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Cause Misty did it so I have to, too [21 Jul 2004|04:45pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | The evil that is ]


First job: Technically baby sitting, officially SeaWorld
First screen name: I dunno... it had some to do with Sailor Moon
First self purchased CD: Umm.... That was a long time ago... I'll say "A chipmunk Adventure"
First funeral: My Father
First piercing/tattoo: My ears (not my choice), The Unicorn on my right arm
First credit card: Does my Debit/Credit card count? Umm... it was my mom's I think it was a Mastercard
First true love: Are we talking member of the opposite sex? Cause under normal circumstances I think everyone should say Mom or Dad (otherwise Johnny Depp *growl*)
First enemy: Do my sisters count?


Last big car ride: Umm... I guess it was from Cleveland to New York a few years ago.
Last kiss: Umm... I don't remember but it wasn't like a "kiss" kiss, just a friendly one I'm sure
Last library book checked out: It was a Korean Language book
Last movie seen: In the theater? Ummm. Raising Helen. Otherwise It takes Two
Last beverage drank: Minute Maid Grape Soda
Last food consumed: Grilled Cheese and french fries and some Cracker Jacks
Last phone call: To Linz
Last Voice Mail: My sisters
Last CD played: Real cd? Se7en's Must Listen or the burned one I just made.
Last annoyance: Do you really think I'm stupid enough to put that here?
Last soda drank: Isn't this the same as last beverage?
Last ice cream eaten: Umm... something by hershey I'm sure
Last time scolded: What am I back in Kindergarden again?
Last website visited: Are we counting this one? Otherwise Ebay

I AM: in love with Japanese and Korean music
I WANT: a cookie
I HAVE: Lots of Asian Music
I WISH: a lot of things (too many to list)
I HATE: Ummm.. spandex?
I FEAR: this is a trick, I tell you, you torture me. Well, I ain't fallin for it.
I HEAR: *twitch, twitch* *twitch, twitch*
I SEARCH: for cool things on Ebay
I WONDER: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
I REGRET: not being born Asian
I ALWAYS: try to be the coolest (and I do)
I AM NOT: as crazy as you think I am
I DANCE: dance, you know? the game, Dance Dance
I SING: Yes, yes I do
I CRY: ummm. sometimes
I WIN: stuff? I wish
I LOSE: At solitaire
I CONFUSE: Everyone, myself
I NEED: Money (but what college student doesn't)
I WOULD: Move to Korea or Japan
I SHOULD: Clean?

YES or NO:

YOU KEEP A DIARY: What's this? Chopped liver?
YOU LIKE TO COOK: Yes (am I good at it would be the better question)

DO YOU...?

HAVE A CRUSH: No, not right now
WANT TO GET MARRIED: Uh huh... eventually (to an Asian man? that't the dream)
WANT TO HAVE KIDS: Heck yeah. And teach them a different language so we can go to the store and confuse peoples
THINK YOURE A HEALTH FREAK: No, don't really care
BELIEVE IN "A" GOD: Kinda, sorta, yeah, prolly
BELIEVE THAT THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING: Uh huh, otherwise what's the point?


NUMBER: Se7en (cause it's also a hot Korean singer)
DAY: My Birthday!!
MONTH: Umm... I dunno.... never thought of it... May? November?
SONG(S): Mizerable by Gackt, Taxi Ride by Tori Amos, Kettobase! by Hikaru Utada (and a lot more so I'll stop now)
SEASON: Spring/Summer (you know right between them)
DRINK: Banana shake
Alcoholic Drink: Fuzzy Navel
PART OF YOUR BODY: My... ummm.... belly button
MOVIE: VERSUS and Disney's Beauty and the Beast
PLACE TO KISS: I dunno, I'll have to let you know
RESTURANT: Right now? Hunan


CHOCOLATE MILK, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream
VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: Vanilla (Gackt style ;o )!!)


CRIED? No, have you?
HELPED SOMEONE? I'd like to think so
BOUGHT SOMETHING? Does Grille Stuff count?
GOTTEN SICK? No, thank god
SAID 'i love you'?: Yes (Misty)
HEARD 'i love you'?: Yes (Misty again)
TALKED TO AN EX?: Do I have one? I've been told Paul doesn't count.
MISSED AN EX?: Since I don't have one... No
WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL?: Does this one count?
MISSED SOMEONE? Yeah (my Mommy)
HUGGED SOMEONE? No, sadly not
HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE? Not that I'm aware of
FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS? No, Mom and I are always pretty cool
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? No... not anytime soon either I hope


New song [21 Jul 2004|12:14am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Easy Breezy by UTADA ]

Well, I've decided that I do like the new Hikaru Utada song. It's the first song off her English debut album. Easy Breezy. I mean the rhyme "You're easy breezy and I'm Japanese-y" is kinda trite but I like it. It's cool. I'm listening to it now and I love it. I can't wait for Mayumi to hear it since I'm sure she'll love it. Ok, maybe another entry later when I'm.... lucid?


