Suburban Antihero's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Suburban Antihero's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, November 27th, 2004
    7:37 pm
    I'm going to recommend something very politcally incorrect...

    There's a new show on Comedy Central called Drawn Together. I thought it looked stupid, but it was on at 1:30 the other night and I was too tired to change the channel. I ended up laughing my ass off. It is hilarious. Seriously, I could not stop laughing.

    If you're easily offended by stereotyping humour, don't watch it. It probably has the most potential to offend people that anything I've ever seen on TV... but it's so damn funny.
    Friday, November 26th, 2004
    10:33 pm
    Can anyone tell me WTF is in Madison, WI?

    I'm apparently going there in June for my cousin's wedding.
    Thursday, November 25th, 2004
    8:56 pm
    Most of you know that I think random and bizarre things sometimes, so the rest of this post should come of no surprise.

    I was watching Greystoke: Legend of Tarzan and came up with the following.

    If Tarzan was raised by apes and discovered as an adult, do you think he would have been a virgin or would he have mated with an ape? (and yes, I know he wouldn't have had offspring)
    5:18 pm
    I am thankful for Tums and Advil.

    Most people sack out after eating. I'm doing laundry.

    Current Mood: amused
    2:51 pm
    So... Had a lovely thanksgiving for 1. A good time was had by all. The chef was WELL complimented. I hogged all the rolls and no one complained.

    pictures below )

    Current Mood: full
    10:43 am
    I officially declare Bah Humbug Season open!

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    9:27 pm
    Thanks Fishy, for pointing me to Fuck the South. I needed a laugh.
    Sunday, November 21st, 2004
    10:11 pm
    Upcoming DVDS to buy:

    • Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkahban

    • Spiderman 2

    • The Bourne Supremacy

    My abs hurt today. I used the CPAP machine last night for my sleep apnea. I must've been breathing correctly all night long because my abs are hurting today. A few years ago when teh problem started, I rapidly gained 25 pounds. People who experience the weight gain with sleep apnea, often lose it when they treat the condition. I can understand why now.
    Saturday, November 20th, 2004
    9:08 pm
    Eddie Izzard
    The collected works of my favorite comedian, Eddie Izzard, are available both on DVD and in audio on iTunes. If you haven't heard of Eddie Izzard, you are missing one of the finer things of life.

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: presidents of the united states - peaches
    8:13 pm
    Got my CPAP machine yesterday. If anyone didn't know, I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea. I was having a hard time adjusting to wearing the mask, so I took it off for a few minutes and fell asleep. Maybe tonight I'll get to sleep with it and see if it helps.

    I've been playing with Stylus Studio the past couple of days creating an XML schema for deploying databases to various systems. The software is GREAT, but it costs $500. Hopefully, I can get everything I need done before the 30 day trial expires. I may actually buy the software in the long run.

    I'm coding a dynamic form API for my system. I've got a great idea on how it should be implemented. If all goes well, I'll spend the 4 day holiday weekend implementing the core interface using that API.
    Friday, November 12th, 2004
    11:22 pm
    I actually thought Scott Peterson might get off. Not that I care. I'm sure the guy is guilty as hell. I just thought Geragos did his job well.
    Thursday, November 11th, 2004
    11:01 pm
    Sorry people, long time, no solid update.

    I was going to buy a house. I even found one that I REALLY liked, BUT I needed $14-15k for downpayment and closing costs. I could sell my DVD collection and that would put me well over the mark, but I don't think I could do it.

    On buying a house, I eventually decided that buying a house now would leave me completely broke. I'm so close to having my software done to launch my company with. If I bought a house now, I'd never get my company off the ground.

    I really need to start exercising.

    Work sucks... what else is new. The O.C. is off to a slow start this season. I hope the pace picks up. I really like the show.

    I'm debating retreating to the parent's house in Florida for a break.

    I REALLY need to start exercising. Maybe tomorrow.

    The software IS going really well. I'm taking the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend to push it over the hump.

    Current Mood: calm
    Saturday, November 6th, 2004
    11:39 pm
    I just talked to my friend in LA online. Turns out he's in CT briefly. His grandmother died. Then his uncle died 2 days later.


    My thoughts to the people dealing with death lately.
    Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004
    2:02 pm
    OK, my vote is in. Hopefully, we'll get that asshole out of office.
    Monday, November 1st, 2004
    8:58 pm
    My friend Tom came over tonight. We had some Guinness while I showed him how Eclipse and Subversion worked. I also got into the code and ideas for my product. I wish I had more time to focus on this stuff.

    I'm going to look at a house tomorrow that I looked at over the weekend. It needs a lot of work, but I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves. I need to get them to come down on the price though. We'll see.
    Saturday, October 30th, 2004
    11:50 pm
    My XP Professional installation has a problem creating shortcuts to WebDAV folders through its Add a Network Place wizard. I also was unable to locate the Web Folders system folder. It wasn't until I copied a web folder shortcut off my XP Home laptop that I was was able to even access the Web Folder system folder.

    I hate Microsoft.
    Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
    11:45 pm
    The Red Sox win the World Series!!!
    Sunday, October 24th, 2004
    12:16 am
    WH00T! Sox are up 1 game. The game was well fought by both sides. This series is going to be quiet a battle.
    Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
    9:03 pm
    Dinner and a couple beers at the Japanese place: $18.06
    Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream: $4.65
    Steven Tyler of Aerosmith singing the National Anthem at the World Series Game #1: priceless
    3:03 pm
    Apparently, Mozilla and Mozilla FireFox won't allow stylesheet ID values to start with a number. Also, Mozilla has a problem with Unicode.
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