March 25th, 2005
02:25 pm Yesterday Adena, John, Puck and I went to the Purim carnival at the Hillel. It was fun. I climbed a rock climbing wall, battled Adena to knock her off her post with my foam battering ram thing, and got punched in the head by john with those giant boxing gloves. Oh yeah and we made spin art. Then Adena won 1st place in the costume contest for her "fancy chicken dinner" costume. It was awesome!!!! She won 100 bucks for her efforts. John took second place for the guys category, he was a music/software cyberpirate. He even had an I-patch. Arrrrrrrrrrr. We talked the door guy at the Shamrock into letting us stay for a bit for free and drink because we didn't want to hear the bands. After that, I took everyone over to the CMC to hear some poetry.
Today is another holiday, Holi, the Hindu festival of colors and an awesome chance to cut loose and have fun! Too bad I have to work. Happy Holi to everyone else though.
Tomorrow I'm heading south to visit some family for Easter and probably come home Monday. Current Mood: mellow Current Music: Earlimart - We Drink On the Job
01:46 pm It's been eerily dark out all day. Current Mood: uncomfortable Current Music: Elliot Smith - Pictures of Me
March 24th, 2005
05:39 pm We may now be quite sure, that as men we depend upon the sun, the major elements and compounds, water, the chloroplast and the decomposers. With this new conviction we now turn to the sun and say, "Shine that we may live." We can contemplate matter and say, "From this is the universe, the world and life made." To the oceans we say, "Ancient home, nourish us with water." As the clouds rise from the sea, rains fall and rivers flow we say, "Nourish us from the sea that we may live." Look to the plants, say, "Through you we breathe, through you we eat, through you we live." To the atmosphere we ask "Protect and sustain us." Hold in your hand some soil, know that the essential decomposers are there and say, "Be and work that we may be."
When we do these things, and say these things with understanding, we have crossed into another realm - leaving behind the simple innocence of ignorance. We can see the world more clearly now, our allies and ourselves. We have formulated a rudimentary value system and we are further on the path to the formulation of a workman's code, the view of the good steward.
~Ian McHarg, Design With Nature
I am so happy that I chose to read this guy's book for my book report. It sums up everything I have tried to put into words about life and the cycle and the connectivity of it all. He is totally scientific yet it is wholly spiritual. I think that we need more collaboration between the two.
Maybe it's the change of seasons, but I'm feeling really earthy lately. I want to go camping really bad. I want to dive into a cold spring completely nude then run around and feel the mud between my toes and the sun on my back. I want to go to the beach and surf until I am exhausted then lie around a fire and watch the stars. Current Mood: earthy Current Music: June of 44 - Lifted Bells
Current Mood: happy Current Music: Rogue Wave - Be Kind + Remind
12:29 pm - OOooooooh one of my faves!
March 22nd, 2005
11:46 pm - I feel like flowers. It's a rad rad rad rad rad rad rad world.
And I think it's probably because you are in it.
Yes, you. The one reading this. Current Mood: peaceful Current Music: Rilo Kiley - Accidntel Death
08:03 pm - Don't you love it when the song goes with the entry? Whoa bro. I am so happy right now. All my projects are finished. The group presentation was AWESOME. I am so happy. It was probably the best presentation of my college career thus far. I wasn't sure it'd work out, I mean I barely communicated with anyone in my group except by e-mail. Last night I was so stressed out with the Power Point I was assembling. Only 4 out of the 9 other people in my group submitted anything. What was I to do? I made up some cute little slides with lots of images. Fuck content, the design was fabulous! Luckily, some other people sent me stuff this morning and I made the necessary adjustments. The next step was making sure the hardware in my hands would communicate with the hardware in the classroom. The group that went last week couldn't get their powerpoint presentation to work so they had to wing it. I wasn't sure at first but after hooking up and rebooting everything, success!!
So after that, I was still feeling creative and productive. I decided to play around some with photoshop and put up some pictures Bobby and I took around my apartment.
