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LiveJournal for Erinin.

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Monday, May 24th, 2004

Subject:Friends Only :D
Time:11:17 pm
Mood: happy
Music:The Faint - Violent

Friends only now, since I have been pretty much since... December? ^^;; and figured I should make it "official" or whatever. So yeah.

I made a journal for public entries, [info]scheric. Its main purpose is so my parents and friends from high school and college can read about me without having to get an LJ, especially since I'm going to Western in the fall, but feel free to add that if you don't want [info]kurai on your list anymore, but still want to read some of my stuff (the entries there will be shorter, etc., though not as frequent) or whatever. :D; I'll read the friends list there (seeing that part of the reason I'm doing this is to trim down [info]kurai's list a little, since I don't know how much time I'll have to do things in college), but not every day.

For new people... all I really ask is that you read my userinfo. People already added don't need to comment or anything, all you really need to do is let me know (comment here or there, whatever) if you want to switch to [info]scheric rather than keeping [info]kurai on your list, if that's the case.

I'm not going to change the security of the entries already here because (a) that would be a huge pain in the ass, and (b) I don't feel like it. XD; So what's public is going to stay that way. XD;

I guess that's about it. :D I'll probably edit this in the future~

10 heroes + this word you'll never know

Time:6:34 pm
Mood: happy
Music:LiveonRelease - Paranoid
Molly, I got your package today!! :D That makes me happy XD; that and Steph's doomed Scheric chibi XDDDDDD That made my DAY XD; But yeah! I don't HAVE it yet but Cait and Chris do, so yay!! :D Thank you so much! <3

In other news, I'm thinking of making this journal friends only and making a public one for my parents/friends from college without LJs, etc., like I was talking to Molly about last night... and I wouldn't read the friends page every day but I would still read it. So I'll post publicly again when I actually make that, etc. But now Cait and Chris are coming to get me! So yay! :D

I'll post again later... ^^;;;;;

28 more days :DDDDDDDD
this word you'll never know

Wednesday, May 19th, 2004

Time:9:59 pm
Mood: :<
................what the hell kind of ending was that?

Oh, that's right, the WAY TOO RUSHED KIND.

6 heroes + this word you'll never know

Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

Subject:... :O
Time:8:05 pm
Mood: okay
Music:'Colonial House' on TV. o_o;

AHHH I'm on summer vacation!!!! :D


And... note to laptop: Stop making scary loud cracking noises. You're scaring me. (I really hope it isn't breaking again. >>;)

I almost smashed the bathroom mirror today. T___T I'm so stupid. But I bumped it and it fell toward the sharp wooden thing beside it and I panicked and got my knee in there before it hit it but @____@ I can't wait until the mirror is back up on the WALL and not leaning against stuff on the floor. x_____x Because broken glass all over Caitlin's floor = bad.

Anyway, we're about to have our fourth thunderstorm in the past week, so I should probably turn the laptop off and post this so I don't lose it. I HATE it when I type up entries and never post them and then either close Semagic or turn off the laptop and lose it. T_T SO. Yeah. :D; I think I'll go read and hope that the power doesn't go out... because that would be depressing.
this word you'll never know

Sunday, May 16th, 2004

Time:12:20 am
Mood: sleepy
Music:The fan XD;
Happy birthday [info]kaworunagisa! :D

But you won't see that. So I'll be calling you tomorrow. :O And stuff.

Now I'm going to sleep. :D; I'll post again later~
this word you'll never know

Thursday, May 13th, 2004

Subject:Anime, Movies, and J-Drama List
Time:10:30 pm
Mood: okay
Music:The Chiodos Brothers - The Lover and the Liar
I'm going to put this in my sidebar... and I'm going to backdate it. XD; Just a list of the anime and J-drama I have for my penpals and yeah. :D; Not complete quite yet... so yeah. But I need to post this so I can go write today's LJ entry. XD;

Anime & J-Drama )
43 heroes + this word you'll never know

Time:1:01 pm
Can you call me tonight (if you aren't busy)? I have stuff about the webcomic to tell you but I doubt I'll get to talk to you tonight since I'm leaving now to go work on the project with Jessica and I don't know when I'll be back, so yeah ^^;;;

