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Sunday, January 26th, 2003
12:59 pm
-o-anyone else in the valentine's day spirit?
must be the retail
-o-i used to think hey, it's all right, at least i know there are porn shops out there making everyone happy. but now....sigh. oh porn shop, why are you so dull?
-o-anyone see the names, hey?
-o-the only thing i want to do is play zelda.
-o-need another le tigre cd for fun. kathleen hannah is the greatest
-o-poor megara. first she loses her soul, then she doesn't get to be in any of the disney princess collections.
-o-stupid "snow" days. meh.
happy valentine's day in: 19 days

Which member of Sonic Youth are YOU?

brought to you by Quizilla

which sonic youth album are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: cheerful
current music: free kitten

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Monday, January 13th, 2003
9:51 pm
making myself one sexy unit cirlce...
so..if you haven't text messaged me yet, you'll want to get right on that.
about to start reading bye bye birdie
i really want this play to be happy and something we can all be proud of...explosion.
i have to read an autobiography on an american from the 20th century. any suggestions?
je souhaite qu'un chat vienne chez moi :(
il serait le chat de moi
et je l'aimerais

current mood: predatory
current music: cursive

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Saturday, January 4th, 2003
11:48 pm
-a faux fur collar thing
-a gold/rhinestone american flag pin
-an antique bracelet (may sound exciting, don't be fooled)
-a plaid semi-long but short skirt with a matching belt
-an eight piece puzzle of jungle animals

better get on that puzzle..

but my grandpa likes me
even when my dad told him i was retarded
and with my new hair cut

current music: mogwai

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11:05 pm
(ps-yael, i love you and i'm mega sorry! but, i'll give you some sex later. really good sex.)

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11:04 pm
grandpa and aunt rebecca
i love that old man, he only says nice things, he's nice
i have to go open presents
i hate lying
i hate the SAT's but if i buy myself enough pretty things i'll be fine
i love text messages
i love eli **
** love love love
that's that.
tomorrow i'm going to see chicago with the très belle kendra
very exciting
this had better be a long semester
what am i going to do
next august
i'm feeling glum

current mood: you high-fivin' mother fucker
current music: teehee local h

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Wednesday, December 25th, 2002
9:54 pm - "it's like getting a kick in the ass for a christmas present...
...then finding out it gave you butt cancer"

thank you, kelly.

merry christmas everyone

if you ask me for a cookie
i will give you one
but you gotta come and get it


current mood: i feel like ten emery boards
current music: ivy - guestroom

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Monday, December 16th, 2002
3:36 pm
soon i am going to get my tickets for the two towers....

t.o., thank you soooo much! i love my dolly. people were freaking out all day. vicky miller adopted a strange obsession with her...

sigh, my fun earrings broke.

i have my algebra-trig final tomorrow. caroline does not get 79's in math. i hate that stupid woman. bradicus, we will both get 100's and you will pass!

i think i will really miss mrs. williamson and cooper at old navy...

kelly-face, i miss you :(

Which Skinny Animated Guy are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: i wuv lenore
current music: muse/voicemail

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Saturday, December 14th, 2002
9:45 pm
you have to be seventeen to usher at the atlanta civic center. beh.
i have a hair appointment at 1:00 on thursday = finally
please visit caroline at old navy between 8 and 5 tomorrow
she will be happy
matt stole the x-box, so i have seen half of blue velvet. i was really enjoying it.
when i'm at kelly's house i will be happy

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Sunday, December 1st, 2002
12:31 am - haha, brookstone.
kelly, joel, you two were great in Working, though i don't think i ever told you that.
i love being in forsyth
So, jonathan pyrce, i like him.
i liked brazil, even though it did make me sleepy.
i liked 12 monkeys enough
enough of terry
it's all about Robin Hood.
i love jeffie and bj, i will miss you both for two or three weeks
i really want to see treasure planet...i'm going crazy without it.
i had one of my best thanksgivings, watched indiana jones the whole time
happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli! happy birthday eli!
yay for eli.
friday morning i worked. then i went to eli's house. saturday evening i returned for eli's and went to work. now im home and as soon as i wake up i have to go to work. then i will come home, do my homework, sleep, wake up, go to school, and go to work.
i hate my parents more and more each time i lose sleep over folding denim.
hooray for the SAT's this week
I found a stuffed bunny in my front yard tonight, i brought it inside, it is quite muddy and has a hole. His name is Michigan.

current mood: happy
current music: yay i have to get up in 6 hours

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Wednesday, November 20th, 2002
5:15 pm
a hard concept: i finished my homework. and it's 5. and i'm at home. and i don't have anything to do. (excluding getting ahead on things)
though i'm not excited about the play itself, i'm determined to give bye bye birdie the most lovely set ever. and the most lovely lights and the most lovely props. everything will be lovely. i can't wait to clean the new room.
sigh, aida's set and lights....
maybe i will be able to usher for the lion king because it's at the civic center..maybe you don't have to be 18 there.
things to look forward to:
maybe seeing working( that what its called?) on friday
punch drunk love
kicking it G.C. style with my darling kendra
next week being really short
treasure planet
eli's birthday
hanging out with grant while his cheeks are puffy
french field trip
the end of the semester

i love amneris i love amneris i love amneris i love amneris

current mood: loved
current music: not aida...

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Tuesday, November 19th, 2002
9:18 pm

I am Jane!
Which Disney Princess are you?

