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November 2004
Monday, November 29th, 2004 12:20 pm
Old meme's revisited...

I've been seeing this meme for some time and today I saw it in [info]singlikeagirl's journal. Every time I tried to do it before something went wrong, well today it worked.

I've been wondering about this for some time... )

There's been a lot of comments. Most of them by me because I try to respond to every comment left to me. I am nice like that.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: No-Man - Babyship Blue

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Sunday, November 28th, 2004 09:10 pm
lovey meme

love is meme, yes again... )

I know I am the millionth friend to post it, but this amused me. My design geekery is strong.

Ugh... speaking of design, not looking forward to getting back to work. There is an icky job waiting for me. Man this break was boring and lonely but it was nice to not have work. Though work gives me something to do so I get out of bed. I am a depressing git. ;)

Current Mood: geeky
Current Music: Delerium - Flowers Become Screens (Deepsky Remix)

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Sunday, November 28th, 2004 12:20 pm

I got my first holiday card from [info]marnanel, [info]firinel and [info]riordon. Thank you, it's beautiful.

I got a disappointing package from ebay. The plain silver bangles I bought were a bit too small. I am hoping that the decorative bangles that were listed as a size large will not be too small. I will find out from my aunt if she cares if my cousin has jewelry and I will just give them to her with her christmas present if it is okay. If not anyone with tiny hands want some silver bangles?

I did receive the most lovely veil ever today. It is fuchsia like my first one but much cheaper and sturdier. It also has decorative white embroidery in it. It is sari fabric rather than 100% silk so it should hold up to being worn a bit better. I am really going to be done up for this winter hafla* because I also received my necklace and earring set and they came with free bindis**. I will look like a dancing goddess even if when I dance I look more like a cup of jello*** having an epileptic seizure.

Well it was a really good mail day. Now I am going to watch my pirated movie because I tidied and such and think I deserve a break. Eh, who am I kidding? I just want to watch a film. ;)

*shimmies off to watch the movie*

*Simply, a belly dance party.
**That dot that goes between the eyes and sometimes in patterns all over the face.
***Or jelly if you are from the UK.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: They Might Be Giants - Particle Man

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Saturday, November 27th, 2004 10:42 pm

Thank God for Aleve. The man who lodged the axe in my cranium is gone.

I think I'll have some ice cream and read for a bit.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Axelle Red - Toujours

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Friday, November 26th, 2004 12:50 am

Napoleon Dynamite was brilliant in ways that are not understood by most people. I was not actually feeling like I was getting it at first but as it progressed I found the funny. It cannot be explained. There was a dance to Canned Heat though and I was sold even if the rest of the movie hadn't been good. It was odd and good and very funny.

Oh... don't trust time machines.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Monty Python

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Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 10:25 pm

We did our first undulations tonight. It was both encouraging and discouraging. I have to do it more often to see how it goes. I learned a new step and felt a bit behind and then she said you all remember this from last week and I realized why I didn't feel up to speed. I missed last week. It is a very fun step and by the end I actually felt like I got it. I could get it a lot better though.

I could just about fall asleep right now. I must be old.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Southpark on TV

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Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 09:56 am
Colors For The Season

So now my journal colors have changed for the holidays as well.

The world was flooded this morning. The roads, the parks, the veteran's memorial and the duck pond were all covered in various depths of muddy water. It was pretty amazing. I wish it had been a blizzard instead.

Today when I leave work I have to buy pie crusts and maybe some cookie dough cause I am lazy and bake my pies.

I am not really looking forward to this holiday, though the time off is something I am really looking forward to having. I will have time to get my christmas cards ready to go except for the mailing since I will have to wait until Jyll comes back for that. I plan on sorting out all my christmas shopping as well but I will see how that goes. Oh and I have movies I need to watch.

I don't think I will be bored.

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: The Cure - Closedown

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004 09:59 pm
New Old Icon

I altered my icon for the holidays.

I feel a new trend starting.

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Scrubs with Matthew Perry

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004 06:37 pm
Phone Post: Red Lights

1040K 4:47
“I'm on my way home, and something I always associate with the winter and fall is long lines of red lights, because it seems like that's the only time I ever see them, when it gets dark early and I have to drive home after it's dark. And I can't believe it, but this guy is going to try to cut in front of me. Ah, well, no he didn't. Okay, good.

