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prof. frank

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(10 quick fixes | a quick fix)

[07 Feb 2005|12:26am]
[ music | Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot ]

so yeah... an update... with life.

life is currently eh. if you didn't know, about a week ago I drove up to NYC to visit the School of Visual Arts (my top choice for college) and did an interview/portfolio review. The admissions counsler said I had a strong portfolio and are just waiting for my school transcipts... so I'm hoping I have a chance.

and then I won a Gold Key (highest possible award) for one of my photography works in the Scholastic Art and Writing awards in my region. So my piece is going to New York City to compete nationally. I'm going to attended an awards Ceremony at NOVA so that should be fun/interesting.

and it's now the third quater of High School and I officially don't give a fuck anymore... especially about my math and science class. eh, I wish I could sleep for the rest of school year.

and my social life, you ask? Ah, ya know, just hanging out with the Fonz and JJ. Good times! (pun not intended *canned laughter)

sorry if the post seems like such a drab. If you give me a couple of cans of Coca-Cola and all the episodes of The Venture Brothers I promise I'll feel better.

seacrest... out (or in??????).

(1 quick fix | a quick fix)

BLAST SOME ASS [01 Feb 2005|10:51pm]
[ music | Mega Man 4-6 Mix CD ]


(Thank you usman)

oh, i'll update on my trip to NYC tomorrow...

(6 quick fixes | a quick fix)

OMG [21 Jan 2005|11:40pm]
[ music | The Arcade Fire - In The Backseat ]


(12 quick fixes | a quick fix)

My work [20 Jan 2005|07:48pm]
(mostly copied from PI)

I thought I'd post some of work that I did in my photography class. For those who don't know, I love photography with a fiery passion. Yes, it is an artform. Those who don't agree can eat my ass with mustard and ketchup. These all have been done this year in my Photography 3: Portfolio Prep class. Since in my Computer Graphics class, we're working on our digital portfolio and have had to upload any artwork and/or photography and so far, I've only had these 4 uploaded. Each one is from a series of works (so they're pretty well representive of the projects they're from).

clicky clicky for photographs )

(a quick fix)

beautiful... [16 Jan 2005|12:24am]
[ music | Brian Eno - Becalmed ]

Brian Eno... I fucking love you.

(a quick fix)

[15 Jan 2005|11:54pm]
[ music | Brian Eno - An Ending (Ascent) ]

Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
Never taken out of the packaging
Has yet to see self in mirror
Sex Drive 97.4%
The Pope is envious
Felt someone up once
Gayness 100%
Fucking Sick98.2%
Refreshingly normal
You are 89% pure
Average Score: 72.7%

i'm sure this is surpring... or not.

(7 quick fixes | a quick fix)

[10 Jan 2005|11:47pm]
You scored as Loner.



Drama nerd












Ghetto gangsta


What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

in other news, this week is going to be Hell. I'm getting my goggles ready.

(15 quick fixes | a quick fix)

[27 Dec 2004|09:24pm]
I don't know if I'm a moron for not noticing sooner but ghost story movies (beginning from The Sixth Sense and The Ring) are the new Slasher flicks. They are coming out in droves ad nauseam. Movies like "Darkness" (really, c'mon, Darkness!? Jesus H Christ, why don't you put Jason Sextro in it along with a whole goth nightclub eh?) and "Boogeyman" are just... bah!!!! </end rant>

(7 quick fixes | a quick fix)

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Cex - Kill Me ]

boredom, how I love you )

(10 quick fixes | a quick fix)

[15 Dec 2004|06:11pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Ratatat - Spanish Armada ]

wow... I feel horrible.

I just feel so weak. mostly mentally. The cause? School. Because of a couple of absenses, I've already missed a couple of assignments for my IB Topics class which really hit me hard in the end. That really has gotten me depressed for the last week or so. I just don't know what to do. Add my Math Studies class... I'm just not doing well in that class and I'm actually trying. I'm pretty sure I bombed a cumulitive test we had a week ago... and I missed a deadline for these papers to begin our IB project. ggggggggaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. I really feel like I'm going to have some kind of breakdown soon.

Add to the fact... My new digital camera that I purchased no more than a month ago has been officially stolen. Last friday, I left it in my 7th period IB English class... I didn't realize it until Saturday so went in to that class immediately Monday morning. Turns out its not there. I'm just really really really really upset by that. People suck. As if my misanthrophy meter wasn't high enough, this has to happen. So that really has taken a tole on me too.


and add upcoming college application due dates. I have a couple of drawings done for my portfolio but I really need to get crackin' more.


I don't know if I should be thankful for this upcoming Winter break but I know that's going to rid me of my problems. And I know I'm just sit around and do absolutely no work.

