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User Information
Below is user information for Denizen777. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:denizen777 (305998)  
Location:Casselberry, Florida, United States
Yahoo! ID:denizen777 (Add User, Send Message)
Interests:2012, 23 skidoo, 93 current, alchemy, aleister crowley, altered states, anarchy, archaic revival, archeology, archetypes, astral plane, atlantis, austin osman spare, bob dobbs, body art, buddhism, carl jung, carlos casteneda, catastrophe theory, chaos magick, chaos theory, choronzon, church of the subgenius, collective unconscious, complexity theory, conspiracy theory, crop circles, cyber space, dali, discordians, dmt, egyptian mythology, enlightenment, erik davis, esotericism, existentialism, extra terrestrials, extropianism, fight club, freemasonry, gematria, gnosticism, godforms, golden dawn, greek mythology, hinduism, horus, hyperspace, i-ching, israel regardie, jesus, kabbalah, kenneth grant, keys of enoch, kundalini, liber al vel legis, libertarians, love, lovecraft, lsd, lucid dreams, luciferianism, lust, maat magick, magick, maslow, meditation, metaphor, motion pictures, mysticism, mythology, nanotechnology, neoplatonism, nephilim, novelty theory, o.t.o, omega point, orgone energy, paganism, paradigms, peak experiences, pete carroll, philip k. dick, philosophy, pink floyd, priory of sion, psychedelics, psychology, pyramids, quantum theory, rapture, ritual magick, robert anton wilson, science fiction, secret societies, self intitiation, sex, sex magick, shakti, shamanism, shiva, singularity, sirius, smart drugs, sufism, surrealism, synchronicity, tantra, taoism, tarot, technology, teilhard de chardin, templars, terrence mckenna, thelema, tibetan buddhism, time travel, timothy leary, transcendentalism, tyler durden, typhonian, ufos, virtual reality, wilhelm reich, william s. burroughs
Friends:2: scarlet93, seshua
Friend of:3: honorata, scarlet93, seshua
Member of:8: astral_creators, automaticwriter, big_brother, cyberpunk, kallisti_cafe, kaotika, psychonaut, thought_club
Account type:Free User

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