Anyway, today was pretty much just as stressful as yesterday, but for some reason I handled it better. Maybe it's because I got more sleep last night, maybe I was just in a better mood to begin with today, I'm not sure. But, I got this big project out the door that was kind of dropped in my plate because somebody else at work kinda forgot about it with everything else that they had to do, and they were really busy so it makes sense that they forgot about it, but it doesn't make me any happier that I have to run around picking up the pieces while they're having a couple of extra vacation days and had totally forgotten about it, but it seems like everything's going to work out okay. So, I guess..

I'm not sure if anyone is going to be home when I get home, 'cause I think that Dane went home already for Thanksgiving, and I'm not sure if Jyll's there or not.. but, I'm probably just going to make myself something to eat, get my laptop and veg out in front of the TV 'cause there's good stuff on TV tonight.

Anyway, I'm almost home, and that makes me happy because I'm tired, and I want to sit down and not think about work. I'm thinking about leaving early from work tomorrow actually, because Wednesday right before Thanksgiving is hard to concentrate on work because I'm thinking about the things I have to do for the meal, and about how much I wanna be on vacation and not actually there working, and it's really easy to leave early because a lot of other people are doing it too. And I already talked to my new boss about it and she was cool with it, so, I'll probably try to leave about noon, but it depends on if I get my stuff done, and everything goes well with that.. I've been busier at work, 'cause.. well, one, we're a man down, and so I'm taking on things that my other two co-workers used to do that they haven't had time to do since they've been trying to pick up the slack of my ex-boss. And it's actually kind of nice because I don't get as bored as easily, but some of the stuff I have to do is not my favourite things to do, so that's not great. But, I guess I shouldn't complain, I have a pretty cushy job most days. And, we're getting ready to be in Columns mode again, and that's kinda scary but hopefully it won't be horrible. I did pretty well with the last issue of Columns and, so right now I'm on everybody's good list as far as that goes, and they trust me with it, so that's good.

Oh, I'm trying to convince my boss that she needs to give me my old boss' laptop.. it's a newer, nicer machine than my desktop right now, and it would work perfectly with the 20" Cinema Display that I am getting eventually, sometime soon, and I figure I'd be saving them $120 because they wouldn't have to buy a new video card for my machine, and I would be happy because I would have a faster machine than I'm on right now. But, they wouldn't have to put out the money to get me a G5, which they weren't going to do anyway, but there was talk of before my old boss left. And the writer really doesn't need to have a super-fast machine, the person that we hire, because they're a writer, they're gonna use Word! I don't really think that they need all the processing power in the world; we'll see what happens. I can push for things pretty hard when I want them, so, hopefully I can push hard enough to get what I want in this case.

Anyway, I'm home now, so I'm gonna go in and relax for a while. And I hope everybody's having a great night, and those of you who get Thanksgiving off, Happy Thanksgiving to you! And those of you who don't, oh well!


Transcribed by: [info]percible

Current Mood: *yawns*

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Monday, November 22nd, 2004 06:47 pm
Stressful Day

Thank god, I'm home.

Current Mood: stressed

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Sunday, November 21st, 2004 03:44 pm

First let me say that though I rather hate Sponge Bob, the cinema was shooting bubbles off the roof today because of his movie and it made me smile. The kids there loved it as well.

I went to see The Incredibles. It was incredible. I had heard a lot about it which I don't usually like but I wasn't let down. That's really all I have to say about that for now.

What struck me as I sat in the theater full of kids and their parents was one - alone isn't all that great and two - the older kids were worse than the young ones. They were all noisy but the older children had bad attitudes. It started from the previews and didn't end until they were walking out. Now I only had the "joy" of hearing what one of them was actually saying but it was enough. Previews were "unbelievable and stupid" and the short at the beginning of the film was "just some stupid short." I wanted to lean over and tell the kid to shut up but his dad was big and I don't have faith in the "never hit a lady" saying.

I have always been able to suspend disbelief and just enjoy things. I guess it is lost on lots of people today. Even the older kids. No more innocence. Though after listening to mr. cynical I can say there is TONS of stupidity.

