April 1st, 2005
07:01 pm - Film geek am I After watching Sin City I made a few notes:
All three of these men kick ass old school style: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino.
Black and White with bits of color is the new technicolor.
If still loving Elijah Wood after seeing him as Kevin is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
I want to find my old film teacher and talk for hours about the style of it.
The form of it, the form of it all.
So in conclusion: This movie makes all the crappy and not-as-good-as-they-should-have-been movies seem like specks of dust that are not worthy to fly into the screen room where the movie is playing.
Anyway, the ghetto theater in Stillwater has been remade to be not as ghetto. So it's all good. Current Mood: cheerful Current Music: My Happy Thoughts
March 25th, 2005
03:16 pm - What is with the darkside and limb loss?
See I am move in the light side and I have less of a chance of limb loss. Plus my lightsabers sound really cool. I am really liking Clone Wars Vol. 2 for some reason that I won't think about in depth. I have been feeling melancholy all day and I don't know why. Oh, well. Current Mood: melancholy
March 11th, 2005
12:25 pm - This is all that hippie Jedi's fault. So I just saw the new trailer for RotS. Now I really want to see it. If only because there will be many a lightsaber battle to be had. Like the fight in the Senate with Yoda and Palpatine. Darn you Lucas, this better kick ass. Current Mood: excited
March 9th, 2005
12:39 pm - A call for feedback
Here are poems which I summited for a school's book of poetry, short stories, and art. They were not included and I can't help but wonder why. So anything anyone would like to say about them would be helpful.
( now for the show... )
Current Mood: disappointed Current Music: simple plan
February 18th, 2005
12:40 pm - Bring out your dead I have the plague, and it blows in a un-fun way. Will go see Constantine and I Hate Hamlet when unplagued. For now I will go to class and then sleep. Also, in December the drinking games for lousy horror movies are on. Current Mood: and sleepy Current Music: me coughing
January 29th, 2005
10:27 pm - And now for more previews... ..because Coke C2, CU, or whatever will be better then New Coke, we promise. Saw Hide and Seek today. It was crap and not the okay type of crap. It was so formulaic that I knew how most of the second part of the movie was going to play out. It was more fun to watch my sister hit her forehead on her hand. The previews were okay. Most of them I had seen before. I saw the FF preview and it could be good. Why are the making a remake of AH? Just because remakes are in vogue right now doesn't mean that they have to. The Evil Dead remake could be good, but it won't be the same. Rehashing old movies or letting a movie follow the same form as five before it is lazy. Horror is about seeing things for the first time. It's about going into a dark room with a storyteller who goes the distance to mess you up. To go that one step forward. To show you something that you have not seen before. It's not about trust. It's about how far they can take you to scare the shite out of you. They just don't do that anymore. I weep for the horror genre and all those that love it. Current Mood: discontent
January 19th, 2005
07:45 pm - Oh, Dom With the thing with the blue book and the yea. I don't know if Dom added that in or what but yea. Made my night. Current Mood: amused Current Music: Lost
January 9th, 2005
07:52 pm - School starts tomorrow... ..and I don't want it to. My room smells like cookies due to my candle. Break was fun. I read Eric and it made me laugh. I have next Monday off which is kinda too soon really. My top braces are off. I wish I could be a film major, but I just don't see anyway it would be useful to my getting a job. I am no longer working as the place I was working at, Willham, is slowly coming down. I'm taking Stat, so send warm thoughts my way. Current Mood: blah Current Music: Music of the night
January 6th, 2005
December 22nd, 2004
10:13 pm - Bringing some old school Broadway on your asses... Phantom of the Opera kicks ass old broadway style. It makes me like a certain Disworld book even more then I did before.I just wanted to give the Opera Ghost a great big hug. I love the new song Learn to be Lonely. Someday I will see it onstage, just like someday I will see the new production of Little Shop on stage. (Dramatic Sigh) So I am the big two-oh and I don't feel any different. And that's mostly it. Current Mood: mellow Current Music: Music of the Night
December 8th, 2004
08:11 pm - Dawn of the Dead Week First off: Damn you, Lost. That wasn't very nice of you at all. Now on to the post: It's dead week, and I feel like a zombie so that's alright. Next week is the best week kindaever. EE ROTK comes out, and Saturday is my birthday. Speaking of birthdays, I hope Dom was Merry on his special day. And that's about it. Current Mood: blah
December 4th, 2004
07:47 pm - Ramdom Things... The movie Alien has mpreg in it.
'Have you hugged your elder god today?' should be someone's slogan.
Spider Man 2 is a lot like Evil Dead II.
