Below is information about the "Birth Control Questions" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | birthcontrol (504525) |
Name: | Birth Control Questions |
Website: | Please check the FAQs before posting a question. |
About: | This is a community is dedicated to questions and information regarding birth control. You may not find all the answers you need here -- Certain questions should be presented to a doctor.
Call 1-800-230-PLAN to reach the nearest Planned Parenthood health center, and 1-888-NOT-2-LATE for information on where to obtain emergency contraception in your area.
If you don't have a livejournal account or rather not post in the community, I will be more than happy to answer e-mail requests.
The above search feature is only available to paid accounts. If you would like to treat the community to a paid account so everyone may continue to benefit from this feature it would be greatly appreciated.
Simple Rules. I understand that most of us have probably had undesirable side effects and those stories are always welcome, as long as they aren't used as a scare tactic. However...... Rumours have no place here. I do not care about what you've read on the web or heard from a co-worker's brother's cousin's girlfriend. People are much more likely to complain about something rather than praise it. I will not tolerate someone giving advice on a drug they know nothing about.
For more general rules and conduct expected from members, check out this section of the memories: General Rules on Conduct. It's nothing overwhelmingly demanding, just about getting along and being respectful and non-judgmental towards one another.
Before posting a question, check the memories to see if it's already been answered.
Please INCLUDE A TITLE* WITH YOUR POST. You will receive more responses and make archiving memories much easier. This will also be beneficial for new members, as they can read over recent posts to see if their inquiry was already addressed -- Therefore limiting the amount of repeat topics.
*Descriptive titles such as the brand of BC you are posting about, side effects, cost, concerns, etc. "help plz" and "question" are not suitable subject lines.
Keep posts on topic and NO DRAMA. I thought that'd be obvious, but it seems BC may also be affecting some people's common sense.
- ABSOLUTELY NO COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS - Take it to community_promo. The ONLY exception to the rule are contraceptive communities.
This is NOT an "am I pregnant?" community. amipregnant is the appropriate place to ask such questions.
Other communities which may interest you: menstrualhut vaginapagina sexual_health womenhealth endometriosis pcos_journal pcosupport ortho_evra nuva_ring iud_divas seasonale ecp fam
This community is maintained by perplexxi |
Memories: | 937 entries |
Interests: | 150: abortion, abstinence, acne, alesse, amenorrhea, androgen, barrier methods, being responsible, birth control, birth control patch, break-through bleeding, breast feeding, breast tenderness, breastfeeding, cervical caps, child bearing, chlamydia, clinics, conception, condoms, contraceptive foam, contraceptive implants, contraceptive sponge, contraceptives, copper t, cramps, demulen, dental dams, depo, depo-provera, depression, diaphragm, dysmenorrhea, ecp, emergency contraception, endometriosis, essure, estrogen, estrostep, exploring other options, family planning clinics, female condoms, fertility awareness, films, fluid retention, foam, gynecology, hair loss, headaches, home pregnancy tests, hormonal implants, hormonal injections, hormones, implanon, intercourse, intrauterine devices, irregular bleeding, iud, jellies, lactational amenorrhoea, latex condoms, lea barrier, lea shields, levlen, levlite, lng 20, lo/orval, loestrin, lunelle, menorrhagia, menses, menstruation, micronor, migraines, minestrin, mini pills, mini-pill, mircette, mirena, missing pills, morning after pill, natural family planning, non-hormonal birth control, nonoxyl-9, nordette, norplant, nuvaring, ob/gyn, ortho cyclen, ortho evra, ortho tri-cyclen, ortho tri-cyclen lo, ortho-cept, ortho-novum, ovcon, ovrette, ovulation, pap smears, paragard, paragard iud, pcos, pelvic exams, periods, permanent birth control, planned parenthood, pms, polyurethane condoms, pregnancy, pregnancy protection, preven, preventing pregnancy, problems with birth control, progesterone, progestin, protectaid sponge, questions about birth control, reality condom, ru486, safer sex, sex, sexual activity, sexual health, sexuality, sexually active, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections, side effects, spermicides, spotting, stds, sterilization, suppositories, sympto-thermal method, synthetic hormones, the patch, the sponge, tri levlen, triphasil, tubal ligation, vaginal contraceptive film, vaginal ring, vagisil, vasectomy, vcf, water retention, weight gain, withdrawal, women's health, yasmin, zovia. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 2524: View Members . |
Watched by: | 967: 022104, 123ooo4, 20_flight_rock, 2worried, 2xeversosweetx3, 30k177, 3dg04, 6vampirevixen9, 8gusfan, 9824079, _______1982, ___convictions, ___insolence, __siberian_kiss, __tigerlily_, _aithne_, _bachelorette, _bitchcake, _bubblebath_, _burn_, _cheapthrill_, _cheeetos_, _colleen_, _digitalwraith_, _emonkey, _eurydice_, _forgetmenot, _frantic_peace, _itsbeenawhile_, _jessicology, _lady_samantha_, _lasting_moment, _lindz, _lizardking, _memorable, _minx, _nicolai_, _nosensitivity_, _pinktarantulas, _planetexpress_, _preciousheart, _rach3l_23, _rubber_duckie_, _runawayrun, _snowbear_, _staticnoise, _streetlights, _sugarxbaby_, _tinydancer_, _tobeblessed, _vivalabam4me_, _wetwetwet, _xoadore, _younglust, a_bad_star, a_fond_farewell, a_stolen_kiss, abbyinstereo, abrient, abstinence, acidicstar, adifferentblue, affective, agata, agentbunny, ahopefuldreamer, aimeecapper, ajmgirlloveife, alacritoustryst, alexisgirl, alikat42, alivecomic, alli3k, allisexxy, allureucantdeny, almost_there816, alonewestand, always_a_marine, amancla, amber02, amiko_girl, amnerisryn, amusiciansdream, anaconna, anaidea, ang3l_suicid3, angel_legna, angelbelial, angelxtc78, anitsisqua, anonranter, anonymouslyred, anthrochica, antigravity87, apethecarnie, apossibility, arachnida, arachnidlove, ashburke, ashersimeon, ashes_2_stars, ashleyyy_, ashy, askandrew, aspenwall, atanvarneroquen, auralan, autumnlost, avalanche_, awaywithw0rds, awful_mess, awwfuckson, azn_sensation, badlittleneko, badmamajamad, ballwhore, bandaidseatme, bareftinthesnow, bat_dream_baby, beachbabe16, beat_me, becomingsofia, bedroom_dancer, beeswax, belladonna98, bellapoison, below_the_belt, bethany2005, bicardigurl, bichika, bitpsych, bitter_pill77, bittersweeti, bl00dyvalentine, black_paws13, blackemerald, blankreflection, blazzincutie, bleedmyromance, blindlavender, blue_eyes58, bluemel4, blushingflower, boomerang_flash, botticellian, bowchicawow, brazenredhead, breakmyfallxx, breastfeeder, breezefromwest, ... |
Member of: | 3: paidmembers, sexualadvice, tubal_ligation |
Account type: | Free Account |