Anyway... I really need to clean and I have to go buy yarn to make a cat sweater. Yes... yes, you read that correctly.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Esthero - Breath From Another

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Saturday, November 20th, 2004 01:35 am
December 16th approaches.

So, which one of my friends is feeling flush and wanting to get me something absolutely gorgeous?


It isn't that expensive. But I am not feeling like I have tons of money right now. Especially after I bought some christmas presents and a very inexpensive belly dance necklace and earring set was bid upon.

But really... you know I should have this. It has spirals! It is black and silver! I could shimmy around in it!

Current Mood: hopeful but not expecting
Current Music: Saliva - Rest in Pieces

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Friday, November 19th, 2004 09:11 pm
I'm a REAL iTunes user now!

I just bought $14 of music from the iTunes Music Store. Go me!

*closes her eyes and enjoys the music*

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: Audioslave - Like a Stone

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Tuesday, November 16th, 2004 11:40 am
I make scarves.

I made a decision. It isn't a cure all but it should help. It has to to do with relationships and that's all I am going to say about that for now.

So last night I thought it was Tuesday night. It wouldn't matter too much except that I watch TV on Tuesday night and not Monday night. I piled myself out into the living room with all the things I need for watching TV. Crocheting, laptop, Five, drink, dinner and I think that's it.

Of course since I was out there I decided to stay out there. I had to really work to find something worth watching on TV but in the end I did and so I got down to crocheting. I discovered that I could got a lot faster with a bigger hook and less insane yarn. I love homespun but it is just difficult to work with. I'll still use it but I might not use it exclusively like I have been.

At the end of the evening I had stayed up too late and I had finished my homespun scarf for [info]polarbear94 and gotten a good third or so of the scarf for [info]redthought done. I guess I can finish the crocheting on it tonight or at least get the chenille section done.

Now... can I have a nap? No wait... I will eat the yummy potato soup [info]rethought made me then I will nap. Or keep working... whatever.

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: [info]percible FM!

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Monday, November 15th, 2004 11:18 am
I should be sad

So my dad called me back yesterday. We talked for a little bit. It turns out my grandmother had a stroke. No one told me. Not even an e-mail which I know they have my address. The thing is, I'm not sad. I should be.

I feel badly because I have friends who don't want to let go of their grandmothers but I am just unfeeling about the whole thing. My nana is only a bad memory for me. She sent me fun things from her trips to England but other than that it was nothing but disapproval. I didn't write enough, I was a member of that horrid church, I didn't eat pork, and on and on she would go. I'm sure she loved me but she was one of those negative affection people. I didn't have room for that in my life.

So now I don't know what I feel but it isn't sadness. Or at least it's not apparent.

Today my tires had issues so I left my car at the service station. When I got to work I had monitor problems so right now I am have a 17 inch out of focus monitor where once a lovely 21 inch monitor sat.

I got to talk to [info]peagles and he made me giggle and blush. And [info]singlikeagirl is having a rough day too so he sympathized with me. [info]thrawn made me smile too, seems the bad day is going around.

My throat hurts a little. I really hope I am not getting the kind of sick that I have to take off time from work. I am a vacation hoarder!

Current Mood: blank
Current Music: Aqualung - If I Fall

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Saturday, November 13th, 2004 11:06 pm
A real update

Well... things have happened. Things that no one knows about because this journal hasn't been a real life journal in a long time. It has been a cryptic feelings, weird dream, upset rants kind of journal. Tonight I think I'll just update.

Life has been kinda busy and not all at the same time. From Sunday to Thursday I spent one night at home. Various things were behind this so I guess I will start there.

Last Sunday I was out for my grandmother's birthday. It was good to be with family but tiring as well and I ended up staying out with them for a long time. I think I finally got home at 8 and I was falling asleep.

Monday night I was doing work stuff until nearly 11 pm. It was the week of the big grand opening we had all been working towards for months and the last minute things needed to get done. I didn't do nearly as much work as my coworkers but I felt really busy anyway. I was mostly sitting and spodding while watching someone else work but I had to supervise. It was a student after all and they have to be watched carefully. Mainly because my coworker is pretty tough on stuff and wanted things perfect. Unfortunately I guess I should have been watching more carefully cause things weren't right.

Tuesday I dealt with the fall out from the not so great work the student did. I spent the whole day kinda running around like a chicken with my head cut off. There was a lot to do and nothing to do all at the same time. I was invited out to see a movie but since I knew the week was not going to slow down I opted out for an evening at home.

