memememeememe. meme.
Excluding this particular sentence, I assume ... or your own LJ, if you keep in your flist for convenience (like I do). Also, exclude sentences for friends-only posts, too, so that you don't disseminate information that ISN'T public knowledge. Personally, I skipped communities.
Right now, 666 people have me friended. Went to the optometrist yesterday and she dilated my eyes. My ex slays me. Want to know how cold a summer we're having? Everyone else is doing it, and so now I must.... I wish autumn would hurry up and roll around. Have a most lovely holiday with Capt. Jack Aubrey and Dr. Stephen Maturin flitting around doing lovely, naughty things just for you. And not in the fun way. I just experienced one of the oddest dreams I've had in a while, and I figured I should type it up. La la la...
Current Mood: bored
Current Music: Seal - Love's Divine