( Pictures You Haven't Seen! ) Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: Ben Kweller - My Apartment
March 21st, 2005
11:43 am - Happenings I finished my test! I think I did alright. The best part is that it is finished. Now I can focus all my energy on completing the powerpoint presentation for my group presentation tomorrow. On my way back, I was hit by a cyclist. Cyclist? More like Psycholist. I was sideswiped in the crosswalk coming home. I'm fine though and the guy looked back and apoligized. On entering my abode, I noticed a package from the totally awesome hypofixx. It was full of awesome free MTV stuff, t-shirts, stickers, CDs, and stuff. Thanks man! I love free stuff! Current Mood: content Current Music: The Ravonettes - Love In a Trash Can
01:12 am - My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma I just can't get you out of my head Boy your loving is all I think about I just can't get you out of my head Boy it's more than I dare to think about
And thus begins another all nighter. Hopefully, I'll get a few hours of rest, if I stop typing here and read the 10 articles I have left to peruse. I hate feeling on top of things only to confront the realization that my preparation has been inadequate. This never stops me from working well under pressure, and I think it's a secret trick I like to play on myself. The more I begin to understand myself, the more freaked out I am. There'll come a day when I fully give into myself and stop trying to enforce a set path of functioning, in fact there has already been considerable effort on my part to simply be myself. However, I think one day I'll snap into enlightenment. The semi-translucent membrane between reality and my brain will be ripped in twain and a flood of understanding will make everything about existence moot to the point of absurdity. This week, my supposed 'conscious' will give into the underworkings of my inner brain, intuition and animal drive will take over and put forth the effort to accomplish the tasks at hand. Then, Future Steve will look back at all the work Past Steve has done and wonder how the hell he pulled it off. Well if it isn't a fuckin' miracle. Future Steve, you owe me one. Current Mood: working Current Music: Smashing Pumpkins - Eye
March 20th, 2005
07:24 pm Happy Birthday Ben
Your party rocked.
I finally brought Bobby to a social gathering so he could finally meet all my friends. He was surprised how awesome parties up here are compared to the ones he has attended back home.
That's just how we roll.
It was awesome to see all my friends and Bobby and I got holed up in J-Funk's room with Brett and Alex and like 10 other people. It totally felt like we were in an underground bunker. Then I got everyone to play telephone.
The funniest part of the night was when Robyn put a plastic foetus in her cleavage and walked around the party waiting for people to notice. Peter wasn't too happy that everyone was staring at his girlfriends boobs, but even without the fetus, I was mesmerized by them. I mean come on, it really says something if you can get gay guys to stare at your boobs. The other Steve and I decided we should be the focus of a new sitcom called "The Steves". Think about the hilarity that would ensue from the situations two people named Steve could get into. I think it's gold. I really love my friends and last night was awesome. I haven't laughed as hard as I did last night in a long while.
Thanks peeps.
In other news, I trained for my new job and it is gonna be really easy. I won't even be working on my own for a few weeks. It's like getting free money.
Bobby and I made an awesome breakfast today and watched movies. He just left and I really miss him. I wish he could've stayed another night. I'm not letting it get me down though because this weekend was awesome. Current Mood: happy Current Music: Grateful Dead - Beat It On Down the Line
March 18th, 2005
05:37 pm - rediculously huge meme ( heh... boobies ) Current Mood: complacent Current Music: Sondre Lerche - I Know I Know
01:03 pm - Welcome to Belfast I had a dream that the Divinyls lived next door. They had a kid and they loved to surf. The chick wouldn't leave me alone though, she was a party animal and she was always drunk or screaming or something. She thought I was the shit's meow but I didn't feel the same for her. She left a note on my door that said, "when i think about you, i touch myself"
I am never drinking again.
Frances, Havrede, Roger, George, Ben and I went to the Top and I made a smooth entrance to get around the door guy. The Harps and Tall Boys kept coming and everything was fine until my friend Aaron showed up and he bought me an Irish car bomb. Oh, and the free beer at Atlantic across the street certainly contributed too. As we walked across the street, I pointed at the door guy and told him to remember me. It was fortunate too because I lost my underager wristband for Atlantic so I had to go back to the Top to chill. Which was fine because I was too drunk to dance.
