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[10 Oct 2004|12:44pm]
Nobody got hurt, and nobody got arrested. I guess that's a good night.
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The three stages of "The Matrix" [08 Oct 2004|12:20pm]
[ music | The Get Up Kids - Better Half ]

cut because image is kinda big )

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I've been accosted. [06 Oct 2004|10:18am]
[ music | Cake - Short Skirt/Long Jacket ]

Savages in this town...

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Another night slips away, in other words, I should say.... [05 Oct 2004|10:23am]
[ music | Blink 182 - Online Songs ]

Meh. So, I had someone come look at my car last night.. I spent a lot of time cleaning it up and whatnot.. and they came, drove, etc.. and then she told me to call her when I wanted to come down on the price.

What a fucking waste of my time.

Yesterday was just a clusterfuck anyway... Got paged at like 8, got up messed with that shit.. Had to go install a T1 on the otherside of town at 10:30, came back here (work)... decided to go have tires put on the WRX, drove to 2 different wal-mart's, neither had my size tire in stock.. so I ended up going to Towery.. which took over an hour to do 4 tires..

After that, I came back to work for like 2 hours.. decided at 5 that my work day was just totally screwed, so I left, went home and cleaned up the car..

In any event, I have a clean car with new tires.. now it just needs to be waxed. blarg.

I need to get some exercise, because I'm just really tired lately.. I've pretty much cut out drinking during the week, although after yesterday was over... I considered having a drink while I watched CSI.

Anyone else watch that? John Heard played that lady's dad.. As soon as I saw him, I said.. "damn, i bet you wish you hadn't jumped off that bridge in Soprano's now, don't ya?"

Megan looked at me like I was retarded because she has no sense of humor anymore and laughs at nothing I say.

Seriously.... His character in CSI and Sopranos.. Both of them, he's a drunk fat guy. At least in Sopranos he was a drunk fat cop. I now see that this is his 3rd appearance on CSI.. Guess I can't claim to be a huge fan.. :)


Speaking of drinking. I can say, without lying, that I drank a lot of wild turkey on friday, and did not puke. Please, no applause.

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QOTD [03 Oct 2004|09:31pm]
"Let's all get gay and get in a pile" --Dustin
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PSA [01 Oct 2004|12:39pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Kanye West - Family Business ]

I don't listen to anyone, not even myself.

The bird is the word.

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ATTN: buy now [30 Sep 2004|12:38pm]
[ music | Bone Thugs N' Harmony - Look Into My Eyes ]

TIA :mamoru:

Yes, I know the picture is dark.. I'll get a new pic up tonight. I was going to do it last night but my batteries were dead.

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You bastards [28 Sep 2004|11:13pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Somehow, I got about 15 people to sign up for, and only 2 of them managed to complete their offers.

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[27 Sep 2004|11:44am]
[ music | Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do ]


Sunday Morning Coming Down is a much more fitting song...

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
Then I washed my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

I'd smoked my mind the night before
With cigarettes and songs I'd been picking.
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Playing with a can that he was kicking.
Then I walked across the street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
And Lord, it took me back to something that I'd lost
Somewhere, somehow along the way.

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

In the park I saw a daddy
With a laughing little girl that he was swinging.
And I stopped beside a Sunday school
And listened to the songs they were singing.
Then I headed down the street,
And somewhere far away a lonely bell was ringing,
And it echoed through the canyon
Like the disappearing dreams of yesterday.

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down

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Why I shouldn't drink Wild Turkey.... [27 Sep 2004|11:42am]
[ music | Korn - It's On! ]

Oi Vey.

Saturday was kind of a mess of a day.

We got a late start on things.. and around 3pm, I took some Benadryl in preperation for driving around in the woods.. I didn't even think about the possibility of it making me drowsy, but it did.. and by the time we got ready to go out, two hours later, i was fucked.

We drove around, and I was in a drug addled haze, further complicated by ice cold beers. I managed to back my truck into a tree and bend up the tail gate.. but aside from that, we managed to escape the woods without serious problem.

I went home around 7 to get the dogs, as Megan was out of town at a wedding, and would not return that night..

Departing my house, I headed to Jesse's house.. After I arrived, I made myself a beam and coke and sat around and chilled out for a while. I threw in "The Fast and The Furious" because I needed a good laugh.. It was about that time that things went terribly wrong. The marked point in time, that when shown on a graph indicates the highest mark before a plunge... much like the stock market crash of 1929.. The High Water Mark..

But I digress...

Yes, right. It was about that time that Jesse brought out the bottle of Wild Turkey. The one that he'd been trying to get us to drink since 5pm. By this time, I had eaten about 4 slices of pizza, and sucked down a bourbon and coke, and the Benadryl haze was starting to lift. It seemed like a great idea.

Down go the shots.. the first half of the bottle went pretty quick.. and the second half took us up to about 11:30.... That swill (i'd say scag, for the sake of consistancy, but there was no heroin) baron Jesse.. he said I had to match his shots... one for one. Of course, I can't say no to a challenge like this..

So the bottle was empty.. and the Beam was gone too.. consumed by the other vultures in the room.. and so it came down to this... it's 11:45, and the liquor store closes in 15 minutes.

We take a poll, who's the least drunk? too close to call.

Who thinks they have the best chance of driving and not getting pulled over? man, that's down to the wire.

So, Ray drives. We go to the liquor store. We get another bottle of Beam. I help a lady figure out how to change the radio station on the radio of the truck she's driving.

