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User: [info]myndsweep
Name: Jovynn
Website: Pagan Atlanta
Back November 2004
Something here..
Continuity, whatwhat?
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Poll results thus far
Here are the poll results thus far, for this poll. Please go and fill it out if you haven't already :)

Intriguing results though, thank you very much, all of you who have answered.

Please remember with these answers that I made the possible answers check boxes, so people could choose more than one. Thus, the replies will not equal 100%. Also note that this is with 11 replies, so 9% equals 1 person.

18% of you prefer very skinny women.
91% prefer women who are fit, with curves.
72% prefer women who are healthy, but have a bit of a stomach.
18% prefer very curvy women


what matters to you, physically:

91% each for the way she presents herself, and her face.

72% say hair
64% each for ass and way of dressing
45% each for stomach, legs, and breasts
and only 9% care about nails


you pay attention to:

if she is not-so-smart - 90%
hair - 82%
breasts position on the chest - 54%
if legs touch in the middle, a little bit of stomach, feet, birthmarks, etc., ears and size of nose - only one person cared at all.


other things you mentioned:

personal hygiene / grooming: 27% of you responded via text that this was important.

18% of you said proportion is important, and 18% said that bad teeth are a turn off.

smelly, confidence, bad breath and large thighs got 9% each.

I must say that I'm regaining just a little bit of confidence in my fellow humans. :)
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About women and the feminine truth
In a society where we are completely surrounded by images of women with zero body fat and perfect golden locks, many women believe that they are unattractive or undesirable because they don't look like the women they see on TV. I have a theory that I'd like to test. I believe that women judge themselves far more harshly than do the people that look at them (being bisexual females AND males).

What I am asking you to do is fill this out, and them give me some elaboration in the text boxes. Don't give me the standard, "It depends on the woman" thing, or the "I never judge a person on looks alone" thing, b/c it's all bullshit. Give me the straight truth about how you would judge a woman.. someone you've never met, who is walking through the mall or down the street, and you pass her and look at her. Tell me what would instantly make you say, "Nope, not for me," or "What a freakin' hottie!!"

Thanks for your help with this. I'm looking for answers from women AND men, but only if you are sexually attracted to women. Oh, and I have left this public, so if you want to send people here to fill out the poll, you're welcome to do so. I'll post the results, sans names, in the next couple of days.

Poll #387157 Feminine truth
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Do you like:

View Answers

very skinny ladies
6 (21.4%) 6 (21.4%)

ladies who are fit, but still have a little bit of curve
22 (78.6%) 22 (78.6%)

ladies who are in pretty good shape, but still have a little bit of a stomach
22 (78.6%) 22 (78.6%)

ladies who have lots of curves
9 (32.1%) 9 (32.1%)

Which of these things actually go into your judgment of the physical appearance of a woman?

View Answers

20 (71.4%) 20 (71.4%)

5 (17.9%) 5 (17.9%)

11 (39.3%) 11 (39.3%)

18 (64.3%) 18 (64.3%)

7 (25.0%) 7 (25.0%)

11 (39.3%) 11 (39.3%)

24 (85.7%) 24 (85.7%)

way of dressing
17 (60.7%) 17 (60.7%)

way she presents herself (confidence versus being really shy, etc)
25 (89.3%) 25 (89.3%)

other (what really turns you on, or really turns you off?)
6 (21.4%) 6 (21.4%)

Do you actually pay attention to:

View Answers

21 (75.0%) 21 (75.0%)

If a girl's legs touch in the middle
1 (3.6%) 1 (3.6%)

If a girl has a little bit of a stomach
2 (7.1%) 2 (7.1%)

If the girl is really not so smart
26 (92.9%) 26 (92.9%)

Where the girl's breasts are actually positioned on their chest
10 (35.7%) 10 (35.7%)

3 (10.7%) 3 (10.7%)

birthmarks or other very small abnormalities
2 (7.1%) 2 (7.1%)

2 (7.1%) 2 (7.1%)

how big someone's nose is
5 (17.9%) 5 (17.9%)

Please elaborate on the options above. What really turns you off? What makes you definitely veto a woman, purely based on looks?

More space for text responses... continue from above, or tell me what you expect a woman to look like, for her to be appealing to you..

Even more space for text responses, if you need it

Current Mood: curious

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Birthday body modification fund
This is [info]justcallmeacorn, temporarily usurping Rebecca's LJ.

As you know, her birthday is coming up. One of the things she REALLY wants is additional tattoos and/or piercings. She is even interested in having folks come with her to witness the events.

So, if you're at a loss for what to get her for her birthday, or just wanted to contribute to a good cause. Click the 'donate' button below. I will include everyone's name in a card with the money collected.

If you don't have access to paypal, I can collect the money directly.

If you have questions, please contact me directly at acorn @ geoeclectic.com
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ATLANTA - Gay-rights supporters sued over Georgia's newly approved constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, saying Tuesday the wording did not make it clear that voters were also being asked to ban civil unions.

The plaintiffs — including two Democratic state legislators and a University of Georgia law professor — argued that the amendment, passed overwhelmingly on Nov. 2, should be thrown out.

On Monday, Republican members of the state House vowed to fight the expected lawsuit.

"We will take all actions necessary to defend the decision of the people and will not look kindly upon any tampering with our state constitution," said Rep. Glenn Richardson.

The plaintiffs had previously tried to block the vote on the same grounds — that it was misleading — but the state Supreme Court decided it could not intervene until a vote had been taken.

