I must say, Stompers Boots is an amazing company. First off, they have the most complete stock of butch boots I have ever seen. Wescos, Chippewas, Dehners, they got 'em. And dear lord are the boots hot. Woof. Yum. Schawing. Pant pant pant. You get the picture. I had the opportunity to walk into their store during the Folsom Fair in San Francisco, and saw that they had the boots I had been lusting after for a while - in stock no less - the Chippewa Rally Boots. So, its obvious that I walked out with them. Yum yum. Woof woof. Extra padding on the top perfect for kicking scenes (I was able to test that function in the store - it worked.) So, fast forward to yesterday, when I am strapping them on to go to one of the worst TES meetings I have ever been to (sorry, had to put that in there.) And what happens? The top strap on the left boot just snaps off when I am tightening it. Ack! Plus, since I trust Stompers and Chippewa quality so much, I threw out the box and receipt while I was still in San Jose. Double ack!!! Well, I just got off the phone with them. They are sending me a UPS tag so that I can return the boots for free, they are taking them without receipt, and will be sending me a brand new pair of boots. Hot damn. Oh yeah, for all you glove fetishists? They'll be all going on sale in a few weeks, because Stompers will be clearing out their stock so that they can concentrate on boots. Happy clicking, folks.
Current Mood: pleased
Just finished watching Empire Strikes Back from my brand new set of Star Wars DVDs. Definitely renewed my passion for that series. Makes me feel like I'm 10 all over again, pretending to be Han Solo to my friend Scott's Luke. I took Han over Luke any day of the week.
Nice to see that George didn't fuck with that one too much (I missed the Special Edition when it came around the 1st time.) Although, with all of his pluckings of the strings and rewriting of scenes, you would have thought he would at least give us a longer view of the bounty hunters. Bastard.
Dad is still alive and kicking. Still working on getting him into the new hospital for the second opinion. Looks like the insertion of a stent might be possible for his arteries... that gives me much hope. Got some second-hand < sarcasm > fabulous </ sarcasm > advice from my older brother Allan about how we're dealing with this... I believe the term "morons" was used by him.
Fuck you Allan. I've been doing this for over 20 years without you... and I'll keep going another 60 more. Plus, I've been constantly three steps ahead of your amazing monkey intellect. Go back to the forest where you belong... I don't need you anymore. Possibly never did.
Yes, I'm up late... but it's alright - I'll sleep on the plane. I fly out tomorrow at noon for golden San Jose California, where I will spend a lovely day surrounded by my leather family. Then on Saturday, I am reunited with my fae. Happiness is mine.
Have a good weekend everyone... stay out of the hospital, don't kill anyone, don't break-up, and tell me all your exciting stories when I get back. Love you all.
I thought I'd share a quote that makes me smile tonight. Why not. I have a tattoo of a black rose on my left arm... the origins of it comes from the character Corwin from the Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelanzy. For some strange reason, when I was 13, I identified a lot with him, and planned my tat from then on out. Of course, it took on other meanings... but I am officially rambling now. Anyway, the quote that made me smile tonight comes from Corwin in The Hand of Oberon, the fourth book in the Amber series: "Whenever anything has been mucked up, whenever anything outrageous happens, there is a reason for it. You still have a mucked-up, outrageous situation on your hands, however, and explaining it does not alleviate it one bit. If someone does something really rotten, there is a reason for it. Learn it, if you care, and you learn why he is a son of a bitch." Not a deep quote, certainly... nothing much in the way of legendary philosophy. It makes me smile nonetheless. Kind of sounds like something I would say.
Current Mood: calm
I seriously thought about keeping this one to myself. I hate having to write about medical issues like this... I hate the sympathy that comes afterward. So, let me just put this out right now - I do NOT want your sympathy, your sorry's, hugs, etc. And I know that sounds harsh, but with as many medical crises my family has gone through, I look at these situations as work... I have a job to do, and that's that. So why write about it if I'm not looking for sympathy? Because I need to express it on "paper"... it makes it more real. And, I believe in updating my friends on what is happening in my life. So, with all those disclaimers out of the way... It's my father's turn. For the past 6 months or so, he has been experiencing periodic shortness of breath. We finally got it checked out, and it turns out that he has blockage in his heart. Which of course is scaring the ever lving shit out of my father - being overweight, and a diabetic. He has an angioplasty scheduled in 2 weeks. They're gonna let him spend his birthday (the 9th) out of the hospital. I'm not worried about the procedure. It has a 95% success rate, and the doctors have it down to a science. I am more worried about the anisthesia. He does NOT handle it well... durning the hairball crisis of 2002, coming out of it turned him into an animal. It was very harrowing for a while. So, I'm crossing my fingers. To compund issues, my uncle, my fathers brother, is having the SAME procedure done to him next week. Like, what the fuck??? Gonna be an interesting month.
Current Mood: anxious
Bua-ha-ha!!!! And now all my secret plans have come together!!!! I am now ready to rule the WORLD!!!! HA-HA-HA!!!!! OK, not really. But I did finish my fishtank today. Before this, I have had 3 swordtails (Mr., Mrs., and Ms.), the catfish trio (crackheads all of them), and the mysterious sucker-mouth (still not sure what he is, but gosh is he cute.) And now, the final piece to my tank - an angelfish. YAY!!!! (Yes, I read all of your advice... and did research of my own.... I'll take the risk.) Also got a few more plants, and new lightbulbs to better serve the plants. The angelfish... so doesn't look happy. But then again, they never are when brought away from all their friends to a strange new home. It's like the first day at a new sleepaway summer camp... you're always pining for home. By tomorrow, she'll realize what she has, and take over like the Queen Angel she truly is. :-)
Current Mood: bouncy