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Beau Geste

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[28 Dec 2001|08:15pm]
The Mad Hatter

You tend to confuse people, especially yourself. It doesn't matter, though, because you enjoy life as it's thrown to you, whether you're doing the right thing or the wrong thing (which most of the time you're not sure of). You've a friendly nature, but sometimes you're pretty damn overwhelming, you freak.

*thinks* Well that's not exactly revelationary is it? Of course I'm the Mad Hatter. pfft, be worried if I got anything else really.
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Note: To those who can only see this, and not the million or so other postings... [26 Dec 2001|12:12am]
Wondering why there's very, very little content here? Seems like I havent been writing in my journal at all? Sorry, the majority of it is friends only stuff... not exclusive friends, it also entails people who are just curious or like reading facets of other people existences. So, if you can't see anything... try adding me to your friends list...
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[22 Dec 2001|09:48pm]
I feel you too
Those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns
To free the you that's wanting through
Deep inside you know, the seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah, c'mon, c'mon, now take the chance
That's right
Let's Dance!

I am the snake
That bite to take
Let me make your mind
Leave yourself behind
Be not afraid
I've got what you need, hunger I will feed

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah, c'mon, c'mon, now take the chance
Ha, Ha
Come Dance!

Yeah, Come get's it

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon, now take the chance

I feel you too!
Those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns
To free the you, that's wanting through
Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right, let's dance

It's nice to see you here

Ha, ha

Metallica - Devil's Dance
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[21 Dec 2001|02:14pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Stone Temple Pilots - Vaseline ]

Well some of us are driven to ambition
Some of us are trapped behind the wheel
Some of us will break away, and build a marble yesterday
And live for every moment we can steal

Cold Chisel - Conversations

Heh, covered in glue, bits of paper, sweat and paint now. That was fun for a bit... now comes the boring part, waiting for whatever i'm doing to dry. Found the gargoyle I worked on for a few weeks last errr autumn I guess, another wireframe papier mache whatsit, only unfinished - that'll soon change though, thought up a million and one ideas for it whilst gazing away. Sketchbooks have been put aside in favour of something more... physical perhaps. Out with the art, in with the pseudo-sculpture that looks like something a paper eating monster would regurgitate. Which reminds me, must hook up all those fans, might help speed up the drying process and will give me something to fiddle with - electronics, another hobby... bah...

Pink Floyd CDs. Lots of them. All in the stereo, looping endlessly and only adding to my already mood-hectic day. *laughs* overall though, good mood I think. One brother leaves today, the rest early next week, and then i'll have a week or more to myself... most likely spent doing arty stuff. Appointment with counsellor person... early January from memory. And dole form due in late January. Sweet. *laughs* Dole-bludger? Ha, not with my mind... actually, Ms Counsellor believes I should have been 'seen to' long ago, and it's Centrelink's inactivity that has partly prevented me from working. Meh, nice excuse for now... I know very well the nightmares and demons must be dealt with... that's what my writing is for actually.

Okay, who did I tell the other day about road trips? Would forget my head if it wasnt gaffa taped on. Anyways, been thinking about it a bit lately - especially after reading about 'Johnny Marinville' in Stephen King's Desperation. Interesting story, in a banal kind of way I suppose... but the writer character was interesting. Y'know some days, I could quite easily see about getting that bike license I wanted as a teen, finding some old, half junked bike, and actually disappearing with a notepad and pen into the wild khaki yonder we call Australia. Road trips. Ha. More than likely, i'd end up crippled in some roadside culvert, bleeding to death and writing about it at the same time - at least someone would read it. Probably the meat truck (ambulance) workers or the Coroner somewhere out in the stinking hot Nullarbor plains... No, what i'd need is a driver, chaffeur almost, who I could talk to, be silent around, laugh with and perhaps share events. Dreaming? Yes. But who knows... one day. The road is always endless, and there's never enough time to travel all of it :)

Poetry - okay, so I was writing a lot the other day, and a bit last night before heading off to the land of Nod... nothing spectacular mind you, just mediocre stuff. Most of it's fairly fragmented, in need of piecing together, and some day, i'll get around to it. Just not today... I am busy. Doing stuff. Heh... okay, so not doing a damn lot, but mentally things are running at a million miles an hour, so that's keeping me otherwise occupied. And my arms hurt still from abusing weights. Weights? Why? I have no idea... no desire to look like some steroid filled ape, it just keeps me physically busy whilst thinking. And nearly every time I end up with the feeling my sinews are slewing away from the bones... lovely feeling. Bah, going... gone...