I don't really remember much after that... except there was a camera. :eek3:

Fast Forward, time unknown, I wake up in Jesse's bed, and I lose my half of the bottle on the floor next to it. Oops. I apologize profusely, go outside and use my shirt to wipe the vomit off my arm and pants.. In a perfect world, I would have gone in the bathroom for this.. but there was a girl in there puking... so... yeah.

Fast Forward, 7am, I awake on the leather couch, the bare skin of my back glued to it's surface.. I find my keys.. in Jesse's samurai.. Yeah, we took it out in the back field at some point... dunno.. don't ask.. The bottle of Beam that we risked life, limb, and jail time for.. largely untouched..

Luckily, I have a sweatshirt in my car, and I put it on... hit mcdonald's... go home, shower, sleep til noon.


So, that's two weekends in September that I drank Wild Turkey, and subsequently got sick.. This should serve as a sign. A marker..

lalala... corn bread and ice tea took the place of pills and ninety-proof.... all my rowdy friends.... lalalal..

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[21 Sep 2004|06:41pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | Kenna - Red Man ]

MEH. I made a icon theme from some of my favorite board emoticons.. ;)

:eek3: nga

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[20 Sep 2004|05:31pm]
[ mood | numb ]

I almost hit some girl on a bike today.. She couldn't have been more than 12 years old.

I was heading down Preston Hwy, nearing the intersection at Indian Trail. For those of you not familar with the area, Preston Hwy is Highway 61, which runs from downtown Louisville, south, into infinity.. The are that I travel is mostly 35,45, or 55mph and at least 4 lanes at all times. Indian Trail ends at Preston, in a T.

There were two girls, standing at the crosswalk, both on 10 speeds. Well, I guess one of them thought it was a good time, because without seeing me, approaching at 45mph, started to pedal out into the road. I slammed on my brakes, and without even having time to check behind me, veered into the left lane. I was no more than 75 feet away from her when she started across, so this was a full on panic breaking. To the point that, when I passed her, I was going about 10mph, and there was smoke coming off of my tires. She never even saw me until I passed in front of her.

I bet there are black marks on the pavement still.

Two different people who were behind me, pulled along side me and more or less asked what I was thinking.. "what was that girl doing"

Eh, I'm just glad I didn't hit her.. That would have really fucked both of our days up. Considering the moral dilemias I raise over shooting birds for food, I can't imagine what ugly turn my mind would take over killing a little girl.

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Man Up! [08 Sep 2004|10:09am]
[ music | Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good ]

Dear people who signed up under me @,

Hello. Please complete your offers. Fuckers.

-- Me

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[07 Sep 2004|01:32am]
my neighbor hit my car. she didn't bother to tell me.

she can die in a fire.
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[02 Sep 2004|05:22pm]
[ music | Terror Squad Ft. Mase Eminem - lean back remix dirty ]

I'm really getting tired of listening to people talk about other people.

I guess We're all guilty of it at some point.. but this is a day in day out thing..

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funk what ya hurd, it's on. [02 Sep 2004|12:57pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Warren G - Annie Mae ]

I'm ready for the weekend..

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I'm tired of hearing it. [31 Aug 2004|10:19am]
[ music | Good Charlotte - I Heard You ]

I'll be glad when this election is over.

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My times in pictures... [24 Aug 2004|08:41pm]
[ mood | Bored ]

Just a couple pictures, I'm kinda bored...

pict0rs )

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[23 Aug 2004|02:16pm]
[ music | TI - Rubberband man ]

So, last week, I was on vacation.

I didn't do shit... I mean really.. I sat around my house a lot.. whatever.. I did sidework at nights.. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. Up in Lanesville, IN, running network, phone, catv and speaker cables in a big house up there..

It's still not done, and I'm going to spend tonight trying to get as much as possible done.. You can see some pictures of the place and some of my work in progress at

It's really hot work, and it's not really all that fun, and now I realize why I don't do it all that much.

This weekend was ok... Lee and I started drinking around 1:30 friday afternoon.... dustin drove us around...

Didn't do anything Saturday.. Did about the same yesterday..

I guess that's it.

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Odd dream... [19 Aug 2004|03:09am]
[ mood | contemplative ]

I don't generally do this, but I woke up after a 'bad' dream, and I thought I should write it down.. This, in my mind, seems to be a recurring type of dream, but I can't place when I'd had it before..

The dream starts at night, in my mind, I was talking to Megan about wedding gifts or something, like she was beside me, but then she's not, and that's very clear.. I'm walking down a sidewalk, in front of a building similar to mine.

I see a large black man approaching the building (and me) to my right, and I keep walking straight, past my condo and he keeps walking towards 'my' door..

I'm left to assume that Megan is inside, so I turn, and walk toward my door, closing in on this man, and as he reaches for my door knob, I slap his hand away, and he gives me some sort of very deep mumble.

I try to say that this is my house, but I find that I can't hardly talk, So I walk inside, and turn quickly to ask him what he wants, and he tries to force the door open. At this point, I notice that he has something in his hand, possibly a gun, and across it is inscribed "Duality."

And then I woke up..

Now, I mentioned that this is a recurring type of dream, but I think I'm always inside when this has happened before.. as in, Someone knocks, it's always a black male, and they attempt to push their way into the house.. never really gets beyond that.. at least, not that I can remember...

I don't know what that's all about.. I've never really been scared of crime in this neighborhood.. I know more often than not, I forget to lock my damn car doors, and yet, no one steals anything out of my car.. etc. Does heighten my desire to aqquire a firearm though..

Ok, I'm going back to bed, just wanted to write this down before I forgot it.. as I can feel that certain parts have dulled since I woke up, and the details are falling away by the minute..

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