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Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded in Models that are more than cookie-cutter!'s LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Saturday, October 16th, 2004
    2:39 pm
    Visit my LJ ([info]caesarcole) for more

    Model: [info]deviantmuse
    Friday, October 15th, 2004
    8:03 pm
    hello i'd just like to say i'm new here and i might be posting pics soon and such but i just wanted to let you all know i'm here
    7:48 pm
    Sorry for the X-post
    Check it out!!!!

    and check out [info]citykittie
    Saturday, October 9th, 2004
    8:51 pm
    I might sound vain, but I'm not it's just that I never really won a contest ( well not yet, but I am hoping).

    But I check my stats on the sexiest person - for Ms. October I enter, I'm up to 3th place, thanks again to all who have voted for me. You can vote once per day for me (Mandy);=2

    Please continue to vote need more, thanks everyone. :)

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: none
    4:19 am

    For those of you out there,

     am competing in a contest called Sexist Person of 2004 - Ms. October. It would be extremely appreciative. PLEASE vote Mandy.


    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: none
    Friday, October 8th, 2004
    7:18 pm
    ******Attention Dancers and Performance Artists!!!!!!!!
    If you are a dancer or a performance artist in or near the Ft Lauderdale area, Abusement Park Ent wants you!

    We are looking for a few beautiful, unique, talanted, and open minded individuals to star in our Burlesque Troupe and/or take positions as gogo dancers.

    Burlesque/ Cabaret Troupe- Our singing, dancing, neo retro scantily clad stripping Gang of vixens ! I am especialy excited about this one. If you have any special talents it is a plus! Females only please!

    GoGo Dancers- If you LOVE to dance and have a lot of great outfits we want to book you! Females only please!

    Performance artists-Anyone with unique talents should definately apply ( think contortionists, fire walkers ect...) Males and females may apply

    If you are applying for the dancing positions PLEASE make sure you are able to dance. Charisma is a must!!!

    If you are interested in any of the positions you can apply at

    or send an e-mail to
    (in the e-mail please include expirience, bio, statistics, and 2 pictures of yourself.)

    I am really excited to hear from you all!

    Thank you,

    The Abusement Park Family
    Friday, October 1st, 2004
    1:18 am
    I joined the other day.. thought I would post a hello

    Who am I? )
    Saturday, September 25th, 2004
    2:03 pm
    More samples can be found on [info]caesarcole

    Model: Miss Trouble [info]deviantmuse
    Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
    11:50 pm
    am i pretty yet?
    Read more... )

    my mom says i'm cool.

    Carpe Deez Nuts,
    more images of The Chemist
    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    7:46 am

    [xposted: gothic_babes, gothphotography, alt_expressions]
    Sunday, September 19th, 2004
    9:53 am
    Hey..i'm new. I've been lurking around for a while so I figured it was about time I joined. Here's are some of my pictures...I hope you guys like!!

    title or description

    this way... )

    Current Mood: tired
    Saturday, September 18th, 2004
    7:30 pm
    My second shoot with Dustin Hall. I adore this guy--him and his wife ROCK!
    To see the rest, check out my journal: [info]scary_mary

    Again, I apologize for the bad quality. It was a result of uploading--not the photographer!

    and you'll never get this back )
    12:12 am
    Name: Ophelia
    Age: 18
    Location: California

    band-aid covers the bullet hole )

    Current Music: Apoptygma Bezerk
    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    3:13 pm
    My new community
    Be one of the first to join my brand new community

    This community is for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest trends and fashions before most…

    Consists of the top runway outfit of the season, monthly make-up styles, list of styles, trendy decorations, book, purse, gossip, shoes, jewelry, holiday items, “the look for less,” outfit selections to veer to while shopping, recipe, fragrances, top name brands, cosmetics/spa/beauty supplies…..
    Tuesday, September 14th, 2004
    9:26 pm
    All of you that model or want to model.... Bring your sweet asses over to this link

    And you apply for the website... it is brand new.... you can find all the info about requirements and how you get paid are mapped on this link.


    Join our forums and chat with models as well as others interested in all sorts of things.

    Just wanna look?? We have plenty of pics here that are free to look at but the BEST sets are reserved for members! We also have a special forum section JUST for members! It also includes a radio blog!

    Right now memberships are only $3.99 a month/$9.99 for 3 months/$17.80 for 6 months!! Thats a whole lot cheaper than most sites out there!

    So please come give us a look see.

    Thursday, September 9th, 2004
    1:42 am
    x-posted to [info]alt_models & [info]plusmodel
    Yes, this is a shameless plug.

    I'm currently competing in the OMP Spooksmodel Competition. If you're a paid member, please vote for me ^_^
    Friday, September 3rd, 2004
    7:37 pm
    "So Backlogged It's Not Even Funny" Department

    Just got around to working this up.

    Model: Amanda

    Current Mood: hazy
    Current Music: Pere Ubu - Humor Me
    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    3:46 pm
    Hi everybody, My name is Art and I'm new here. What I'm looking for is anybody that's willing to work with me on some TFP or TFCD stuff. I live in Albany, OR. I guess I'm looking for people that live in the Salem/Corvallis/Albany/Springfield/Eugene I-5 corridor area. As far as my own photography experience goes: I did it for the last two years of highschool and I completed a year of the associates in photography degree at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I didn't finish the program mostly because I felt I wasn't going anywhere in southwestern PA and I felt very suffocated in Pittsburgh. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I know what I'm doing and I've got experience with studio and location shooting. Mostly I want to do the TFP/TFCD thing because my portfolio needs some serious overhauling. I'm interested in doing some glamour/fashion/ad stuff. If you're interested leave a comment, IM me (SN in my info), or email (also in my info).
    Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
    11:15 pm
    from my shoot with Yani.....

    ...more to come!

    Current Mood: amused
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