I just don't have the will to carry on anymore.

(1 quick fix | a quick fix)

[12 Dec 2004|05:54pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Radiohead - Knives Out ]

IB Oral Exam tomorrow morning. Ouch.
It's going on for the entire week... I didn't sign up so of course, I got assigned to Monday. bah. Oh well, at least I'll have it off my chest so I don't have to dwell on it.

Didn't do my photo shoot for my next assignment. The reason being my models couldn't make it. Which is understandble. One of them had homework all saturday, had to visit UVA today and the other was unreachable and had to go to NYC today. It's a bummer but oh well. To be honest, I wasn't really prepared with what I was going to use for the shoot, studio/prop-wise. Plus, our teacher didn't give us anytime to shoot which is bullpoop. Oh well, I guess I just need to get it done ASAP.

in other news: Kris is coming over this week (he's on break). Much fun will be had.

seacrest... out.

(8 quick fixes | a quick fix)

oh, just to mention... [05 Dec 2004|09:47pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Revolting Cocks - Get Down ]

yeah, if you didn't know by now, I turned 18 on November 26th.

That means I'm legal. Very legal.

Watch out ladies, Frank is on the prowl. Rawr. B)

(a quick fix)

testing [05 Dec 2004|06:04pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Björk - Pluto ]


so yeah, sorry if I've been neglecting posting on my LJ, viewing my friends page. It's just that I reformatted my computer and have been busy setting up and fixing stuff. and also, I just haven't had the will to check up on my LJ. so yeah, sorry if it seemed i was MIA, whether posting here or on my friends LJ's.

I'm now using Semagic, a LJ client. Before, I was using a LJ extension for Mozilla Firefox but it wasn't compatible with 1.0 version and that sucks, since it was really easy to make posts and such. But I this program is pretty nifty... definately has more features. so yeah

seacrest out.

(16 quick fixes | a quick fix)

RoboFrank is Angry [01 Nov 2004|06:11pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The Dismemberment Plan - Memory Machine ]

Wow, my Halloween sucked ass.

I was pretty pissed last night. basically, I didn't get to go out anywhere. I had told three friends if they wanted to go out with me to trick or treat/find a party, go out whatever. i told them all a 1-2 weeks beforehand. two say 'yes', one says 'not sure... i'll see'. so come Halloween day, I call them both and they don't answer. the one friend who says she wasn't sure calls and we have a regular conversation but at the end, I tell her if she's going to be joining me that night and still she says "not sure... i'll call you in 10 minutes". after that, she never called me.

then to my other two friends, they call me back and one tells me he can't make it since he has school work to do (on a four weekend? oook...) and says he'll get my other friend to call me back (since they both don't have cell phones or anything). and they never called back once after that.

it's not that I didn't go out that pisses me off so much. what really pisses me off is that I had to be on edge. I had to wait on them. I really hate that feeling. If they had told me a week ago, "no", that would've been much simpler but I guess they felt the need to for me to stay close to the phone all night waiting for some kind of reponse. and other thing that got me is that I didn't get to show off my costume, which I even think, is really awesome. and that pisses me off even more because I worked really hard on it. though it is cheaply made, I had to go out of my way to get all the tools I needed for it, take measurements and cut it up (sounds easier that it is) and do other stuff for it.

Anyway, I think my costume rules and am definately going to keep it for "special occasions" meaning any event or place I see fit for wearing my boxobut suit. :P And I'm going to try and save it for next Halloween.

anyway, here are some pics...

(1 quick fix | a quick fix)

[29 Oct 2004|08:17am]
stuff for school

Franklyn Zelaya

Plan of Investigation

    The world we live in today is what it is today partly due to the many political and social events in the 20th

century. One such even that would permanently change the world forever was World War II. Ironically, post-war, more

fears than comfort arose in the United States; this was the time of the Second Red Scare. Believing that communism

was a serious threat to everyone in the US, many law makers and politicians used fear and paranoia for their own

personal agendas and goals. Undoubtedly, the most famous politician to prosecute others using fear was Senator

Joseph McCarthy. The question presented will be on how McCarthyism and the Red Scare effected social relations in

the US. There will be a focus on the groups and types of people Anti-Communists wanted to root out and examine the

long-term effects of the relationship between the Government and its people.


Fried, Richard M. The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!: Pagentry and
    Patriotism in Cold-War America. New York: Oxford, 1998.

Fried, Richard M. Nightmare In Red: The McCarthy Era in Perspective. New York: Oxford,

Kutler, Stanley I. The American Inquisition: Justice and Injustice in the Cold War. New York:
    Hill and Wang, 1982.

Griffith, Robert. The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate. Lexington: University
    of Kentucky Press, 1970.

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