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Below is user information for Lusty Like a Mayfly. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:towanda (41492) Paid User towanda
Zodiac's Cosmic Slut
You can't take the sky from me
Name:Lusty Like a Mayfly
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Norman, Oklahoma, United States

We own nothing, nothing is ours
Not even love so fierce it burns like baby stars
But this poverty is our greatest gift
The weightlessness of us as things around begin to shift

There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Socrates says that the unexamined life is not worth living.  This blog is an examination of my life and the life that palpatates around me. Often profoundly mundane, pompously introspective and even sometimes a bit poignant, it is simply a collection of moments that make up my life. I am a graduate student in Professional Writing at the University of Oklahoma and I am a voracious consumer and fierce critic of story. I enjoy studying the technique that makes a story compelling.

As humans, we all have some need to categorize and define one another by a set of labels. I don't believe that a person can ever truly be labeled but it is often the easiest form of understanding.  As an experiment last summer [info]femmelibra and [info]cranberrygirl13 and I sat down to create a list of our labels. Here are mine.

theoretical bisexual
pet owner
big sister
high priestess of shiny objects
cat person
Tolkien fanatic
Sims Freak
people watcher
LP collector
bad guitar player
even worse keyboard player
lover of green eyes
grammar nazi
worshipper of all major female musicians: Joni, Stevie, Billie, Carole,
Erykah, Ella, Amy and Emily, etc.
world traveler
fat girl
elvish translator
coffee addict
politically active young voter

bagel addict
wine afficianado
Queen of pirate lust
Porn star
bad housekeeper
mold scientist
movie maniac
little red car driver
Borders regular
Panera regular
Mommy's girl
Master of the Office Supplies
clean and well-groomed hippie wanna be
Chick who knows a lot about football
bed-wetting liberal
web mistress
very small angry person who, given the chance would overpower President
Bush and stick his head in a toilet, flush it, then shove him in a very
tiny locker and never ever give out the combination.
LiveJournal Veteran
cricket hater
Medieval history buff
harry potter obsessive fan
anti-social freak
nature lover
mountain girl

"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."
Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

My Causes
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Prevent Sexual Assault

What Men can do to Stop Rape

Love Your Body

Human Rights Campaign

Marriage is love.
The American Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Why Spay and Neuter?
(a). It's better for your pet's health and

(b). It reduces the number of stray animals without loving homes

"I write for the same reason I breathe--because if I didn't, I would die."
~~~Isaac Asimov~~~

"You must stay drunk on writing so that reality cannot destroy you."
~~~Ray Bradbury~~~

"To exist any less than everywhere is to perish unfulfilled."

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In the event of an emergency contact information has been backdated and secured for the Livejournal Abuse Team
Memories:18 entries
Pictures:43 public
Interests:147: alfred hitchcock, animal rights, anselm, aristotle, art, astronomy, audrey hepburn, b.b. king, bagel shops, beaches, beading, big block-heeled black boots, blue ridge parkway, boats, bobby bland, body image, bon jovi, camping, cars, cats, children, classic films, coffee, collages, coloring books, conservation, convertibles, cosmology, crafts, crayons, crosstitch, dali, debate, diego rivera, douglas adams, driving, ecology, einstein, elvis, erotica, fantasy, fate, feet, feminism, football, fountain pens, frida kahlo, gambling, gay and lesbian rights, glitter, guitar, harry potter, holy blood holy grail, honesty, horror, imagination, indigo girls, j.r.r. tolkien, jewelry-making, joni mitchell, jonny lang, journaling, kant, klimt, knowledge, kurt vonnegut, law and order, life, lilacs, lord of the rings, love, lps, m.c. escher, man ray, maps, medieval history, medieval theology, medieval warfare, mercury capris, mornings, mountains, movies, music, nature, no-kill shelters, office supplies, oklahoma sooners, p. buckley moss, pablo neruda, paganism, painting, pajamas, peace, people-watching, philosophy, photography, plato, queer theory, reading, relativity, remedios varo, richard bach, richard wright, roadtrips, science, scrapbooking, sex, sexual assault prevention, sexual experimentation, sexuality, shoes, spirituality, star trek: tng, star-gazing, stephen king, sun-bathing, swimming, taoism, tattoos, tequila, the einstein-rosen-podalsky bridge, the ocean, the ontological argument, the silent screamer, the simpsons, the sims, theater, theology, thomas aquinas, thunderstorms, topsail island, travel, trivial pursuit, truth, van gogh, virginia, virginia tech hokies, voting, w.b. yeats, water, william blake, wine, wine-tasting, women, world religions, writing, yankee candles. [Modify yours]
People82:adagiopassion, adrian_ilo, aliprickett, alissiebug, alladinsane, amberd440, anab1, aprilrobin, arkhamrefugee, athena_jess, aunticrist, autumn_snows, blah, chachachana, cheekyrose, corto, corwinok, cranberrygirl13, cranky_scribe, crazy_talk23, crowborja, dashwood95, dewaltgirl, djryanla, dorwrath, dreamfireflame, drjeff, ehme, elmofromok, eternityis2long, femmelibra, firebreath, flameprincess, frelsingi, fullofwhispers, geeksdoitbetter, gramaraye, griffjon, gwenhyfar, inspectorjury, italianbelle5, jaberst, javasoul, jeffrock, jewpanda, jonesnco, keithdok, khariyah, killerotter, kjirstenspoison, lapintada, lethebasii, literate_cats, lizzistardust, lo5an, lordaensland, machiko3377, madkitty, makademian_nut, mateolee, mauimouth, menninkaeinen, mmhmm, monkeymadi, olliesmama, philosofialogos, robotronx, robotronxxx, secularkangaroo, starmama, stealthlizard, styggian, supremegoddess, that_feel, towanda, uhrwerk_tier, valkyrieking, wbahner, whitecrow0, wicked_wish, wilomoon, yupjustme
Communities14:esperanzainfo, lj_maintenance, lj_style, news, normanites, oklahoma, paidmembers, sharptattoos, sqwg, theartistshed, thepackworkshop, thesims, va_commonwealth, viennateng
Account type:Paid Account

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