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9:04 pm

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Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
9:33 pm
does anyone want to buy my flaming lips ticket? :(

with special guest
The Cherry Valence
Mon, Nov 4, 8:30pm


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Tuesday, October 15th, 2002
5:56 pm
i have to miss my field trip tomorrow

current mood: sad

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Monday, October 14th, 2002
5:13 pm - on the 89th hour
my fever won't go away...:(
high: 104.0
low: 97.9
current: somewhere around 100
i'm glad there's good tv on and i have two essays and a ballad to write and the PSAT's are tomorrow and i have a TEB detention and that i'm not supposed to go to school until my fever's been gone for 24 hours......

i saw eli singing today when i went to get my binder out of the prop room but he didn't look over because his heart's chasing the deer.

current mood: sick
current music: clinic ( ..heh......:( )

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Saturday, September 28th, 2002
11:48 pm
the bad news:
+ i didn't get my haircut
+ Lynne quit imperial teen

the good news:
+ i have a prettie orange dress
+ i got to read the elements of style at starbucks while listening to a very cute couple converse. She complimented my hair a lot when i ordered (she works there, later went on break) and he looked like if you asked him to dance a jig, he' jump up and give you the best damn jig a kid could ask for

current mood: i was going to, but i didn't

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5:19 pm - Chris O'Donnell
whatever happened to him?

starting october 3rd i will have a new cell phone so ask me for the number if you please

i'm getting my haircut with andrew tonight, i'm excited and a bit nervous.

it's sad when you see someone on tv and before the commercial is over you know that it's the new calvin klein model. and his name.

mrs. williamson my chemistry teacher visited me at work last weekend. why didn't you. except you, eli, my lovely little denim folder.

jeremy visited me on my break today, we had a nice conversation

i hate chemistry, and yet, oh erwin, how i do love thee.

i miss david and kelly and forsyth....i talked to dodi today for the first time in way too long

t.o. i finally finished princess mononoke (yay it was good) and i will bring it to you monday :)

i watched the sun come up through my favorite window in old navy this morning...stupid 7AM-3PM shifts...cry. at least we have a few good songs on our halloween cd including the cure. some of them aren't remotely scary, it annoys me.

What's Your Designer Style?

the style may be off, but hooray for marc
going shopping soon

current mood: caffiene headache, i think
current music: norah jones

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Thursday, September 19th, 2002
5:28 pm
the thespian conference planning thingy was meh.
but i'm glad i went i s'pose.
too excited about conference now..
i refuse to believe it's awful

had a nice WEB yesterday, i found out how to make my hair do the 1920's thing...
decided i don't like it on me at all.

last night old navy had a nice conversation about giving birth and how children make relationships worse no matter what and at some point you will want to kill yourself or you child and that people just lie about a lot of their maternal instincts and...kind of depressing. but i got to look at our ridiculously cute baby halloween clothes in the meantime so i was paying more attention to those.

i think i'm going to see used for comparison at the mall of georgia tomorrow

tonight i plan on watching princess mononoke

recent purchases: pink martini sympathique and pixies trompe le monde<---$7.99=:D

please visit me saturday :( 11:45-8:30

loving: free kitten and sleater-kinney

current mood: mass romantic?
current music: avalanches

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Thursday, September 12th, 2002
9:43 pm - so...hovercat.
old navy is doing fine, i like most of my co-workers. no one too interesting or annyoing. it's nice. i hate opening and closing. the floor is my favorite. fitting room sucks. only half way trained on register...i don't feel like talking about work though. just come visit me. i like when that happens. i'm working sunday, wednesday and saturday(the 21st).

currently loving: french and ewan's voice especially "sat on the roof..."

going to watch amélie tomorrow

hot hot hot date with stacie saturday at :( 7:30
i'm really excited though.
unless they make me play the pony game...

flaming lips on conan tomorrow night

painting is moving along...feel free to come paint with me after school next week...

i might only do miss raider (not raider miss) so i can go see john vanderslice and the d-plan. that'd be better.

i'm sick, beh.

awwww i heard my little nicoteens' demo today! its cute.

pay attention:
All right Idiomatic in familiar speech as a detached phrase in the sense "Agreed," or "Go ahead," or "OK." Properly written as two words-all right


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Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
6:44 pm - you come in two's; you're coming to
i start monday :)

gilmore girls was on last annoying as it is(the forced and over rehearsed witty jokes), i love it.

we finished Ponette in french today, it was good. now i want to go rent every french movie ever.

i just finished writing out my french presentation on how to graph a hyperbola(une hyperbole), mmm...french and math...
Fun Words:
carré = squared
sommets = vertices
foyers = foci

set-con tomorrow after school, finally. i hope we actually get things done...haha...

so here's my future:
12th night, raider miss/miss raider, the one act, murder is in the heir, work on mostly wednesdays, saturday nights, and sundays, drama club tuesdays, UNICEF on thursdays if that ever starts, maybe get a battle of the bands going for that, set con saturday mornings, homework, SATs sometime before the winter break, again in spring, and again in summer, 100 hours of community service before college applications(probably during WEBs and over the winter and spring breaks), get my license (12 more hours of driving to go..), dessert theatre, conference, if they do a talent show, that, the musical, and of course, play bass.

President are you?

Listen to the President Songs by visiting Snarfus Creebler

^a quiz made by charles^


current mood: satiated
current music: mates of state

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