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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 08:45 pm (no subject)
Revisiting the TMI situation

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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 08:23 pm (no subject)
Well, here's the organization chart using Katrina's Handy Dandy Flexible Bookmark Organization System

Or something like that. I suppose the way I group things will give someone an insight into the way I think. You'll note that it's completely unalphabetical (which would drive someone else nuts). However, most of this is listed, once we get past the arbitrary assignment of first subject categories, by what I would look for first... ;)

01: Personal
01.1 Katrina's Links
01.1.1 My home page
01.1.2 My bills
01.2 Family Links
02: Non Fiction & Reference
02.1 Encyclopedias
02.2 Dictionaries & Writing Helpers
02.3 Quotations
02.4 Technical
02.5 News & Opinion
02.5.1 Politics
02.5.2 Weather
02.5.3 News Updates
02.5.4 Weblogs
02.5.5 Alternative News & Metaphysics
02.6 Other Bookmarks & Web Libraries
02.7 Online Periodicals & Textbooks
02.8 Languages
02.9 Keeper Articles
03: Fiction & Poetry
03.1 Free Original Works
03.1.1 Genre - Fan Fiction
03.1.2 Genre - Speculative Fiction
03.1.3 Genre - Erotica
03.2 Paid Original Works
03.2.1 Genre - Speculative Fiction
04: Art, Creativity & Writing
04.1 Personal
04.2 Artists, Writers & Creators
04.3 Multimedia
04.4 Reference
04.5 Genre
04.5 Online Museums
05: Work Related
05.1 Lincoln University Links
06: Humor & Games
06.1 Online Comics
06.2 Online Games
06.3 PC Games
06.4 Active World 3d Chat
06.5 RPG
07: Sacred Space
07.1 Online Temples, Prayers & Meditations
07.2 Philosophy
07.3 Magick, Metaphysics & Mysticism
07.4 Scripture & Koan
07.5 Survival & Survivalism
07.6 Queer Theology, Studies & Pages
07.7 Sermons and Presentations
08: General & Miscellaneous
08.1 Software, Webtools & Downloads

And that's where I stopped. The bookmarks are now whittled down to 261 entries.
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 06:56 pm (no subject)
For [info]governal: http://www.alistapart.com/issues/185/
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 04:40 pm My own classification system?
Okay... my bookmarking system used to run as sort of an outline



and so on.

I suppose I could do something like that. Again.

01: General
02: Personal
03: News
04: Humor
05: Fiction
06: Nonfiction
07: Reference
09: Web

Or I can just leave it as the mishmash hash that it is. *joking* But tired.

Tonight: I need to get catlitter, cat food, and some katrina food.
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 04:39 pm DD vs LC
DD is copyright

LC is not
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 04:30 pm On the TMI side of things...
On the TMI side of things...

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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 04:19 pm (no subject)
And, after investigating the dewey system and the LC system... I find they don't really meet my needs.

I mean, they're hugely logical. And I could force my bookmarks into them.

But... it's not personal. It's not intuitive. It's... not... web friendly.

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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 03:01 pm (no subject)
Organizing my bookmarks.

Library of Congress


Dewey Decimal

Both have something to offer in simplifying my life. Both don't really have fan fiction listed seriously anywhere. (I did search). There is no one definitive method for organzing one's bookmarks.

I'm most definitely whelmed and fast approaching over..

I have nearly 800 bookmarks and am not interested in creating a database (yet).

I just want to organize it into some system that makes sense.

-------- Later -------

So I spoke about it, outloud, with Jamere and Rick. And, having considered, I think I'm going to go with Dewey. It's the 10s system that makes it attractive. It makes for a two, maybe three tiered folder system at the most. Where as LC... could get monsterous.
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 11:38 am I just got the media command to work in AW.
I just got the media command to work in AW.

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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 11:24 am This latest email scam is a riot...
This latest email scam is a riot...


Dear Sir/Madam,

I know that this letter will come to as a surprise neither we have seeing
each other nor known ourselves, I got your contact address through world
e-mail directory and I assume you are a reliable and trustworthy person
who will assist me in a business investment in your country. I am Mrs.
Luisa Ejecito Estrada the wife of Mr. Joseph Estrada,the former president
of Phillippine located in the south east Asia.

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Oh yeah, I'm gonna give *you*, a complete stranger, information about my bank account.
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Aug. 3rd, 2004 @ 10:13 pm Ironically, I used to be very supportive...
Ironically, I used to be very supportive of the idea of marriage.

I was raised that way.

For the last few years though I've been thinking less and less about marriage and more and more about cohabitation or even just seperate abodes and love.

This amendment should be illegal - because it really is a document of segregation. The heterosexual population vs the not. And of course, the majority (heterosexual) pushed for a vote. They knew they'd win.

It'll be interesting to see how this will pan out in the future. I think, eventually, it and other similar laws of segregation, will be struck down... but I wish we didn't have to go the long and bumpy way.
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Aug. 3rd, 2004 @ 09:43 pm It's not looking good about Amendment 2
It's not looking good about Amendment 2 - the only a man and a woman may get married grafted into the constitution amendment..

Yeesh. Are people really this dumb?

OH wait. What am I saying?
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Aug. 3rd, 2004 @ 03:46 pm I've posted what happened to me when I was five elsewhere...
I've posted what happened to me when I was five elsewhere, I'm fairly sure. But this is a worthwhile discussion:

No Pity. No Shame. No Silence.

