Art Traders' LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Art Traders

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Lots of ART. [04 May 2002|02:47pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Just did an update on my art site. I slashed the prices of everything as much as 50% and added a few things. Check it out.

I'll also have some photography added some time early this coming week.


what's the message? [28 Apr 2002|07:25pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | STP - down ]

updated address list
uhm, nothing else new except
the following people never posted their address
please leave a comment with it
missing addresses.... )

2 letters| mail?'s another creepy purse [27 Apr 2002|03:14pm]

[ mood | determined ]

This is the newest purse I've made:


-Jane Frances


i finished the clock. i am happy. check it out. [27 Apr 2002|12:22am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | "Central Reservation (remix)" Beth Orton ]

Yeah. So I finished the Confucius Clock and I have a new flower painting in progress. I think the flower painting might be done, but I feel like it needs something. Take a look and leave me comments (please).

click here to see the pics )

7 letters| mail?

List updated with 9 new items. [25 Apr 2002|06:01pm]

[ mood | happy ]

As the title says, I added 9 specific items(and a few other things) to my Trade List. Including raver stuff, watches, and an inflatable ottoman. ;D
Text link:

Newest items are at the bottom. Sorry guys, I can't get pictures.. I really prefer money right now, but trades are doable.


[25 Apr 2002|12:42am]

Howdy! I'm new but here's my address:

Box # 305
1579 Monroe Drive, Suite F
Atlanta, GA 30324

(add to memories?)

So... who wants to get something arty in the mail?
1 letter| mail?

I'm here [22 Apr 2002|06:04pm]

I have been a member for about a week, here is my address if you want to swap something.

Violet Nyhne
1129 W. Nancy Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85041

2 new paintings... [22 Apr 2002|02:02pm]

[ mood | creative ]

click here to see them. they're nifty. )


Duct Tape Dreaming [19 Apr 2002|10:58pm]

I'm making a duct tape vintage purse. Is anyone interested in trading me something for it? It's pretty neat looking so far. I'll post pictures later, but I was just wanting to know if someone wanted me to send it to them.

Estimated project time: 4.5 hours. Rough guess as to cost: 3.00 dollars. (.50 for the vintage purse form, and 2.50 for the roll of duct tape). If you send me something really awesome, I'll make you a matching duct tape wallet to keep inside.

I'm dorky.

[16 Apr 2002|12:54pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Hullo hullo,
I'm new here.. was thrilled to discover this communiy. I'm a member of a bunch of other trading communities, but this seems to work differently than those. Someone explain?

I'm not a on-paper artist, but I do fiddle around with clay and make wings. If anyone feels the urge to send me goodies, do so.
My address is:
Julie Malone
3511 Midvale Road
Tucker, GA 30084

Ah, yes.. doing the very first thing Oprah tells you not to do online. ^,^

4 letters| mail?

A bunch of ART! [13 Apr 2002|06:01pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

I just created a site where you can view most of my recent art (paintings, ceramics, and other stuff...) Check it out. You can buy stuff from it too. Check it out.


New, Old Style Hat Making [11 Apr 2002|10:34pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

As promised, pictures of the hat I've been working on. It's an old style (20's-30's) hat form covered in black fabric and glued with googley eyes. I used chenille stems on the side to create the swirls with the eyes on top. This is my first venture into creepy hat making, and was inspired by a site I saw a long time ago selling a hat somewhat like this. On the site though, they were charging 65 dollars for the hat. After gathering up all of my supplies, I was able to make my hat for around thirty dollars. Maybe less.

Next time, now that I know how to make a hat, I will design my own. If anyone wants me to make them one I'd be more than happy to, but it will take some time for me to gather the supplies, and maybe you might need to send me a contribution, because right now I don't have any money and would require some to get everything I need.

I hope everyone is well.

14 letters| mail?

score! [04 Apr 2002|10:01am]

Today I received Jane's box purse. It's the greatest! I really like it. But it got sealed shut so now I must find ways to open it..... But that really made my day. :) Thanks Jane, I'll be sending you more art stuff and book instructions soon!
8 letters| mail?

