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Draconian Musings
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This is just so wrong!
Potter film at Fifth District

Current Mood: amused

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I can't seem to do it!
I'm at work and have just finished The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis.

A few minutes ago, I popped in the first tape of the next book, Slander: Lies about the Liberal Right by Ann Coulter. I couldn't get more than a few minutes into the introduction!

I've "read" the books Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them by Al Franken and Dude! Where's My Country? by Michael Moore, both of which address misstatements, distortions, and er, lies by O'Reilly, Coulter, and the rest. [info]runeshower reminded me that it to be fully informed, I should actually see what O'Reilly, Coulter, and the rest are actually saying, not just what Franken and Moore say they're saying.

Well, I've tried. As I said, I'm trying to be fair. Really I am.

I will admit that Franken and Moore have made some blanket statements in their books, although they do seem to have made an effort to back up their statements while condemning the lack of fact-checking in the statements of the conservative authors, especially Franken, since that was a prime theme of his book. Thinking of misstatements, I'm thinking of how O'Reilly condemned Sen. Boxer for questioning Rice's "respect for or the troops." Even after many wrote/called in to correct him, that the senator said, "respect for the truth," he refused to admit he had erred.

Is it so much easier to accept blanket statments when it's about values one doesn't agree with? I know that it is very difficult to accept blanket statements and condemnations of values that I hold dear. She starts the attacks in the first paragraph complaining at how oppressive and mean Liberals are. I found my getting more upset with each sentence. I had to stop the tape am now about to start the next book, a short 1-cassette work by Deepak Chopra, Escaping the Prison of the Intellect. After that is The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas (19 tapes!).

I have 3-weeks to attempt this book before having to decide whether to renew or just return it to the library. Perhaps reading an "uncomfortable" book like Coulter's is better done in print. Taking it in by spoken word is perhaps too intimate, too likely to trigger such reactions of defensiveness and indignation.

Current Mood: distressed
Current Music: Audio Book: Escaping the Prison of the Intellect by D Chopra

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My own Mind-Map Meme.

OakDragon )

Now if I can only figure out what the colors mean...

Perhaps after I get some sleep...

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Dishwasher

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And things seemed to be improving too....
There was a bit of a snafu this weekend.

Yesterday, I picked my son (Young Dragon) at his moms. I picked up his friend Alex as well -- my son had him over for a sleepover. I took the two of them out to lunch and then on to a birthday party with another friend named Alex. There was some confusing about whether or not the party was an overnight but I thought it was finally determined that it was. My son and Alex both had packed bags for the party.

Since I thought my son was now secure until the next day, we went forward with our earlier plan of spending time over at the home of [info]jobethfun67 and [info]maestrodog for Babylon 5 and pizza. We were supposed to have done it the night before, but it had been canceled. Not too long before we were to leave, my cell phone went dead and I plugged it in to recharge. Thinking that my son was secure for the night, and that he had [info]runeshower's cell phone number (it turns out he's only called her phone from his mom's cell phone, using her phone list), I didn't think there'd be a problem with leaving it behind, otherwise I would have taken it and the charger with me.

Turns out I was mistaken. Perhaps it was that the party at Alex's was not to be a sleep over, but my son was planning on going over to Alex's for a sleepover after the party. All I know is that I misunderstood. Perhaps if I'd double checked, but I thought everything was clear. The party was actually supposed to be over at 7:00, and at 6:45, YD left a message on my cell phone asking to not be picked up until 9:30 or 10:00. At 10:00 or so, my ex left a message saying that my son had been trying to contact me. We ended up spending the night in the guest room and as soon as I got home this morning, I went to check my cell phone. As I was picking it up, it started ringing. My ex called to chew me out for the mistake, casting me as a Bad Father (tm), accusing me of putting Runeshower above our son and so forth. My son ended up spending the night at the house of the birthday Alex. I expressed my intent to pick him up to continue my time with him, but she has insisted that she will take care of it and that I'll see him next weekend. I stressed that I could go forward from here and that we are supposed to share this vacation time of his. She ended up hanging up on me a few times.

Where is it now? I called my son and he still wants me to pick him up at noon. He said he'd call his mom to ask her not to pick him up. We'll see how that works out.

