1/13/04 01:28 pm - At School
So. Nothign terribly interesting to post, I don't really know why I am. Because I can.
OH! Wait, actually something did happen. I brought my library books back, explained to the lady that the email didn't forward to my main account, and she totally let the fines slide! :D I mean, I was going to be happy paying $16, what I really deserve, but $0 is much much better! And much much better than $56! Yay! MMmmm, keeping money = excellent. And I am very surprised at the reasonableness of the librarian. :D
Also, I decided that tomorrow I am going to talk to the evil science teacher lady. I am going to let her know that last class wasn't very informative, in my opinion, and that I would hope that we would be able to learn strategies for teaching science in future classes, especcially since we do not have many classes left. I might slide in the fact that I heard that last term people weren't satisfied, not because the course was too advanced (her words!), but that people did not learn anything useful. I will mention, nevertheless, that I am concerned because I am paying tuition (good money) to be here and I want it to be a worthwile experience. I might also mention the fact that since science is my teachable, I am very concerned that the people in my class that have other teachables will be lost once they actually get out and are teaching, but are not prepared. I will be very polite and nice, and I will give her the chance to try to do better. If she yells at me, or something, or I do not see improvement, then i will go to the practicum office and report the teacher, since she teaches ALL SECTIONS and it really is unfair for students not to have anything to fall back on when teaching science - especially since science is becoming more of a focus for teaching, something that is recieving more attention because of the view that it is critically important to our present world. *rubs hands together evilly*
Off to get a bagel & cream cheese and then going to class.