I'll post again later :D;
this word you'll never know

Wednesday, May 12th, 2004

Subject:Yay :D :D
Time:12:46 am
Mood: tired/happy
Music:Jay Leno XD;
Happy birthday to [info]sailormgm!! :D

Time to go get a drink, do some work for once, and go to sleep. XD Fundamentals of Music final tomorrow~
4 heroes + this word you'll never know

Monday, May 10th, 2004

Subject:YAY. :D
Time:8:27 am
Mood: happy/sick
Off to have my last classes at BCC ever. :D :D :D
7 heroes + this word you'll never know

Sunday, May 2nd, 2004

Subject:And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming, or the moments of truth in your lies...
Time:11:50 am
Mood: hyper
Music:Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Yay :D :D I'm really happy today XD;;; *dork* I haven't been up for very long, but I stayed up kind of late last night. :D; And Roxy finished sending me episode 7 of Hunter x Hunter, so I can go ahead in that now, and episode 1 of Konjiki no Gash Bell, so I'm excited to watch that, too. ^_^

Last night I got to talk to Xi, and I think I'm going to try to watch some more Beautiful Life today. ^_^ I want to finish at least the first CD (two hours worth of stuff on it :D;) and start the second. And I definitely want to watch more Summer Snow today, too. ^^

And we went to get something to eat at the outlet mall last night, and Media Merchant was selling a bunch of half-off books for half-off (clearance XD) so I found a couple that I wanted, and they're holding them for me~ so I'm excited about that. :D I wanted a copy of Charlotte's Web because I've loved that book for AGES but never had my own copy, and by tonight, I will! XD

I started a drawing of Luc~ and he... sorta looks his age. XD I'm proud of myself. :D; But I won't get to scan it for a really long time. I hope that when I DO scan it, though, it comes out nice enough to CG. I really want to practice with CG lately, but I don't have Photoshop anymore... I think someone I know, or at least somewhere in this house, we have a CD for it, but I don't know where it is. :D;

I want to read manga, but I don't have any to read. XD I DO have to do a lot of reading today, though. Why do I do this to myself? :D;;

I wonder where my parents are~ Mom has Sundays off, and so does Dad, so... o_o But they haven't been here since I got up... *confused* T_T

And I have four new icons. :D! Two Kill Bill and two Demon Diary. XD All somewhat boring, but that's okay. :D;; Yay. :D
this word you'll never know

Saturday, May 1st, 2004

Subject:Sasarai is such a boring little match girl. XD
Time:7:05 pm
Mood: hungry
Music:hellogoodbye - All Time Lows
But we love him anyway, so it's okay. :D;

I messed around with the plays in Suikoden III for a couple of hours earlier, and it was fun. :D Casting Caesar as Romeo was really amusing and just... bad. XD; And I FINALLY got the play I was missing... I didn't realize I was missing one until just the other day (it was 'William Tell'). XD; So I had to go to the North Cavern to get it. I hate that place. XD

And I finished my moodtheme~ mostly. I still have a couple to finish, but I almost never use them, so it's fine for now. ^^;

Other than that, I haven't done much, haha. I finished vol. 7 of Demon Diary and read vol. 1 of Suikoden III: Successor of Fate, though~ so I'll babble about those. :D

Demon Diary - Volume 7 spoilers )

And now~

Suikoden III manga vol. 1 )

And omfg XD;; I SWEAR that EVERY SINGLE ONE of Gadget Z's messages for the comment box is 'Don't fall in love with me.' -______- I've gotten three of them now. And then I have one that's titled 'Apology' where he apologizes for Belle screwing with his mental circuit and making him say that. XD; Stupid Gadget Z. :P

I also watched episode two of the live action Sailormoon, and omfg, the enemies are SO CORNY-LOOKING. And just... everything about them is HILARIOUS. It's great. I have up through episode six of that now~ I should be working on finishing with episode seven, but oh well, I guess. :D; I also watched about half of episode one of 'Beautiful Life', a J-drama that Xi let me borrow (the episodes are 60 minutes long, so I've seen about a half-hour of it), and I like that so far, too. :D

Bored. :D; I have nothing to do at the moment~ and I'm hungry, but no one seems to be making plans for dinner. But if I make something, Mom might get annoyed, so... I guess I'll just wait. I kind of want to go make some Demon Diary icons, so I might do that~ yay.