Current Mood: frustrated

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[info]runeshower's Love Ticker

It was 3 years ago yesterday (Tuesday) since my first real date with [info]runeshower. We had met in December, first gotten to know each other around a memorial for a former lover of mine who had died of ALS in January, then February 15, we spent the day at Pantheacon and shared our first kiss.

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: Comcast -psssht- malfunctioning in the -psssht- background

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The Friend's Userpics Meme.
Thank you [info]runeshower!

Of course, any friends who do not have default pics aren't shown.
I've decided to put them behind a cut )
LJ friendsCollage.

Brought to you by [info]pratibha75 and [info]teemus.

Current Mood: anxious

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To jobethfun67....
Happy Birthday!!!

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Audio Book: David Copperfield

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Interesting fortunes?
I ended up buying Mongolian beef at work today (yeah, and I'm going to Mongolian BBQ tomorrow night--couldn't resist). I splurged and took two (yes TWO) fortune cookies.

Here they are:

FC#1: Somebody wants to get to know you better.
FC#2: Do it right the first time.

Of course, being at work on a temp assignment, the words could portend job employment prospects, but the mind can't help straying...

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Audio Book: David Copperfield

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Creepy coincidence or did she realize what she was saying?
Finally took the time to see Gattaca. Very glad I did. There was one very strange coincidence that I noticed:

Behind the cut because of potential spoilers )

Just some thoughts to keep this journal from collecting too much rust.

Current Mood: thoughtful

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The secret crush lemming

Find out who has a crush on you!
Check out the
LJ Secret Crush Database
brought to you by

Unfortunately, the site is now down because the author didn't expect the number of hits he received.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Anita reading Ella Price's Journal to me

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Sexual Skill Quiz

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 64%
Kissing Skill Level - 67%
Cudding Skill Level - 90%
Sex Skill Level - 88%
Why They Love You You keep going and going and going...
Why They Hate You You talk too much.
This quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 2332 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Hmm... Perhaps, given the results, I shouldn't say anything...

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: The Divine Comedy -- Inferno (9th circle!!) (Audio Book)

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Because a Panda "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves?"
I'm currently listening to an audio book of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. The reader is Nadia May. Because of her particular British accent and slurring of syllables (like the turning of "Worchestershire" into "Worshtersher", it sounds like the first ring of the 8th circle (the Fraudulent) is inhabited by "Pandas" and Seducers." (mouse over for what it really is)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: The Divine Comedy -- Inferno (Audio Book) by Dante Alighieri

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The Slut Lemming
Gotta love those pool parties!

oakdragon's LiveJournal Slut Stats
The below percentages indicate what oakdragon has done with the 121 people on his friends list!




seen topless

seen naked

phone sexed

made out

oral sex


What are your LiveJournal Slut Stats?
Sponsored via Adult Friend Finder. Keep this meme and others like it checking it out or getting free account! You may meet the match of your dreams!

I ended up including IMing in the phone sex. ;-)

I expect I'll have to take another look at my list--there are a few people I've only met face to face once or twice at festivals or conventions.

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Ever Since Darwin (Audio Book) - Stephen Jay Gould

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Friday was the last day at my latest temp assignment. That in itself is not so bad, since I have another week-long assignment starting tomorrow.

After working at the company on 3 assignments, those whom I've worked with were recommending me for a long term position working with their e-biz web site. The downside was that I didn't have a good background in Perl scripting, but those who know me felt that those were more than outweighed by my other skills. Those who were strong in the technical skills but light in the rest haven't lasted long. These three people felt that my ability to learn quickly and work with others more than made up for any temporary lack. One of the people who recommended me actually started with the company in this position.

Unfortunately, the woman making the initial decision didn't see it that way. She was worried that my technical background was too light. Perhaps I didn't stress the things I've actually done and learned enough. In any case, she wasn't convinced. I'm not going to be considered for the position. On the other hand, it wasn't a full hire position, it is a long-term contractor position. Though it would have opened the door for an eventual full-hire, it wasn't going to start that way.

In the mean time, those who gave me such glowing recommendations hope that I'll be able to come out when next they need me. If I continue to develop my skills, perhaps the position will be available again when I'm able to show a better skill set.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: The hum of the computer.

