Below is user information for What I feel has come and gone before. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | jette (366114) |
| My Life in the Sunshine An Autohagiography |
Name: | What I feel has come and gone before |
Website: | Pictures |
Location: | where the men are men and the women need a sense of humor, California, United States |
Birthdate: | 1964-09-08 |
AOL IM: | JetteSwan (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Bio: | Addicted to love.
I mod big_kids, among others. |
Memories: | 83 entries |
Pictures: | 80 public |
Interests: | 31: my ability to cook-nice, my adidas, my bad procrastination habit, my black sheep family, my donkey won't go, my drug-of-choice love, my dyspraxic disorder, my efriends, my fits of angst, my friends over-for-board-games, my hearth and home, my house, my house music, my kitchen aid, my little underground, my living room window, my love-for-the-bass, my mp3 collection, my neighborhood, my occasional urge to-booze-up-and-riot, my prescription bottles, my rent controlled hovel, my soft smooth skin, my strong smart husband, my suiticle, my three sons, my ubiquitous digital camera, my very hot girlfriend, my well-stocked liquor cabinet, my world, you only live innit. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 130: | amarama, amazondyve, ambientfusion, annarama, ataraxis4ever, audiocrab, autodidactic, barrymcackiner, beeudoublez, buz, cassini_saturn, cdpoint, chinaski, chinnamasta, chochinmidori, chrissmari, ciarafribble, commonnovelist, commonreader, cosmicserpent, crazyrants, denshi, digitalshepherd, djorigami, ellipse, emmabovary, far_gone, fascist_boy, fei_hong, felicks, freakyfunkmonky, ghost2501, gordonzola, hamadelica, harry711, helloreplace, herbaliser, herrdoktor, hokulani, hotcoco, hotcrab, hubbletelescope, i_dread, illian, insertpizhere, jchack, jette, jokerwonga, jonasrobledo, jonathanbenari, joshdee, juusan, kw34hd1, laserface, lechatron, lesbian_ninja, lexical_closure, lickypants, liltitsrock, littleetoile, lofi_thriller, lofigirl, lostandfoundher, lyricaltone, mattholland, mia_d, mikebee, milkyscarabs, minusbaby, minusmoney, misspick, moonchyld1, mrmustard, muffybolding, mutor, my_pet_monster, navysatan, newboro, nicononstop, nshgrl, nyssimi, osby, passageway, passenger86, persefonilefae, piedpiper, plasticrapping, r2w, radhegovinda, ragga_muffin, rekindle, renjamin, riniishuuma, sarilion, science_vixen, scosol, selene77, shesamonster, sholanda, silverlove, skyvillain, slutbunwalla, smushy, sporkly, stacegirl, supa, swaz, sweetandlow, tecknomania, tennille, thesalivasurfer, thesenorita, toyinblood, trixiefirecat, unwoman, velluxuous, vidamor, vmoney, voyager_at_90au, voyagerprobe, vrksa, wasabininja, with_gusto, wonderponder, wordsiwrite, wrongguy, x09, xaotica, xaotica_fotos, yesthat1justin | | 37: | 33_overs, bardrinks, big_kids, boondocks_comic, cafe_sf, cocktalk, dep_parents, everyday_people, featureannounce, finland, foodpics, futurecity, herasdaughters, klutzychicks, lj_biz, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, macro_pics, mother_less, my_adidas, nationalparks, news, petfree, picturing_food, pro_scurvy, public_health, sf_muni, slanguaphiles, sneaker_pimps, soulseek, streetphoto, teh_winnars, thedamagedgoods, urban_decay, validate_me, walgreens, wordoftheday | | 11: | 1justin_rss, apod, gywo_rss, hiphopnews, ljd2, scosol_rss, snopesrecentadd, spamusement, twopfeed, x736e65616b, xtrinity |
