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A Girl on a Whim
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angkor wat vs london (paris, prague, amsterdam.. okay not that rich)
Say if i have X amount of dollars, and i could either spend it on 5 days in Angkor Wat (photo opportunities, a unique experience, afew days away from this country) or continue saving indefinitely (that is if i don't buy anymore shoes) for a trip to London, UK (it's london, by golly! clubbing, culture/history, to visit special people in my life),

Poll #373443 Cambodia or UK?
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what should i do?

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Angkor Wat
2 (28.6%) 2 (28.6%)

5 (71.4%) 5 (71.4%)

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where do i find garters?
i can't remember if i've asked this before but where do i find garters?

i went blush! nothing. i went tangs! nothing. i went to some lingerie shop at wisma, nothing. i asked my friend to dropped by at theargent but she didn't go. so much for relying on your friend to do something.

speaking of which, i'm getting a tad annoyed at my stupid friends for not really doing anything. the hen party is supposed to be this saturday and yet no one seems interested in planning it with me, everyone just wants to know WHERE to turn up. no one wants to suggest anything and when i throw out a couple of suggestions, one friend went HUH? SO BORING! well smart ass, SUGGEST SOMETHING. one maid doesn't do anything unless i prod her to, the other is in Japan doing GOD KNOWS WHAT. i bugged them two months ago on the bride's present and no one wants to do anything about it and now it's too late to mail order. i asked one friend to find out about garters from another friend who works at a lingerie shop, and i had to remind her again to find out today. aiyah i'm so irritated with everyone right now. i bet that if i ever got married, i'd be the one arranging my own hen party, my own bridal shower, my own everything!

there's a black cloud hanging over my head all day. the storm quietened while i was watching Johnny Depp in Secret Window, which by the way is a stupid movie, where no amount of droolicious Johnny Deppness could erase, considering the dumb story was written by Stephen King. what was the show about? think Misery. anyway i hate Stephen King.

so where can i buy garters from? please don't say victoria's secret because the wedding's 2 weeks away and i have no time to wait for UPS man to come in lace and ribbons.

oh one more thing. does anyone here read Russian? i saw this post and it had 74 comments (probably more by the time you read this) and it was the most unremarkable picture ever. so i tried translating the comments on alta vista and the phrase "there is nothing in this picture interesting" kept popping up. now i'm sure everyone else who commented felt the picture was as unremarkable as i had, but i've never seen such mediocracy gained so much attention. it's just a picture of a can of peas. i've seen a lot more boring pictures on other communities. maybe the Russians are all born photographers, or they are the world's greatest critics. so i figured there must be some nuances that's lost in the midst of alta-vistaness.
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an afternoon at the hairdressers
okay i'm really bored so bear with me and my nonsense posts.

no, i wasn't mugged by 3 bald, legless people who are trying to scare me with their squiggle guns. that's me at the hair salon, where i sat for 3.5 hours as my hair got cut, tugged, yanked, coloured and tousled. they dumped a young girl on me, which i didn't mind beause i didn't believe in paying director's fees for a hair cut that's going to be as straight as the horizon. but i watched her every move as she shuffled from one side of me to the other. she held her scissors at the right angle as she snipped a couple of inches off, i hate it when people get lazy and use that shaving razor thingy. pardon me, i'm not a hairdresser so i don't know its proper name. some guy, whom i presumed to be the owner or at least a senior stylist, asked me what colour i wanted to dye my hair and instead of showing me the colour charts one by one, he dumped them all in my lap and then walked off to do something else.

i coloured and then added highlights to my hair. they had to wash my hair in between so they sent 2 evil minions to attack my locks with hairdryers. while the 2 of them chatted about ninjas and pirates, another decided to join in and turn it into a tea party. put on a hat, a pair of rabbit ears and whiskers, i'd have become Alice in Wonderland. i've never had so many people work on my hair before. under 3 hairdryers, i felt like a mini cooper in a car wash.

this was me thirsty, bored, and wanting to pick up the phone. i never understood why the distance between chair and table was outside of an arm's reach. i didn't dare reach forward because any time i wanted to, the hairdresser was invariably doing something important like pulling my hair back. they should invent tables where at the press of a buzzer, moves towards you. or have robots buzzing about you, waiting for your next command like "FETCH BAG" or "FLIP MAGAZINE" or "MASSAGE SHOULDERS".