Fourteen days until my last final. I can do this... I think.
this word you'll never know

Friday, April 23rd, 2004

Subject:blahblah subject line
Time:10:54 am
Mood: tired
Music:30 Seconds to Mars in my head :D;
I want to go back to sleep. Umm... yeah. I need to remember to bring Super Smash Brothers Melee and my memory card to UMass tomorrow~ Caiters, can you remind me one more time over AIM before we leave Saturday?

And I have to remember that our thing for Mass Media on Monday is in K110.

And Steph, I updated the RPG. Be proud of me. XD; Or not. Because the post sucks. But um. Right. I have a headache because my glasses are stuck behind my bed :D; at home. So I'm going to post this and go to class now.
1 hero + this word you'll never know

Tuesday, April 20th, 2004

Subject:YAY :D
Time:11:10 pm
Mood: accomplished
Jared (and Mom, if you see this~) the three of us are preregistered for Otakon now, yay us. :D So everyone I know is going (Caitlin, Chris, Alex, Jared, Mom, and myself) is preregged. :D Steph, I hope that your convincing your mom works so you can come with us this year. :D;; (And also, Dad helped me with one of the e-mails I have to write, so I'll be rewriting it in my own words and sending it out either tonight or when I get home tomorrow. Yay. :D;)

And I have to go restart the comp now, so. Back to doing homework. :D;
2 heroes + this word you'll never know

Monday, April 19th, 2004

Subject:Yay :D
Time:4:48 pm
Mood: happy
Music:Phantom Planet - Always On My Mind (so cute :D :D :D)
Quick post because I'm still at UMass and probably won't be home until late...

Happy birthday to Grant! :D

And happy Patriot's Day~ XD; And now I really want to go get a Coke and stuff, so I leave. :D; I'll be online later, I think~ or maybe not... I have no clue. :D;; It depends on what time I get home because I want to do my music homework still. ^^;;
1 hero + this word you'll never know

Saturday, April 17th, 2004

Subject:So... yeah. XD;
Time:8:54 pm
Mood: amused
I'm at UMass for the weekend. XD; And in a few minutes Chris and Caiters are going to watch Kill Bill vol. 1 with me, and then I'm calling Stephers and then we're going to finish it, yay! And then we're all going to see vol. 2 tomorrow. :D I hope I like it~ since we already have the tickets and stuff. :D;;;

Umm... yeah, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. :D; Better update tomorrow~~~
this word you'll never know

Tuesday, April 13th, 2004

Subject:YAY :D
Time:12:01 am
Mood: sleepy
Music:Alanis Morisette - Unsent
Happy birthday to [info]aeres13! :D

Kill Bill vol. 1 comes out today. :D And so does the new Sugarcult~ and I have my Botany test. :D; OH BOY. Anyway, sleep now! :D Better post tomorrow :D;
5 heroes + this word you'll never know

Friday, April 2nd, 2004

Subject:Yay! :D
Time:5:34 pm
Mood: tired
Happy birthday to [info]kawaiimiaka! ^_^

I finished Survivor a little while ago~ and started another book. My book for my Mass Media project should be coming in the mail next week, so I'll have to finish this one before then, but that shouldn't be too hard. ^^; It's only 150 pages, and the text is huge, so yeah. If I really tried, I could probably finish it tonight. Except that I probably won't really try. :D;

But yeah. XD; I leave~
4 heroes + this word you'll never know

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004

Subject:OMFG YAY :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Time:3:40 pm
Mood: ecstatic
Music:The Distillers - The Young Crazed Peeling
I got accepted to college!!!! :D :D :D :D

I just called there to see about housing like Steph said and the woman asked for my SSN and she said they'd just accepted me today!! :D SO HAPPY! OMFG YAY! So I'm going to apply for housing tonight~~~~ I want to talk to Steph to make sure everything's right, etc etc but if I don't talk to her it's not that big of a deal because I can get it sent out YAY!!! :D

