Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 05:33 pm Quote from one of the faculty |
Quote from one of the faculty: "I just assumed it would be internet ready. It is the 21st century, after all. And everyone gets a lap top intending to use it for the internet."
OH really.
How interesting.
Then I pointed out that some people might pick up a computer just for powerpoint or word processing and that if he really needed internet access he might have inquired about it previous to check out. I also reminded him that I did advise checking with the Center for Teaching and Learning, which provides Laptops upon request to faculty.
Of course, this is the same guy who - called me up at 3 and said that he needed a laptop and that he'd be right over. Then didn't show up until 8:45pm. (We close at 9pm)
"Well, what if I buy a modem?"
"I can't authorize that. Ms. Wilson could, but she is out of town and won't be back for a couple of weeks."
"Well is there anyone who can authorize it?"
"Not really, no."
"Well, I'm just going to to buy one and make someone pay for it."
I thought about it a bit.
"Can you hold on for a minute. Let me go see what we have back there."
We have another laptop - that isn't quite as realiable, but is internet ready. However it's also the one we keep "in reserve," for the library. Just in case.
But I figure it's better than having someone just arbitrarily buy a modem.
It gets better though.
So I tell the guy I have this laptop, that we normally keep in reserve, and it's internet ready. However he then tells me that, "Well, I'm in Columbia and I just don't have time to come up and get it." (Columbia is a 45minute (max) drive from here. I can get there in 20 minutes if I have to.)
I don't say anything and there is this pause, because I'm thinking, 'Sir, why did you waste my time? You knew you lived in Columbia and weren't going to come up and get a new machine before you called.'
So then he tells he is going to think about what he is going to do and might call me back later.
Dinars to donuts that he'll probably do his original plan of just "buying a modem," and then trying to get someone to pay for it.
Meh. |