
Recent Entries

6/27/04 08:11 pm - guilty pleasures (TV)

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is extreme cheese and schmaltz, but everysingletime it makes me cry. Awwr.

BTW my dad is very confusing. :E

3/17/04 02:21 am - FTF

Mmm, FTF...

running commentary, with linked images! )

2/23/04 01:45 pm - up at school...

So I went up to the elementary school this morning to volunteer. It was field trip day (skating). I brought skates but didn't skate since they don't fit. :P Ah, well.

Just doing my language arts module right now... putting in more effort than I usually do. Meh. So boooooored.

I need to start planning and writing my philosophy of teaching, too. I'm not sure how that's going to turn out. :P

Anyway, just realized I don't have a whole lot to say. And I hate these keyboards, you have to press so hard on the keys. :P


2/9/04 10:50 pm - Stuff.

"It was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it to happen again, at any minute." - re: Halocaust

Just finished watching the Nazi special that was on the History channel... it was part 6 of 6 tonight. What am I going to do with my Monday nights now? :( My dad has this interesting "What If?" book about different turning points in history that I might start reading. I was trying to read Unfinished Tales but I couldn't get into it.

I made some of those Heroine Addict icons, of Scully of course. Who else? (Thanks to [info]belladonna for letting me know about this! Idea by [info]cleolinda.)

For those of you interested...
More under here... )


1/13/04 01:28 pm - At School

So. Nothign terribly interesting to post, I don't really know why I am. Because I can.

OH! Wait, actually something did happen. I brought my library books back, explained to the lady that the email didn't forward to my main account, and she totally let the fines slide! :D I mean, I was going to be happy paying $16, what I really deserve, but $0 is much much better! And much much better than $56! Yay! MMmmm, keeping money = excellent. And I am very surprised at the reasonableness of the librarian. :D

Also, I decided that tomorrow I am going to talk to the evil science teacher lady. I am going to let her know that last class wasn't very informative, in my opinion, and that I would hope that we would be able to learn strategies for teaching science in future classes, especcially since we do not have many classes left. I might slide in the fact that I heard that last term people weren't satisfied, not because the course was too advanced (her words!), but that people did not learn anything useful. I will mention, nevertheless, that I am concerned because I am paying tuition (good money) to be here and I want it to be a worthwile experience. I might also mention the fact that since science is my teachable, I am very concerned that the people in my class that have other teachables will be lost once they actually get out and are teaching, but are not prepared. I will be very polite and nice, and I will give her the chance to try to do better. If she yells at me, or something, or I do not see improvement, then i will go to the practicum office and report the teacher, since she teaches ALL SECTIONS and it really is unfair for students not to have anything to fall back on when teaching science - especially since science is becoming more of a focus for teaching, something that is recieving more attention because of the view that it is critically important to our present world. *rubs hands together evilly*

Off to get a bagel & cream cheese and then going to class.


1/12/04 04:32 pm

Still up at Althouse. Won't be home 'till 7 or 8. Probably 8. Boourns! I need to start and finish something for tomorrow as well. That's what I get for doing NOTHING on the weekend, though. ;) I am not worried, however, since most things I do are completely last minute and garbage, but I still get a decent mark. And I don't even care if I get a decent mark! Hahahahaha.

I went up to the school, like I posted earlier. Said hello to both of the classes I was in, then helped in the grade 4 class for a bit. The were doing jot notes or some such... but during french I didn't do much. The teacher had the students colour after a while so I got to talk with my former associate, which was good. She gave me some advice about teaching grade 8 (the little/big devils >:E).

Just finished searhcing for some journal articles. Had them sent to my uwo e-mail address, and I thought they were going to send one big email with all the citations. NOPE. So I have about 67 messages to sort through when I get home, or maybe I will do them tomorrow during one of my breaks (I have enough on my plate for tonight...).

Now it is off for the Family Math thing. I only heard about it from someone who is also going, for some reason I never got an e-mail. :/

Also, apparently I have 4 overdue books. Eeek. Don't want to mention how much they are going to cost per day. Must find them tonight. I thought I returned everything though!


1/12/04 11:49 am - At School

Just had my language arts class. Which was OK. At the end we went to the library and when I first saw the librarian I was like "Wow, she looks like a bitch." ... Boy can I name them! When she was talking one of the other students turned around for a few seconds to say something to someone else, and she got right in his face, didn't say anything. :o It was crazy. I mean, seriously lady, he wasn't being rude, and you can't expect rapt attention from students who have heard about libraries and journal articles for their entire university career. :P

I'm going to head up to Emily Carr (the school where I had my first two placements) soon, because I have to return a book. I'm also going to probably continue with that web design thingie with some of the students in my first practicum. I definitely have time to kill. Tonight I have something here at 5pm, so I'll be home late. I have to do some research for my science class tomorrow, and I also have a lesson plan thing due tomorrow. I should probably get moving on that. :o

Gonna go grab some lunch...