I found a job
And you found a lover
He'd been married before
But you needed the shelter...

Cold Chisel - My Turn To Cry

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The soul of a new machine... [11 Dec 2001|08:57am]
Going back, there was a machine. A delicate, finely tuned machine, complex on the inside and somwhow fairly straightforward on the outside. It's inner workings could never be fully understood, at least not by the average layman, and it was the sole responisiblity of only the most hardcore technicians to watch it's mechanisms carefully. Deep within this machine, was a small, seemingly innocuous linchpin. A small, shiny piece of metal holding a huge array of complex gears on a heavily greased axle. Out of all the parts and workings of the machine, this linchpin was perhaps the cheapest, most simple part. But the machine was fatally flawed. The linchpin, buried deep within the mechanical complexities, was inaccessible from the outside, being locked deep within a tangled array of brass, bronze and steel, so the elite technicians never noticed the tiny burrs of erosion beginning to appear on it's dulling surface. The culprit was the humidity, combined with the pressure, and it infiltrated the metal jungle like an insidious disease, but only targeted that one small linchpin. Day after day, the machine appeared normal and working steadily away, computing and whatnot, but one technician noticed a slight trembling, a minor tremor in the bowels of the metallic godhead.

Atom by atom, the linchpin weakened and withered away, the harsh oxidization taking its lengthy toll. Externally, the machine was the same. The one technician who suspected something was up talked to her superiors, and they laughed - the machine had been designed to be eternal, a symbol of man's pinnacle of technology and engineering. Pretty soon, the linchpin was a small, frail twig of metal, rattlling in it's guide hole, but the noise went unnoticed - the general clamour of the machine covered any sounds out of the ordinary.

And then, it happened.

The linchpin finally gave way.

In a split second, it snapped, and one by one the various gears slid off their axle, their high speed turnings suddenly translating into vicious speed. The heavy metal of the gears smashed the delicate insides of the machine, and before the technicians could salvage anything, the machine imploded slowly in a mass of tangled metal and shattered workings. Never again would such a machine be crafted, never again would man deign himself a mechanical god and create seeming perfection from metal.

But the technician, she didnt want perfection. She gathered up the few gears still whole, and quietly walked to a spare workshop, spending long hours at night carefully soldering and assembling something of her own, something she could call hers. Weeks, maybe months later, she left her job, and forever more, she had a small, reliable machine of her own, something that would never fail and never corrode...

Musings after listening to Fear Factory and watching something on TV. I know, it's short, blunt and inartistic, and should go many places it doesnt, but i'm half asleep so it'll do.

I have four skulls across the knuckles on my right hand - relax, they're in texta, for now. Damn it'd make a good tattoo though, definitely 'me'. Plus the skin across knuckles moves relatively little, so you wouldnt get that misshapen effect. *nods* Find me a needle and the ink, i'll do it myself...

My head hurts. Coffee time. Back soon.
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[19 Nov 2001|03:59pm]
I think maybe my medication is working after all.

But it's too early to really tell.

Still... clouds are dissipating. Moods are lifting.

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[19 Nov 2001|03:06am]

More absolute junk, one or two new, most dredged up from an old notebook. Any thoughts? Anyone?