I want a shirt that says the slogan above and one that says Cthulhu is my homeboy on it.
I want to control when I feel horny.
Medusa is the best thing about Clash of the Titans.
Just when I think I am done with Greek Myths, they find a way to pull me in.
But more to the point... I think I need a jello shot right now. Current Mood: and silly
November 26th, 2004
12:50 am - Happy Thanksgiving I ate too much, but I'm home. That's the main bit. Being with the folks and Moo. Current Mood: full Current Music: air
November 3rd, 2004
03:07 pm - Dear Senate and House members, Due to recent events, now more then ever the people of this great land need you to do your duty. We need you to perform your duty in the system of check and balances. This is a time of unrest. Scars are being torn into this great land by the people who should be trying to mend them. We went through one civil war and I do not know if we can handle a second one. Do not say it cannot happen because history has a way of repeating itself. I am afraid for the people I love, and I should not be. I am afraid that my right will disappear before my eyes. That the separation of Church and State will, as small as it is, disappear. I am afraid that more and more rights will be taken from people who just happen to like boys/girls instead of girls/boys because the man in the white house thinks it is a sin based on his religion. Well, so is lying and I think that is a worse sin then homosexuality. Now is the time to work together to heal our wounds so that we can be the United States of America once more. To create laws that help everyone, not just the few. We have such potential. We need to be truly free before we can spread it anywhere else. To further allow more and more rights here limited only shows us as hypocrites. I hope that both bodies will do their best to protect all of the people of this great land. Thank you for your time, EM Current Mood: and tired Current Music: My troubled mind
November 2nd, 2004
09:39 pm - WTF yet again Oklahoma is dead to me, and it knows why the closed minded SOB. It just banned something which was already banned to begin with. Current Mood: bitchy Current Music: daily show
October 31st, 2004
06:18 pm - WTF?? How the fuck do you confuse Alien with Star Wars? This is why I prefer the company of men. So these three girls sit around some of my co-workers and myself in a coffee shop showing horror movies. The place is not full at all, and there were many other places they could have sat at. But they didn't so we had to deal with their talking while the movie was playing. It was the last bit after the Nostromo was destroyed. One of the girls asked if it was Star Wars. Then the same girl thought that Sigourney Weaver was a man. What the Fuck?
October 27th, 2004
04:01 pm - Why I am voting against State Question 711 Because it is fucking overkill. The day they allow same-sex marriages in Oklahoma is the day when it rains sting rays. This is to define marriage as between man and a woman in the state constitution so that no activist judge could change this fact because it also makes issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple a misdemeanor. Any activist judge in Oklahoma would be more likely to throw Bibles at people, start burning people at the stake again , or banning more books due to their content. They would not be the type to try and help minorities within the state. This law also takes away the rights of civil unions,etc. So basically, it sucks to be you in Oklahoma if you are not straight and a major christan. Living in the Bible-belt sucks. I want to move away. But for now I'll stay, and vote away. Because I need to believe I can effect the world I live in. I have to hope. Current Mood: frustrated Current Music: Angel- City of
October 21st, 2004
10:44 am - I <3 Jon Stewart.. ..I really do. I just saw the crossfire clip, and he spoke the truth. We don't debate anymore because no one wants to meet anyone halfway. The media is doing a disservices to the American people when they let their bias run amok. Current Mood: contemplative Current Music: Sunday, Bloodly Sunday - U2
October 14th, 2004
01:15 pm - It's a bit late but... ..still it is a good icon and yes, I am registered. So should everyone else that can be. Even the ones who aren't voting the same as I. On another note, I really need to start dating. Soon. Oh, my muse is up and has claimed my Math class as its time. That is where this came from: The Shore I look and see without my eyes The rain it falls upon the leaves As the light moves to fall on the sea Don't look for me here As it is too soon I walk till my feet bleed But I never reach the shore Current Mood: grumpy Current Music: Salem's Lot in the background
September 30th, 2004
11:41 pm - Why? Why is it that everyone seems to overlook male characters who act like old married couples? You hear about Sam and Frodo (Sam married Rosie by the way. They have a ton of kids and he lives a happy live without said other person. I am not sure that every got that seeing as Sam is called Frodo's bitch by a magazine I won't name and if that were the case I don't think Sam would have stayed.) but not Merry and Pippin. Or like with Pintel and Ragetti. The director even called them an old married couple, but all everyone focused on was Jack. Why is female nudity more acceptable then male? Why do we have to have only a two party system? Why am I the only one who seems to try to meet everyone half way? Why am I asking you? Current Mood: restless Current Music: Just the fan