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Mariam Ella Loh

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fiona has wings [Dec. 15th, 2004|09:01 pm]
[what's in my CD player: |broken homes pj and tricky]

Fiona Apple's 'Extraordinary Machine', which was completed May 2003 is not being released as her new, experimental work wasn't deemed 'commercial enough' by Andrew Lack, Sony's new pimpdaddy, who would rather foster grade-two-rhyming hip-hop and bubble-gurgitating pop artists with ant-like talent over respected and creative musicians a little bit more mnemonic than to rhyme 'girl' with 'world' or 'yo' with 'ho'. After the shelving of Fiona's long-awaited CD (it's been 5 bleeding years!) Fiona fans all around the world (from America to Siberia) have retaliated by sending thousands of apples -real and synthetic- to Sony, demanding the release of 'Extraordinary Machine'.

If you are a Fiona fan (or a Sony hater) then do your bit and tell everybody to support the campaign for uncensored music. Don't let the Duffs and Mayers and Kelly Osbournes win this war...If you don't have money to send apples or think it's too tasty then please go here and sign the petition so we can ALL hear more beautiful Apple arias!

more news:
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Dresden Dolls at the Zoo, Brisbane [Dec. 15th, 2004|08:48 pm]

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world of the live(leave)ing [Dec. 6th, 2004|07:03 pm]
[today i feel rather: | predatory]
[what's in my CD player: |1920s jazz music]

This will be a short one as I need my baby nap....
Wahey I finally finally graduated last month with top distinctions from my Bachelor of Creative Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice & Theory/Creative Writing....miaw!! The downside is that I still have Glandular Fever and an antidote for insomnia that is Chronic Fatigue. I feel like my grandma, any ism of energy sends me weak and rohypnol-like, and getting through this semseter would've been myth if it had not been for V and pills. For a usually bouncied hyper-freak who wails about pails I haven't been much fun these past few says i need to eat real healthy and I've had nachos, tacos, wedges and pizza this week...i am horrible at obeying anything but please keep scolding me and sending me health facts... i listen to those.
Here's the new satirical new-media project i needs a bit of grammar polishing, will fix when I'm stellar-healthed. In the meantime kiddies, lemme know if you have any ideas on how to improve it?'s a little bit about the background... skip if it bores.


Candy Pharm Artist Statement

My new-media project Candy Pharm concentrates on the paradoxical behaviour of prescription drugs for non-medicinal purposes. Humans have always been open to experimentation, with people treating their bodies as if they were projects. Drugs become cheap therapists to people who craving either social acceptance or a break from daily anxieties.

In a world where pharmaceutical medicine are dished out like candy by corporate-thirsty doctors, my site trivializes the way modern medicine is employed as a tool for both collective control and financial gain.

Physicians are given unorthodox power by auto-suggesting drugs to their patients, with little or no regard for their actual well-being. Of course by pedalling such an industry, doctors are contributing to a desperate culture where pills like Xanax, Zoloft and Vicodin are draped in societal novelty, and not only are people being told they need pills to function, they are also being intentionally misinformed about the serious adverse reactions to these drugs.

Candy Pharm is displayed as a mock-styled online pharmaceutical company that sells ‘specialized’ medicine to temporarily masks one’s defect. The key ingredient of these pills is the power of persuasion and the alteration of perception. Technically, the drugs are a new form of placebo, where there is no physically- evident remedy, yet in the mind of the taker, the error is being corrected. This highlights the influence of mind over body. Via Flash graphics and digital photography, I generate an environment where obscure symptoms are swallowed down with grandiose remedies that poke fun at our drug-obsessed nation.


title or description

Remember, always drink 8 glasses of water and don't eat off people's plates, like i do.
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The On-Goings of Marzi's Cerebrum These Past Two Months [Sep. 19th, 2004|02:12 pm]
[today i feel rather: | creative]
[what's in my CD player: |Medulla/UhHuHer/The Cure]

A while since i last wrote in, lots have been happening in marzi's life...been taking lots of photos of city smoke, burnt forests, follicles, numbers, dirt textures etc.
Keeping my fast-metabolised self busy with artworks for my final semester.

Some of my artworks this time are concentrating on the design of numbers and the way we understand its symbolism in culture. Also, my Flash site on found objects is part of a caollaboration, based on the thematics of a fictitous identity. I have been collecting found objects lately and writing fictional passages, trying to stitch a story together with these temporal sentimentalities. Found some sweet objects in Sydney, including a Parammata library card, candle in plastic, grocery list and photos. As well, I'm working with hair again; this time the materials are more authenticated and domestic-based. One would think i'd be sick of looking at hair, but I'm falling in love with their behaviour.

'Hair negative series'

'Domestelogen series'

These are my first drafts, whaddya think? Will post my final works here soon.

Ooh my work Rapunzel's Nightmare got admitted to Electrofringe festival in newcastle, so I'm dead chuffed.

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Today one of my closest friends Leah rang from London...

...while on a red-bus towards Portobello with her boy Pedro, she tells me the looming coldness makes for great summer sales -she's a sun princess, while i relish in cement-toned weather mmmm. Nothing better than sleeping next to my beautiful boyfriend under a roof of rain. I miss the harsh UK cold and the babbled nights at the Walkabout with Katie and Melbarbie, the generousness of Tania, Espa and the pro-reefer hippie in Lanzarote, taking time to show me around their exotic islands and giving me a place to zzZZZzz. I've met so many genuine souls while travelling, it re-instills my faith in humans, in a mephitic world where kids are massacred to 'prove an ill point' and political warfare ignites uneccesary genocide.

