my password!   
11:02am 16/02/2004
i've moved...   
08:05pm 29/06/2003
  I was getting really tired of this username, and felt like a change. So, I created a new journal :} All of my future entries can be found at [info]lautrec. This journal will stay up if you feel the urge to read it...

Oh, will anybody ([info]noda & [info]dansedelachevre, for example) with a friend only journal please add [info]lautrec to their friends list? Thank you :}
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photo survey....   
05:02pm 28/05/2003
mood: weird
a survey I stole from Ashley ) :}
the me alphabet   
08:21am 27/05/2003
mood: ditzy
music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
A - Act your age?
.... sometimes.... but I'm always in the mood for a good yo mama joke

B - Born on what day of the week?
Monday, 8:03am

C - Chore you hate?
I really don't have any....

D - Dad's name?

E - Essential makeup item?

F - Favorite director?
Alred Hitchcock, M. Night Shyamalan, Baz Luhrman

G - Gold or silver?

H - Hometown?
Flo, MO

I - Instruments you play?
none, but i'd like to learn how to play drums

J - Job title?

K - Kids?
not right now.... i'm watching Springer

L - Living arrangements?
mom, for the next two years

M - Mom's name?

N - Number of people you've slept with?
zero.... I'm the uber-virgin

O - Overnight hospital stays?
a few.... I had to stay 12 days when i was eight

P - Phobia?

Q - Quote you like?
"I like big butts & I cannot lie"

R - Religious affiliation?
non-denominational Christian

S - Siblings?
Sisters- none
Brothers- Andrew

T - Time you wake up?

U - Unique habit?
i disect my food

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat?
certain kinds of squash & cooked celery

W- Worst habit?
being an anti-social lazy ass

X - X-rays you've had?
bunches.... back, lungs, head, legs, ankle

Y - Yummy food you make?
I don't really cook....

Z - Zodiac Sign?
Graduation Photos....   
10:56am 26/05/2003
mood: sleepy

more )
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Fast Times @ Hazelwood High?   
06:59pm 22/05/2003
mood: content
poor sheep
she may have no crotch.... but she's cool....   
02:53pm 21/05/2003
mood: calm
music: Tori Amos - Marianne
Spiffiest PC Case Mod EVER
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09:13pm 20/05/2003
mood: amused

the Inflatable Church
where's my tarter sauce?   
07:55pm 20/05/2003
mood: mellow
Aaaaanyway.... didn't go to school again today....
I got my picture taken instead :} My mom set up a backdrop in our kitchen & shot a roll of b&w....; I hope she can have them printed by the end of school, because I won't have my studio senior pics taken until this saturday. I wanna be able to give pictures to any weird person who'd want a photo of me....

Yay! My dad signed off.... I don't know why I put him on my buddy list.... I guess I really am a masochist....

Anybody wanna come over graduation night? I really don't wanna go to Proj Graduation....
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07:35am 20/05/2003
mood: confused
music: microwave hum
my journal is blue.... why is my journal blue? I tried to change it back, change it to a different colour.... but it stays blue....

blue.... not green, blue....
when your legs are black & blue   
07:30pm 19/05/2003
mood: drained
music: belle and sebastian - the fox in the snow
my eyelids feel heavy.
06:50pm 19/05/2003
mood: depressed
music: belle & sebastian - i don't love anyone

You are HEATHEN CHEMISTRY. The new album, and a
fucking good one at that. Stop Crying Your
Heart Out, Songbird and The Hindu Times are
classics. Oasis finally followed through with a
promise of a brilliant album, though there is a
mixed opinion of Heathen Chemistry.

Which Oasis album are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

god you dumbass.

What swear word are you?
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I'm pants-less right now.   
10:48pm 18/05/2003
mood: sleepy
music: Seinfeld's on in the other room

You Should Wear
Extra-Sexy Boxers!

Not just anyone can sport extra-sexy boxers. It takes both an appreciation of their comedic value, AND lookin' good in them.

Find out which No Pants Day outfit YOU should wear!

No Pants Day is May 2nd, 2003. To find out more about No Pants Day, visit

Mmmm.... hypocrisy....   
02:54pm 18/05/2003
mood: contemplative
Have any of you guys seen the Reebok commercial in which Shakira's gyrating and dancing around a beach and then they pan back so you can see that she drew a big ass peace sign in the sand? Not only that.... but then she holds up two sneakers and they turn into doves and fly off....

One question pops into my head whenever I see it:
Aren't these the same people who hire five year old Malaysian girls to work 12 hour days in sweatshops stitching sneakers together?
yea.... I have other stuff I need to do....   
10:26pm 14/05/2003
mood: nauseated
music: garbage - the trick is to keep breathing
.... but this is more fun....
It's called the Marquis shuffle.
more pointless pics from Quills.... nothing nasty, I promise )
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fourth hour.... chakita.... web design....   
10:44am 14/05/2003
mood: nauseated
music: babbling.... blah blah blah....
Why, when in this class, do I get the overwhelming urge to vomit?
great jorb!   
06:03pm 10/05/2003
mood: nauseated
music: Jim Carrey - I am the Walrus
damn.... I'm a lazy ass....
i really am this geeky   
02:30pm 09/05/2003
mood: calm
Gryphon Banner
You're a gryphon. You're very powerful without
needing to brag about it. Creativity is one of
your strong suits. Your outward personality may
change drastically according to your mood,
which is not always a good thing. You're a
loyal guardian when you choose to be and you're
aligned towards *good*.

What mythical beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Peace
You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ooooo! Looky!   
01:47pm 09/05/2003
mood: excited

A remote camera trap captured this shot of a "Bondo mystery ape" in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Most experts believe the unusual band of apes are giant chimpanzees that display gorilla-like behavior. One countervailing theory, however, holds that the band represents a new subspecies of great ape.

Photograph copyright Karl Amman
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Okay.... now who's gonna pay for it?   
05:28pm 06/05/2003
mood: lethargic
music: Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
You've worn all black since you were nine and knew,
even as a nine year old living in nowheresville
that you were a New Yorker at heart. Well, you
wont make it in the big city. I'm sorry tike.
Still, have fun while it lasts, because the
rumor is, most Columbia students don't.

Which Ivy League University is right for YOU?
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