[25 Nov 2004|09:38pm] |
Yesterday was our 3rd Anniversary! We spent it snowed in (surprise snow, that is) with Lobster tails on the grill, steak, artichokes and wine. And Noelle, since we couldn't take her over to my parents house due to the blizzard... We sat in the hot tub and watched the snow fall from all the trees in the woods while the full moon gave everything a blue glow- it was fantastic. I love our new house. I'm glad Ryan and I have made it thru the ups and downs of the past 3 years- this move was tough but it's brought us closer together :)
Today we've spent eating all day here at my mom and dad's house. *urp*
Happy Thanksgiving to you all- I love you all dearly! :)
[20 Nov 2004|07:27am] |
So, we're all moved now- with the exception of only a few things left at the old house... we officially live "way out there" and have experienced a whopping 3 squirrels and an owl on our 4 acres. We're hoping there's more ;)
I've been working my tail off to try to unpack, but it seems the boxes multiply overnight anyhow.I went back on my anti-depressants- it was too much to try to work thru without them. Moving is just too stressful- in every aspect. Ryan and I had a rough spot with it but are being nice to one another again- and looking forward to our 3 year anniversary on Wednesday :)We took a bubblebath the other night in the new tub (hey! big enough for 2 fat people!) and made the mistake of adding bubblebath and turning on the jets. Oops, the bubbles grew to over our heads but we sat there and talked even though we couldn't see one another. The sex was even more interesting...hehe.
We've been working non-stop on trying to adjust everything to our liking here- and Noe's had a hard time with it. she still hasn't slept in her own bed for more than half the night. We're hoping she does soon- we both have cramped quarters already with the dog on the bed. With 4 of us, it's hard to move. We plan on getting a new pup for our only Xmas present to add to the pile :)
We counted Noelles words- she has over 40!!! Every day she learns a few more and I'm just so proud, I can't stand it! She colors well too- she colored in Pasta Man on her kids menu the other day and I cried :) Oh, and to her, everything is a piano- so I'm hoping I have the next Tori Amos on my hands- but those might be pipe dreams for now.;)
Well, I have more to unpack, imagine that... so I'm gonna go do that now. Take care, all!
[08 Nov 2004|06:20am] |
Little eyes of mine- GO BACK TO SLEEP!
[07 Nov 2004|11:59am] |
Seriously, moving is NOT easy, and the worst part is that it's not even close to being over!
I about told two realtors to fuck off this morning- Pushy Pimps n' Ho's if you ask me. They LIED to my face that they had talked to my realtor this morning and said it was fine to show the house (She hadn't talked to them, it's NOT listed for showing today...). Fine, wake up my kid, come in my house, LIE to me, and then leave in a hurry. Naw, if you're gonna make such a stink to come in then your ass is gonna sit down for a while and really absorb what this house is like, dammit.
So, my realtor had me put a sign up that said "NO SHOWINGS TODAY, BEWARE OF DOG"
Sonny might lick you to death, but her 14 lbs of skin and bones won't hurt you. ;)h
[06 Nov 2004|05:34am] |
I'm not sure why I'm up at 5:30 a.m. I think my mind was just racing- and I started to dream that Johnny Depp was beating up Noelle. He could slap me around a little, but not my kid. The dog can't stop shaking her collar- and when I take it off of her, she can't stop licking it. RRR!
I think I may go sit in the hot tub- it's entirely too early to be productive, much less pack my entire house to move. HA!
Boy am I not very interesting this early.
[05 Nov 2004|11:26pm] |
So, my mom helped me move a load over to the new house, and on the way back towards the old house to get dinner, a stupid deer ran out in front of her and threw itself onto her car. I was following her in my car so I got to see the whole thing in slow-motion.
OK, I'm sick, but these animals are not really bright, namely the one strolling onto Hwy D at 6 p.m. tonight. And sarcasm is my way of dealing with this...