These walls arent here to keep you out
These walls are here to keep me in
A man of fear, a man of doubt
Where does it end, where to begin
If you could only see this mind
See behind these cold blue eyes
I dont think youd like what you find
When you finally do realise
What it means to carry this weight
The demons i've slain, those still here
A sad chivalrous ideal of fate
Lying behind a mask of fear

Two life scarred eyes
So tired of lies
My jaded thoughts
Just hostile ports
An open road
The mother lode
Two itching feet
A fate to meet
The rule of thumb
Of what's to come

Cheap cafe and cheaper coffee
Early morning thoughts of you
And the bright days we left behind
Where the grass was green, sky was blue
And nothing could stand in our way
We were only eighteen years old
And the world was a smaller place
Now it's huge and my coffee's gone cold

You and I had dreams long ago
Leaving this town and getting away
I guess neither of us would know
Just where our plans went so astray
Maybe we could have made it work
The weather here is just too fine
So whilst you're driving his new Merc
I'll drown myself in this cheap wine

Just speak from your heart
Tell me how you feel
I'm not feeling smart
This all seems too real
Just hold me tonight
From that which scares me
This seems oh so right
Could it really be
Simple words or then
Perhaps just a song
Ah but then again
Perhaps I'm dead wrong

Just one close night
Could make it right
One more embrace
Lost time and place
If only we could
If only I would
Reach out once more
Knock on your door
But this heart's cold
My mind isnt bold
Enough to call you
After that last blue
And what you said
I lost my head
But not again
Only this pain
When we next meet
I'll find my feet

Your head is spinning from the drinks
She's reading your eyes, making the links
She feels she has caught you at last
But all you feel is something long past
Hands meet on a beer stained bar
But you've already gone much too far
She kisses your neck with that sweet sting
As you pocket your wedding ring

Sitting in the shadow of the Rialto
Sunny day but there's a storm about
And I think i'm the only one to know
It's either win the battle or end in rout
Another cancer stick to soothe the beast
Another tear stifled in some small way
On the grass the sparrows start to feast
And I fear it's just an ordinary day

Are we closer than we thought
Or really worlds apart
The ball falls within your court
What's within your heart?
Is this another flirt or fling
Or deeper than lust
And before you say a thing
Remember our trust

This perfect day with its perfect light
A perfect sun leading to perfect night
Nothing could ruin this perfect day
Except the memories that always stay
Perfect coffee, best i've ever had
Why the hell did you leave me Dad?
Why the hell did you have to leave
And how much longer will I grieve?
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Cipramil... is this my new friend? [15 Nov 2001|04:54pm]
[ mood | ranting ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Sysyphus IV ]

Another trip to the doctors, another medication change. Hoofrigginray. I'm so happy, the world's filled with daisies, the birds are singing, all the animals are singing too, it's like a big happy Disney movie!


I hate having to resort to sarcasm. I hate having to resort to anything. I think I need to rant. *looks for topic* Oooh, a pet hate. Humans.

Humans. Homo Sapiens sapiens to be exact. 'Smart Man'. And arent we just so smart? For 2000 years or so, a pathetic book that's rather unimaginative and dully written has ruled our ancestry, started countless wars, given half the population reason to hate the other half, caused states to crumble... I'm sorry, but it's a very dumb species that puts it's fate into a book, then follows it like a little lost sheep for 2000 odd years.

Right, where was I. Oh, ruling the ancestry. I was mainly commenting on Caucasians here, seeing as we've had the worst luck with it. Once upon a time, you became chief of your clan by either bonking the daughter of the original chief, or knocking the heads off the people in the next clan over. Simple life, simple rules. Then some tosser comes along with a book and a half-baked idea or two, and says "No, excuse me, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not bonk neither" and suddenly, you don't rule at all without a church behind you. Roman, Orthodox, every other wee bunch of nuts... anything to capture, contain, and control population. Suddenly, you don't mean shit unless you're in Church on Sunday where everyone can see you. Unless you're being condemned from the pulpit to a life of misery, torture, celibacy, etc, you're not human. Oh and dissenters? Let's just call them witches, have a bit of a barbecue, and teach the rest of the herd not to disagree. Oh, and whilst we're at it, we'll take 10% of everything else, because we're a church, and churches needs lots of riches to... err.. build big spiky bits on the church. And make golden statues of a man whose Dad said "Thou shalt not make graven images, or worship false idols". What about Billy Idol, he count?