28 heroes + this word you'll never know

Sunday, March 28th, 2004

Subject:Yaaay, I like this CD so far. :D;
Time:6:16 pm
Mood: happy/mad at Guilty Gear T_T
Music:The Distillers - Sick of It All/I Am A Revenant
Yay, today was really fun! :D I didn't do a lot of the stuff that I wanted to, but oh well. XD; Played Tekken 4 and Tekken Tag? with Chris and a little with Cait, and that was fun~ I've never played Tekken before. And I read some of vol. 1 of Onegai Teacher and some of vol. 1 of Angel Sanctuary, and watched episode 4 of RahXephon. :D

And now I'm playing Guilty Gear's arcade mode and I want to KILL I-No. >___>; I've almost killed her just about every time, but then she pulls some CHEATING BOSS MOVE and kills me. T_T But I'm playing as Millia Rage, and I'm actually NOT getting slaughtered (which is what happened the first time I played her XD;;) and I like her a lot. I still haven't decided who I want to learn the moves of, though~ I was thinking Chipp, but seeing how much I like Millia, I don't know. XD; I really like Sol, Zappa, Millia, Dizzy, and Chipp, though~ and Ky, too.

I go home on Friday, so if letters/packages I owe people aren't sent out by then, they will be over the weekend, hopefully or on Monday. I really hope I get my letter from Western this week~

And now Mom needs to use the phone. T_T So I might update again later~
2 heroes + this word you'll never know

Saturday, March 27th, 2004

Subject:Finals Schedule
Time:11:48 am
Mood: okay
Schedule for my finals; feel free to skip. :D;

Wednesday, May 12th
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Fundamentals of Mass Media (MWF 11:00 AM classes)
Friday, May 14th
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM: Abnormal Psychology (MWF 10:00 AM classes)
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Psychology of the Mass Media
Monday, May 17th
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM: Introduction to Botany (TTH 10:50 AM classes)
1 hero + this word you'll never know

Thursday, March 25th, 2004

Subject:Tonight's Tru Calling :D
Time:9:25 pm
Mood: bored/happy
Tru Calling tonight was REALLY good, but I can't decide if I like the new guy or want to STRANGLE HIM. T_T I WANT LUC BACK. ;______; I hate you, world. ;-; I don't like Tru's father, either, and Meredith was *GASP* tolerable. :D Rather than stupid. That was a nice change. And Harrison was dumb, as usual. XD XD But yeah. No Luc... T_T

*cough* So. Anyway.

I went and finished reading Molly's letter and worked on replying to it and just writing it for a while, and I'm on page 22. XD; So I think I'll probably end up finishing that pretty soon. :D I think almost all my letters are DONE, they just need to be sent out. T_T;; BADLY. I have letters I finished in January that aren't sent out yet, even though they're in an envelope. T_T

Yep... I have nothing else to say. :D; And I forgot to watch the special of CSI last night. ;-; Dammit. T_T

Oh well~ I leave. I want to go to the movies tomorrow~ but I don't think that's going to happen because Mom works tomorrow night and we're obviously not going tonight, especially since she won't be here for another hour... and then Cait and Chris will be here and they won't want to go. T_T;
this word you'll never know

Monday, March 22nd, 2004

Subject:Quick post
Time:11:01 am
Mood: tired
Mollies, let me know when you work today/tomorrow? :D; I know you have a bunch of days off, but I don't know which they are off the top of my head and I was wondering if I could call you? It'd be either on your cell phone or at your house, whichever works (I have both numbers at Kris', so yeah).

Umm... I'm late for music, but I don't have my homework, so. I'll do that in a couple of minutes.

I hope I have a phone and internet when I come home today. I have Dad's cell phone with me now and I keep forgetting to turn it off. @_@ Luckily no one called first period. :D;

Caiters, you should write for storychan so I can write my part. :D;

I'll write a longer post later now because it's pretty much too late to go to class.
this word you'll never know

Sunday, March 21st, 2004

Subject:Whoo :D
Time:12:42 pm
Mood: rushed
Music:I want my Semagic GODDAMMIT. T_T
So, like Steph said, I have no internet at the moment - I came home to get Galerians and some other games and stuff, and I played Drakenguard this morning and I like it XD it reminds me of Chaos Legion except I need to change the camera thing b/c I HATE THE CAMERA. As Chris and Cait heard me bitch about forever. XD; But I'm pretty sure you can change it (I think there are like four modes), so yeah. It feels like it has the most annoying potential to be insanely repetitive, but I felt that way with Chaos Legion at first and ended up loving that, so.