in that time, i went through 3 issues of Female magazine. this month's issue was rather interesting. it had articles about mothers who were jealous of their daughters, of toxic friends who do nothing but belittle you, and how to handle colleagues who take great pleasure in seeing you drown.


you know, i'm a bit annoyed at people who make "short people" jokes. like whenever a group of us have to go out for lunch in a car, they always say, "put [info]burbur in the boot/trunk, since she's so small!" or "you're so small! you [insert whatever it is that short people do best]". most people don't think of it as an insult, so they keep going on and on. and on and on and on and on and on. i don't think it's an insult to be short, i think it's just rude to make stupid jokes like that. i mean i don't go round telling fat people that since they take up so much space, we need to attach a trailer just to bring them along. or that people are so ugly that they shouldn't be seen in daylight. or a multitude of stupid comments one could make to fill up the space.

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Current Whim: waiting for ghost show on tv t
Flavour of the month: Death Cab for Cutie - Pictures in an Exhibition

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help me dress myself!
this is the dress i bought for my friend's wedding dinner (in two week's time). it's black with pink trimming.
i got black shoes and black bag for it. but what should i accessorize it with?

(personally, i'm a big fan of chokers but i'd rather look fantastic than just wear what i like)

Poll #371480 my dinner dress
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which look shall i go for?

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with black lace/beaded choker
13 (33.3%) 13 (33.3%)

with pale pink scarf tied around head
5 (12.8%) 5 (12.8%)

with pearl necklace
21 (53.8%) 21 (53.8%)

any other suggestions would be helpful.
anyone knows where can i get chokers like that?
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working with omoron again?
there's a job opening in omoron's company and i was thinking of going for it, except that omoron is working there, and if i get the job, i'd be working directly under him, AGAIN.

some of you would remember the Trials and Tribulations i went through. for those who don't:

when omoron was kungfu boy
not only is he incompetent, he's rude
what the moron did today
why hasn't anyone fired him yet?
why i cannot stand him
he strikes again
omorons and apraisals
working with idiots
office moron woes
i can't stand him
surrounded by morons
to wine or not to wine
the great farewell
omoron specials I
omoron specials II
omoron specials III
omoron's vulgarity curve
omoron specials VI
proof that omoron is truly omoronic

Poll #370757 would
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would you apply?

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yes. it's a great move and one shouldn't allow such minor factors like morons to interfere with one's decision
4 (26.7%) 4 (26.7%)

yes. coz he's probably gonna quit soon.
1 (6.7%) 1 (6.7%)

yes. coz it's better than staying at your job where you're underpaid.
2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%)

no. you cannot bear working under him again, doing his work, wiping his ass
4 (26.7%) 4 (26.7%)

no. the title is the same, and you might not get a significant pay raise
4 (26.7%) 4 (26.7%)

do any of you do voodoo magic? or great with getting rid of pests via chanting or naked dancing?

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4 (26.7%) 4 (26.7%)

11 (73.3%) 11 (73.3%)

for the rest of you who have omoron problems:

Handling 6 Kinds of Office Pests

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i will not. turn into one of those women.
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Screaming
you know, i used to enjoy watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. the adventure that Indiana got himself into, the tricks and traps that he narrowly avoided along the way, solving stone puzzles and side-stepping flying daggars. it's like a real-life adventure game, much like King's Quest that i used to play. collect things along the way, use them to your advantage, step on the stones in the right order and you get to the prize, the end of the game.

but watching it on the telly now, the enjoyment is marred by one thing, one blonde screaming thing, Indiana's sidekick. i'm not talking about the little chinese boy that talks a mile a minute in a mish mash of english and cantonese, but the blonde heroine, or shall i say damsel in distress that got dragged into the mess by being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

i tried to enjoy the show i watched as a kid, i cringed when Indiana got stuck in the cave with spikes, i shuddered as bugs and worms crawled all over him, but everything was spoilt by the stupid blonde chick who couldn't stop screaming. she screamed as she got dragged out of the restaurant. she screamed as she fell off the plane. she screamed at the campfire when she saw a monkey, when she saw a snake, when she saw a bat, when she saw an owl. she screamed when she fell off the elephant. she screamed when she saw the dead bodies in the cave. she screamed when she saw the bugs. she screamed even when they were hiding from the bad guys. she screamed at every god damn single thing worth screaming about.