Mutual Friends: | 118: amarama, amazondyve, ambientfusion, annarama, ataraxis4ever, audiocrab, autodidactic, barrymcackiner, beeudoublez, buz, cassini_saturn, cdpoint, chinaski, chinnamasta, chochinmidori, chrissmari, ciarafribble, commonreader, cosmicserpent, crazyrants, denshi, digitalshepherd, djorigami, ellipse, emmabovary, far_gone, fascist_boy, fei_hong, felicks, freakyfunkmonky, ghost2501, gordonzola, hamadelica, harry711, helloreplace, herbaliser, herrdoktor, hokulani, hotcoco, hotcrab, i_dread, illian, insertpizhere, jchack, jette, jokerwonga, jonasrobledo, jonathanbenari, joshdee, juusan, kw34hd1, laserface, lechatron, lesbian_ninja, lexical_closure, lickypants, liltitsrock, littleetoile, lofi_thriller, lostandfoundher, lyricaltone, mattholland, mia_d, mikebee, milkyscarabs, minusbaby, misspick, moonchyld1, muffybolding, mutor, newboro, nicononstop, nshgrl, nyssimi, osby, passageway, passenger86, persefonilefae, piedpiper, plasticrapping, r2w, radhegovinda, ragga_muffin, rekindle, renjamin, riniishuuma, science_vixen, scosol, selene77, shesamonster, sholanda, silverlove, skyvillain, slutbunwalla, smushy, sporkly, stacegirl, supa, swaz, sweetandlow, tecknomania, tennille, thesalivasurfer, thesenorita, trixiefirecat, unwoman, velluxuous, vmoney, vrksa, wasabininja, with_gusto, wonderponder, wordsiwrite, wrongguy, x09, xaotica, xaotica_fotos, yesthat1justin |
Also Friend of: | 45: 00_passage, 1bustin, _eye_added_yuo_, a_bag_of_sand, afrojustin, agent139, airborne1, babzen, cepcion, cheesedip, crasch, d4b, daoistraver, deadslug, destinyawakened, digitalshephed, dildobucket, dragonflylover, ericaceous, fumblingwisdom, iamnotacoolguy, ichijustin, in_a_fog, infinite_chaos, intuitivemotion, kimmyxgibbler, labrujah, leraje, miracle7077, nafsdiwan, niggerkojak, nuyoricanwiz, oedipa_maas, opportunitygrrl, pimpachu, scannerfunk, slit, spiritrover, sunshine__girl, tahari, theslut, trample_antis, unjxtapsd, xanadumalion, zio_tom |
Member of: | 126: 2ndgeneration, 33_overs, _inspiration_, _scientists_, aging_hipster, altcomix, altparent, angst_free, anti_vegan, antipeta, apologetics, bayarea, beg_pardon, big_kids, blackfolk, blog_sociology, boondocks_comic, breaksjunkies, brutal_honesty, budget_bdsm, bustingout, cafe_sf, chicken_recipes, cocktalk, community_promo, community_quest, community_store, communitywhore, cooking, curlyhair, deephouse, demf, dep_parents, drivingimpaired, electronic_love, electrophilic, employedparents, etiquette_lj, everyday_people, excessjunk, finland, fivehiphoparts, flowerphotos, flyladies, flylady, foodpics, fotobilder_user, futurecity, gender_petition, genepool, gifwars, gods_and_heroes, grammarpolice, greeting_cards, herasdaughters, hip_domestics, hott_fatt_boys, housesnobs, i_love, idm, internetcourt, jungle_dnb, klutzychicks, libraries, lj_biz, lj_nifty, ljdrunkdial, loverockets, lowcarbflavor, lushes_r_us, macro_pics, maintainers, metaquotes, microliving, migraines, momlessdaughter, moneychangers, mother_less, my_adidas, nationalparks, natl_geo_boobs, no_doi, nordiccountries, ntpersonality, onlychild, opera, orkut, paidmembers, parenting, petfree, picturing_food, poly_grrls, postqueer, pro_scurvy, prochoice_jesus, public_health, quizfreeks, riotsoundz, sanfrancisco, sf_industrial, sf_muni, sfbayarea, sfpoly, sfraves, sfrivethead, sip, slanguaphiles, sneaker_pimps, sos_usa, soulseek, southbeachdiet, sprm_b, streetphoto, stupidaddiction, suburbanitis, syn_promo, team_swan, teh_winnars, thedamagedgoods, urban_decay, validate_me, vinyljunkie, walgreens, welikepills, wordoftheday, worldpolitics |
Account type: | Permanent Account |