Wednesday was a mess. Nothing went wrong and I got two free meals but I also spent from 12 to 6 doing things pertaining to interviewing people for the director position. It went well and we narrowed down our four choices to two. We gave them some homework and hopefully Monday or Tuesday we will get a better idea of what is going to happen. Instead of getting to be home in the evening I had to rush back out to belly dance. I was glad to have the class back but I think I really need to step up my practice. This little bit every morning isn't going to cut it. I felt just as bad as I did the first class nine weeks ago. Two weeks off is a bitch. I felt for the first time like my weight was really going to hinder me in this endeavor and I felt like I really need to make some progress in getting healthy.

Thursday was run around and do all the last minute things you didn't think of until now. Essentially that meant I did almost anything. I enjoyed it but I was so tired by the time I was presented with the problem of the A/V guy and the laptop that was too old to connect to the projector that I wanted to cry. Thankfully everything was solved just in time for me to run off to another crisis. After putting out that fire and getting all the costumes in order I was finally able to be a guest of the banquet like I was meant to be. When I discovered that a song they were playing as background music was a song we belly danced to, I hurried over to tell my coworker and another person jumped down my throat to tell me I was not to start belly dancing. I was too sore from the night before to do so and I was somewhat offended. In the end the night was wonderful but yet again I didn't get home until later and was left feeling like I didn't actually live here anymore.

Friday was an interesting day. The same lady that told me not to dance came into my office and yelled at me when I didn't have the answer she wanted to an accounting question. Yeah, that's right... accounting. I am Web Communications... not accounting. I told my boss never to send that woman to me cause I wasn't in the mood to be yelled at for something I didn't do. Anyway... I got a call around 12:50 from my geek-on-hand. He wanted Indian food and had some time to install my new 200 gb drives. I was ready to have my desktop sorted so I said sure and we headed out. One dinner and several episode of Sex and the City later, we had one dead drive that I have to call Western Digital about and Danny had to go. Unfortunately one of the episodes we watched had gay porn in it and he was pretty horrified. Good ol' homophobe that he is. :) I ended up going out to a film with [info]rethought, [info]redthought and [info]kiltmer. We saw The Village and I rather liked it. When I got home I got to talk to an old teacher for a bit. It made me sad because he is getting divorced and has a new 20-year-old girlfriend that he "is absolutely in love" with and deliriously happy. I just feel badly for his little girl. When I asked him what went wrong he said it was 10 years of marriage. It makes me sad.

Today has been a day of nothing. Dinner was made for me. A short walk was had. And then I was left to my own devices. Sometimes I just need that. I was happily surprised to have talks with [info]thrawn, [info]polarbear94 and even the vacationing [info]percible made time to talk to me. It was nice. Oh, and after something like two years, I called my dad and left a message on his machine. I wonder if he will call back.

That's it. Rather long. I could cut... but I am rude. Not really. I just think Lj-cuts are good for quizzes, pictures and posts longer than this one.

Tomorrow is for cleaning and sleeping and maybe another walk to get me out of this lazy slump. Now I am going to find my kitten and snuggle.

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: [info]percible FM!

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Saturday, November 13th, 2004 12:13 pm

What strikes fear into the hearts of geeks everywhere? I'm sure there are several things. But what strikes fear to the core of this geek?


The death of my powerbook.

Nothing could take the wind out of my sails and the joy out of my internet addiction like loosing the machine that makes it all possible.

Picture this scene with me...

I am home, visiting my parents. My mother has asked me to show her something on my computer and I willingly oblige. When I am done with my machine I lay it lovingly on the coffee table and wander off to other things. I forget about my baby, until later.

As I walk into the living room I get a bad feeling. My powerbook is on the floor, not at all where I left it. On closer inspection it isn't really closed correctly. As I pick it up I realize the screen isn't attached properly. I try to lift the lid and the base snaps in two and I am left with pieces of what was once my slim, sexy, powerful computer. As with my previous dropping experience, one of you will remember me tearfully worrying over the phone, I feel my stomach tighten and my head spin. How could this possibly happen?