Last year i quit my job at Quest so i can concentrate on uni more and alter my disastrous sleeping patter of 9am-1.30am. Although the pay was great,the only good things i got out of it were a beautiful friendship with Katty and Leah. I like the idea of not working under corporations. I think I'll try to make a living with what I'm doing right now, don't think i can ever go back to full-time bartending...granted you got free stuff like copious alcohol and invites to silly events...however, I'm not much of a drinker nowadays and I never wanted a slice of that glittery pseudo-elitism anyway.

*hehe amazing photo of matt on keys to be uploaded soon -oh soon*

Saw the ever-glorious Polly Jean Harvey at her last-minute intimate gig at the Great Northern, Byron. Worth the $55...she played virtually all of UhHuHer, which is btw i think, her best album so far.

Last Sunday me, Jason, Kelly, Bernie, Sal and Carl went to see MUSE
and it was mind-blowing, the sound was brilliant even though it was at shady Riverstage. Stockholm was a highlight of course. heeeeaaavvvvyyyy!

Been addicted to Bjork's Medulla recently,
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Even though it has the usual Bjorkesque rythmic patterns, especially with the Icelandic choir, it's still a different and strange and quixotic album that took a little getting used to. Now, i can't function without hearing it in my car everyday on the way to anyplace...songs that are bliss to me are Ancestors and Where is the Line. I can't wait to watch her documentary....i looked up the artist Hrafnhildur Arnadottir who generated the hair scluptures for Medulla, but she didn't really have much work on the net :(

Places Mariam Ella wants to visit before it's 'too late':

1. McMurdo, Antartica -only 500 -1200 inhabitants!

2.Iceland -i watched this Bjork doco, which was pretty much a pimping for people to go to Iceland, but i must admit the way their government hadnles state of affairs looks mature and fair, unlike most 1st-3rd world countries. And the President last time i checked, was female. Maybe that's why Iceland isn't caked with riots, females are better at civil discussions, they don't just bomb places that sniff oil, unlike their male counterparts. But i'm stereotyping, there are good leaders who are male, they just don't happen to exist in countries starting and ending with 'A'.

3. Every place seen in Baraka -If you haven't seen the vid, please do. Amazing cinematography, the places become characters...the people speak with their eyes, this is what travel shows should look like-it's Getaway without the annoying pixie blondes.

4. New York City - i haven't been to a city that is superflous with everything . And 'it never sleeps', perfect for me at 4am. The Guggenheim would be my main agenda too.

5. New Zealand Did you see the landscapes in Lord of the Rings? Wow, stick me on those mountain-tops anyday, preferrably with Aragon. Plus, Kiwis are such nice people.

6. Canada Southpark is my fave show, which means Canadians have a wicked sense of humour. And judging by Bowling for Columbine, it seems like an ideal place to live in. I detest the fact that we live in a world where we need to lock up everything, our doors, windows, cars, lockers, office etc. This whole paranoia system is lost on Canadians, and i like that idea, states a kind of innocence yknow.

Places I'd like to re-visit:

1: Innsbruck, Austria- amazing strawberry-chocolate kebabs, fun horse-carriages, cute little granma coffeeshops next to powder mountains.

2: Gran Canaria, Spain -the beach sand is coal-black and the clubs start getting busy around 4am cuz of siesta. I'd go here anyday over techno-popping Ibiza.

3: London -What not to fall in love with? Meh, except for the crazy prices.

4: Tasmania -English-styled homes, oh adore! Mt. Wellington was surreal. My first holiday with my boyfriend, so it's a sentimental place. The Tassie devils look like my dog, Zac, although unlike Zac, they don't devour plastic and styrofoam balls.

5: Melbourne - over Sydney, yes.

Lovely (drunken) times had here with Katie, Kelly, Ange and Sarah. Alleyway taggings are intimidatingly good.

6: Singapore -Crime and littering is low. I went to school here for a couple of years. Very catholic. Learnt how to make beaded jewellry. Bought my first CD. Great for shopping! Scored a genuine copy of Kurt Cobain's deah cert for $1!

Well enough babbles, i gotta get back to working some. But I'm at a much happier place than i was when writing my LJ a year ago. It's really a defining moment when you realise how just much you care about this person, and all of a sudden the puzzles come together and your life has significant meaning. I don't usually talk about my relationships on LJ, but i finally know how amazing it feels to have someone immensely corset you with ardent love. And that as long as you're with this person, life is beautiful.

Ah, tea for two finally.
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re: FIND ME! [Aug. 22nd, 2004|01:52 pm]

I am creating a website based on the thematics of a 'found identity.'
The site will enclose various found objects that i have collected through the years in an assortment of locations, and narratives -artificial and authentic- will be written about these materials.

Here are some of my found objects:

wheelchair found at a Burleigh tip

cigarette container found at a casino

page from a nurse's journal found at Hobart

strand of synthetic hair extension found outside a club in Surfers

OK here's where I need your help my buttercups!

Mentally tick if you:

1. Collect found objects (as hobbyist or obsessive complusive)
2. Remember where you found these objects
3. Agree to these found materials to be manifested on my website

If all responses bleed to YES, will you exchange these objects for a Mars bar (carab if diabetic)? I will need these cutesie foundies by 26 September, and they will be returned to you swiftly after a date with scanning. So comment me if you're interested :)

Found objects are the curious materials you come across in streets, nightclubs, public toilets, gardens, carparks etc, they once had a temporary owner, but now 'belong' to anyone who seeks it theirs. They come in the form of torn-out notes, drawings, letters, photos, solid objects (motherboards, puzzles, utensils, boxes) etc.

Here's a cool site for found objects:

Much thanks in advance, you will be credited on my site!

Happy trasure hunting!
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