And Molly asked this so I figured I'd just answer it here - I don't have AIM, but assuming her computer doesn't hate it, I'll be able to get on AIM Express once she has internet/phone service again. :D And if I can't get online there still, I can at school.

And I did finally check the bus schedule, haha. So hopefully I won't miss it and feel like a complete idiot tomorrow morning. I think the bus I need comes at like... 9:05.

Happy birthday to [info]ayumi_ando. ^^

I want my LJ client. T_T And my wrists hurt, which is retarded. I haven't been on a computer in two days, and NOW they hurt. My body sucks.

OH~ before I forget and post this. Steph, you should be getting two e-mails from me, and Sam and Melissa, you should both be getting one too. Sooo if you don't, check your junk mail. And actually, Steph, I don't know if the first e-mail I sent you actually SENT or if it just didn't go into my sent thing, but yeah. And Molly, you'll be getting one from me too, probably, if I can't find your cell phone number, because... yeah. (nevermind, found it) I remember all of it except for the last four digits. XD XD

And Sam, your package SHOULD be going out tomorrow, or this week at least. I have a box now, I just need to package it, and I'll be doing that after I get offline. I left one of your CDs at Kris' house, though. T_T But if I can go back and get it, it'll go out tomorrow.

I can't really check my friends page... I commented on a couple of posts, but I'll try to catch up tomorrow during my break or something. If anything happens that you want me to know about, either e-mail me or leave a comment, not that I'll find out about it until Monday or later if things really suck, but yeah.

And now Mom's home, so I'm going to go grab more games and stuff and then go. I'll post a better entry tomorrow~

I feel like there's other stuff I have to say, but all my e-mails are sent, I think, and... yeah. I think that's it. o___o And of COURSE once I get to Kris', I'll remember something. Oh well, I guess. XD;

And the only way to get a hold of me right now is with my dad's cell phone. So yeah. Bye. :D;
this word you'll never know

Saturday, March 20th, 2004

Time:9:08 pm
Mood: happy
Music:The Chiodos Brothers - Ravishing Matt Ruth
This is Steph posting for Erin~ I'm on the phone with her right now, yay. But anyway she wants me to tell you that she won't have internet at Kris' until Monday, but she's having fun playing games there XD
this word you'll never know

LiveJournal for Erinin.

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View:Website (ATROPHY (my webcomic with Steph :D)).
You're looking at the latest 24 entries. Missed some entries? Then simply jump back 24 entries.

Hihi~ This is my fifteenth layout for this journal, featuring Haruno Sakura from Naruto, and the song "And the Hero Will Drown" by the band Story of the Year, off their CD Page Avenue. The HTML was done by Nicocole, who is awesome (thank you so much!). It was designed for an 800x600 resolution, but looks okay in anything larger than that. SO. XD

There isn't that much to say about me. I like anime/manga, videogames (RPGs especially), music, and writing & reading fantasy. I'm part of Steph and Sam's Suikoden RPG, found here, as Luc and Gengen. :D If you want to join, you should contact one of them. :D

This journal is now friends-only. :D; But overall, most of it is public, seeing that I'm too lazy to go back and friends-lock things. Therefore, you can get a pretty good idea of what I write every day and all that, so what you see is what you get. See my userinfo if you're thinking about adding me, though. ^^ Also, as a note~ my entries are REALLY long. The public posts on my recent entries page are NOT good indicators of that, so yeah, just a warning because I know a lot of people hate long posts, so if you do, I'm probably NOT a good addition to your friends page, even though I usually don't post more than 2 or 3 times a day. ^^;;; Umm... they're generally about as long as this... I think. :D;

name: Erin
age: 20
d.o.b.: June 30th, 1984
location: Kalamazoo, MI, for college, but I live in MA normally :D
creative journal: Anatra
cd list: here
anime list: here
manga list: here