I scream for my mother. What has she done? She explains that she thought nothing of it... it just snapped shut on the floor. It wasn't that high off the ground and it landed on nicely padded, plush carpet. I sink to the couch, I can't stand this. I still have several months before I can afford the new machine on my horizon. This simply cannot have happened. My heart can't take it.

At this point in the story the realization hits me. I am this torn up over a machine. Something that has no heart or soul. It doesn't comfort me when I am sad, or go out and have fun with me. Why does it bother me so much?

And then... before I have a chance to talk myself out of my horror, Scully smacks me in the nose because her food bowl is empty. I roll over and look over and see my laptop, though not perfect from a long time of use, still intact and working perfectly.

Did I have you worried? ;)

Current Mood: geeky

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Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 10:05 am
Here comes the dog, strong and brave, ruff!

How do you turn two intelligent women into squealing little girls? Put Milo & Otis on TV and make them watch it.

[info]golfbisquit came out of his room to ask us what the hell was going on as our aww's got to decibels only canines can hear. We were blubbering in the cuteness of the little orange cat and the so ugly he's cute pug. And then there were piglets... and that goofy fox. Oh my god, our brain's went to mush.

[info]rethought is a graduate student and I am professional graphic designer and neither of us could stand in the face of the unsurpassable cuteness.

*hangs head in shame*

What cute thing brings your intelligence to its knees? Are you immune to everything?

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: No Doubt - I'm Just a Girl ([info]percible FM!)

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Thursday, November 4th, 2004 10:53 am

Pasta in 38 minutes!

Mmmmm... carb coma.

Current Mood: full & sleepy
Current Music: Leave You Far behind - Lunatic Calm ([info]percible FM

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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004 01:22 pm

I really like Portishead.

They even know how to title their songs. ;)

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: Portishead - Biscuit ([info]percible FM!)

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Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 10:55 am
I voted.

So yeah... that's done. Hopefully I have redeemed myself from the last election. I have little faith in the outcome though. Mostly I hate politics. I want a good economy and to not kill the environment. No more war would be nice too.

[info]thrawn posted this dog and cat IQ test. Five got a 122. Scully got a 100. I think that is backwards from how they act.

I got four hours of sleep last night. I am dead tired.

My flying skirts order arrived and it is beautiful. Might do a picture post tomorrow. Woo!

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: [info]percible FM!

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Monday, November 1st, 2004 01:58 pm
Ow my head.

My head hurts in a way that is easy to not let people know it hurts but badly enough that it is making me frown off and on. My mood is rather relaxed and mellow though. I think I owe that to my friends. Today should be driving me crazy but it really isn't.

Did someone slip me a valium?

Hmmm... it seems I don't really have that much to say.


My big project had it's proofs come in for checking today. They were so pretty. I just hope nothing goes horribly wrong when we get the printed piece. I really think this job could pull me a job. Yes, I am rather proud of it.

Welcome to my melodramatic rantings, [info]singlikeagirl.

Current Mood: relaxed
Current Music: Beck - Where It's At ([info]percible FM!)

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Saturday, October 30th, 2004 11:40 pm
So much family

I have been with family of one kind or another today.

First there was my family. My aunt had me over for her birthday dinner. There was much teasing of me but I mostly just ignored it. I made a sword out of cardboard and construction paper. I talked over some things with my aunt and got a hug from a child that normally won't talk to me.

Then there was [info]rethought's family. I love them like my own. They give me almost as much love and attention as if I was one of their kids and I definitely appreciate it. It is good to see a family so close to one another.

Now I am tired. I am extremely thankful for the ability to sleep an extra hour tomorrow. Woo!

Since it is almost time... Happy Halloween!

Back to movie and then bed.

Current Mood: exanimate
Current Music: Airplane

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Thursday, October 28th, 2004 04:06 pm
Love meme from [info]sisterred...

What's one thing you love/like about me?

What are two things you love/like about yourself?

When you see someone you know in comments, tell them three things you love about them.

If you want, post this in your journal so I can tell you what I love/like about YOU and if you've already done it, tell me so.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Thievery Corporation - Facing East

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Wednesday, October 27th, 2004 10:32 am
Picking up the pieces...

Okay this is going to be totally random.

Join [info]maillove.

Congrats to [info]percible for getting through his major presentation for his PhD. At least you have some breathing room for a time.

