Laura's journal

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Tuesday, January 7th, 2003
9:47 pm - i made a new livejournal..
and livejournal is being a bitch at the moment, so if you want me to add you as a friend or want to add me as a friend, leave me a note and i'll tell you the new name. otherwise, nice knowing ya.

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Wednesday, December 18th, 2002
3:18 am
It's now December 18th and I'm still awake.

December 17th was an odd day. First of all it was my ex, Dave's birthday. Then, my ex Hans called me. Obviously very lonely. Said he can't stop thinking about me. Blahblahblah. Invited me to his place, declined saying I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that. Then this other guy whom I haven't spoken to in a couple months called me. Was it a full moon?

I'm supposed to go apply for a city job tomorrow, then Eric will be coming over. Yay!

Friday I'm interviewing for a secretarial position at a charter school.

I should get some sleep now.

current mood: tired

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Saturday, December 14th, 2002
1:34 am - pussy?
at last, i have found the answer to the question I've asked of myself many a time. When talking about pus as an adjective, it is spelled pussy.

that's just not right.

current mood: bored
current music: lasgo - something

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Wednesday, December 11th, 2002
10:20 pm - newsflash: new erasure
the job search continues.. and continues. there are no jobs. none of the retail places i applied at in october even called me back for holiday work. suck.

i've been tossing around the idea of making a site like i don't think i would be successful though, and anyway, i have enough trouble accepting financial help from my parents, and allowing my boyfriend to pay when he takes me out. but getting rid of $2500 in debt would be most keen.

and in other news, a new erasure album is coming out. yay! their last album left an extremely bad taste in my mouth, but this one is an album of cover songs. mostly oooold stuff.. but so far I do like most of what I hear. i will never stop loving erasure, no matter how uncool that makes me. andy bell forever.

this song is so cheesy, but i do so love it.

current mood: hungry
current music: Erasure - Everyday

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Monday, December 2nd, 2002
11:50 pm - unemployment time again.
on this very shitty snowy day, laura was fired from her job. the job that took 20 months to get. the job that new girl marsha had been trying to get laura fired from since the day she decided she didn't like me.

her plan worked. she would conveniently lose appointments i had set, blaming it and the lost customer on me. she talked a bunch of crap about me to both my boss and the owner of the company and in the end she got what she wanted.

i hope that stupid little 19 year old bitch cunt died in a horrible car accident tonight. and i'm not joking.

but she won't.. because people like her never get theirs. people like me get fucked.

oh, and the best part? my replacement is a 17 year old. a fucking junior in high school. marsha's best pal. coincidence?

current mood: depressed

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Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
1:31 am
I've been censoring myself for reasons unbeknownst to me. Perhaps to spare the feelings of people who may or may not be reading this. That ends today.

But where to start? Eric. I have been seeing Eric now for close to 3 months. He's wonderful and thoughtful and everything I thought I'd never find.

Work is going alright. Marsha is still a constant pain in my ass, but it's paying the bills for now. I survived my first driving experience in the snow today. It's everything I expected it to be. I hope it doesn't snow too much this year.

More another time, perhaps. For now, it's bedtime.

current mood: tired

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Tuesday, November 12th, 2002
12:46 am - blargh.
i am incredibly unhappy right now and i'm not sure why. probably mostly period junk. partially other things. everything feels off tonight. just off.

i meant to call mary today. i forgot her phone number like a dumbass though.

i'm achey and tired, so this is all the update you get.

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Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
11:29 pm
so it's been almost a month since i last posted. 10 days short of a month, i guess. my job's going ok.. another new girl started working there 2 weeks after i started working there and try as i might, i just don't like her. she stole my desk. if you've ever worked a desk job before, you know the importance of your desk. My desk had a computer and a nice phone and places to put things. She stole my desk. My desk is now a barren desk in the front of the office with a crappy phone, no computer, no place to put anything. No social interaction with coworkers. No nothing. I feel like the outcast there. I shouldn't feel like the outcast, damnit. I'm not bitching. I'm very grateful I have this job.

In other news, I think my boss got me sick. She was out sick most of last week, then came in yesterday still feeling like shit. I've had a sore throat since last night. I think it's a sinus infection, but it's too early to tell, I suppose. I drove home tonight on a Dayquil high that made me feel like I was flying part of the time. Kinda fun in a spooky way.

There is other news, but I won't get into it just yet.

Kat, I e-mailed you. I hope you get the e-mail in time.

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Thursday, October 10th, 2002
12:41 am - good news.
finally, after months of interviewing, i'm officially employed. with a job title and everything. administrative assistant. oh yes.

the hours are decent, the pay is decent, but there are no benefits, which means my search isn't over yet. but this is a definite start.

yay! a job for me!! yay!!

current mood: jubilant
current music: Mandalay - Beautiful

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Saturday, October 5th, 2002
4:19 am - still alive.
i'm still alive. have a job interview on monday in utica. if i don't get a job soon, i'm fucked. and while some people may think i could use a good fuck, that's not the sorta fucked i'm talking about. i'd think after 20 months of hell, i deserve a little something. a little jobby job. i'm only getting deeper in debt.

i locked myself out of my car for the first time on wednesday.
two weeks previous to that, i was almost killed by an 18 wheeler.

maybe things are looking up.

current mood: tired
current music: Cocteau Twins - Seekers Who Are Lovers

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Monday, September 23rd, 2002
5:09 pm - poopyturds.
Everything is poopyturds lately. I got 3 rejeciton letters in the span of 2 days. I was confident I'd get at least one of the jobs. I was actually starting to get my hopes up about finding a job, was thinking positively and all that crap. Now my hopes have been crushed and I get to start all over again. The longer I go without a job, the less likely it is that someone will want to hire me. 19 months now. Almost 20.