[03 Apr 2002|06:42pm]

Hello! Sorry if this is clutter-y...
But I have a request!
My girlfriend (who is not on LJ) would really really love any random mail/penpals. She's a very loyal letter writer and tends to write back and send a reply within 48 hours.
See, she wrote to a whole buttload of people on like, interpals, but when she mentioned she was a lesbian they stopped writing her. She's really nice and sweet and sends pretty pictures and stickers and cute stationary and all sorts of if anyone would write her, it'd be great!
she lives with me (so you can write me too if you want! heheh). our address is
1510 Johnston st
Richland WA 99352

her name is Rapunzel, and I'm Hannah. We can do out of the country mail too...
ayep...thanks! (please write, she looks so sad when the mail comes and there's nothing for her! heh)
4 letters| mail?

Just my little intro... [03 Apr 2002|04:00pm]

Okay so I'm new... yup... my name is Morgan. I'm a little art freak and enjoy making things and the fact that I like to recieve mail makes this community just perfect. My address is:
4024 E. 27th St.
Tulsa, OK 74114

I can't wait to make new friends and to get badass mail.
2 letters| mail?

herro? [01 Apr 2002|09:48pm]

i am new. i am also new to trading things via snail mail. i'm a bit timid. how does this work exactly? where do i find your addresses?
mine is:
905 cypress station dr. v-12
houston tx 77090
2 letters| mail?

Thanks! [29 Mar 2002|06:22pm]

[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | Tori Amos - "Pandora's Aquarium" ]

I got a card today from Hannah Belle - oooohhhh lovely! Thank you for brightening my day, and my mailbox :)

1 letter| mail?

[28 Mar 2002|05:06am]

[ mood | Inspired ]

DisclaimHer//Jane--> I *finally* sent off your package today. Sorry it took so long + I hope you enjoy it.

Since I have no real "art friends" to tell this to I'll just tell it to the group. :) I went to the stamp store today and spent $87 on: 3 Somerset Studio magazines, 1 Inspirations Magazine,and 1 Stamper's Sampler, 2 cute little key charms, "Coffee Bean" colored inkpad and a beige one so I can try antiquing paper, a big Paris/Eiffel Tower stamp, YES! glue, pretty black and beige paper, and a roll of gold *beaded* maroon colored paper. Plus I got my Amazon order of the new Shereen LaPlantz book on book-making. And they had such cool samples at the store of books and cards and whatnot. I'm completely inspired! :D

Oh yes, does anyone know how to make those coffee-filter books?

*off to read her 5 new magazines*

2 letters| mail?

Serigraph Printing... [26 Mar 2002|11:22am]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | "I am Love" Ophur ]

Does anyone know a place where I can get serigraphs (screen printed art posters) printed inexpensively?


Handmade Cards? [26 Mar 2002|03:35am]

I'm in the middle of an artistic writer's block. (I have actual writer's block, but also just a block in creativity in general.)

I wrote in my personal journal that, just like collage--which is recognized as its own type of art--that I could rejuvenate my interest in homemade cards. It's a hobby I was pretty heavy into a few years ago, but because of Real Life(tm), I've been unable to devote any real time to it.

Well, now I've been unemployed for over half a year, and I still haven't made any cards. Lately, I've had the itch. I have everything I need, except motivation.

So I ask you, my friends and acquaintances, for motivation. If you want me to design and send you a card (in snail mail, no less!), send me an email saying so. My address is listed in my userinfo (as well as other responses here and there on my main journal).

I'm limited by postage (did you hear that stamps are going to start costing 37 frickin' cents!?), so if you definitely want a reply, send a letter with a stamp in it, so I can use it.

This is sort of a light correspondence-"club" thing, but really it's just to spark my creative juices again. I know I have the talent and right attitude; I'm just afflicted by amotivation.


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