anime: AD Police, Ai Yori Aoshi, Azumanga Daioh, Bubble Gum Crisis 2040, Chobits, DNAngel, Earth Girl Arjuna, eX-Driver, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Gensou Maden Saiyuki, GetBackers, Haibane-Renmei, Hikaru no Go, Hunter x Hunter, Kareshi Kanoujo no Jijou, Key: The Metal Idol, Kyou Kara Maou!, Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Matentei Loki Ragnarok, Meine Liebe, Naruto, Niea Under 7, Noir, Orphen, RahXephon, Read or Die (TV series), Saint Beast, s-CRY-ed, Scrapped Princess, Shamanic Princess, Spiral, Tenjou Tenge, Wild Arms TV: Twilight Venom, Wolf's Rain, and X TV
manga/manwha: Alichino, Angel Sanctuary, Ayashi no Ceres, Azumanga Daioh, Battle Royale, Chobits, Confidential Confessions, Count Cain, Dragon Knights, Evil's Return, Faeries' Landing, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Panic!, Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play, GetBackers, Gravitation, Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (Hana-Kimi), Hot Gimmick!, I.N.V.U., Kagerou-Nostalgia, Kareshi Kanoujo no Jijou, Kodomo no Omocha (Kodocha), Lament of the Lamb, Love Hina, Miracle Girls, Naruto, Neighborhood Story, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Our Kingdom, Prince of Tennis, Sailor Moon, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Sandland, Shaman King, ShutterBox, Snow Drop, Steel Angel Kurumi, Suikoden III, Sukisho, Under the Glass Moon, Vampire Game, Wild Act, X, Yami no Matsuei, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yume Chu
books: Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner, Wings of Dawn by Sigmund Brouwer, The House of Gaian by Anne Bishop, Biting the Sun by Tanith Lee, Battle Royale by Koushun Takami, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk, Gulliver's Travels by John Swift, No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty
tv shows: Beautiful Life, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, Firefly, Rescue Me, Sailor Moon (Live Action), and Summer Snow
song: "Give Me the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
band: Matchbook Romance; Maryz Eyez
album: My Chemical Romance's Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
games: .hack//INFECTION, Chaos Legion (normal mode), Drakengard, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy VI (PSX release), Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Frequency, Golden Sun, Guilty Gear X2, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, Katamari Damacy, Kingdom Hearts, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil Zero, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Sword of Mana, Soul Calibur II, Suikoden III, Super Mario Brothers 3, Tactics Ogre, Tales of Eternia (Tales of Destiny II U.S.), Tales of Symphonia, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolutions, Warcraft II, and Wild ARMs

anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion and Yami no Matsuei
manga: Bokura no Oukoku ("Our Kingdom"), Yami no Matsuei, Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight, and Tokyo Babylon
authors: Melanie Rawn, Mercedes Lackey, Lynn Flewelling, James Clemens, Michael A. Stackpole, Alanna Morland, Robin Hobb, David Eddings, Anne Bishop, Francesca Lia Block, and J.K. Rowling
tv shows: Angel, CSI: Miami, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, and Tru Calling
movies: Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Kill Bill, Legally Blonde, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Memento, Resident Evil, The Sixth Sense, SLC Punk, Tomb Raider
bands: Alkaline Trio, Before i go, Something Corporate, Sugarcult, From Autumn to Ashes, Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, X-Japan, and Finch
games: Breath of Fire II, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy Tactics, Galerians, Galerians: ASH, Shadow Hearts, Suikoden, Suikoden II, Suikoden III, Tales of Destiny, Valkyrie Profile, Warcraft II, and Xenogears
characters: Alin and Val (Exiles: The Ruins of Ambrai; Melanie Rawn; book), Asuka Langely Sohryu (Evangelion; anime), Hisoka Kurosaki (Yami no Matsuei; manga), Luc (Suikoden; videogame series)

last finished:
anime: .hack//SIGN (08.10)
manga: Peach Girl (10.24)
book: Hamlet by William Shakespeare (10.04)
movie: The Talented Mr. Ripley (10.11)
game: Galerians: ASH (07.09)
tv show: Angel (05.19)