Ya know?

24 love me메시지

Is it cuz I is black? [19 Jul 2004|05:26pm]
Hi My name is Susan Mitchel, and this is my esteemed Play Girl seller, Wanda, Wanda Carmichael. Tonight we are going to present a new Look Good Experience.

When you wake up in the morning, do you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you say this outfit fits? Do you say, "I look FINE"? If you answered yes to the last one the next question would be: Do other people think so too?? If other people say "NO" maybe it is time for Diet Slime. If Diet Slime isn't up your alley, maybe its time for the Suction De Lipo! Suction De Lipo sucks away those extra pounds, and makes you look like Britney Spears (results may vary). The Suction De Lipo sucks the fat outta yo fat ass and off yo fat ass body. Givin' you dat toned look without that fuckin exercise. Tubbo put down that fried chicken, step away from the ho ho's, and call us NOW, before you scar another child with your fat hangin outta yo spandex suit. Remember Spandex is a privilege not a right.

So call now at 1-800-SUCTION, or 1-800-782-8466. Operators are standing by!

Thats all Boitchs! We's be goin out, cuz we's fine! This was Susan Mitchel, and Wanda, Wanda Carmichael, saying PEACE OUT HOMIES!
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In that situation you have to ask yourself WWJD? Would he tap that ass? [15 Jul 2004|10:53am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Yul Jung (Passion) by Se7en ]

Ok, so I noticed it's been quite a while since I updated this thing. It's weird to think that nothing really exciting has happened in my life but that's normal. I sorta wish something would happen so we wouldn't keep ending up with these "guess what I got in the mail" posts. Oh, well, since that's basically what this is here I go:
I got my external hard drive which makes me happy. I got a DVD with a Miyavi performance and gothy alternative Japanese bands. Got A Hikaru Utada poster and my Ringo Shiina video. That's it I think. That's my life.
Spent most of Sunday with Linsey which was nice. Oh last night I got an email from John (my uncle, not a uncle) who sent me pics of the car that he wants me to take. It's a 1988 Honda Civic DX, 5 speed, 4-door, electric windows and locks. Well, that's what he said to me... I'm not sure what all that means :) tee hee hee. It's a manual shift (is that how you say it, you know a stick shift?) which hopefully I'll be able to drive. It'll be nice not relying on someone else to drive me places or have to have Mom drive out to get me whenever I want to come home, or have my grandparents come out. It'll make me one step closer to complete independence.
In case you're all wondering (I'm sure you are)I'm still single... not that the LARGE number of hot men (thanks Neko for pointing that out) around here is any better, the few guys still on campus... we'll let's say they leave something to be desired and that's that. Ok, back to reading and waiting for lunch then tonight Misty and I are going to go with Jessie to get her hair cut... If Tish didn't forget.

3 love me메시지

won-soong-ee [08 Jul 2004|01:49pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Ashita, Tenki ni Naare by Miyavi (I really like this song) ]

Ok, now, that's good. I know the word for monkey is quite a few languages:
English- Monkey (well, duh)
Spanish- Mono
French- Sange
German- Affe
Italian- Scimmia
Portuguse- Macaco
Dutch- Aap
Japanese- Saru
and Korean- Won-soong-ee

That's kinda sad. Oh well, I don't care. Going to Linz's Saturday, maybe even till Sunday, I dunno. We'll see. Sitting around in the Media Center, still. I love this job but it's sooo boring. Wish I had something interesting to do but we can't have everything we wish for. Although my Mom told me that today I am officially covered for the next... year I think. That's great!! So now all I have to see is if this stuff with Linz goes through then I'll be set for life. It just seems unreal, you know, (if you talk to me enough you do). It just seems like so much can go wrong and probably will go wrong but that doesn't matter. I'm set. Ok... back to reading or something.... maybe I should take up a craft (not knitting, I don't like it). At least it would be somethin to do with my hands.