Slow-motion deer, walking in front of Camry going 35mph, butt gets hit, twisting it into the air, landing and then laying down, wincing with pain on the way down. Yeah, that was burned into my memory forever, thanks Bambi. There wasn't any blood, but a chunk of hair flew out and one is still stuck in my mom's headlight. We drove to a commuter lot a couple miles away to check the damage and in the meantime, the deer got up and left the road (and in my mind is happily eating berries in the woods with only the slightest of bruises on it's leg...). My mom's hood is bent, the side panel dented, headlight busted and let's not forget the hair chunk caught in the cracks... It could have been worse. There are tons of deer out here anyhow- but driving thru a wildlife conservation area doesn't help your chances... I'm just glad she's OK. Their fridge blew yesterday so they had to buy a new one today and now this. Her Camry has been a trooper, I hope it's not too much to repair it. The only upside to Bush winning is that their stocks have been doing super; making this easier to take.
So, that was my evening. An old friend called me tonight and made me feel really good :)
[04 Nov 2004|06:31pm] |
Closed on the house today. :) Today was a little better day- still rough all around, though. I'm excited about the new house, we picked out paint colors this morning and my friend Paul will be painting tomorrow-next week. Yikes!! :)
I had to go out there tonight by myself with Noelle to get the garage door openers. HOLY CRAP it's dark in the country!! And all the stars!! Whoa, let's just say that a BIG DOG is going to be added to the family sometime soon!!
OK, we're all tired here- and we're going to go read some books and go to bed. sleeeeeeeep, sweet sleeep...
[22 Oct 2004|05:45pm] |
I thank GOD for the Coen Brothers.
Because, there's NOTHING like a beautiful afternoon; windows open, baby sleeping, and cranking up the surround sound to watch Raising Arizona while folding laundry.
HI:"I wanna hold him too..."
ED: "Well, mind his little Fontanel"
Please, you're all welcome to join me. I've got the beer chilling.
Oh, and speaking of having multiples- I just read an article on Soledad O'Brien. She has a new set of twins (via a surrogate mother) to add to her two older chidren. Life's got to be just so tough with THREE NANNIES! I understand she's a working woman and might need help with 4 little kids, but I happen to think that if your life demands 3 extra people to help you raise your kids, then you're just way too busy with work to be the best mommy you can be. 3 people. Damn.
[16 Oct 2004|03:55pm] |
oK, get this. In the past month, I have...
-gone off the pill (got a Mirena instead- Love IT!) -weaned myself off of anti-depressants -stopped drinking/buying diet coke (A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT) -lowered my BP quite a bit (may be due to stopping pill, but I'll take credit, thankyaverymuch).
And guess what? I FEEL AWESOME! I think the anti-d's were simply undoing what the pill did to me, and I just feel really good and more like myself lately. I feel like I woke up. I really think the pill is worse than so many people realize.
So, yeah. Cheers to me.
[09 Oct 2004|09:42pm] |
What a day. Ryan found a house. He wants it, I'm not exactly sold on it yet. Atrium ranch, on 3 acres of beautiful wooded land, in a neighborhood that's less than 10 yrs old, 4 bedrooms, a built in office, 2 fireplaces, coffered ceilings, laundry room near the bedrooms (now THAT is a smart idea...seriously- why don't more houses have this?), pro. landscaping, new carpeting, 2 story great room with fireplace moulding up to the ceiling, french doors on either side of the fp, 3 car extended garage, and it used to belong to a doctor. Weehoo, a doctor that ran off with his nurse... hehe. The built in office has an x-ray viewing light-table. There are Tibetan prayer flags hanging from the trees in the backyard (????????) And it's in the middle of butt-fu*king nowhere. OK, it's not, it's no farther from the highway than we are now, but it's really out there in the woods. I like it but it's so far out. And I really don't want to move...yet. I love this house. I don't really like the kitchen in the house we saw, and I'm the one in the kitchen all the time. Anyway, I'm really torn on this whole issue. It's a nice house, I'm just so scared of the whole idea of such a big change RIGHT NOW.
Ryan and I need to talk more about this whole thing. *sigh* I could see myself ther but it's still scary. On the surface, there's no reason I shouldn't like it, but still...