Right, now the other bit - division. Ooo lookie, wimmens - they're not as physically strong as us blokes, so lets turn them into slaves for 2000 years, give them no rights, treat them like cattle, then stand and wonder when the Amazons rip our heads off. Why is it pagan cultures celebrate the Eternal Mother under different guises, but nooo... the 'good' book says God's the Bloke, therefore all blokes must be gods unto themselves. Works for Biblists. Think about it, which sex is really stronger? Hmm? NEITHER. Get over it already. I don't care if you're a 7' tall Maori mud wrestler with biceps the size and appearance of randy warthogs - there will always be a woman exactly the same. Or, if you're going to play the physical strength card - women have us hands down on emotional strength. Who else sits quietly as her sons, her own flesh and blood, is sent off to die in a war thousands of miles away, fighting a MAN'S war, for a MAN's cause, started by MEN... I am not a feminist. I am an equalist. Choose the right person for the job, not the preferable sex. If a 300lb woman in a miniskirt can do a better job at something than me, by all means let her take over - I know when someone can do something better than me, i'm not about to let some false ego stand in the way. Women can knit - so can men, just women knit in better colours. And it's hard to knit stubbies shorts.

Oh, and wars. Wars are fun. Enlist, see the world, then die in some piss filled trench, drowning in the mud as the shells rain down on your head from an enemy you can't see, all the time receiving orders from a chess player of a leader, who neither cares nor knows you exist. Become a pawn in the big power brokerages, and if you accidentally survive, we'll pension you off so you can just afford a can of dog food once a week and spend the rest of your life as a poor bastard, never seeing what it is you fought for. And whilst we're at it, bung a cross on ya, and we'll call it a holy war, just for a little more conviction. Look here, we have nice shiny medals for those of you who die creatively enough, and this matching set of attractive shrapnel wounds for those who hunger after the glory and honour of it all. And whilst you're shovelling the shit from your pants, after the bombs have rained down upon ye, you can start training the next generation, your own sons, brothers, grandsons, into becoming the next set of cogs in our big machine. Fun for everyone - as long as you're not female. If you're female, you'll have to cheer from the sidelines, otherwise the troops will get distracted in the midst of the battle. WTF? If I am sitting holding a helmet over my deafened head, crying my eyes out because of the smoke, the gas, the bullets, the bombs, the imminent presence of Death, the LAST thing i'm going to be thinking about is getting randy in some bomb crater. I'm sorry, given a choice between life or sex, it's life. I believe in survival of the species, but only the good bits - and the sex mad soldiers can go first. You're fighting, not screwing, get over it.


I feel slightly better now. I should be back in a few hours.

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[15 Nov 2001|07:52am]
Things discovered this morning...

5:00 is far too early to wake up
Getting out of bed shortly after waking up might not make it seem as early
Corn chips are an ideal breakfast
Lollies are not
Coffee IS my one major food group
Funny little birds are not THAT amusing, at least people watching me laugh at them appear to think so
The more journal entries I write, the less of a response I get... *laughs*
My level of general coherency upon waking is somewhere between "ugh?" and "buh?"
Steam burns are nasty - and waiting for the kettle to finish boiling is a good idea
The Taliban are hilarious... running away, then saying it was a tactical withdrawal... very Monty Python
Despite delusions to the contrary, I am not God
Deodourant really does taste horrible, it's not just my imagination
Shaving is best done long after waking. Bleeding is not pretty.
Falling asleep whilst urinating might sound funny, but laughing at whilst trying is... a pain
There is no God but Coffee, and Coffee is an almighty God
Raw sugar is not a breakfast substitute
Hair is not created to stand up that way... and brushing it is probably advised
Scotsmen are hilarious to chat to when you're still waking up
Offline messages on ICQ never make any sense after waking
Creating a list in your journal as a first post for the day is harder than it looks
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[14 Nov 2001|06:54pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | Tom Petty - Learning To Fly ]

Inspiration. I crave it sometimes, seeking it everywhere and running about the place like the Mad Hatter. Seriously though, sometimes it can take quite a lot to inspire me, something to drive me, force me to create... when I do get that inspiration, there's nothing that can stop me until I get whatever it is out. I'm not talking my day to day poetry stuff, or even half my other writings, I mean the stuff that really reads as inspired, or looks inspired, or... *shrugs*

And this is where my medication steps in, and rips whatever creative forces straight out of me. I can stare at a blank page or blank screen for what feels like eternity, with nothing coming through, and I loathe it. It's like being castrated, creativity wise. Bad metaphor, but it'll do. It's like having your imagination cropped, devoured, infected, whatever you like to call it. Some days, I just can't write, or anything resembling artistic expression. The desire is all there, just the creativity is... belated. Missing. I hate it. Even my muse, when she's around, can't help sometimes, there's like an impenetrable barrier that I can't see, can't reach past... *shudders at thought of mime* Okay, didnt need that mental imagery.

