A summary |
[03 Dec 2004|10:14pm] |
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exhausted but happy |
] |
Yesterday was such a beautiful day, well the evening part was anyway. My day up until about 9.30 was stressful, at pioneers I had to pull one kid off of another... twice.
After Pioneers I headed to Falmer to meet Verity, I took Tiny Planets and Monkey Dust with me. I also took a wind-up penguin as a little present, it became suicidal though as it didn't want to walk on command anymore. We sat in the bar for a bit, where drinks were beautifully student priced before going to her room where we ate Grany-maniac bars, watched Tiny Planets and went on the website. There was a super-hard platform game on it. We then tried to pick up, and finally did (yey for Will!). We went back to Paul's and Verity skinned up with Naiomi's baccy because we were badly prepared. Then we trekked to the entrance. This involved walking through a muddy field of cows, who were all still awake and eating grass. I thought that they were plotting something, and the grass must be part of their plan. There was something going on though. We had a pre-rolled spliff, but the roach fell out and it wasn't toking properly so we had to put real effort into it. I then realised that if this "power-toking" method was implemented to a spliff that was toking properly then the effects could be pretty strong, so we went back to Verity's to re-roll the spliff and try this out. We got slightly lost on the way back and ended up walking through trees which weren't meant to be there. I think the cows put them there.
The method of power-toking was effective. We smoked on the way to the bus stop where I caught the last night bus into Brighton. From the stop nearest my house I walked home with icey cold feet. When I got home I ate two cookies and went to bed. This morning when I got up my dad had stuffed my wet shoes with newspaper to help them dry. I love him.
Work today was long, but I felt so much calmer after last night. It was beautiful.
[29 Nov 2004|11:19pm] |
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chipper |
] |
( I am happy with this result. )
Today was good. I am now super-happy because Tom has just said he is coming to Brighton tomorrow after work. YEY!!!
[27 Nov 2004|12:19am] |
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crushed |
] |
If Exeter closes it's Chemistry Department then Tom is going to go to York.
York is 290 miles from Exeter.
[23 Nov 2004|08:36am] |
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mood |
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purple(happy)/gray(?) |
] |
Your Boobies' Names Are: Siegfried and Roy
My toe looks like it may not be broken after all. I am a bit disappointed about this. I was finding it interesting and exciting wacthing the colour change and now it is just going to return to normal. I spoke to Anna about this and she said that she also... not likes injuring herself, but accepts it and enjoys watching everything heal. I think that was the conclusion we came to.
I also bought a mood ring. I am now feeling turquiose with a purple rim, I wonder what that means.
Nothing much else to report other than how pissed off with Exeter I am. I chose to go to Exeter because I liked the Maths department and the city is nice. I then found out that not only were Alex and Robin going there, but so was Tom. So Alex and Tom would be studying chemistry when I got there. Except now they might not be. Me and Tom have been getting through the differculties of the distance involved in our relationship by reassuring ourselves that next year we will only live 5 minutes away from each other, but if the Chemistry Department is closed then this won't be the case. We would still be in a distance relationship, for three more years. I don't know if we would get through that with University aswell. I don't want this relationship to end before University, he is the person I want to come with me...
[21 Nov 2004|03:02pm] |
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mood |
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lazy |
] |
1% of 250MB
Yey for new hotmail inbox!
The Pioneer weekend was fun. I am not waiting for my mum to have a bath so that I can have a bath after her.
Steve is playing Ultimate at Sussex Uni, and as much as I would like to see him, I can't be bothered to get there on public transport with soaking wet trainers.
[20 Nov 2004|11:28am] |
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mood |
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worried |
] |
I am going away for the weekend with my lovely pioneers. I feel totally disorganised about it though. Maybe it will feel better when I put my watch on.
Hotmail isn't working for me. I feel so disconnected. (I just realised how much that sounds like a bad pun... it wasn't meant to sound like that)
[19 Nov 2004|01:07pm] |
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lethargic |
] |
Tom is gone. He should be at work now.
I am bored and being unproductive.
I am not sure I will even leave the house again today.
[19 Nov 2004|01:33am] |
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mood |
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super-super-super happy |
] |
I just lost the game...
but yey, Tom is here!!! and about to pass out from sheer tiredness.
Stop right there Sarah!
[16 Nov 2004|09:10pm] |
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I got up at 5.30 this morning |
] |
( the scarecrow . . . )
Today I worked, it was fun. Now I am tired.
I feel guilty for having nothing to write.
[15 Nov 2004|07:26pm] |
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mood |
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drained |
] |
( I am Sandy's Eyebrows?! )
This weekend I went to Wales, or somewhere near Wales. I am not exactly sure where it was because to get there we passed a sign saying "Welcome to Wales" and then one saying "Welcome to England".
It was a great weekend. I went on a great walk with my parents and some guys who are friends with my Aunt, whose birthday party it was. I also dressed up all Medieval and got super drunk on red wine.
On the way back we stopped in the New Forest and had a cream tea, which was epic. Home made scones with real cream and home made jam, and leaf tea! It made me miss conberts though. Conberts served their cream teas with runny cream - yummy.
Today I posted a letter on the way into work. I am not sure whether this is a mistake. I can't properly remember what it said, only that it was mental diahroia. After work I met Anna for hot chocolate and saw pictures from Althing, which was cool.
