Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
    2:13 pm
    hey guys
    Sorry if it's off topic.
    Thanks to a brilliant idea given to me by Gapminder, I set up a paypal account so anyone can make a little tiny dollar or two donation to help with my Oxford fund. This is to raise money so I can go to Oxford University in the summer. If it's a significant amount I've decided it will be paid back, in full with interest. I'm starting at the Springer soon, so all of that money will be used as well. Thank you everybody.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Indigo Girls - Strange Fire
    Saturday, June 21st, 2003
    5:10 am
    Wow...No one has posted here in a long time!
    I think I will update.

    It is only sometimes, I am able to write about this. It is probably not going to make since to many of you...but I will try.

    To me... It is a place.
    It is that place, where... you can become one body with another person. It is that place, when you become extremely intimate with your lover, before you know it, you are confused with whose body you are in. When I am on ecstasy, it is very clear. I can look right into my girlfriend's eyes. I begin to burrow in. her eyes begin to swirl like a portal.
    before I know it, I am looking into a mirror, and my head is on her body. I am inside her. She is inside me.
    I now believe that we all exist there. we are all part of each other. I believe in energy. It only makes since I guess...
    I see how life is put together. how everything... is part of something bigger. when you get right down to it... everything is energy. at least, that is what seems to make since at this point in my life. I see... that life, is like a tv... life is like a canvas. it is like a painting. it is out of energy. it the substance of what life is.
    Life is right inside each one of us...and all around us. here...this is a good example. I believe, to some degree, life is like the movie, The Matrix. There is another side... another place, another plain, another form of existance...that we are somewhat blind to seeing clearly. To my understanding, scientist are studying up on deeper not sure how deep, but the last I heard, I believe that they were studying into like the 4th dimension, 5th, 6th even...I think, I dont know...
    anyways, I believe...that it goes much deeper. there are an infinite amount of diminsions, of existence.
    ahhh...this is so confusing, trying to learn... trying to see, and understand, the truth, and what is really out there.
    I dont know how... this kind of thinking to me, is totally not logical. but it doesnt mean that it isn't the way things are.
    Is anyone following me, or do I just sound like a babeling idiot?

    when I look at paintings....I begin to see it. the artist portrays it on his canvas. it is what is inside of him. and it is what he sees...he sees things the way they his eyes. follow?
    love... life, energy, dimensions... humans... it is all conected somehow. This all I understand so far. Perhaps there is more. perhaps, this not the way things are, and I am just losing my mind. I dont know. goodnight all.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: velvet acid christ- hypersphere and 4 strings- diving
    Sunday, May 4th, 2003
    12:06 am
    Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003
    12:02 am
    Okay ... I don't really know whether or not this is actually related to anything that this community is supposedly about, but I've just decided to go out on a limb and share it with all of you anyway :) I was reading Scientific American (which I've never even looked at before, to be perfectly honest with you; I'm not a very scientifically minded person) in my dentist's waiting room this morning, and I was particularly fascinated by this month's article on alternate universes. It basically stated that almost all modern scientists are now in agreement that alternate universes are completely feasible and probably exist. (There are many theories, however, as to how they might exist, and as to what they might be like.) Now, I'm certainly not trying to spark a scientific debate here ... but I am interested in hearing other people's views on the nature of reality (which is definitely a connected issue). However, what I'm really interested in knowing (and I hope that I can express my random thoughts without sounding stupid) are your answers to the following: Do you believe in the existence of a soul, and if so, do you feel that this belief conflicts in any way with the current scientific notion that there is probably a duplicate of you living elsewhere at this exact moment in time? Please keep in mind that we're not talking about something as "simple" as identical twins here; this person, who is separate from you and is living a certain amount of space away from you, may (depending on which scientific theory you're referring to)--in a sense--BE you.

    So share :)


    Current Mood: contemplative
    Sunday, April 20th, 2003
    11:26 am
    Hello, everyone :) I don't have a whole lot to say at this time, but I just wanted to introduce myself ... My name is Liza. [smiles and waves] This community seems great ... and I am looking forward to contributing to it in the future. For now, however, I just wanted to say hi. So I'll see you all later :)

    (And regardless of whether or not you celebrate Easter ... have a happy day! <3)