All the lesbians to the left now. [06 Jul 2004|02:13pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Ruby through the Looking-Glass by Tori Amos ]

So this weekend kinda sucked. I mean I loved seeing my mom and my dogs but that was about it. Toni pissed me off again. I swear to God I'm tired of her calling me a lesbian. Maybe she's one and that's her problem. Cause I know I'm not one, thought about it but realized that totally wasn't for me (nothing against anyone who's into that). Other than that nothing interesting happened, sadly. Glad to be back at school. Linz is supposed to come up this weekend, and I think I'm going to spend saturday and most of sunday with her which will be fun. Mayumi's back in Ohio which is fun I can't wait to see her again. She's cool. Other than that there's not much goin on here. Neko had a decent excuse for missing work but I still think it was wrong of him not to tell Marc he had to leave, family emergency or not. I mean I told Marc about mine before I left. Oh well, he's a loser and not worth my time. Ok, maybe it's time to look at my "First 100 Korean words because knowing won-soong-ee is monkey and saja is lion is very important


A weekend away [01 Jul 2004|11:13pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Goodbye Natsuo by Aya Matsuura ]

So, it's almost time to head home. Like many people I'm going home for the 4th. It'll be the first time I've gone home since.... christmas? (not counting mom's hospital scare). Toni and I are planning on going to the Asian Plaza on Saturday. I think I'm ready for the time at home. It'll be nice. Today Marc offered me and neko (eww) jobs in the MC next year so I'm excited. I really enjoy working for him and I like the MC. Linz had some interesting news but I won't post it because 1. it's not my news and 2. I don't wanna jinx her. But even if it doesn't work out I'll still be her friend (smile). For all of you who are still interested I'm still planning on going to Korea after I graduate. Everytime I think about it I don't get that one feeling. You know, the butterfly in the stomach, this is a very bad idea feeling. I feel an almost calming sensation that tells me this is a good move, a good idea. I know that some people don't really think I'll do it but I don't mind. Hey, I'd doubt it too until I got on that plane. But that's me. I mean, my sister Toni's going to Japan and sometimes I doubt she'll make it but then I think about how much she really wants it and I can't wait till she goes. I'd drive her to the airport if I was here because I know that she'll love it. Well, I won't update this weekend or at least I don't plan to since I'll be at home but I'll try to remember to update when I get back and tell you guys how my weekend was. Later dudes!

2 love me메시지

너의 강저 것을 동요하십시요 [30 Jun 2004|11:44pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | My Name by BoA ]

Shake your groove thing!

That's what it says. Isn't that great?? Do you like my icon?? My new theme? I like it. I think it's funny. I enjoy this new theme. It's from BoA's new Korean Video "My Name. It's cool. Still determined to learn Korean and working hard at it. Ok... gonna run off and have fun!


I keun-ch'eo-e Peo-geo-k'ing-i i-sseo-yo? [29 Jun 2004|01:52pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Spark by BoA ]

Is there a Burger King around here? I might come back and add the actual Korean :).
Ok so sadly not much going on around here, Sitting at the desk just listening to music and reading. Neko was late again today, an hour late with the excuse "I totally forgot I had to work today", yeah right. What was his excuse for being over a half hour late yesterday? I'm just tired of it. It really makes me mad cause I'm here on time and I work really hard, when I can, and he takes forever to do a simple project and is late (at least 5-20 mins) everyday. Oh well.
Ordered a couple more things from Ebay but nothing too bad. I think that'll be it for a while. Got the new video card so I can watch stuff from my computer on the TV just need to find a faster way to switch between the two (what Llyod showed me takes quite a while) and I need to buy a longer cord but I'll do that this weekend. I really liked the Asian plaza maybe I'll take Toni and Jo over the weekend (by that I mean Saturday). Ok, running off again. Want to get back to my book and maybe practice writing Korean again.

Adding this. What's wrong with people recently? Everyone seems to be in either an antisocial or bitchy mood. I hate it when people are bitchy at me and I haven't done anything. That's really mean. I mean we all planned on watching a movie downstairs and Meg said she wanted to be alone, that's fine. Jessie said the same thing which is ok but Jarrod got rather ... I don't know over instant messenger. And hey I understand not wanting to watch a movie but there's no need to get nasty about it. Oh well, I guess I'll never understand some people.