I can't find my dad's camera! GRR! If anyone finds it please tell me, the photos are from Alex's party and I really want to get them developed *sobs*
[12 Nov 2004|12:45pm] |
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hungry |
] |
Yesterday was beautiful.
Only three pioneers turned up to our meeting, so we went on a penny hike. This involves walking down the street, and everytime ou reach a junction you toss a penny to find out which way to go. Our penny hike took us to Tesco, the beach and Waitrose, and it was super fun.
Before Pioneers I had been working with Rita in Cissy Mo, which was also fun, although I spent much of the time yawning because I had been on Disney Delivery in the morning. I still need to call them to tell them that I only want to do deliveries from now on.
I felt so tired last night, but was happy because I knew I had become tired through doing productive things. I watched Defenders of the Earth and then spoke to Tom.
What a lovely day.
Today I am off to Wales for the weekend for a medieval banquet. Quality.
[08 Nov 2004|11:56am] |
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happy I guess |
] |
This has been an awesome weekend. It has also been beautifully surreal. I needed it. I am back to my normal life now though, with no productivity. I am going to Robin today though so that should be good.
( The weekend started at Brighton Station at 13:47 friday. )
And there ended my awesome weekend.
Sob story |
[04 Nov 2004|11:14pm] |
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mood |
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crushed |
] |
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music |
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Lamb - Gorecki |
] |
Such beauty.
Such sadness.
I know the world is beautiful. I looked at the sky this afternoon and it looked as if someone had taken a pink crayon and drawn a line across the sky. This morning the clouds looked like a Turner painting.
Despite the beauty of the world I can't bring myself to be happy.
I saw my beautiful friends today and it didn't help.
I have had my wings clipped and cannot fly.
I saw Danny today. We exchanged the belongings that we still had of the other party. I mainly had cds of his, he had a dvd of mine and a couple of books. He also gave me back some Lego characters. These were something I had found in my room and given to him because I have no use for them anymore. They were a gift.
I see this as a symbol that he wants to forget me.
I need Tom. He is at a gig. I need Tom...
( Gorecki )
Just make it to the weekend... |
[03 Nov 2004|09:30pm] |
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mood |
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depressed |
] |
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music |
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Portishead |
] |
I feel down.
People would say that I shouldn't.
I feel pointless again.
I am not working. I am not planning my gap year. I am wasting time. I am wasting a part of my life I will never be able to live again.
Give me a reason to be...
Today I met Anna and gave Charlie his friendship bracelet. I then bought things I needed and felt guilty for spending money. I then worked for a couple of hours in Cissy Mo and Mark offered me more work. I don't know whether I want to accept though. I think I am going to call Amex and some banks tomorrow to try and get work that I will find intellectually stimulating.
I need to do something.
Yey for Charlie |
[02 Nov 2004|05:23pm] |
[ |
mood |
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super-super-happy |
] |
Charlie made me the most beautiful avatar thingy!
It's a spork!!
We had a plumber here today. He is gone now and our new hot water tank is working so the house is warm and lovely. Yey for water!
Gold |
[02 Nov 2004|02:05pm] |
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mood |
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lazy |
] |
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music |
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Eels - Electroshock Blues |
] |
Yesterday I came back from Eastbourne. Before catching the bus home I decided to buy a multipack of Gold Bars. I had forgotten quite how damn nice they are. For those of you who have forgotten, they are very nice. Go buy some now!
I have a to do list which is so long, yet I don't really want to do any of it.
I have done 3/13 5/13 8/13 things.
The list
Buy pens and put them in all of my bags
Renew library book
Call Danny
Go to doctor
Find and send off Accommodation form for Exeter
Finish Althing tshirt Plan Thursday's pioneer meeting
Email John Luton Make Malibu Jelly Finish Medieval costume Tidy bedroom
Buy Cassettes Talk to Bank
I miss Steve |
[30 Oct 2004|08:50am] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
I got back from work yesterday after going straight from work to Eastbourne and then to work and home. I was slightly inebriated because Mark had taken us to the pub after work. The Brighton Tavern was all halloween-ified, and generally dark. It was still playing camp music though. So beautiful.
Back to the point: my parents went to visit Steve last night. Both of them did. I was aware that dad was going to, but they both went up and took him out for a meal. Then they went to South-side bar and met all of his friends. This irritated me. I know I have absolutely no right to be annoyed since I made plans to go and see my darling Tom, but I miss my brother and i would have liked to have been informed about this trip. I feel left out in my own family.
Eastbourne was fun. Me and Tom didn't really do much which passes my lj-censorship. Most of it is either too un-interesting or far too interesting. We did watch the Usual Suspects though. It's a well decent film which I hadn't seen before. I had however been told how it ends, so that kind of ruined that for me.
I miss Steve and I don't know when I am going to see him again.
Failed |
[27 Oct 2004|01:00pm] |
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mood |
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upset |
] |
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music |
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NIN - The Fragile |
] |
I failed my driving test again. It was on another mini round-about. A different one and a different fault this time. I thought Charlie had blown them all up, but I guess not.
Other than that I only had 5 faults...
Sometimes, it's just that nothing seems worth saving..
I dreamt about Tom last night. He was breaking up with me. I don't want to loose him.