of course if i had been in her shoes, i'd probably be screaming too. you should hear the amount of noise i make when i bang my elbow. but it's irritating that in this chauvanistic movie, that Indiana, dirty and sweaty and probably stinking like a pig, was still dashing and brave and heroic. the girl? about as useful as a beacon in the bad guy's lair.

ah. now they are about to lower her into the bowels of hell, the pit of fire, the flames of magma (which incidentally, is so hot that it melts flesh and bones but not the super invincible metal cage that holds the sacrifice). oh pray tell, what do you think she'd do then?

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Flavour of the month: kalima chanting

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When i think of prisons, i don't just imagine the loss of freedom or a black mark in your records. i think of being sexually assulted in those places. of course i do not speak from any personal experience but from watching too many movies and reading too many things. that, to me, is a greater loss than freedom itself. it's the loss of your basic rights as a human. or maybe rights is the wrong word, but you know what i mean.

this is an account of a man's experience in a prison taken from NY Times.

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Current Whim: horrified

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rant about cabbies
i truly hate yesterday's cab driver. that idiot took linda and i on a roundabout route when it could have been a short trip from the city to [info]auntyadele's. i told him the road, and then the name of her house, and he waved me away, saying he knew where it was. then he started talking non-stop. about GOD KNOWS WHAT. yak yak yak yak. i really hate cab drivers who talk. that's why i resist taking cabs whenever possible. the worst one was when i was hungover from new year's party, going home at the break of dawn, and the cab driver was yakking to me about islam and religion. oh please spare me.

yesterday's cabbie came a close second, with more rubbish coming out of his mouth than his ass. first he asked if i were local, because APPARENTLY i didn't speak like a singaporean, i sounded indonesian or malaysian. MALAYSIAN?! he said it's okay to sound indonesian coz they are all rich. WHAT?! so did i have to speak bad english like him to sound like a local?! i tried not to be rude because he is driving the car, and i don't want to end up in some jungle raped and beaten up. but he took my politeness as ENCOURAGEMENT. he bloody went ON and ON! he thought that we were students, and that we were rich because of where we were going. EUGH! i so hate people who make assumptions like that. don't even get me started on people who go on about jerry and his being a christian.

there were several routes to our destination. he didn't take the most obvious one and instead went into a small road, a shortcut he says. he boasted about his knowledge of small roads that if we called him, like his regular customers do, he will bring us from point A to B in a jiffy. WHAT?! YOU MEAN THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LIKE HIS COMPANY?? and then we got to point B, except that IT WASN'T BLOODY POINT B! because the moron was so involved with hearing his voice, that he didn't hear where i REALLY wanted to go, he brought us somewhere else.

so he started apologizing profusely and giving stupid excuses but we all know he was just a DUMB FUCK that was so eager to show off. so he sped down the road to our destination, this time quiet with embarrassment. linda and i chatted at the back, grateful that at least we were heading in the right direction this time, and that nothing else could go wrong...

EXCEPT THAT HE TRIED TO GET US KILLED! he made a u-turn and instead of waiting to filter into the main road, he almost charged into it, only stopping in time when a speeding car honked at him from really far back. it wasn't a HONK! it was a HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK! which showed how far back the driver was when this dumb fuck was trying to squeeze out. and the best part was, he had the GALL TO SCOLD THE OTHER DRIVER! AMAZING! called the other driver crazy. CRAZY! and then sped up to the driver just so he could cut the other driver off!

linda and i just stared at each other in the backseat.

when we finally got there, the fare came up to $10.70. and the dumb fuck didn't even offer to give us a discount for bringing us on a detour! even sat in his seat and waited for the 70c that i had to dig around my purse for. i was too annoyed to quibble over it already. i just paid and got out.


Current Whim: angry
Flavour of the month: Thievery Corporation - Vai Vai

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i thought of drawing puppies and sunshine but..
A Girl on a Whim
User: [info]burbur
Name: A Girl on a Whim
Back October 2004
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the elephant vanishes
hard-boiled wonderland
dance dance dance
the wind-up bird chronicle
sputnik sweetheart