Miraculously I woke up this morning in my own bed, I think I walked home, or a flock of birds carried me on strings. Current Mood: hungover Current Music: Yo La Tengo - Stockholm Syndrome
March 17th, 2005
09:10 pm - random thought I grew up in a home that always had guns and alcohol lying around. And you know, aside from shooting up that supermarket when I was 8, I turned out alright. Current Mood: groovy Current Music: Magnetic Fields
10:12 am - Erin Go Braugh! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!
Here's to alcohol! The cause of ... and answer to all of life's problems. Current Mood: lucky Current Music: Whiskey in the Jar
March 16th, 2005
07:26 pm Dear eye, I realize I'm a little stressed right now, but frankly, I don't see how twitching is going to help anything. Why don't you do something cool before I poke you out with my pen. Current Mood: stressed Current Music: Ben's Mix
March 15th, 2005
08:32 pm - Where does the butterfly go when it rains? Man oh man. I am tired but I am really happy. I had an awesome weekend with Bobby and spent some time helping Adena move, tanning poolside, getting laid, and otherwise enjoying myself. Now I gotta get back to work and stuff. I have a group presentation next week and we haven't even decided what everyone is doing. Ugh. I hate social loafing. I am an idea man, but sometimes no one listens to my ideas. Then I become the told-you-so man. I hate being that man. I walked over to the Architecture Lab to get some work done. It is sprinkling out and I had my umbrella and everything felt really otherworldly. Which got me thinking, I haven't felt very otherworldly since last summer. It is high time that I shroomed. I have to do it after I finish all my work, but I also gotta wait until after my family comes down. They should be here the 25th. I am excited because no one has come to see me. I was beginning to think they didn't love me. Turns out they don't. But I threatened to kill them all unless they came down here and loved me. LOVE ME!!!!!! I'm not going to hurt you.
Hahaha, anyways, just kidding. My family is weird but they love me. We're going to go see my g-ma's sister too. I arranged it. They don't hang out much but I said eff that. I mean fuck it, they're old. Better hang out now before it is too late. My grandmother is the type that keeps candles around and never lights them, or fine china that we never eat off of. What the hell is up with that shit? Why am I using so many expletives to flavor my entry? I guess it enhances the lack of content.
So yes. Shrooms = good. Family = good. Family + Shrooms = One Zany Adventure. I'll let you know how it all turns out. And seriously, where does the butterfly go when it rains? I bet there is a really awesome underground club that they all hang out at and drink nectar. Sweet, sweet nectar. Current Mood: completely normal Current Music: The Dial-up Modem Sound on Repeat
March 14th, 2005
08:59 pm Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
...bliss Current Mood: blissful Current Music: Pinback - Cubare
March 11th, 2005
05:33 pm - I don't do enough polls. Ok. I have a gift certificate for BodyTech that Puck got me for Christmas. I am a wuss and haven't used it yet. I have a few ideas of what I want to do but I could use some help narrowing down the coices Poll #452986 What should I get done?
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllShould I get: If you said tattoo, where would you like to see one on me? If you said piercing, what would you like to see me get?
03:24 am So I get a note taped on my door from the bitches next door that says:
"STEVE- Please do not have Basil's Lexus (the white sedan) towed again. It's expensive. -Sarah"
My reply on pink paper with fuscia sharpie:
"Hi, Fuck you, it wasn't me. <3 Steve" Current Mood: satisfied Current Music: The Postal Service - Against All Odds
02:03 am - C. U. N.ext T.hursday A day full of free and unexpected things is bound to be a good one. Today was awesome. I took care of a lot of stuff concerning the Utrecht program and now all I need is to get a plane ticket. It seems like EVERYONE is going to be in Europe this summer, except for those who are not going to be, of course. Anyway, back to the free and unexpected. I ended up getting tipsy on wine before my 4:05 class. Then after class, I went back with Robyn and Ben and drank some beer. Then Erica comes along and invited us to a Reel Big Fish concert. And it was FREE. I felt like I was in middle school again, back when I was so ska. It was really awesome. I even ran into Brett! I ended up hanging out at Puck's after the show. I really saw a lot of my friends today. Just yesterday I was feeling lonely and shit, and today I barely had time to give to everyone who wanted it.
Then I came home and drew pictures.
( This week's installment ) Current Mood: content Current Music: Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity