Dave Downs
Links GameDev / Hull DCS Forum / Penny Arcade / My game October 2004
Sunday, October 10th, 2004 12:30 am
Playing with DirectInput

Action mapping...hmm, grr...arg.

Apparently DIAXIS_FPS_ROTATE and DIAXIS_FPS_LOOKUPDOWN are not mapped to mouse x and mouse y. I have yet to find a (good) FPS game that doesn't use the mouse for looking so why are they by default MAPPED TO MY GAMEPAD!? Also, why, when I compile on a machine without a gamepad attached are they seemingly mapped to NOTHING!?

Annoying much?

Current Mood: annoyed

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 09:38 pm
m00 (for a change of pace)

T'would appear that some time in August I temporarily lost my mind. I've been sat here wondering why Play haven't sent me an email confirming that my pre-order for Fable has been dispatched (release, this Friday). Checking my Play account I've just found out that I cancelled my pre-order in August. So I've had to re-order it, but probably won't get it until Saturday or Monday : (

In other news, SG1 started again last night. But I didn't know, so I missed the first episode. Thankfully I think it was repeated tonight.

To make up for that the Dark Gods smiled upon me (more or less) and I smote Rocco's Nurgle Marines at WARPS >: D

Current Mood: okay

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Monday, October 4th, 2004 02:05 am

The first draft of my initial report is now done. Thankfully.

The language is awful. It's 2am though, so I stopped caring about 4 hours ago.

Oh, and my printer just ran out of black ink, luckily it just about got the last page off. I'll have to reprint it before I hand it in, but it's only the first draft so chances are there'll be changes yet...

Sleep now.

Current Mood: tired

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Sunday, October 3rd, 2004 07:26 pm

I'm bored of trying to write this stoopid Initial Report thing for my project. I've got an outline of stuff I need to do or look into, but I need to write about things like "significant aspects of relevant background" which "will be clearly but consisely outlined, with formal references made to sources of information listed in the Bibliography".

It is silliness personified.

Current Mood: aggravated

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Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 12:27 pm
Busy night

De-lovely was this week's Friday night afternoon film. It was okay, nothing particularly spectacular, but nothing rubbish either. We had a quick drop-in at her house for something to eat then it was out again to go see Vampires Rock at Hull New Theatre. That was better. It was fairly funny, mainly due to an ample helping of Hull jokes and audience...ah...participation, and the music and singing was great. It seemed to drop in quality slightly, and become more of a Meatloaf medley than rock show, in the second half, but it was still good fun and I think they tried to make up for it by getting everyone up on their feet clapping and singing along. Was good.

That finised just after 10pm, so I took Jeanne home then headed off to the 11pm showing of The Punisher at UGC. I'd have prefered to go at a sensible time, but it seems last week was the only week it was showing at sensible times and last night and tonight are set to be the last two showings of it in Hull. So 11pm it was. Got there 20 mins early so I had to stand around waiting in the foyer (not on my list of "fun things to do at 11pm in Hull", but still). The film itself was okay, worth going to see, but perhaps not so late.

Today will be less fun, with packing ebay items up for postage and work. Blah : )

Current Mood: blank

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Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 08:00 pm
A non-blah post

I just got an email off someone I used to go to school with, and hadn't heard from for 6 years.

She just joined up to friends reunited, saw me on there and got in touch.

So there you go, a non-blah post : p

Current Mood: blah

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Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 10:41 pm
In response to today

It's been said that there's too many blah posts being posted on my journal and not enough happy posts.
So if you just wait for a moment I'll think of something good that's happened that I'll post about...



won't be long now...



you'd best go get a drink or something...

Current Mood: tired

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Sunday, September 26th, 2004 10:23 pm

Current Mood: blah

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Sunday, September 26th, 2004 03:17 pm

I should do some work on my project.

::procrastinates some more::

Current Mood: procrastinatory

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Sunday, September 26th, 2004 10:25 am

Dawn of War arrived yesterday, but with the Morrowinding and the work I've not had a chance to even install it yet. Plus today I plan on working on my FYP for most of the day, so chances are it won't get played today either. Tomorrow though should be a different thing altogether.

Memeage )

Current Mood: awake

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Friday, September 24th, 2004 02:21 pm
Something of a surprise

I just saw Kat at university.

We were stood at the cash machines, the blonde girl using the other machine was saying hi to me and it turned out to be Kat. I was rather shocked at seeing her here so I think I came across as a bit...lost for things to say. Turns out she's doing Spanish & Italian here (the degree she was doing at UKC) and has got direct entry into either the second or third year.

It was a good surprise anyway.

Current Mood: surprised

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Monday, September 13th, 2004 10:21 pm
More Morrowind

I'm now coming up on 20k gold (having spent probably another 10k+ on top of that in bribes, training, lockpicks and potions) and I've just...ah...liberated most of a suit of glass armour. Which is nice. Can't kill stuff so well with this character though, I seem to have trouble hitting things.

