About: | I've recently gotten into crock-pot cooking. I post a lot of recipes in my journal and thought this would be a better way for us to share recipes, ideas, questions, hints, tips, etc.
If you know of some good crock-pot recipe sites, feel free to post those links as well.
Community maintained by suz and co-maintained by shanin and grrrangel. |
Watched by: | 558: _a_cheshire_cat, _brandi_smith, _marginalia_, _starlet_, a_wags, abitaturbocat, aerostatic, agua_clara, ahobbitmusing, aimeegomeow, alachicky, alero, alice_bunnie, aliki, alison_says, allmyvoices, almjbs, amary, ambulancegirl82, amnormand, amyth71, anaxaganous, andycandy3, angeliis, angelsmom, angielove, anisoptera, arrien, asciident, ashmere, atheenah, atlkmo, aureth, autumngrrl, avitania, azureblueeyes, baby_architect, barkis, bayushi, beachlvr, beckmermaid, beckyaya, bekkio, belladonna, betty_bites, bitsybooboo, blackjackrocket, blessedmess, bliss279, blither, blondiebegood76, blueinatl, bluestocking7, boofyjo, brazen, bridgelene, broken_gizmo, brokenheather, bronxelf_ag001, bruiseblue, cactus_jess, calienteyfria, callistra, canuckgirl, carebearc, carebearssparky, caristy, carouselrose, catndhat, ccah, cerealgirl, cherripop212, chickenvaldez, cindysewsew, clipdude, closertofine, coflower, conscience, cordelya, crafterson, crayolaab, crispygoth, critus, crookshanks, cuddly_katie, curliegirlie71, cwjennifer, daltong, dance_n_queen, darthneko, dawnmarie, daymented, de_lish, decasia, decemberjuliet, delores, destabee, devina, dilatedpupils, disneydeva, divajess, doctor_mama, domichan, dopest__bitch, drewberry4, drottningen, drunkenatheist, dstroy, earlylight, ectv, elementa, elfwench, elgoose, elisel1383, elizabitch3000, elynross, emame, emmsteroni, entj, entropybabe, erian, ericaceous, erinkathleen, fairiesdust, fandangogirl, fat_momma, fatfemme, femi, fezabel, fiorebrilliante, fioretti, fireheart1975, firesign3000, flushedphoenix, folkgirl, forever_sumer, foxfyre, freaky_kittie, freebyrd1979, fringebenefits, frog, froglegs, gavins_mom, geek_mentality, geekjul, gemfyre, genderfur, gentlemadeleine, georgelicious, gervasius, ... |