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Strange combination
Over the last few weeks, I've listened (on audio book) to Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, & Anthem, all by Ayn Rand*. Currently, I'm now listening to The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. Both authors got rather preachy at times with their message, both tended to use not just debate, but dialog between two like-minded individuals to pass on their sermons, but the two views could hardly be farther apart! What a strange transition!

*I also listened to a few others like The Universe in a Nutshell & Dune: House Atreides, but that's beside the point. It was also a bit strange to read the three books in reverse order (also beside the point ).

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: The Pilgrim's Progress on Audio Book

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I'm my own worst enemy!
Narcissus ain't got nothin' on me!

oakdragon's LJ stalker is oakdragon!
oakdragon is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also stalking the rest of your friends list!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

Let's try that again...

oakdragon's LJ stalker is runeshower!
runeshower is stalking you because your LiveJournal is just SO damned interesting. She is also eating your food when you aren't looking!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

I THOUGHT so! Whatever shall I do with her?

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Audio Book: Dune: House Atreides

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Testing a new Avatar icon
[info]runeshower just made an avatar icon for me. What do you think?

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: Audio Book: Dune: House Atreides

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My Birthday Warning Label!
OakDragon is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.


From Go-Quiz.com

Current Mood: working
Current Music: The Fountainhead - by Ayn Rand (Audio Book)

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The Kitties
Monday, I dropped by the old house I used to share with [info]ogaea, K, & L. I had gone to pick up some of my stuff that is still there. I found that Apria had shipped by CPAP supplies to that old address (weeks ago) and they were sitting there in the entry way. As I rounded the corner, Whisper, the huge male cat was there greeting me. I swear he has gotten even bigger over the last few months. It was so nice cuddling him in my arms (like a baby--on his back) as I used to do. When I was upstairs, Sammie came to greet me and soon she was laying on my chest, hanging onto my shoulder. On my way out of the door, Lilith was in the cat pedestal and she also looked for some attention. In retrospect, I think I would have liked to have tried getting Lilith to fetch before I left.

It was so nice to see them again. I think they are some of the main things I miss about that place.

Current Mood: nostalgic

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To Be or Not to Be (X-Post from Polyamory)
This post was originally posted in [info]polyamory. It was in response to A Question of Semantics.

First off, I think that the question itself is perhaps a bit unclear. You ask, "What do you think the difference is between being polyamorous and having fuck buddies?" "Being" and "having" are two totally different things, IMHO. My Lady Love, [info]runeshower and I are polyamorous (state of being), yet currently we are sexually monogamous (behavior). The fact that we are currently seeing no others in that way does not mean we are no longer polyamorous. For me, polyamory is less about what you do, what form an individual relationship takes, and more about how you think, how you feel, how you approach relationships in general. In our own case, being polyamorous also means that we have more freedom in how we relate to our friends; we don't seem to feel that we must keep rigid barriers of emotional intimacy between us and our friends.

As I see it (in my own particular model), one essential quality that distinguishes the poly paradigm from the classic views of relationships is that the classic view (mono paradigm?) tends to view relationships in discrete categories. I feel that the classic view sees barriers/gulfs between relationships defined as "friend" and relationships defined as "lover" as universal. In my experience, many poly people tend to see things as much less rigid; some may feel that there are more discrete states and others may feel that relationships exit along a continuum with no discrete gaps between one type of relationship and another. Another common aspect I have seen is one of fluidity. Relationships are often seen as being able to naturally change state over time, friendships moving to friends-with-benefits to something deeper, or the other way around.

Another thing is that I see the classic paradigm as assuming a boolean, either/or, yes/no model of relationships. I see the poly paradigm as having multiple states whether discrete or not. Instead of a relationship being all one thing or another (poly/not poly, love/not love). I would offer that the poly model (as I see it, of course) is one that considers relationships to involve complex, multi-demensional states that have a number of attributes at varying levels.

Over the years, I have seen polyamorous people who do relationships in any number of different ways. This can be poly-fi, a very loose intimate network, or any other type of relationship. I'm not saying that all swingers are polyamorous, but being active in swinger communities or play parties would not make a polyamorous person not poly. Having fuck buddies does not mean one is not polyamorous, the two are not mutually exclusive, IMHO.

