Governor Jim Doyle
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Monday, December 13, 2004  

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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Jessica Erickson, Governor’s Office, 608-261-2156
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Governor Announces Appointments of Business, Labor and Economic Experts to Minimum Wage Advisory Council
Raising the Minimum Wage ‘A Matter of Basic Fairness,’ Doyle says

Governor Jim Doyle announced today 17 appointments to the Minimum Wage Advisory Council convened by DWD Secretary Roberta Gassman, including leaders from the business community, labor organizations, the university system and both houses of the legislature. The Council is charged with recommending to the Governor and the Secretary what an appropriate increase in the minimum wage should be.

A major goal of the Governor’s Grow Wisconsin plan is to increase average income to above the national average by the end of the decade, by increasing wages at all levels. As part of this effort, he has called for an increase in Wisconsin’s minimum wage.

"Raising the minimum wage will help more than 160,000 Wisconsin workers help make ends meet for their families," said Governor Doyle. "It puts money in the hands of consumers, it is an incentive to stay in the workforce instead of going on welfare, and it helps lift many families out of poverty. It’s a matter of basic fairness."

The appointees are:

  • Deborah Blanks, Milwaukee, Chief Executive Director of the Social Development Commission of Milwaukee
  • James Buchen, Madison, Vice President of Government Relations for Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce
  • Sheila Cochran, Milwaukee, Secretary-Treasurer of the Milwaukee Labor Council
  • Craig Culver, Prairie du Sac, Co-founder of Culver’s Restaurants
  • Laura Dresser, Madison, Research Director for Center on Wisconsin Strategies (COWS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Ed Lump, Madison, President and CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association
  • Ann McNeery, Sun Prairie, Chair of the Standing Committee on Community Services of the AFL-CIO, Communications Workers of America (CWA) 4671
  • Phil Neuenfeldt, Milwaukee, Secretary-Treasurer for the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
  • Dian Palmer, Madison, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
  • Brandon Scholz, Madison, President and CEO of the Wisconsin Grocers Association
  • Bill Smith, Madison, State Director for the Wisconsin Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
  • Dan Welch, Milwaukee, President of Local 1444 United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)
  • Representative Stephen Nass, Palmyra, Chair of the Assembly Labor Committee, represents Assembly District 31
  • Representative Christine Sinicki, Milwaukee, Chair of the Assembly Labor Committee, represents Assembly District 20
  • Senator Dave Hansen, Green Bay, Senate Labor Committee, represents Senate District 30
  • Senator Tom Reynolds, West Allis, Chair of the Senate Labor Committee, represents Senate District 5

"This new council will have members that bring a diversity in perspectives and experience as labor and business representatives; business owners and employers; an economist; social service organizations and citizens of Wisconsin," said Governor Doyle. "I am confident that they will arrive at a fair minimum wage that is reflects economic reality, and is consistent with Wisconsin’s values."

Governor Doyle also announced today that Micabil Diaz-Martinez, Madison, Division Administrator for Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Equal Rights will serve as the non-voting chair of the council.

The 17-member Minimum Wage Advisory Council will review the current minimum wage and propose an appropriate increase to the Governor and the Secretary by spring. The wage council’s recommendations will be advanced through the administrative rule process.

Many Wisconsin families are dependent on jobs that pay the minimum wage, yet a family with two wage earners working full-time at the current minimum wage will only earn a combined family income of $21,424 a year. A single parent working full-time at minimum wage earns only half that amount ($10,712). The current minimum wage, $5.15 per hour, has not been increased since 1997. Illinois recently raised their $5.15 minimum wage to $6.50 per hour.

"I am pleased that these fine people have agreed to serve on the Minimum Wage Advisory Council," Governor Doyle said. "A fair minimum wage helps workers provide for their families, provides strong incentives to remain in the labor market, and helps buoy our local communities that depend on consumer spending."

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Office of the Governor • 115 East State Capitol • Madison, WI 53702 • 608-266-1212 • 608-267-6790 (TTY) • 608-267-8983 (FAX)