Meditative peace, inside and out... I do reach it sometimes. In the quiet moments, when the thoughts settle down, the emotions run normal, and the demons arent around. I do find that utopian quietness, and better than that, I can stay there a while. Stay there in a warm, comfortable void, bereft of any outside forces, thoughts, anything. There's just me. Quietly being. No struggle, no conflict, nothing.

And then there's the outside world. Which exhibits a lot of pain, distress, anxiety... a lot of negative things. But there's the positive as well. Getting to know people. The close friends. Laughing at things. Grass. Birds. Cicadas. Life everywhere, growing, expanding, dying even, nature at it's finest...

And somewhere, on a cliff overlooking a lush green valley, stands a tree I fondly remember climbing as a child. This tree overhangs a sheer 200 foot drop down the vertical face of sandstone, and the tree, although now weary with age, still clings to it's life with a sullen tenacity. Why I climbed the tree, I don't know. It's one of those silly kid things. But I climbed out on the bottom most branch, a wide, smooth and thick branch, and looked down over the void. Vertigo hit me in a huge wave, eyes turning blurry for a second and my head swimming, lungs gasping for air. And I sat up on the branch, opened my eyes, and breathed, slowly at first. I looked down again. There was a huge drop, the veritable jungle of semi-tropical rainforest just a green blur beneath me, and I wasnt afraid. And I still don't know why, I should have been scared shitless. But wasnt. I calmly stood up, walked back down that tree branch, and wandered off into the bush, much to the amazement of friends long gone and lost in the mists of time and childhood.

I wish I was a child again.

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[14 Nov 2001|03:22pm]
Sour lollies - so wrong and yet so right...
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Post Script [13 Nov 2001|05:08pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Fear Factory - Demanufacture ]

And to the person who called me an attention seeking drama queen. Thank you. Your suggestion has been accepted, and will shortly be incinerated. Fuck off.

If people cannot handle my depressive moods, filter me out or take me off your friends list. I don't force people to read this. I don't write it to get attention. I write it because it's what is going on inside my head.

Am I offline? As soon as this is sent, yes. I was doing other things, walked past the computer and noticed a few email messages. So had to comment. So now, I AM going offline, and shall be back... when I choose to be. Right now i'm not in the mood.

Expect a long winded, boring and inane posting later, full of cryptic references, esoteric bullshit and quite simply, life. I feel that later tonight, I will need to get a lot out... for now it can simmer away though. Secession is a terrible thing, most of all when it's inside your head.

All alone, or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall
After all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Pink Floyd - Outside The Wall

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You raving lunatic. [13 Nov 2001|06:38am]
[ mood | screwy ]
[ music | Cold Chisel - When The War Is Over ]

It was 3:15. I was in the loungeroom, the TV on but I wasnt watching it. I was staring at the wall, the smell of cigarette smoke on my fingers, my hair sticking up at odd angles, and my eyes slightly blurry. And the wall was undulating with all the grace of a wee pond. Something inside me yelled that wasnt right, but I just sat there and kept watching it. A voice that sounds as though it was in a very long tunnel said something about another plane crash in New York, but the information was... not received. Garbled. Blurry sound, if that's at all possible. I tried to move my head, and couldnt. It moved about an inch before a wave of nausea blasted me. Straight away my hand went to my mouth, and somehow I made it to the bathroom, maybe 5 metres away, and hovered over the bath for a while. I dont know how long, might have been a minute, might have been an hour. Why the bath? Trust me, when you're vomiting, it's easier than the toilet. I wasnt about to stick my fingers down my throat - that's one thing I cannot do. I was almost retching, but it was a non-event. My vision just went, disappeared, deserted me, and my mind went cloudy. Then I jerked my head up, got up ever so slowly and rinsed my face and my mouth with the frigid water from the sink. I went out to the kitchen, put the kettle on, and it was 3:56. For a split second, various thoughts flashed through my mind, each being discarded as soon as it appeared - alien abduction, random time loss, very bad food poisoning, hallucinations, reading the clock wrong. I lost close to 45 minutes. I hate that.