Last night I was homicidal. Today I'm better.

We are taking the stray cat we named Church to the vet today to see if he's got any bad diseases he could give to my kitties. If he's clear, we're gonna let him be a part time indoor cat.

I went to the DIA on Friday with a guy I like very much. I'd never been to the DIA before. I named a piece of art "4 holed doughnut" Not very creative, I know.

I should shower now.

current mood: bored
current music: Jose Padilla - Adios ayer

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Wednesday, September 18th, 2002
6:27 pm - coulda fooled me

Your Sex Life's Above Average!

You're sex life is good, but you're no ho,

It takes a while before you're ready to go.

You have more sex than the average joe.

You aren't really fast, but you sure aren't slow.

How Does *Your* Sex Life Compare? Click Here to Find Out!

current music: Pentatonik - Movements Part 2

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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
12:55 am - the hair that just won't pluck
you know the one.. the one that's merely a speck, barely even poking out from under your skin. the one that bugs the shit out of you because your eyebrows look so sculptured, with the exception of that one teeny tiny itsy bitsy hair. i wish i could get it already.

i have my second interview with comcast tomorrow in the a.m. this is my first second interview and i'm quite perplexed about it. what's the point in a second interview? they've asked you all their questions, you've asked them all yours. is it more of a personality thing the second time around? i'm not sure what to wear since this will actually be the fourth time i've visited comcast and all three of my interview outfits have been worn. i shouldn't have worn an interview outfit when i came in for the background check, as i'd like to wear that outfit tomorrow. i suppose i will wear it anyway. tried to schedule a haircut for tonight, but they're booked, so no haircut for me. probably for the best, anyway.

the highlight of my weekend was finding the latest book by one of my very favorite authors, nick hornby, at this place called book market. it was on the very last fiction table i looked at. good find. $7. happiness!

and just in case you cared to know, i still didn't get that friggen hair

current mood: tired
current music: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Do you love me?

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Friday, August 23rd, 2002
2:24 am
i'm very sad tonight and i don't know why :(

current mood: sad
current music: Erasure - A Long Goodbye

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Monday, August 19th, 2002
5:37 am - late night thoughts
I was just thinking about how men seem to handle rejection. One minute they're trying to get a date, a kiss, or pussy from you, and when they think you've rejected them, they turn into mega assholes. Why is this? Do they think that's going to make you all swoony and give them what they want? Do they think it's going to help them out any? You'd think if they were genuinely interested in you they'd just deal with it for the time being.

I guess it's really all about pride. I hurt his pride, he insults me in return. It's happened a million times before. If I am in fact rejecting them, it's because I'm genuinely not interested, if I'm not and they just take it as rejection, any interest that was there has now been depleted. Not very smart.

I don't know what I'm doing up this late, so I'll end this here and sleep.

current mood: pensive
current music: David Bowie - Life On Mars

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Friday, August 16th, 2002
4:50 am - greasy insomnia please release me
I can't get no sleep.

(cue the nord lead)

yeah, i'm out there.

current mood: tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired

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Thursday, August 15th, 2002
6:54 am - i awoke at 6:30am
and I'm now eating 99 cent peanut brittle from Walgreens.

I should have coffee now.

current mood: groggy

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
5:33 pm - a strong candidate
I woke up today with a message from the head of HR at Comcast. Having a message from her made me think I got the job. After calling her back, she said that I was a "strong candidate" and could I come in for a background check? Of course I can. So I go in, and fill out their forms. She copies my driver's license, we small talk about the job and my interview a bit, she tells me they'll be interviewing more candidates for the position next week, and I go.

So what do you think? Are they stringing me along? Toying with my emotions? Do I have this job? I've never been called in for a background check before.

I had another message regarding another interview with a different company. Full time, benefits, etc.. in Sterling Heights though. Decisions, decisions..

current mood: contemplative
current music: Chapterhouse - Pearl

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3:04 am - comcast strikes again.
Well, it's very good that deus_x didn't beat up the folks at Comcast, because last week they called me about another interview for another position. I interviewed for that position today and I think there's a very good chance that I'll get it. This excites me to no end.

It's my bedtime now.


current mood: tired
current music: the hum of the computer

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
3:38 pm - i wanted to be the hi-tech vibrator :(

I Am The Sex Toy:

Knowledge: So I might not be the first sex toy on everyones mind, but lets be honest about where sexual power really comes from.

Find out what sex toy you are.

current mood: tummy hurts
current music: Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

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