Phantasy Magick's Journal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in Phantasy Magick's LiveJournal:

    Saturday, March 8th, 2003
    1:52 am
    Prankster spirit.
    Hola. First time posting here. And I have a question. Does anyone know of prankster spirits that follow you around? Because a net friend of mine is dealing with this right now.

    ~Midnight Star~

    Current Mood: curious
    Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
    10:08 am
    A Pagan Survey :)
    Pagan survey )
    Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
    7:26 pm
    yesterday was marked by a spectrum of magickal ability
    Sunday, January 13th, 2002
    1:09 pm
    we should cast the world into a spell of endless sleep
    Friday, January 4th, 2002
    2:18 pm
    Considering I have no life I made a new community, its pretty this time. Click here to join it. Just don't post those fucking annoying tests


    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: jack off jill-yellow brick road
    Sunday, December 30th, 2001
    1:24 pm
    i'm bored.random people add me to your friends list & I'll add you back <3

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: jack off jill-girlscout
    Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
    12:01 pm
    for giftmas i got:

    bagpuss journal
    bagpuss cup
    200 quid worth of cd vouchers
    bubbles powerpuff girl keyring
    power puff girls polly pocket
    marilyn manson interview cd
    rancid cd
    hole cd
    snake river conspiracy cd
    madonna cd
    2 prodigy cds
    fairy wand
    2 black & pink sequin boxes
    book of spells for teenage witches(wtf?)
    witch child by celia rees
    purplish silver nailvarnish & tons of more make up
    baby pink fluffy handcuffs
    cradle of filth shirt
    a light up pen

    I'm a happy bunny :D
    Monday, July 9th, 2001
    2:59 am
    I sometimes wish I was a fairy, i have a new obession with them. they are soo pretty. I wanna be one.. like they look soo out of this world and cause everyone happiness, and have little bodys. i wanna be a fairy. i would name myself Lalya,like the voice in me.
    my email is

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: proud-korn
    Saturday, June 30th, 2001
    11:44 pm
    People are descended from Lizards
    Birds are descended from Lizards
    People = Birds
    People + Birds ? Maybe if Lizards were involved...
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