Well, there you have it, part of my morning. How long did I sleep last night? Less than an hour. I was woken by a voice, and to make it worse, it was my own voice. Why I felt the pressing need to wake myself up, I still don't know. Maybe I knew how important sleep was, and decided to deny myself another important thing. Like coffee. *mumbles and wanders off to get more coffee* And dont tell me my screwed up sleep lack-of-pattern is caffeine related, or I will hunt you down. It's a symptom, not a cause. I usually dont drink coffee after 5-ish in the afternoon, which beforehand was ample time to come down of that particular stimulant. Grrr don't threaten my coffee, or you shall perish from the death of a thousand cuts. *snarls*

I am trying to write. I am not getting very far. I am getting fairly frustrated, I believe I need... inspiration. Perhaps I should pore over emails. That sometimes helps. Or maybe I should go outside, dig a rather large hole in the ground, stick my head in it and pretend to be a tree. I could pretend to be lawn furniture, but that has an annoying habit of getting crapped on, so i'm not particularly enthused about that idea. Or, I could just sit here, waffle on about nothing at all, then go back to bed in an hour or so, stare at the front of the chest of drawers for an overly long period of time, then wake up a few hours later and wonder what on earth just happened. Shit, tablets. *scurries* What a stupid word. Scurry. Reminds me of that author. Nice illustrator though. Richard Scarry isnt it? Scarry, scurry, same crap, different vowel. Where was I? Oh, tablets. Nope, they're warheads, that looks like a tic tac, and that's... err.. what on earth is that? Oh... it's a few tic tacs. Apparently trying a Terminator routine and melting together into one. The bizarre life of lollies. Tablets, tablets, I know they're around here somewhere. Aha! Sertraline, here I come. Made by Pfizer. Wonder if Willy Wonka has shares in Pfizer - he should have. I don't care what medication i'm on, if it tastes like sour apples, i'll devour the entire blister pack. Why the hell am I typing precisely what i'm thinking, rather than thinking about what i'm typing? Let's flip through the friend's page... oh yeah, some interesting bits. What curious lyrics. What a curious complaint. What a curious list. Ooo, deadenddoll. I feel for her, I really do, I know exactly what she's going through, it's what I'M going through, and I hate it - I wouldnt wish this on any other person, even worst enemies. I sound like a cliche saying all that, but it's true. It's 6:30, DA and I are talking about anti-D's, and i'm thinking about snow. Why on earth am I thinking about snow at this hour of the morning. Oh. That. Shite, that reminds me, I have email to respond to.

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[12 Nov 2001|10:23pm]
Silence spent beneath the jewelled skies,
Quiet moments thinking back on life,
Deep inside a lost and little boy cries,
He's scared, and alone, and feels he's in strife,
But as he looks up in awe at stars alight,
His fears are subdued, his worries eased,
And a voice reminds him it'll be alright,
Smiling within, the little boy sits pleased,
But the man gazes over shadows so dark,
And ponders fate, destiny and the heart,
And whilst within there dwells a spark,
The shadows build within, and pain does start,
Inside his mind he wanders back on life,
And sees the deaths, the losses and tears,
But he's not wholly sad, sorrow isn't rife,
He accepts the feelings, the doubts and fears,
But there's something at the back of his mind,
And he thinks fondly on those who do care,
He's comfortable with those of his own kind,
The artists and poets, dreamers and gems rare,
But he craves an openness he seldom feels,
And feels quite often like he's not getting through,
A cynic sometimes, "Time wounds all heels",
He won't open up until he's sure they are true,
And now the moon is looking a little surreal,
He's thinking there's light shining from somewhere,
He needs to know exactly what it is you feel,
But to ask you straight out, he just doesn't dare,
So he sits and he smokes, and dreams of light,
And traces the journeys of Venus and Mars,
He loves the crisp cool silence of the night...

[09 Nov 2001|06:58pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | David Bowie - Dead Man Walking ]

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land...

Metallica - Enter Sandman

It's an odd night tonight. There definitely is a kind of magic in the air, and I can't figure out what the hell it is. *ponders* Stargazing time I believe, not that it's easy to see any from here, far too close to light pollution. Need to be out in the country for a decent view. *muses... and chuckles* If I can see the moon, i'm happy, will give me something to write by. And inspiration too perhaps. Nope, have all the inspiration I need I think... just not the outlet.

Oo yeah, Lawrence of Arabia is on cable tonight. So from 11 till 2, i'm busy... *grins* classic... then again, i'll probably do what I did last time, and write through most of it. Cool movie though, despite it being... a wee bit dated. Needs remaking... big budget though...

It's quiet in here at the moment. The rest of the house is watching Home & Away (Aussie soap for those unsure), which I think is... boring. I'm never out there when it's on, that or Neighbours. Definitely a wee bit un-cerebral for me... but that's TV in general, unless I can escape into it. Fond memories of watching some tv shows with old gf's, just that warm, cosy feeling, of holding and being held, not wanting to move at all, comfortable and yet... *laughs* enough. Before the imp turns up again.

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. [08 Nov 2001|06:45pm]
I believe we're worlds apart
And I don't know if I'm getting through
Oh I
I believe we're worlds apart
And I don't know if I'm getting through

I don't wanna talk
And I don't wanna fight
I'm in the mood for attention tonight
But every time that I make a move
You turn and walk away

I get the feeling
That you're not accepting
This love I'm offering around
Cause every time that I make a move
You just can't be found

And you're the only one
Who can make me feel the way that you do
You are the only one
Who can make me feel it too

And I'm not expected to be your intended
You just like to have me around
A week I've been planning to take you out
Now you won't come past your door

You are the only one
Who can make me feel the way that you do
You are the only one
Who can make me feel it too

And you know that I
I believe we're worlds apart
And I don't know
If I'm getting through
Oh I
I believe we're worlds apart
And I don't know
If I'm getting though
And I don't know if I'm getting through
To you

Cold Chisel, Only One
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Spirit of Cernunnos... [08 Nov 2001|11:49am]
[ mood | vacant ]
[ music | not in the mood ]

Moonlight filters through the thin cracks in the roof, painting the floor in vivid tiger stripes, dust sprites winging their way through the mostly still air. The floorboards were one lacquered to a gleaming shine, now there are only patches of silvery glinting spaced far and wide, the well worn timber beginning to decay with age and neglect. Outside the clouds are rolling in again, deep blue black thunderheads stalking the night sky with a vengeance. Small animals scurry to their dry homes in anticipation of a night like this, and somewhere a dog howls forlornly into the black skies.

Now the clouds cover the face of the moon for a brief time, hiding his radiant gleam from the precious earth beneath. Inside, the zebra stripes fade gradually to melt into the inky blackness, but there's a noise, a scuttling noise, and something shuffles through the shadows. A mouse stops suddenly in the centre of the room, curious but wary, scanning the floor and its tiny world for danger or food. Whiskers twitching, it senses movement, and bolts for the tiny crack in the wall it has made its home.

The rain starts, faintly at first, a slight tinkling on the corrugated iron roof, but before long it builds to a mighty roar, the roof thundering under the assault of a million raindrops. Water leaks through the roof where the moonlight once filtered, forming small puddles on the floor and hiding the faded varnish. Outside the wind builds and the trees begin to sway in their prayers to the storm gods, animals tear through the bush one last time, desperate to be out of the chaos of the storm. Thunder rolls in upon the surrounds with the power of a tsunami, the sound wave battering the earth beneath. Lightning arcs across the sky, the brilliant white flash momentarily illuminating the tiny shack and stabbing the darkness with ethereal light.