You may feel that there is a difference, or know that for you there is a difference, but I don't think it is accurate to say that you know that there is a (universal) difference.

Let me try to rephrase the question to try and address possible differences:

What do you think the difference is between having polyamorous relationships and having fuckbuddies?

With what I said above, this is a difficult question. What defines a "polyamorous relationship" or "poly-style relationship" may vary from person to person. There are some who seemed to imply a distinction between "friends-with-benefits" (poly) and "fuck buddies" (not poly). That may hold for the model that person uses. The problem is that each person may apply a different label to the same behavior.

What do you think the difference is between a polyamorous person having fuckbuddies and a non-polyamorous person having fuckbuddies?

This might perhaps be a useful question. As I see the classic model, a person who has a number of low investment sexual relationships is either avoiding commitment or is perhaps shopping for the One™. Perhaps the fuck buddy relationships are a bit insecure--they are prone to be dropped in favor of monogamy when the One is found. I would see the case differently for those whom a polyamorous person is seeing. Even if the person has no "serious" relationship at this time, those casual relationships are not assumed to be dropped if and when one is found (or one of the casuals become Something More®).

Ultimately, poly people are often very different—especially from each other! There is no one best way to do poly. There is no Poly Orthodoxy (no Poly Inquisition). This, to my mind is a Good Thing™. Each of us holds a unique, individual model of relationships. As we go through this life, we hopefully find others whose models are compatible with our own (one of the difficulties of having no orthodoxy to fall back upon). The differences among us, and efforts to understand them, are some of they key challenges of poly. But in seeking to understand others, we also understand more about ourselves. By touching (and being touched by) varied lives, whether as committed lovers or friends-with-benefits, we are enriched. This is, to me, one of the greatest gifts of poly.

No doubt, despite my efforts, something above will be unclear. Please feel free to ask for clarification.

Current Mood: tired

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Holy Freudian Slip, Batman!
A few minutes ago, I was IMing [info]noelfigart. We were talking of aspects of [info]dot_cattiness and the many mutations. The issue of levels of moderation in LJ communities and mailing lists came up. In response to the idea of a light moderating style, I typed "Yes, me too. My lists probably suffer for it too." That's what I sent, but as I was typing, my fingers first typed "lust" instead of "list."

How curious. ;-)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Audiobook: Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier

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Ok, I finally gave in to this Meme!

SimilarMinds Compatibility Results
oakdragon |||||||||| 100% ||||||| 70%
ag_unicorn |||||||| 85% |||||||| 77%
the_ogre ||||||| 70% ||||||||| 90%
dawnd ||||||||| 90% ||||||| 68%
moonstaff ||||||| 74% |||||||| 82%
lysana |||||||| 75% |||||||| 81%
rmjwell ||||||| 67% |||||||| 84%
kokoro43 ||||||| 74% |||||||| 78%
klwalton ||||||| 75% ||||||| 75%
dancing_star |||||||| 84% ||||||| 65%
davidkevin |||||||| 83% |||||| 64%
redhawke |||||||| 82% |||||| 64%
p3aches |||||||| 82% |||||| 61%
zpdiduda |||||||| 82% |||||| 61%
brian1789 |||||| 62% |||||||| 76%
anglicub ||||||| 67% ||||||| 70%
freyaschild |||||||| 82% |||| 43%
patgreene ||||||| 69% ||||| 49%
thats_ms_dragon |||| 44% ||||||| 73%
noelfigart ||||||| 67% |||| 40%
similarity complementarity  
How compatible are you with me?

Current Mood: working
Current Music: Audiobook: Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier

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Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, [info]zpdiduda!!!

Hope it is a wonderful one!

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Audiobook: Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier

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Birthday wishes!
Happy birthday to [info]technomom!!

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Further Tales of the City Audio Book

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Mmm Mmm Good!
One advantage of working here: Some of the selections in the Cafe.

Today they brought in a "Guest Chef," Jean Luc Chassereau (I didn't ask him to "Make it so") in order to prepare "Chili Rubbed Salmon with Citrus Cilantro Vinaigrette." It is delicious!!!

Current Mood: hungry

Oak Dragon
User: [info]oakdragon
Name: Oak Dragon
Website: My Website
Back March 2005