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walking on water. [Oct. 15th, 2004|06:49 pm]
[Current Music |Ryan Adams - So Alive.]

So alive.

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does this make sense? [Jan. 17th, 2004|06:11 pm]
I have seen one too many self-shot photos of emo kids standing in front mirrors holding the camera sideways.
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Vodka and Jake. [Oct. 18th, 2003|10:12 pm]
ShigeoMarx: There's a special voice to use...when you want somebody to do something.
PEZRIOT212: I know that voice.
ShigeoMarx: I know you know.
ShigeoMarx: lol
PEZRIOT212: I've mastered it.
ShigeoMarx: No I'm talk in it as your normal voice.
PEZRIOT212: Do I really?
ShigeoMarx: Yeah.
PEZRIOT212: ;-)
PEZRIOT212: I'm dynamic.
ShigeoMarx: I always thought you talked kind of awkwardly but I couldn't figure out why until I was listening to some of the drill sergeants and the way they explained it...
PEZRIOT212: Are you serious?
ShigeoMarx: Yeah...your's hard to explain...
PEZRIOT212: try a bit more.
ShigeoMarx: It's not wrong...but when I'd listen to you's like I didn't think that's how you really talked.
PEZRIOT212: Lol.. what did you think it was?
ShigeoMarx: Didn't know until I got to basic training and they explained it to us.
ShigeoMarx: People generally do what you say, huh?
PEZRIOT212: Yes.
ShigeoMarx: lol.
ShigeoMarx: That's why.
ShigeoMarx: You're gonna be the boss most places you go.
PEZRIOT212: I'm posting this.
PEZRIOT212: People need to know how badass my voice is.
ShigeoMarx: ROFL

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silly caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords. [Oct. 12th, 2003|09:10 pm]
And I saw Kill Bill.

It was awesome.
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[Sep. 10th, 2002|09:10 pm]
God should have made us out of metal instead of sacks of shit, acid, slime, blood, messy organs, mucus and whatever bile exists inside of us.

A piece of cheesy mucus came out of my throat earlier. I sniffed it and it smelled terrible. If that's how I smell on the inside than I don't want to be human.

We're all nasty on the inside.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2002|10:33 pm]
I ate crab today for the first time. It was good but I had a strange feeling. Poor crab.
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[Mar. 19th, 2001|09:20 pm]
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[Mar. 18th, 2001|09:15 pm]
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