I have been way to long in posting my congrats to the great and marvelous [info]fullofwhispers to note the joyous occasion of her engagement. Girlie you deserve the best and I will kick his ass if he doesn't give it to you. *smiles sweetly*

[info]thrawn is the bestest retrosexual friend a girl can have. Watch out for his rotten food flinging.

[info]rethought made me cinnamon and sugar toast this morning. She rocks my world. Especially as I got little sleep last night and needed a reason to wake up. Thank you!

I really have to do some dancing. I don't want to lose the belly dance I know in the two weeks before the next session. We even learned a fun little sequence so I can actually show someone a dance. I need to get it more in my body memory before I can show off.

[info]polarbear94 needs to get his furry butt back online. I miss him.

My big project is almost done and I am going to be really proud of this one. Go me!

[info]firinel better start feeling better or I am going to have to do something really evil. I haven't figured out to who or what it will be but yeah... I'll think of something.

While I'm thinking about it... things need to get really good for [info]sisterred or I will have to think of another evil thing. Why can't all my friends get some really good happy time for awhile?

If I didn't mention your name in my list it isn't because I don't love you. I just don't have something specific to say to you right now. But I promise... you are in my thoughts.

Right... back to work.

Current Mood: random
Current Music: Thievery Corporation - Samba Tranquille ([info]percible FM!)

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Wednesday, October 27th, 2004 01:36 am
RAAR! I feel geeky.

Pay no attention to the hour. I forced myself to stay up until I had finished a project I am doing for my cousin and once I stay up passed a certain time, I'm screwed.

The reason I am feeling so geeky right now is simple. [info]percible told me to check out this video. Well after seeing it, I wanted to keep it. It's really quite good.

Well this left me with a problem. I don't really know how to go about getting the file cause it is played through a player window at the link given to me. Well I am crafty and really probably I am over excited about something you true geeks on my list would not be at all impressed by but I still feel geeky.

I tend to keep my web directories from being accessed with a simple index file where I don't want people snooping. Generally I expect commercial sites to do something like that as well. Well this lovely site doesn't. I simply did some looking at the page source and found the directory holding the lovely little file I wanted and bam! It's downloading.

Like I said... the true geeks will merely scoff at my silliness but I am proud.

Current Mood: geeky
Current Music: Eminem - Mosh

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Monday, October 25th, 2004 09:40 pm
Cheerful Period.

Still making it though it was questioned.

Sore from belly dance.

Thinking you should all join [info]maillove.

Gonna sleep hard tonight.

Please place "I am" at the beginning of all those sentences. I was too lazy.

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Delerium

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Monday, October 25th, 2004 10:21 am
Cheerful Period

I'm an hour away from the half way mark for my 24-hour cheerfest and I am still doing well. I might be slightly more cheerful if I was still in bed though.

How are you feeling?

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Eric Clapton - Cocaine ([info]percible FM!)

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Sunday, October 24th, 2004 11:33 pm
Cheerful Period

For the next 24 hours I will be cheerful. We'll see how that goes as it will be Monday.

I finally have knocked Farscape off my list of SciFi shows to watch. There was a mad marathon on my part. [info]thrawn cheered me on as I watched the last 7 episodes of season 4. I had to get done by 3p in order to catch the repeat of the Peace Keeper Wars. It was a good ending. I am glad I didn't have to wait for it.

I might make a break from my SciFi tv-series for a time. I think I might stick to reading for a bit or perhaps I will watch Sex In The City as [info]redthought owns it.

Well I should have been sleeping an hour and a half ago but someone is a bad influence.

I wish happiness to those of you who have had a rough time of it lately. I wish strength to those who need it. And most of all I hope you all find peace. Seems to be the hardest thing for me to grasp.

I guess this is also a friendly reminder that I'm not dead yet.

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Call Me Al ([info]percible FM!)

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Tuesday, October 19th, 2004 07:26 am
I wish you all could hear this!

Oh my god... that is some big rumbling noise. It's like the best natural bass.

Mmmmm... thunder that shakes my bed.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: THUNDER!

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Monday, October 18th, 2004 11:38 pm
Love That Dare Not Squeak Its Name

While looking for the correct spelling of serotonin, I found this.

Forgive me if you have all seen this but it was new to me.

