October 25, 2004

Dean Esmay, aliens, bioduplication, nude conspiracy....

...oh my G*d, Lyndon LaRouche was right!!!***

As both Professor Chaos and Bill Dauterive can attest, I came this close to punching a few LaRouchies in the face back in the day. I suggest Dean Esmay ought to do the same. Eric at Classical Values has a few thoughts too.

Posted by Dr. Rusty Shackleford at October 25, 2004 02:12 PM | TrackBack | Blogroll mypetjawa!

Me: Dude, what's up?
Rusty: Not much. I almost got in a fight right now.
Me: With who?
Rusty: The people at the LaRouche table.
Me: Why?
Rusty: Because I told them they were Nazis.
Me: Sweet.
Dauterive: Super Sweet.
Rusty: Seriously.

Posted by: Leopold Stotch at October 25, 2004 06:49 PM

Why, I can remember back when Lyndon LaRouche ran a Communist organization called the NCLC (National Caucus of Labor Committees). Ah nostalgia!

BTW, there's more Neiwert stuff here and here.
Thanks for the link!

Posted by: Eric Scheie at October 28, 2004 09:03 PM

How apt that you should be advocating violence towards people who disagree with you.

Posted by: antifascist at October 31, 2004 11:51 PM
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