Yippie! [21 Jun 2004|10:56am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | W's album (didn't you just read that??) ]

Today.. well, it's nice to have the media center to myself. It's funny that both Mondays I've had to work by myself since Neko and I adopted the new schedule. Oh well, had to do actual work today which was weird. Still have some to do after lunch so I'm going to be busy but that's ok. Just sitting around and relaxing right now.
Got a lot of stuff in the mail today. Got W's debut album Duo U & U which I'm listening to now :) I already really like it. I also got three Petit Moni singles and five Maki Goto singles. I'm so happy right now!!! All that I'm waiting for now are BoA's newest Korean cd and poster (being shipped by a nice lady in Korea) and some buttons. So that's cool. Hee hee heee. I'm so happy right now!!! The only thing that could make me happier is a nap :) Oh and the col thing is that the Petit Moni single is a tiny disk! It's so cute!!!! I'll try to scan it and post the picture later on.

Ok.. till later!!


한국 또는 흉상 [18 Jun 2004|08:22pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | For the Ocean by Finger Eleven ]

Korea or Bust!

Isn't that funny. Decided to see if Babel knew what it was talking about and surprise surprise it did. Just chillin waiting for the zoo. Found a few sites with Korea stuff and having fun looking at them. The language isn't as complicated at least in the writing of it. So YEAH!
Oh, I dyed my hair black.. totally black. I really like it. Just thought everyone would like to know.

Ok... running away again. Maybe update later on :)


Geu Rul Soo It Gaet Jin [17 Jun 2004|04:05pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | BoA's My Name Album (burned until it gets here) ]

Maybe... Maybe not.

Not really sure why I decided to call this post that but I think it fits. I was just reading back on my posts and I noticed on the one where I said "I'm going to go to Korea" that Brian said "go to grad school first" and then the last post post where I was talking about the other things he said. I guess sometimes I wonder... why? Since I really don't have anything else to do I sit and think about things people have said to me and I have to ask myself why do I keep coming back to this. I think it's because it hurt. Not to have support. Especially when I have supported him, during his breakup with Tish and picking Grad school, I've tried to be a good friend. Oh well, maybe I'll never understand it. Sadly I don't really care if anyone supports my decision to go (I know people do and "Na neun tang shin reul sarang hae yo" or I love you) because I've decided on it so I'm going to do it.

I'm excited about Saturday because Meg, Ninja, Jessie, and I are going to the Zoo! I love the zoo. I can't wait to go and see all the cute animals and be able to walk around and really enjoy myself. So here I am sitting at the computer at work all alone (Marc and Neko are out on a delivery and I stayed here) and listening to BoA's My Name album (which I ordered on Ebay and getting with a poster from a woman in Korea) and writing this post. Well, that was fun I guess. Well, hopefully some of my other stuff will start arriving soon. I'm still waiting for Mini Moni, W (double you), Some buttons (of BoA, Ayumi Hamsaki, and Hikaru Utada), and the Pucchi Moni and Maki Goto singles. Wow that really seems like a lot... that's ok, I deserved it.

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[16 Jun 2004|08:51pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Famous by Finger Eleven ]


Wait if everything's going great
Can you remember a day to tell?
If someone should wish you well
Then there's a narrow chance
All I want from you my dear friend
I've already got
I could show you how
And you say you've got that feeling again
It won't be long enough
But it may never end I know
Wait I thought I had something to say
I will remember someday
Fate found you buckling under the weight
And you thought you would last
All I got from you my dear friend
I don't ever want
Follow your answers
But you look so bitter
Who are you?
Are you famous?
Don't stop that glitter
All I wanted from you
Is all forgotten for you

I love this song. It's one of my favorites by them. Them being Finger Eleven.

Kinda random additon but this article is about Hikaru Utada's English release!!

mol ra yo, what's going on [16 Jun 2004|01:08pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | My Name by BoA ]

So did you figure out the first part? It says "I don't know". I guess I could write about the Bryan thing but I don't really care in my opinion it's over and done with and since no one was hurt or any of their feelings were either it doesn't really matter at all.

I Ohio linked a book on learning Korean. Eventually I'll buy a book or two. Yesterday Brian came up. I was talking to him about Korea and he keep telling me that I may not get it, that I should wait till I learn Korean to go, and some other stuff and I know he means best but it was.... aggravating? I think that's what I mean. It hurt that he wasn't just being a supportive friend. I mean I don't think my sister will ever make it to Japan but that doesn't mean I'd tell her all the things that can go wrong. Oh well, everyone can't be supportive. I'm just really excited about it. And I guess I can see his point but I figure if I don't go right when I get out of college I'll never go. I'd put it off and it would never happen. That would suck, so I'm going to do it. I always had a thing for Asian men anyway, hee hee hee.