Just this week I heard about this on The Daily Show as well. They were making fun, of course.

Current Mood: recumbent

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Monday, October 18th, 2004 09:16 am
[info]percible suggested it:

You little bastard.
You little bastard.


As said to Five in a baby voice.

Current Mood: silly
Current Music: The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again ([info]percible FM!)

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Sunday, October 17th, 2004 05:03 pm
Am I a hippy?

I just got my first pair of birkenstocks®.

Also I have black sheets.

Oh and at some point I will at least be dressed like a belly dancer.

Must stop spending money.

Current Mood: relaxed
Current Music: Puddle of Mudd - Drift and Die

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 08:52 am
Random Thoughts On the Way to Work

I really should have gotten more sleep last night.

Oh, don't walk in the road man.

There are so many fluffy clouds.

Fuel is so expensive.

Will they ever get done with this construction?

Bump on the left.

Bump on the right.

Hmmm... I wonder why they are a putting a traffic light there.

Holy crap! This Interpol CD actually sounds like it has different songs on it, unlike the last one that sounded a lot like the same song with different lyrics 11 times.

Ack! Dead raccoon.

That car is a piece of crap.

Ack! Dead kitty.

I should not drive so crazy and get better gas mileage.

Uh oh, my window is getting foggy.

I should really clean the inside of the windows.

The whole car needs to be washed.

I pass that woman in the red Audi everyday as she goes the other direction.

Mary Lou's flowers changed location, again.

I am really tired.

So much work to do when I get there.

Any parking today?

Oh god, I am going to have to walk in with her and she is going to want to talk about work.


Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Interpol - Slow Hands

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 12:12 am
Wasted time?

Unexpected phone calls are nice.

Normality is nice.

I blame [info]pling for this:

I imagine you will figure out who these are modeled after, but just out of curiosity, can you guess?

Also... I realize I am not that skinny... so what? I did try to put each of us in clothes we would wear.

Current Mood: creative

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Monday, October 11th, 2004 10:45 pm
Truth or Fiction

So, the annoyingly chipper assistant says I'm a natural at belly dance.


Maybe I am horrible and she feels I need the encouragement.

Either way I am signed up for the next session, Level 1 ongoing.

Oh and [info]wicked_wish, your entry has been purchased to Friday night's hafla. 8p at Barking Legs. We can meet before then at your place or your favorite hang out. Put on your best dancing duds (a nice flowing skirt if you have it) and a shirt that shows your belly (I never show my belly however, but you have the belly to do so and no excuses about flab, you don't really have, as that's what's more attractive in belly dance) and I will teach you a couple of moves. ;)

Current Mood: cold
Current Music: Five's collar jingle as he plays with his mouse.

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Monday, October 11th, 2004 11:20 am
Can't think... too hungry...

Today is Thanksgiving in Cananananananadia.

This is good for me... the cafe makes yummy turkey-day food for the Canadian students we have here.

Mmmmmm.... dressing, potatoes, sweet potatoes... carb coma here I come!

Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: 3 Doors Down - Duck And Run

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Sunday, October 10th, 2004 05:56 pm

I went downtown to the Chattanooga Market. It's a gathering of local artisans and live entertainment as well as some local food. I went down because our belly dance instructor invited us to come see her tribe perform. They were marvelous and I hope to some day be as good as them. I will never be Andrea, my teacher, but I could get as good as some of her tribe.

click for the pics I took

They aren't very good but I was being pushed around by people.

Current Mood: impressed

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Sunday, October 10th, 2004 07:20 am
Little Bastard Is Gonna Die

It's just after 7 am on a Sunday. I went to bed after midnight, woke up around 4 am for a bit and now I am up again. This time I am REALLY not happy.

This huge crash woke me up this time. When I got out of bed to inspect the noise I found my ficus on the floor, the pot shattered, black potting soil all over my carpet and my new cds under it all. The kitten was high-tailing it away from the mess. I am so furious right now I bet I am red. Not only was that pot a favorite of mine but now I have this huge mess to clean up and I am not even sure if the dirt is going to leave a stain. As it is 7 am, I can't really vacuum. Not only would it make a lot of noise but I would have to go into [info]rethought's bedroom to get the vacuum, it is also occupied.