Back to running missions.

Current Mood: blah

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Sunday, September 12th, 2004 02:22 pm

Fable supposedly comes out in the US next week. Given that I've been waiting for it for a while, do I order it from DVD Soon with the bonus of it'll still be £5 cheaper than the UK version after tax and stuff's been added, or do I wait until it comes out here next month because I've just started Morrowind again?

Current Mood: contemplative

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Thursday, September 9th, 2004 07:50 pm
Lits of things to do

  1. Break a man's spirit - Done

Ahh how I love forums.

Current Mood: amused

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Sunday, September 5th, 2004 01:33 am

Apparently [info]lk's trying to matchmake. She seems to think she can set me up with her sister and failing that, two other girls she refuses to name.

Not exactly something I'm used to and, well, makes me wonder what she's upto really. And why.

Current Mood: pensive

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Monday, August 30th, 2004 12:07 pm
Name your favourite film of the actor provided.

+ Tom Hanks - Saving Private Ryan
+ Jim Carrey - Ace Ventura
+ Tobey Maguire - Spider-man 2
+ Mel Gibson - Lethal Weapon 4
+ Ben Affleck - Chasing Amy
+ Nicole Kidman - Cold Mountain
+ Liv Tyler - LotR: Fellowship of the Ring
+ Harrison Ford - Star Wars Episode VI
+ Natalie Portman - Star Wars Episode II
+ Ewan McGregor - Star Wars Episode II
+ Edward Norton - Fight Club
+ Angelina Jolie - Gone in 60 seconds
+ Julia Roberts - Ocean's Eleven
+ Renee Zellweger - Bridget Jones's Diary
+ Johnny Depp - Secret Window
+ Sean Penn - None
+ Will Smith - I, Robot
+ Meg Ryan - Top Gun
+ Catherine Zeta-Jones - The Mask of Zorro
+ Sandra Bullock - Demolition Man
+ Gwyneth Paltrow - Seven
+ Brad Pitt - Interview with the Vampire
+ Keanu Reeves - The Matrix
+ Cameron Diaz - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
+ Christina Ricci - Sleepy Hollow
+ Drew Barrymore - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
+ Kate Hudson - Almost Famous
+ Marilyn Monroe - None
+ Adam Sandler - 50 First Dates
+ Robin Williams - Mrs Doubtfire
+ Arnold Schwarzenegger - Total Recall
+ Bruce Willis - Twelve Monkeys
+ Eddie Murphy - Beverly Hills Cop
+ Morgan Freeman - Seven
+ Sigourney Weaver - Aliens
+ George Clooney - Ocean's 11
+ Julia Stiles - 10 Things I Hate About You
+ Jodie Foster - The Silence of the Lambs
+ Sean Connery - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
+ Christian Slater - Interview with the Vampire
+ Julianne Moore - Evolution
+ Michael Pitt - The Village
+ Uma Thurman - Gattaca
+ Ethan Hawke - Gattaca

Some of those I've only seen in the movie listed, others I needed the help of imdb to decide...

Current Mood: blah

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Wednesday, August 11th, 2004 11:22 am
Damn you Karoo, damn your eyeballs!!!

For the second day in a row Karoo's attempt at providing internet access is, well, shoddy.

Some pages work fine, some only load partially, some don't load pictures, some load only the top or bottom half of pictures, etc, etc, etc, etc...

It makes it very hard to list things on ebay.

Current Mood: aggravated

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Monday, August 9th, 2004 08:33 pm
Email from Game

"We are pleased to advise that we are now in the process of fulfilling the above order for 'Doom 3' due for U.K. release on 13-Aug-2004.

Your order will be dispatched to you via your chosen method of shipping and will be with you shortly."

w00! : D

Current Mood: okay

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Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004 10:32 am
Dawn of War

Sometime over the last couple of months Gamespy announced they'd be making the beta version of Dawn of War available to a select few subscribers, all you had to do was tell them you were interested and you stood a chance of getting a code. I'm not a paid subscribed, but I sent them a mail anyway, on the off-chance that they'd send me a code.

They announced a few weeks ago that the beta session had begun and you could download and use the client with the key that had been sent out. I had no key so assumed that was it. Until today when one was waiting for me in my inbox. So, erm, yay! : D

Current Mood: okay

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Thursday, July 29th, 2004 06:51 pm

I could probably do with a book on shaders. I tried looking in Waterstones in town today but they didn't have one (so I got Order of the Phoenix in paperback - at last - and a copy of GTA Double Pack from Game). I might have a wander into uni tomorrow afternoon, see if the Waterstones there is open has one.

As people who read what I write on theSpoke know, DirectX annoys me.

Oh and the 9th Gates was quite good. "Hunt for Red October"'s on tonight too : )

Last Samurai still sucks : D

Current Mood: blah

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