11/14/03 06:43 pm - mmmm

Yay, I updated my mood theme. Thanks [info]sandee725!

Mmmmm, Scully.


7/4/03 09:06 am - bday!

Happy Birthday [info]kimonthejourney! :)


7/2/03 09:01 am - for [info]heathers & [info]lonejaguar

(and anyone else who doesn't know who Strong Bad is!)
- teen girl squad #1
- teen girl squad #2
- teen girl squad #3
- trogdor the burninator


7/1/03 10:30 am - Happy Canada Day!

You know, I'm really really glad that I live in Canada. It's been more apparent lately, with the stuff going on in the states... (&#*$#!!!) I mean, at least whenever I rant about stuff I can also say that it won't impact me as much as my American friends (I feel so sorry for your guys sometimes). However, at least you can attempt to make a difference when election day comes - and I'm stuck crossing my fingers and wishing. Saying I'm glad to live in Canada, however, doesn't make me feel as if this is a superior place to live - there are lots of places that have their own benefits, and Canada isn't perfect!

So yeah, to all the patriot-happy flag-waving people: don't take your country for how it is, that it is absolutely perfect - because there are always things that can be improved. And it seems more patriotic to me to WANT to improve your country, rather than let it stay how it is with all its faults. And of course, patriotism also means keeping your leaders in check - they work for you and their opinions are not somehow more valuable than yours, so don't take any crap from them!


6/24/03 11:09 am

From [info]kudzita - - OMFG. Now, perhaps this wasn't started with the Bush administration (a scary thought in and of itself), but this was certainly maintained and strengthened by the Bush administration.

Can someone who might support Bush please tell me how this is a GOOD thing, since... I have no idea? (And I would really like to know.)

Also, does anyone know when this practise *started* (what administration)?

"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington


6/23/03 09:27 pm - PSA: Politics/US Election

My American friends:

Please visit this site: before you vote next year. :) I haven't looked over the whole site myself, but I received the link from a source whose opinions I value, and share for the most part (and *trust*). As a result? It's biased towards those who do not like Bush, in most probability, but it is most likely the TRUTH (heh).

Most of my american friends will probably not vote for Bush anyhow (I think?!?!?), so why am I posting this? For future reference for myself, and the off chance that someone will see it who has not been informed of why Bush should not be president for another term! And I'm sure my like-minded friends will appreciate the site anyhow. Feel free to let me know if you see anything that stretches the truth, since that is bad.


5/24/03 09:30 pm - [info]xfiles

For anyone on my friends list but not actively watching [info]xfiles this is just a note to let you know that I have started an icon-making contest... for those interested in making some icons to represent the community... please? Mmmmm, X-Files. You know you wanna!


4/23/03 02:20 pm

Happy 6th Birthday Fox, you cute little puppy-dog. :D

awwwww... )


4/2/03 12:59 pm - Blah, bored

So... I'm finished my chemistry lab, minus some tidying up. And... I finished studying for the biology lab quiz, pretty much. I'm going to go over it again once I leave here. I even looked up stuff on the computer that I wasn't sure of (I was leaning on the edge of FUCKITALL, if you know what I mean).

And I am so bored. Oh yeah, I read some of my novel during the middle of all this. I could have gone home, if I wasn't such a cheap bugger ... and if I wasn't so inefficient at home. :P

I just have to do the chemistry tutorial after the quiz, which shouldn't be too bad. It's harder stuff than usual, so maybe it'll take more than an hour! :o One can hope. :P I am getting a veggie pita for dinner. Mmmmm...

Slayers quiz )


3/18/03 11:58 pm - yummy and sleep

Bedtime for meeeeee.

Um. Made the couscous. It looks nummy. It made more than I thought it was gonna be, woohoo!

>:( sleeeeepy.


3/18/03 12:43 am - curious:

Do the candidates in debates wear ear-phone thingies so they can get answers from their speech-writers, or do they have to figure out answers on the spot? You'd think that the best way to determine a candidates worth would be the second way (who knows who they are getting their answers from... are they just a figurehead?) -- but given that bush had an earphone a while back when answering reporter's questions... hmmm I don't know.

And a related question... have other presidents used ear phones when being asked questions?


3/17/03 05:37 pm - Iraq

Well, we have this, at least: "If anything proceeds without further approval from the UN security council, Canada will not participate."

3/13/03 01:18 pm - w00t!

Rock band Tenacious D with new film
POSTED ON 02/13/03 AT 11:00 A.M.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that the band Tenacious D, which comprises of Jack Black ("Shallow Hal") and Kyle Gass, will have their own feature film as a band. The film will be directed by music video helmer Liam Lynch. Black, Gass and Lynch will also write the script, with Black and Gass producing as well.

The story is being kept under wraps, but it is said to be a "creation" story revolving around how the duo became the greatest band on Earth.
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