Toodles Oooodles.

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Heee hee hee, I just knew it! [14 Jun 2004|03:34pm]
makigirrl's LJ stalker is idontfuckinknow!
idontfuckinknow is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder

I knew it! Damn Misty... get a life mwahahahahaha!
2 love me메시지

An nyong hi-ka se yo [14 Jun 2004|02:45pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Song with No Name ~Namae no nai Uta by BoA ]

Good bye. That's what that says, in Korean. And before anyone freaks out I'm not leaving yet. I've decided to do it, when I graduate I want to go to Korea and teach English. I've been thinking about it for a while and I still really like the idea. I mean, It's an amazing experience. Or at least it will be. I can honestly say that it scares me sometimes to think that I'll be so far away from my family but then I think about the experience and the fact that I would love to live in a foreign country. I mean if I look at the clock right now it's 2:48 pm here and it's already 3:48 am on Tuesday in Korea. That's like what 13 hours ahead. It'll make calling a little difficult. But you know what? I'm ok with that. Who knows. I may hate it and only stay a year or I may love it and stay forever. I may meet the man of my dreams there. Maybe that's why I can't find my soul mate here, cause he's not here. I'd like to believe that. I would love to be able to go to a BoA concert, that'd be so cool! I'd love it. And to be able to understand what she was singing about, that would be good indeed.
Sometimes I can't believe that I've decided to do this and other times I can't believe I've waited this long. And I was talking to Misty about it and she may do the same thing in Japan with Nick (or without Nick) which would be so cool. And my friend Linsey will be in Korea as well and maybe one day my older sister will make it to Japan. So overseas is where a lot of people are heading. It's cool though, cause at least I won't be alone.

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Well, who'd have thunk it? [13 Jun 2004|02:59pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Hug by Dong Bang Shin Ki ]

Nothing much going on. Just sitting around right now. Yesterday I went to a movie with Meg and my Mom, Raising Helen. I really liked it actually. Today we sat outside and played first Disney Trivia 2 then, we played with Sidewalk chalk.

Ok... off again, to watch TV and goof off.


Change again [11 Jun 2004|11:32pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Colors by Hikaru Utada ]

Ok so I changed it again to this! I really like it. An entire Hikaru Utada theme. Isn't it pretty. It's from her video Colors. I really like the song here it is (and a translation too)
Colors )
It's such a pretty song. I love it! I really love Hikaru Utada.

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Do you likie? [11 Jun 2004|08:34pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | 3 door down (thanks Misty) ]

So what do you think of the new look of my livejournal?? I think it looks good. I figured out how to make it look pretty and added Japanese writing to my journal which makes me happy. Maybe when Mayumi gets back and ask her if it's correct. I think it's all right I checked it again with Babel (both ways) and it came out fine.

Called a peace treaty with Neko. Now, it doesn't mean I like him any more than I did before, just that I don't care enough to hate him. Hate requires too much energy.

Going to go to the movies with Mom and Meg tomorrow. She was up today and she looked really good, not like she had two surgeries about a week ago. She's amazing. I can't believe she got better that fast.

Ok... running off (not really just thought if I said that I'd sound important).

As I was writing the music I hurt my arm... damn that smarts!


Bitch and Moan [10 Jun 2004|11:11pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Put 'Em Up by Namie Amuro ]

Yeah so totally. Gonna stop dealing with Neko and all his crap. I'm really done. I won't even look at his live journal anymore. It got out of hand but things were said and I mean, what can you do. I really wouldn't care if an argument broke out on my LJ cause I turned off the "email me every comment" function. Never really liked the thing anyway. I guess what really bugs me is that everyone is like: Oh don't comment if you're not going to be nice. But hey, Live Journal is a public thing that can be read around the world, if you don't want comments then why have it? I guess I really don't understand that one. I really don't care if people want to come and bitch to me on my LJ, I might read it, hey, I may even comment back but it doesn't affect me.
There are only a few people in my life that opinions really matter to me and I know they would talk to me in person so I don't really care.
Neko said that he listened to Maki Goto after seeing Meg's icon and my listening to Japanese and Korean music. Why? I mean, if I was going to randomly pick a Japanese Pop artist I'd probably ask someone who listens to a lot what they would recommend. Since I know I don't have a Maki Goto CD. Oh well, I wouldn't answer him even if he talked to me right now. I'm going on the "if it's not work related, I'm not going to bother" thing. I think that's just how it's gonna be.


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