    Current Mood: calm
    Friday, April 11th, 2003
    10:42 pm
    anyone ever been on mdma while they were riding a rollercoaster? I just thought that would be such an amazing experience...if you didnt die from it.
    or tell me some amazing experiences or weird things you have done while on mdma...
    Sunday, April 6th, 2003
    2:15 am
    last night
    well...actually, it was probably about 24 hours ago exactly. i woke up from my slumber about an hour after i initially fell asleep. as i was trying to fall back asleep, my mind started wandering, as it usually does. i rolled over on my back in an attempt to get more comfortable. i almost always sleep on my stomach, so trying to sleep on my back is rarely fruitful. i was just chugging along with those weird disconnected thoughts you get right before sleep. i distinctly remember telling myself to stop thinking so i could fall asleep.

    and suddenly, it all *did* stop. i felt a heaviness over my body. not uncomfortable, but a definite presence. i distinctly heard music. nothing i had ever heard before, but music that made sense to me. like it had always been playing inside my body and i was just hearing it for the first time. and there were colors, but not colors i can describe. this was all very quick, in the space of about 20 seconds or so. i felt a huge smile spread over my face.

    for a moment, i thought i would sink into physical sleep without losing my rational thought process. but with that thought, i started to regain conciousness of what was happening around me. i opened my eyes. i wasn't smiling, i didn't hear anything. was it a dream? the start of a lucid dream, perhaps? or a connection to something else? it definitely didn't *feel* like a felt a bit like a meditation or drug induced experience. but it was indeed an incredible couple moments.

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: parabola - tool
    Sunday, March 30th, 2003
    2:59 pm
    Astral Projection
    Hello. I'm new to this community and to the beliefs and thoughts of the community also. I have started to become interested in this because of an event that occured a few days ago, which I would like your opinion on e.g. what the fuck went on, was it an astral projection or something else, or am I in fact completely mad?

    I shall instead entertain The Likes Of You And I by telling a story of dark, mysterious and terrifying insanity. )



    Current Mood: scared
    Current Music: Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
    Tuesday, March 25th, 2003
    8:53 pm
    cross posted...

    [shameless community promotion]

    I have created a new community called userinfopsychicprogeny for parents, relatives and friends of psychic kids. Please tell anyone you think may benefit from joining. Thank you~!

    [/shameless community promotion] =)

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Monday, March 23rd, 2020
    9:07 pm
    so i'm sitting in my warm bed today being lazy as fuck, just finished my veggie grinder and watching some awesome movie on TV bout a guy who like fights the law to see his dying girlfriend, then kills himself at the end (already forgot the name of it.. but good flick) and a commercial comes on for FOX 10pm news... "new at 10..the most violent day of war so far with the most casualties"(or something to that effect), and i just began thinking GODDAMN, i am so lucky. there's the obvious reason that i don't live over in Iraq, nor do i have to be over there fighting; but then also, i don't even know anyone that's over there. dozens of families this week alone are going to get news of their loved ones dying. i am so grateful my brother discharged himself from the navy back in January. there's not a doubt in my mind, the timing of that was too perfect, that my parents had something to do with that.. they are looking out for us.. and now i know he's here safe with me and we can work our lives out together, kinks as there may be. god if anything ever happened to him, i just can't even imagine what i would do. i went to the cemetary the other day and thanked them for keeping him safe like i have been asking them for so long. i know they're on our side. i know we're going to be allright. i have to just keep willing myself to switch off CNN as much as possible and concentrate on just appreciating the fact that as much as i have to deal with, i have so much more i could ever hope for, in friends, family, love, integrity, intelligence and good memories. i'm really trying in the coming days to just keep my mind on those things, and do what i can to spread them around... for example i'm going to be working for Literacy Volunteers, teaching adults to read.. that is perfect for me, i'm totally ecstatic about that, because writing and reading are two of my talents and to be able to give that gift to someone else.. i mean wow.. that's mind-blowing. and in general, i really just want to try to give more of myself to people... in the form of love or a listening ear or whatever.. i have tried to live my life like that anyhow, but i would really like to step it up a notch, i think it does get recognized and if more and more people did it, more and more would follow their lead, etc.etc. and all that old hippie mantra of love being like dominoes. there's nothing i can do about this war in the obvious sense; but at the least, i can let it inspire me to be more grateful and kinder.. and maybe others will follow suit. i hope so.

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: spearhead: "oh my god"
    Saturday, March 22nd, 2003
    5:50 am
    Is there a black and white regarding war?
    This is a response that I wrote to a post by userinfoloreeley, on the subject of "is there a black and white when it comes to the war" and our current situation.

    My response:

    Just because war "doesn't work" (ultimately) doesn't mean we/they shouldn't do it under certain circumstances. War and antiwar are two ends of the same polarity, and still in the realm of duality, one creates the other and neither will lead to peace. Peace is the recognition of the primacy of Being beyond the opposites. Peace is not the opposite of war. Peace is what happens when the polarities collapse through acceptance.