Georgia was one of 11 states that approved amendments against gay marriage last week. A lawsuit has already been filed in another one of those states, Oklahoma.
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Go read this!!

drinking styles by sign
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add her!
If you don't already read [info]scarletdemon's journal, you need to go and add her. She's awesome, and tomorrow is her 1 year anniversary on LJ. Go add her!!
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EDIT: YO, I don't care whose name you click next to in the little voting booth people. I don't care what your take on the world is, or what actual things you vote on. This isn't about that, it's simply about taking your silly asses to the polls today and casting your votes based on whatever it is that compels you to do so. This post was about VOTING, not about ISSUES. I gave some examples of things, so people would have an idea about what their vote might influence or effect.

Very little makes me more edgy than people and their lackadaisical attitude toward voting. So here are the reasons, complete with research, why YOU should vote.

1. There is not a single person in this country that is not affected by the policies that are chosen and enacted by the people in government positions. You may not *do* politics, but politics does you, so to speak.

· Do you like being able to say anything you want, any time you want, without the threat of being punished for your words? Do you like your medical records to be private? Do you assume that your phone conversations are private?

- Perhaps you should check out the Patriot Act.

· Do you have an opinion about abortion?

· Do you have an opinion about gay marriage?

· Do you have an opinion about religion/the separation of church and state/display of the 10 Commandments or various other religious paraphernalia in courthouses and public facilities?

- This election could be step one toward the reversal of Roe versus Wade, because the president that wins will be allowed to choose several new Supreme Court Justices. These are the people that make determinations about whether or not a particular law is Constitutional. This will affect anyone who challenges any kind of state law, workplace rule, federal law, etc. It takes challenges to these laws to shape the future. The number of Justices that are likely to be replaced by the president-elect is significant in that they will either be liberal or conservative. Your next President decides this.

Say you're in a job where you aren't "out" as gay or pagan or polyamorous. Or say you are pregnant, and you're about to go on maternity leave. Your boss makes you pray to the Christian God at a meeting, and fires you b/c you refuse. He or she fires you because you are gay, or because you have two women you go home to, rather than one. He or she treats you differently than all the rest of the employees because you are pregnant out of wedlock.

Court cases happen all the time concerning issues just like this. And these very court cases can make it to the Supreme Court. Every single decision that Court makes determines the future of this country. Your next President decides who is going to be making these decisions. Your next Congress decides if they agree with that decision.

You may not have a direct decision about who sits on that panel of Justices. But you do have a direct decision about who decides who sits on that panel.

· Have a friend in Iraq? Do you have a male friend between the ages of 18 and 30?

- You might want to consider the rumors of the draft being reinstated. This is a choice that is suggested by the President, and decided upon by the Congress. The Selective Service is still an active part of the Executive Branch of our government. It was never dismantled.

- HERE is a list of every American casualty from the war in Iraq. Will your friend be next?

2. “My one single vote is insignificant, and does not really count anyway.”

· If every single one of us decided that our votes didn’t really count, we would no longer have a democratic government. We’d have a dictatorship. Sure, you’re probably right that, in the national election, your one single vote isn’t going to change the outcome of the election. But that plus the votes of 5,000 of your closest buddies changed the outcome of the 2000 election.

HOWEVER, there is at least one major key referendum on the ballot: GAY MARRIAGE. Your one vote really could make a difference in this matter.

· Besides, here are some reasons why every single vote counts in a representative government.

Now, I challenge you to
go and vote

. If you are still not convinced about why you should, ask me in comments, and I will tell you why you, as an individual, should go and vote. I will give you $20 if I can’t give you one very strong reason why YOU should vote.

Go vote.
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Happy Birthday to my favorite Leeannabanana!!

Be sure to check out my LJ later today for my New Orleans gift to her! :) :)

Love you!!!!
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Get Out the Vote
Give me a break.

Student Get-Out-The-Vote Drive Halted )
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Congrats to the RED SOX!!!!!!

(If Atlanta can't win it, we may as well go for a team that truly deserves it!)
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Let's go BoSox ::clap clap clapclapclap:: Let's go BoSox ::clap clap clapclapclap::
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Happy Birthday to [info]dv8dgrrl and [info]lubedpumpkin!
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It is not okay when an attorney looks at you and says, "You can do anything to that (very important legal) document you want. You can even change how things are said in there, if you want to. See ya later!"
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Regarding the VP debate tonight, we're canceling the viewing party that we tentatively scheduled. We have entirely too much to do for the kitchen and for our own packing for Fall Fling, and tonight's the only night we have to do all that stuff. Sorry y'all!
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lazy as the day is long
I'm completely 100% lazy right now. I don't know why I'm feeling so damn lazy today, but I've been this way pretty much all day long. I really would be fine just curling up and reading myself to sleep right now.


Instead, I'm going to go downstairs, start some laundry, make some kind of something involving potatoes and spices, and probably clean something. Right. Let's see how long this lasts.
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Retarded things you can do with your live journal
Like this:


Oh yes, it's a panda.

Courtesy of [info]lubedpumpkin, who I believe had to have traced the link to Here.
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For those of you in Atlanta
We're under a tornado watch until 9pm. Please be cautious and take care of yourselves.
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Someone broke in my car in the middle of the night, and stole my purse.

I've spent the morning cancelling things. talking to the insurance guy, and having my dad be a complete dick to me about it.