I need to pack for tomorrow. We're going to the lake with friends for 2 days. :) OK, it's late, I have to go get all this stuff done!
[08 Oct 2004|09:28am] |
I'll be missing going to the Kerry rally tonight after the debate here because I'll be having dinner with my mom's cousin who is here with his monkey, Stinky, for a monkey convention. HA! Don't you wish you were me. The monkey is a pet monkey- like Marcel on Friends- and they're here for the annual pet monkey convention. NO DEMOCRATIC RALLY/MONKEY JOKES, PLEASE! ;) So, yeah. Me, my parents, Noelle, mom's cousin's family, and a whole bunch of monkeys.
What has my life come to? :)
[01 Oct 2004|10:21am] |
For dinner I had pistachio encrusted halibut in a lobster sherry sauce. It was YUMMY. Oh, and I also had half of Noelle's grilled cheese sandwich. That wasn't quite as yummy. But even mostest yummy were the two glasses of cab sav. I had. I used to HATE red wine, now it's all I want. I drink it and then I get all affectionate and lovey and smart.
I forgot tomorrow is the neighborhood garage sale and I scraped together some junk to sell in the driveway. Our garage is too full of stuff to have it be a garage sale. I hope I sell it all, either that or I'll give it away. I have a hard time parting with junk, so this may be a good thing.
Well, I'm going to bed. I have to get up early. I wish I hadn't eaten so much, I'm still full and very thirsty. Jeez I'm boring- sorry!
[24 Sep 2004|03:41pm] |
Oh Jeebus, don't do arms and abs of steel and then go have a couple drinks and come home expecting your limbs to work...owie. arms.made.of.noodles.
Went to Bahama Breeze with my girlies, had a BLAST. I love my gurrfrends.
Now I go read David Sedaris in bed with my snuggly warm doggie.
mmmmmmm:) Only my warm hubby and a 2 lb. bag of peanut m&m;'s would make this night better.
[24 Sep 2004|01:15pm] |
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<strike<i'm>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
As I've sat and mulled over my High Cholesterol, I've realized:
I might actually do the research to see if it runs in my birthfamily...
I have to get off my ass and work out as much as I can...
I have to physically purge the house of all things I know I can't resist: peanut butter *sob*, salt, salad dressings that are high in fat, etc...
I'm going to take Tennis again...
No more soda, LOTS more water.
Apparently I'm secretly a 65 year old woman in a 28 year old's body and that's NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!
Holy shit, heart disease scares me. I wish I could down some Nutter Butters. Maybe I should start smoking so I don't think about eating so much- HAHA- OK, that defeats the purpose of getting healthier, I realize that.
My husband who eats like a piggy has a chol. level of 143. Mine's almost double that. Yikes. OK, this is the kick in the ass that I needed. My name is Becky and I have high cholesterol and I'm fat and <strike<I'm going to start smoking now</strike>.
Bah! Food, you suck.
[24 Sep 2004|10:37am] |
I'm back. My computer was very ill. I didn't throw it out the window like I wanted to, but it was close.
Today Ryan leaves for 2 days, then comes back for overnight on Saturday, then leaves for Colorado until Tuesday. Tonight I have dinner with my best friends :) It's my annual after-birthday thing. I like having them all together for drinks/dinner, etc. I think my old on-again/off-again friend Kim might come. I really miss having her around. I made an easy $350 this morning by doing an ad for a hotel. Weehoo! :) It only took me an hour, not bad.
I just got a call from my doctor... OH GOD, I'm screwed. They did find twinkies, wonder bread, steaks, and eggs floating in my blood. My cholesterol is WAY too high... it's 254. My tri-glycerides are- 176 and need to be under 150. My hdl is 43- OK; and the ldl-176 but needs to be under 100.
This house will undergo MAJOR changes in the menu department.