    "Warring against War" won't create the outcome that people expect. It will only strengthen the opposite and the people who support the opposite. War starts within each person (the product of the insane egoic mind see Ekhart Tolle and The Power of Now)and will only disappear on the "outside" when there is peace on the "inside" of the "majority" of people on this earth (not sure how many that would be, maybe the 100th monkey principle applies??).

    Read more... )
    Sunday, March 16th, 2003
    10:10 am
    Searching........I think.........
    I can't quite figure this one out on my own.

    For the last year, I have been looking for a good job and trying to be able to go to school. I have a scholarship where I live, but, even though it covers tuition, and I can ALMOST go to school for free, I still can't go until I find a way to pay for my textbooks. I have been renting the GARAGE on a fairly will disgusting house, and I have been mostly relying on my mother for food.

    Well, this week, I am finally getting the surgery that I have been needing for some time now, and I have had a good job offer. After the surgery, I will be able to work full time, and with the salary at this job, I will be able to go to just about any school, whether I have a scholarship or not. The job requires me to move out of state, though. I have a wonderful roommate there, and a beautiful apartment overlooking the beach, something I have wanted to see again since I left my ocean-font home as a child. Even though the place where I will need to be to work is the place where I have wanted to be for years now, I can't quite deal with it all.

    My father is afraid of my move because he won't be able to take care of me if anything should happen to me. My......we'll go with significant other is not coming with me for personal and family reasons, and he isn't dealing with it well at all. He feels like I have turned my back on him. My other friends are all wonderfully supportive. One of them is already booking a flight to come and visit me for a week after her finals are over.

    I have so many mixed emotions and so much fear of this mover. How can I find peace about all of this?
    3:42 am
    What does it mean to be "ONE"?
    Friday, March 14th, 2003
    12:36 pm
    who is this god
    dripping crystal honey syrup from the sky
    setting hearts on fire,
    that place

    show me this state
    this sea
    these things
    tell me,
    what is that you say

    set above firmament
    with no remembrance
    what is the quality
    to order tears away

    rainbows and doves
    gleaming repeating
    let me see,
    what is it of who breaks this apart
    and diminishes

    if it is only that
    and me
    Wednesday, March 12th, 2003
    12:28 pm
    user interface for life
    This is brilliant, and pretty sums up my feelings about a lot of things, including many of my objections to "atheism" (as it is often defined):

    Imagine that the universe is a big ol' computer, and we're all just geekin' away.

    Theists are using a GUI like windows or a MacOS. It's easy to use, intuitive, and adequate for most purposes. On the other hand, it uses a lot of resources, and interferes with their ability to get the most out of the system.

    Because theists use a GUI, they have little understanding of The Way Things Are. This causes them to become confused easily. For example, Most say the buttons are real, but understand that they're not real in quite the same way as the keyboard buttons, and are happy to use the mouse to click them. Others insist that the buttons on the screen are actual, physical buttons. They insist on pressing them, and wonder why that doesn't work. The fact that a handful of them actually have touch-screens only confuses thing further. When they realize that the screen is covered with glass, they blame the Atheists for putting it there.

    Some theists have noticed that if you get crumbs in the keyboard the computer won't work properly. They have concluded that eating over one's keyboard angers the Man in the Computer. If you do get crumbs in the keyboard, you must clean it carefully and place hard candy on the monitor.

    As you might expect, Mac users think Windows users are Satanic, and vice-verse. OS/2 and NEXT users go door to door on Sundays trying to convince others that their OS's are superior and would be in widespread use if it weren't for Bill Gates.

    Most theists refuse to believe that it's all just Ones and Zeros, although some believe that The Man In The Box uses Ones and Zeros.

    Atheists are using a command line interface like DOS or UNIX. It's fast and powerful, and they have all the control they need; but it can be very inhuman.

    Atheists know that the computer can't get angry about crumbs in the keyboard, so they eat crackers while coding. They look down on theists for not having a better understanding of The Way Things Are, and think that they are idiots for thinking that all those icons and buttons and things are real.

    Some atheists are happy to use a GUI sometimes, but hard-core Atheists insist on using the keyboard for everything. This makes it practically impossible for them to produce compelling art. They believe that a theistic conspiracy is somehow ruining their keyboards in an attempt to force them to use mice; they are at a loss to explain why theists would use cracker-crumbs to do this. They criticize theists for using a UI without every really understanding that they are using UI too.