Inside, something moves out of the light, searching for a dry patch like a drowning man clutching at straws. The light doesn't terrify him, but he avoids it. The light would mean seeing things for what they are, something he cannot cope with. Another peal of thunder screams through the night, and the thin walls of the shack vibrate and rattle, and once more the thin dagger of lightning races across the skies, impaling the distant corner of the shack with a massive bang. His eyes widen as the shack slowly falls down around him, his one defence against the storm now destroyed by the invading tempest.

He's tall, but not overly so. His wide shoulders give him a bulky look, making him more imposing than he'd want to be. The shoulders are hunched, an attempt to appear less aggressive, but the thin rags that barely cover him stick to his skin with the rain, faintly outlining muscle and sinew. His hair sticks up at odd angles, giving him the appearance of a sickened animal, but his eyes. His eyes. They are pools of madness, glinting in the faint light, and appear deeper than they are. There's a savagery, a kind of inhumanity locked deep within them, but at the same time a kind of desperation, a fear, an anxious look of terror and forsakenness. Hands curled into almost claws, he lopes off for the cover of the trees, silently moving through the bush with the grace of a predator, the scent of a carnivore scaring the small animals away from his path.

The night recoils to the thunder and lightning, the rain beginning to flood the forest floor and turn the undergrowth to a thick viscous mud. He sits crouched in the groin of a huge oak, perched like a wounded owl, huge eyes scanning the surroundings and watching for the kill. The storm has driven his adrenaline levels through the roof, every sense is on edge, on the brink of shutting his mind and body down, but the drug inside makes him more alert, more sensitive, more alive. Slipping a hand beneath the robes, he slowly raises a huge knife and stabs it abruptly into the branch beneath him. The treated blade barely glints in the night, the thick dark coating on it absorbing the low light and making it appear almost invisible, but for the thin coating of water gleaming on its vicious edge. The knife is more bayonet than utility blade, a long bowie styled knife with a heavy pommel. It isn't anything more than a hunting knife, a tool, an extension of the hunters mind. But for now, he squats against the trunk of the tree, lays his arms across his knees, and sleeps. His heart gradually slows, his breathing becoming deep and rhythmic. For now, he sleeps. For tomorrow, the hunt begins...

To be continued...

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ahhhhhhhhhh yes... [07 Nov 2001|01:58pm]
[ mood | dreamy ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Brain Damage and Eclipse ]

The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane

You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say
All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
And everyone you fight
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon

Aw c'mon, everyone knows it... Brain Damage/Eclipse, Pink Floyd. If you dont know it, download it... it's well worth it.

Have always loved this song, probably always will... something decidedly... sincere about it.

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. [06 Nov 2001|04:43pm]
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high, as you can see
No matter how he tried he could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
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The mind as a straitjacket [06 Nov 2001|04:14pm]
[ mood | psychotic daemonic ]
[ music | Dust Brothers - Who is Tyler Durden ]

When I dont know if this is real
I used to, another time, another day
I have nothing to offer you but some
Tiny part of me still wanting life
Lying there deaf, blind and dumb
The pain I feel inside and the dark
Soul trapped within this mentality
Where you see the glimmer of a spark
I see the total absence of ability
Did I bring this upon myself somehow
Did I do it to punish myself perhaps
Does life at all really matter now
Or is this just another one of my traps
A secretive snare set for no motive
Other than to fool myself into thinking
I am still alive, still somehow creative
Not dying a slow death by giving
In to the shadows deep down inside
Where there is only ego, half dead
A tragic sense of what was once pride
Where the hell have I left my head
And why cant I feel what it is I need
And why does it always hurt so much
Maybe I should have turned to speed
Like Andrew did, the flames and such
I see your perfection, your beauty below
The little things you say and do
That high intelligence that means you know
More than I ever could hope, so
What do I do, when the demons return
And take me away from you down
To the lowest depths of hell to burn
A lost King Nothing, without even a crown
Is it you that's going to finally see
What lies beneath this tortured reality
And save me from myself, because he
Will always be the death of me...

Aimed at anyone? I dont know. Inspired by others, I dont know. Tragic and twisted, I dont know.

All I know is I hate.


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