I'll be throwing out all the yummy food in the house. Ryan will be disappointed. He'll have to go elsewhere for his good food. *throws things*
[22 Sep 2004|12:53am] |
Of course I was near-narcileptic during the day again today, but cannot even begin to think of sleeping at 1 a.m. without chugging Nyquil or Tylenol P.M. Nor do I want to clean at this hour, which is really what needs to be done, instead of reading the new People cover-to-cover or hoping to find an online copy of the Star magazine article on which celebrities have cellulite. Ho-hum.
I had my blood taken for tests today- only 2 months late per the dr.'s request. I'm sure my cholesterol will be so high they extract twinkies from my blood, and the tri-glycerides might near the "Jared-before Subway" level. It seems to happen that I'm the one in the house that makes an effort to eat well, and I'm also the one with high cholesterol; while Ryan seems to be able to subsist on cokes, pasta, ice cream and fried things and have perfectly low cholesterol. I'm thinking I'll have to go lo-fat/lo-carb to break this cycle. I've noticed that since I've added pasta back into the diet, the scale seems to have added a good 5 lbs. Must be broken, damn thing.
I'm also being tested for Thyroid problems. I'm secretly hoping that that'll be the reason I'm fat and then I'll get magical pills and the weight will melt away. Certainly I don't wish for problems of any sort, but I crave a solution that will be easier than starving myself for the rest of my days- because I know me, and that's literally what I have to do to lose weight. Normal exercise and diet plans don't work well.
/fat rant. Or "fat madness" as Ryan calls it. He has a theory that some people are driven mad by being fat, despite all outwardly normal happiness- that it lurks within and turns their souls sour. OK, maybe it's just an inside joke he and I will understand. But certain people have fat madness-- namely disgruntled fast-food workers whose dickies are a little too tight. Or at least the one we once encountered on a road trip that seemed to have no other reason for being so upset about giving us extra ketchup.
I bought Noe some Elmo slippers. She calls them her "La-La Thoothz" (Which is how she says Elmo Shoes since the Elmo song is "la-la-la-la--la-la-la-la--Elmo's World...) la-la=Elmo. She's so cute. The slippers are a little snug on her, but I figure that it's better that they fit her so she doesn't trip in them. One time I got those big fuzzy animal slippers(Piggy ones) and a cool new robe for my 9th birthday and made the mistake of wearing them together- and since the robe was a little too long, when I took a step forward (AT THE TOP OF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS, I MIGHT ADD), the piggy got caught in the robe and I tumbled down the stairs, banging my head on every damn bannister spindle on the way down. So, I tend to shy away from the big ol' fuzzy slippers.
On that note, I think I'll take a shot of "Nite-Time" (generic for NyQuil) and try to sleep next to my snoring, hairy prince charming.
[16 Sep 2004|03:50pm] |
Back from Vegas- Had an awesome time- went to Zumanity and "O", the Grand Canyon, ate at Emeril's Delmonico's, Olives by Todd English, the Mirage Buffet, and SeaBlue at the MGM Grand. Walked a TON. Got the best looking (in fact might indeed be HOT) Louis Vuitton purse EVER!, laughed a lot with our friends, and ate a lot. Olive Tapenade and Goat Cheese pasta wrapped in olive pasta (at Olives, no doubt); truffle oil, portabella and carmelized flatbread; lamb chops with apple-mint risotto; a goat cheese dumpling salad with toasted walnuts and apples; and moroccan clay pot-cooked fruits de mer with saffron risotto and mussels/clams/scallops & shrimp; lobster corndogs, and a few other yummy things made the menu on this trip. DE-LISH. Mmm. We ate our way down the strip but didn't gain weight because we walked so much. I went light on the alcohol- sans one $15 drink I can't pronounce that wasn't that good. Zumanity was sexy as hell, I loved it. We came home tired, tan and blistered. A great trip with great friends.
