Twisted Spinster


This day we fight

Filed under: Frodo lives!, The Good Fight — Andrea Harris @ 2:26 pm

Well here’s a revelation that will stun you: count me in with the Tolkien/Bush retro-redstate world. Oh – and just as a side note – why are we supposed to be so upset that no WMDs were (apparently) found in Iraq? Shouldn’t the worldwide response to this be a sigh of relief? Wasn’t the whole point of the invasion of Iraq to prevent that country from becoming another North Korea? (Hey, what can I say, I actually read the transcript of the president’s speech instead of the inaccurate report of its content that the pro-news creatures chose to present.) Saying that we should be “sorry” that no WMDs were found is kind of like saying it’s too bad Sauron didn’t actually get his hands on his Ring.

Greetings from the Tomb

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 10:39 am

Well, that was fun.

Tuesday I felt kind of that cold thing coming on, a little scratchy throat, a little tired; but no big whoop, and by the time I got home and got a nice hot shower I felt much better. I even snorted up a big old bunch of sinus crud, which is my body’s usual way of saying “okay, you win, I’ve cleaned out the trash.” Shyeah right – at about three in the morning the high fever and body aches – like someone had been going over me from head to toe with a lead pipe – woke me up.

I missed three days of work I could ill-afford. Oh, and I didn’t have the phone turned on yet, so I had to take my fevered, aching body over to the manager’s office and borrow their phone so I could call the office. And it turned out the wires here were screwed up anyway, so the Sprint man had to come out yesterday and rewire things. (No charge to me, fortunately.) But at least I don’t have to worry about getting the flu this season… I know it was the flu, even though I haven’t had this bad a bout since I was in high school.

Anyway, that’s why I haven’t had anything to say for the past three days, even from work. (No cable until – maybe – Monday. I’m using a dial-up connection now, and the Slow, Old computer that has a modem.) But I’m better, for now anyway.

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