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[Aug. 10th, 2004|11:36 am]
[mood | amused]

Koko News

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[Jul. 23rd, 2004|01:29 pm]
Tiny cat!
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Good News Day [May. 31st, 2004|09:24 pm]


http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/03/60II/main615303.shtml (This one is from [info]rumigrl)

http://www.comedycentral.com/ (Reno 911 sweepstakes!)
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Pretty [May. 26th, 2004|09:58 am]
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For the fans of Buffy and/or Angel: [May. 12th, 2004|02:28 pm]

"Spike" is in it. :-)

It's a cute show (wouldn't anything with James Marsters be cute though?).
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[May. 10th, 2004|01:48 pm]
[mood | amused]

Giles pointed this out to me:
Annette O'Toole currently plays Clark Kent's mom on Smallville.
In 1983, she played Clark Kent's teenage sweetheart in Superman III.

Are we to expect some kind of weird Back to the Future episode?


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Burma news, Aung San Suu Kyi news! [Apr. 17th, 2004|12:38 am]
[mood | hopeful]


I hope her release is imminent. . . !!
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Beautiful Bette's letter to the President: [Mar. 15th, 2004|10:52 am]
[mood | impressed]


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Something for your Friday: [Feb. 20th, 2004|10:56 pm]
[mood | hopeful]

Tina Turner and Kali

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Worth reading: [Feb. 9th, 2004|07:13 am]
[mood | disappointed]

HACKED, CRACKED (from [info]nnnslogan


SCREWED (from [info]jwz)


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[Jan. 26th, 2004|10:01 pm]
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Awesome! [Dec. 18th, 2003|09:48 pm]
[mood | impressed]


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For Brian, Michelle, and other Vegan Lj people: [Dec. 5th, 2003|07:46 pm]
Vegan options I keep meaning to post! If that link doesn't work, just try http://www.dixiediner.com/ and then "order online."
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Fotokids! [Nov. 26th, 2003|11:02 pm]
Go here: http://www.fotokids.org
This is an awesome project!
Be sure to look at the black & white photographs, especially pages 4 & 5.
Buy something at their store if you can. They are selling some absolutely gorgeous bracelets and all profits go to the children and their community!
If you have some money, you can help support a child's education or if you want to volunteer for the organization, check out their "contact us" page.
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Fasting [Nov. 26th, 2003|02:54 pm]
I thought some of you might be interested in this BBC story.
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In other news [Nov. 19th, 2003|02:37 pm]
This is a very good thing indeed!


See also: The Matrix was stolen? At least that would explain why it went downhill so quickly!
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Today [Oct. 21st, 2003|10:53 am]
[mood | good]

I walked to work.
I got here in 30 minutes!

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[Oct. 21st, 2003|09:15 am]
Angelina Jolie's experience in Africa with her new baby (Maddox) while filming "Beyond Borders," her humanitarian efforts as a Goodwill Ambassador, and a few other interesting bits.
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Protest Links [Oct. 1st, 2003|06:43 pm]
Don't click this link if you are around other human animals. It may cause a reaction. You have totally been warned.

This is a good site that shows protests and rallies mostly around Chicago. It has some interesting stuff in places, and the overall message is good. (You know, peace and hope!)
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5 that never tire [Sep. 28th, 2003|10:44 pm]
[mood | curious]

If I was trapped on an island with a TV, DVD player, and CD player, these are the disks I would take:
Every season of Coupling (British version ONLY)
The Princess Bride
Tipping the Velvet (the whole series)

Various Artists: Singles (soundtrack to movie listed above)
Anything Box: Hope
Channel 69: 1 Minute 50 Seconds of Guilt
New Order: Regret
Belly: Star

What would you take?

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