"God's not too interested in me. He's too busy watching the sparrows fall." - The Girl on the Rooftop, The Losers by David Eddings)
"Give your enemy a face. If he is human, do not dehumanize him. Know him and know why he is your enemy. If your enemy is within you, understand what it is and why you are afraid. Put a face on your fear. When you understand it, and it is no longer vague and shapeles, you will find that your fear is no longer so formidable." - Master Odo, Brightly Burning by Mercedes Lackey
"You always have a choice. Don't ever imagine you don't. Whatever you do, it's a decision and you have to accept responsibility for it. That's when honor becomes more than empty words." - Seregil, Stalking Darkness by Lynn Flewelling
"Does it alarm you that we have no fear? The things that should scare us we've been watching for yours." - "Pieces" by Virgos Merlot
"You howl and listen, and wait for the echoes of angels who won't return." - "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon

"Some people buy crack. I buy CDs. :D" - Me to Cait over AIM
"My sketchbook is the size of a small child." - Me about my huge sketchbook for Drawing I
"But it's probably a good thing Kalahndan DID give him the choker, because otherwise Alyx would just draw them further off course and then they'd find a rotting body." - Me about story-chan to Steph on the phone XD;
"They run into a corner and they're like, 'Eeee, don't kill me!' ...and then you do." - Me on Galerians to Steph
"This elevator smells tasty." - Cait on the elevator at the outlet mall in Lee XD;
"Man Futch is like, 'I'm gonna smack you up, BIOTCH!" - Cait on S3's grownup Futch XD
"My Windows 2000 is all like "Caitlin, why oh why are you not using me?" and I'm like "'cause Linux has a screensaver of bouncing cows. Do YOU have a bouncing cow screensaver?" - Cait on Linux XD
"That was printitty." - Matt trying (and failing XD) to say 'pretty'
"What did they put in my pocky?!?" - Molly
"Can I have a COMMUNITY COOKIE?" - Chris
"He's all, 'My shirt is too small :D' and if that doesn't make a bishie, I don't know what does." - Steph
"I want to be a gay farmer. T_T" - Steph
Sam Aoshi: Sanzo is all like "I'll fuck you up bitch~ with my kitty BLASTER~!"

"It's the greatest game in the world." / "What? You're playing Hatris, too?" - Jared and Alex

important events:
Dec. 1st: Sarah's birthday
Dec. 2nd: Teraiis' birthday
Dec. 4th: Kittyling's birthday
Dec. 9th: Matt's birthday; I go home!
Dec. 14th: Jay and Uishoz's birthday
Dec. 21st: Kami's birthday
Dec. 24th: Christmas Eve
Dec. 25th: Ressa's birthday; Christmas Day
Dec. 26th: Gamer's birthday
Dec. 27th: Tricia's birthday
Dec. 29th: Back to MI
Dec. 30th: Jerry's birthday
Dec. 31st: New Year's Eve

This layout was made by Nicocole, who I thank very very very very very very much T____T *flails* The images are from the anime Naruto. The two images at the top were screencapped by my friend Roxy, and the image for the friends only image is from Harmonia: A SasuSaku Shrine. Thank you to Caitlin and Chris for hosting it for me. :D The lyrics I borrowed from for the images are displayed in full below.

My friends page layout is just old. And the images have been broken forever. But it's supposed to be of Before I Go, whom you should listen to because they're awesome. They released a new EP on the 20th of February, so go listen to it, dammit. :O

friends, penpals, and nifty people? XD;:
+ creative journal
Chris #2
+ creative journal
Other!Jenny XD;
+ creative journal
+ creative journal
+ creative journal
+ creative journal
+ creative journal
+ creative journal
+ creative journal #2


The night will come
And rip away
Her wings of innocence through every word we say
Maybe it's time
To spit out the core
Of our rotting union, hopefully before
It chokes us to our senses

I guess it's too bad
That everything we have
Is taken away

Swim in the smoke
The hero will drown
Intoxicating beauty tears everything down
But still our hands
Are bound at the wrists
This romantice tragedy
Is suffocating from your fist
In a sea of fire

This word you'll never know