaw shank redemption, then offending., wilderness survival. [Modify yours]
People73:_emper_, _funksuperstar, airportrunaway, angriestgirl, ashi_moto, babygirl26, becoming_sane, belle_laide, bks23, blueozsun, buckeyealum, buzster, ceridwenna, crying_heart_02, cubiclereview, dark_anthem, drawnfreak, dream_phantom19, elendil_, finsaur_venusy, frog_onthe_wall, funkeegee, hefelumpman, highxvoltage, hisensei808, horrordiva, i___touchmyself, iconsdeboheme, insomnia_gurl, jaysafrenic, jimfresh86, kamunduhan, katecore, l_icons, lancebowski, lapis_lazuli_04, lazy_line_jane, lieyourtruth, liritar, love_lostfound, lunachica, mark33, marvelica, mix_it_up_good, mo_6684, mspinkpanther, myfingeritches, neuroticheroine, nomeremuggle, nopicture, not_as_it_seems, odessadenial, olives4eva, only_amy, phoenix_blade, pointthree, polychaete, readerrabbit, remlap, rikku_aeris, saurid, shelbyamay, shykid, soordinary, starmygalaxy, taken_hostage, tea_luxe, thebigdreamer, thinbrokenlegs, turi, twodosia, waitingline, windspirit16
Communities7:bras_suck, horticulture, lj_maintenance, news, the_pen_pwnz, visually, world_tourist
Feeds2:foxtrot_feed, nonsquitor_feed
Account type:Free Account

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