    Mystics try to do everything using raw current. They know that there are no Ones and Zeros, just Current. They discard the mouse, the keyboard, and the monitor as being too worldly. Some replace them with banks of lights and switches. Others eschew even that and lick the circuit boards to test for current and close circuits. Most end up touching or licking the wrong thing and frying their brain. A few gain fantastic insight into The Way Things Are, but they never get anything of any significance done because they're too bogged down in details to see the big picture.

    Enlightenment comes from understanding that different UI's have different strengths and weaknesses. The enlightened person also understands that familiarity can be strength in and of itself. The enlightened person knows that the GUI is an illusion, but also knows that the illusion is valuable. An enlightened person might use a Mac to edit a movie, Windows to play a game, and UNIX to write software. If their neighbor uses Windows to edit a movie, and a Mac to play a game, the enlightened person will accept, and perhaps even celebrate these differences. If someone tells the enlightened person that they should be using Windows 3.1 (the One True OS) the enlightened person will feel free to call that person an idiot. If the same person simply states that Windows 3.1 has always worked for them and they sees no reason upgrade, the enlightened person will nod their assent, and offer the person their copy of MS Word 1.0.

    (thanks to userinfogremliness for showing me this in the first place; the source document is here)
    12:29 am
    what is "enlightenment" ?
    can several different people explain...what enlightenment is? I want to hear several different people's answers...please. I am very interested.
    Monday, March 10th, 2003
    9:07 pm
    Hello to all
    Im new to this community.
    I Have been searching for the right community for a long time...and I think this is the right one to write what I feel and see...and get input from you all.

    here is my first entry...I hope you can understand. I am not good at explaining things...but here goes.

    Do you ever feel like you are really somewhere else? Sometimes you will be right in the most random time of day...driving...working...eating...anything. All of a sudden...for just a split find your self watching your life from a televisions screen. for one travel out of your out of a tv screen...just for one second. from the human eyes...we can not comprehend a dimension such as this... well I cant. Its like a place...that is so far away...and yet its existance is all around the the trees and oceans... it so far away, and it is inside everything I can touch. Not inside, such as a hand inside a glove...but a way that I can not describe. It is like there is another world that overlaps the one that we are concious to...and every once in a while, I get near the window where I can see it...or even sometimes I find my self that place.
    I know one thing...
    This place exists in every single human.
    I know...that what ever this place is... It is what what makes every human brother and sister.
    does anyone follow me?

    Ill post more later...I just want to see what anyone thinks.

    Current Music: Delerium - metomorphosis
    11:41 pm
    old poem, May 03 2001. Written in my head walking home from school.
    My job is living
    and I do it gracefully
    with a flop in my step
    and a gleam in my teeth.
    Im just going up steps in institutions
    and walking softly on the grass outside

    not smelling the dainty flowers
    cuz theyre so far away,
    theyre tucked under the feet of my art class
    where I do nothing
    because my job is living
    and not being an artist.

    Im not being a writer or a dancer or a religious person,
    or a man because im still young,
    Im careful not to step on toes or insects
    and I dont want to hurt my bare feet
    but my job is living and a walking I go
    towards an unknown distance between the trees .

    I'm not bused in because I'm already where I'm at with every step I take.
    I dont even want to leave,
    or come someplace else with the rest of the hordes of depressed youth
    picking at their knees
    with their face stuck up against the glass.

    We're so caught up with pursuit
    when we forget to to find what we can touch
    right under our breath.
    Im enraptured by my feet
    and the glory they smack upon
    I dont care about finding my way

    My job is living and its what I'll do
    till I die.

    Current Mood: elated
    Sunday, March 9th, 2003
    12:00 pm
    i started this little beast so i might as well post
    Hello everyone. I have been very lazy about this community and have never really posted to it, but now I feel like being involved. So hi! I want to get some discussion going. I read through the interests list and its pretty impressive. If you read through it quickly outloud it sounds like some kind of bizarre alphabetical poem and its kind of beautiful. How does all that shit relate? Lets find out.

    Im posting an essay about the political ramifications of taoism that yall might be interested in.... hope this ljcut works

    Read more... )

    What do you think?
    Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
    1:58 am
    re the previous post
    perhaps i should take it further

    well, i've been using psychoactives for a few years, off and on, first cos it was just fun, then in the pursuit of more.. i've pretty much been going to psychedelic outdoor trance festivals since 1997, and in my experiences both sober and under the influence of psychoactives, i've explored aspects of my awareness that i haven't really been too familiar with

    well, i still take hallucinogens but nowhere as frequently as i did... i've slowly reduced the frequency of my intake and been pursuing attainment of those states without drugs.

    anyway, i've pretty much started on a new stage of my life and this journey. was wondering if anyone could give some insight into meditation and shamanism, and perhaps a few good links. thanks
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