TMI possibly )
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Aug. 2nd, 2004 @ 07:37 pm So I got into a discussion with Carmen ...
So I got into a discussion with Carmen about the idea of "truth being truth."

She firmly believes there is only one truth for every perspective. Something is either true or it isn't.


I told her that I believed we existed in a cooperative multiple reality. "But see, that's relativism and I just can't go with that."

But, it's not really. A person sees what they see. You can't guarantee that another person will see the same thing. Though you might arrive at a consensus, which is then taken as truth.

But... it was a fun conversation all in all. And obviously, she is Christian.

I don't mean that badly, but usually when I encounter someone committed to the idea that there can only be one truth, they're usually adamantly Christian.

I guess, for me, I could not do a one true only perspective anymore. I grew up with a fundamentalist perspective. And I don't think it is saying that "truth is relative," to believe that truth has many ways of being.

My philosophy teacher would call it "kinds," of truth.

Anyhow, it was an interesting and entertaining discussion. I didn't argue a lot. I mostly listened. And I gave arguments in her favor. I mean, it wasn't like I was going to do much convincing. I could only state what I believed.

If someone thinks that is hogwash that's okay with me. If their belief is really a conflict with mine, one of us is going to step out of the other's vision eventually. A cooperative multireality is flexible that way...
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Aug. 2nd, 2004 @ 12:56 pm SEX TOYS BANNED IN ALABAMA

The Alabama state legislature has once again voted to outlaw the sale of devises used for sexual stimulation or gratification. And you wonder why Alabamastan is the butt of so many jokes?

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Jul. 31st, 2004 @ 10:34 am That letter I found difficult to send...
That letter I found difficult to send...

Turns out it got sent anyway.

I don't know whether to be embarrassed or just glad that I don't have to rewrite it.


I'd set it to send later.

I didn't realize it would send later without me having input onto *when* the later would be.

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Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 06:31 pm Oh, and one more memory to add to this
Oh, and one more memory to add to this:

When he picked up the machine I advised him to check it, and, if he didn't like it, to contact the CTL - since that was our only machine on hand at the time... which he knew... *sheesh2*
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Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 05:33 pm Quote from one of the faculty
Quote from one of the faculty: "I just assumed it would be internet ready. It is the 21st century, after all. And everyone gets a lap top intending to use it for the internet."

OH really.

How interesting.

Then I pointed out that some people might pick up a computer just for powerpoint or word processing and that if he really needed internet access he might have inquired about it previous to check out. I also reminded him that I did advise checking with the Center for Teaching and Learning, which provides Laptops upon request to faculty.

Of course, this is the same guy who - called me up at 3 and said that he needed a laptop and that he'd be right over. Then didn't show up until 8:45pm. (We close at 9pm)

"Well, what if I buy a modem?"

"I can't authorize that. Ms. Wilson could, but she is out of town and won't be back for a couple of weeks."

"Well is there anyone who can authorize it?"

"Not really, no."

"Well, I'm just going to to buy one and make someone pay for it."

I thought about it a bit.

"Can you hold on for a minute. Let me go see what we have back there."

We have another laptop - that isn't quite as realiable, but is internet ready. However it's also the one we keep "in reserve," for the library. Just in case.

But I figure it's better than having someone just arbitrarily buy a modem.

It gets better though.

So I tell the guy I have this laptop, that we normally keep in reserve, and it's internet ready. However he then tells me that, "Well, I'm in Columbia and I just don't have time to come up and get it." (Columbia is a 45minute (max) drive from here. I can get there in 20 minutes if I have to.)

I don't say anything and there is this pause, because I'm thinking, 'Sir, why did you waste my time? You knew you lived in Columbia and weren't going to come up and get a new machine before you called.'

So then he tells he is going to think about what he is going to do and might call me back later.

Dinars to donuts that he'll probably do his original plan of just "buying a modem," and then trying to get someone to pay for it.

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Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 11:53 am Because this is too good not to share....
Because this is too good not to share:

From a conversation on Fark ->

And then there are MY neighbours.
One lovely summer day last year, as my friends and I are enjoying a few beer on our deck, we hear "ow! dammit! sh*t! ow!" coming from over the fence. Seems as if the new neighbours have found a wasps nest under their house and are in the process of trying to get rid of it. Using a can of Raid and a tea towel. In the middle of the day. Wearing shorts. And no shirts. And sandals. All 4 of them.
Anyhoo, after a few minutes of said cursing and stinging, we hear THIS lovely idea float over the fence:
"Man! We can't do it like this, we're getting killed here! I'll get the shotgun - when I shoot the hive, the buckshot will have to get at least SOME of those fu*kers flying around!"
Without a word, all of us folded up the law chairs and moved inside.
No joke. -- Byn

Can you even imagine... OH my.

The scenario in my head:


*many people running and screaming: AAAIIIGHGHGG!!!*

Me I just stay indoors.
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Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 10:48 am Her Virtual Prison
Her Virtual Prison
Carmen bin Ladin lifts the veil on the culture that produced her infamous brother-in-law.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

Very few first-person accounts have emerged from behind the Saudi veil. For good reason: The rare Saudi woman not stifled into submission would risk severe punishment for speaking out. This is the importance of "Inside the Kingdom," by Carmen bin Ladin. Don't be put off by the author's last name. Ms. Bin Ladin is not a distant relation seeking to cash in on her family's notoriety. She is the ex-wife of Osama's older brother Yeslam, and she has her own story to tell. Her memoir is perhaps the most vivid account yet to appear in the West of the oppressive lives of Saudi women.

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