I had a great birthday- our 1st exchange student that lived with us was in town to celebrate with us- so we went to Maya Cafe and I had Aji de Camarones with saffron potatos au gratin. It's spicy citrus-cream sauce over grilled shrimp served with a hard boiled egg and kalamata olives. It's Peruvian and absolutely wonderful. I also had 2 of their Margaritas, which are guaranteed to make me into a makeout bandit after 2 more- thankfully I haven't had that many there because I'm married and being a makeout bandit at age 28 and married isn't as cool as when you're 22 and single/cheating on someone. Ok, guess you have to know me to get that one. Anyway, birthday was great; thanks to all my buds who posted Birthday wishes ;) You guys rock!
I had an IUD (Mirena) put in the other day so I can stop taking the pill. I've been cramping A LOT since then, which is a good reminder of why I want to wait a couple years to have more kids. Yeehaw! NO MORE PILLS!!! I love this thing already.
My laptop crashed due to a lovely virus. Thanks to some geek fucktard, I may have lost all my recent design stuff. I'm on this Big Beast of a computer and because it's messed up too, I cannot comment on LJ. Poo. So, it won't be long before I'm hopefully back up and running!
Take care all! *mwah*
[04 Sep 2004|11:11pm] |
It doesn't matter that I packed 7 skirts, 1 dress and 4 pairs of capris and we'll only be gone 4 days because I CAN'T FIND MY FAVORITE WHITE GAP T-SHIRT. I have two of them, you'd think I could find one. Nope. I now want to wear it tomorrow and CAN'T. I get all wonky about what I wear on planes- I think and rethink everything about how comfy it is to how stylish it is, etc. And then I came home to my crabby in-law(s) (only one was crabby) who babysat Noe today and look at my star-studded funky chunky shoes that I re-glued stars on today and while the shoes hadn't moved, 3 stars had jumped back off. They suck. I have to wear those shoes tomorrow! They're good airport shoes in that they're comfy and I can walk fast AND they're cute. They are however the kind of shoe that will get me stopped and searched. Big ol' platforms. Anyway, I'm pissed about the shoeage. But more about the fugitive T-shirts that make my boobs look delicious. &*%^(* t-shirts. Fine, hide, I'll find you next Wednesday when I have nowhere special to wear you. I tend to overpack, I'll have to wear another shirt tomorrow, but then I can't wear the cute belt I wanted to wear.
I'm in a great mood, but feeling like I'll miss Noelle a TON. *sad, lump-in-throat feeling* I am looking forward to the trip, though. Sun, friends, pool, good food and two Cirque shows- should be fun.
chappell, I'm SO bummed I'll miss meeting you in Vegas by one stinkin' day! You're still going, right?
I better go to bed. I'll have a better brain in the morning. Oh, and we decided to go ahead and get me the IUD thing. Weehoo! I can't wait. Go birth control!
[03 Sep 2004|08:14pm] |
A friend of ours that works for Ryan sometimes (she's 21, but we've known them forever- her parents too) has had the WORST month ever. She got dumped by a guy that everyone thought was "the one"- he was awesome- so cute, nice, good job, etc. So, she's spunky, cute, smart- got herself out there and started dating again. She found this guy that she really liked and had been dating him for the past few months. He was killed in a motorcycle crash last night- leaving a 2.5 year old from a previous relationship. I feel so bad for her- besides the guy trouble, she moved out for the first time and has countless other crappy things happen to her. I don't know exactly what happened, but he was out with another friend who had a bike, so I'm wondering if there was racing involved, but regardless, it doesn't matter. Poor gal. That's so tough, I can't imagine.
[28 Aug 2004|08:11am] |
Today's list of things to do:
Finish scanning stuff for Ryan Clean entire house
What I want to do instead: absolutely nothing, possibly sleep buy new underwear (not sure why) buy new heels (sexxy momma wants new heels for Vegas next week) wake up a size 5 (oh wait, I can't just wake up that size?)
Noe's doing great, in fact she seems to have a renewed interest in her old toys, which means they're serving their purpose rather than just collecting dust in the living room.
This cold is kicking my ass. My eyeballs feel like the size of hardboiled eggs. My sinuses are throbbing and it's made me lose my craving for diet coke in the morning. Now all I want are campfire s'mores. (??)
Well, I better get started on my work. Yuk. I hate cleaning.