As it is now I have picked up most of the dirt, rocks and shards of pot. I have inspected the CDs and only Weezer, Green has damage and that only to the jewel case, I think. But still I am furious. I have never had a cat that was so into everything. We have toys for him. We give him plenty of stuff to scratch the shit out of and stuff. I just don't understand why he has to get into trouble all the time.

Right now he is locked in his carrier in the bathroom. He won't stop crying but I just don't care. Don't turn me in to animal rights, kay?

I will let him out again soon. I just think he needs to stay out of trouble for a minute or two. When he stops crying he will be free.

That cat isn't going to make it until his first birthday.

Current Mood: irate
Current Music: Five crying in the bathroom

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Friday, October 8th, 2004 09:01 am
Copy Cat

Taken from [info]velvetfox:

Think of 3 pictures you'd like to see. Things around my house, garden or whatever. Something I can take a picture of easily!
Have fun, and once I've gathered up all the requests, I'll make a post of the ones I manage to get a picture of.

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: Miles Davis - Walkin' ([info]percible FM!)

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 09:00 am
Weirdness Continues

I think the high is gone. My computer is broken. My confidence crushed. I feel like a dork.

Why do I go so insane? Why is everything such a big deal? Don't answer that... I fear your answers.

I am sorry to anyone my insanity has touched. I hope I haven't pushed you away by pulling you too close. I am really bad at that.

I think it is best if I just hide for a bit. Maybe not in such a way as you can tell I am hiding. It will be an internal hiding. I will become a shell for a bit. If I am empty perhaps I can't be trouble or feel pain.

But you're fooling yourself
You're fooling yourself
Cause you say you love me
And then you do it again, you do it again
You say your sorry's
And then you do it again, you do it again

Current Mood: discontent
Current Music: Travis - Re-Offender

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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 04:57 pm
Another Class

Last night was the over halfway mark for our belly dance class. I'd like to tell you I feel like I am getting it. I'd like to say I feel like going up to level 2 next session. I would be lying on both counts.

I feel like I am behind the rest of the class by leaps and bounds. There are some things I have down but then when asked to add other elements I fail miserably. I feel like we are rushing to have something that looks like belly dance rather than focusing small and really making the movements natural.

The funny thing is when one of the teachers looks at me they always say good job or smile or something. Of course every time they do that it breaks my concentration and I start to mess up.

Oh and I am pretty sure it isn't part of the class but [info]rethought learned a new move. It's called kica avi arsa. Yeah if you work that one out you will laugh.

I want to sleep now... I guess I should wait until it is actually dark outside.

Current Mood: sore
Current Music: Bjork - Heirloom

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Monday, October 4th, 2004 11:22 pm

So I'm driving home with my music blaring and I stop at a red light. These two guys... maybe 16 start winking and smiling and playing cool. I do my best impression of someone not at all interested in what is going on next to me. Honestly it wasn't a hard impression to do cause I really wasn't interested.

So what got these guy's attention? Something about the way I looked? )

Or maybe it was because they only saw me from the shoulders up so couldn't tell I wasn't thin. Or maybe it was a funny joke on their part. Could be they liked my music. Whatever it was for a moment I felt kinda good... even if they were redneck teens I'd never see again.

In other news my desktop is dead and apparently it is all my fault. That's what I get for letting the machine automatically update.

No cam til it gets fixed. Boo. Not that many people will notice.

Oh well... maybe I should try that sleep thing. It could happen. At any rate I don't feel like doing a write up about belly dancing right now so I will save it for tomorrow.

Night all or morning if that's when you see this.

Current Mood: weird

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Thursday, September 30th, 2004 01:12 am

You know how this works...

Well I would buy something in Edinburgh, Scotland or build in the country around there.

My corset for dress up, my velvet pajamas for dress down

Travis , "12 Memories"

7 - 7:45 am

My shiny toaster

Bass guitar or maybe drums. Mmmm... bass.

something in between blue, green, purple... oh screw it... I am an artist, I can't pick just one

sports car... speed baby

I hope for one

I had loads of favorites but One Fish, Two Fish... was one of the top reads

autumn in all it's cool, bright glory

make peace

If I had a tattoo it would involve spirals

no one, really


oil, windshield washer, various car care wipes, tennis racket, pig artwork, some clothes, spare tire, afghan my grandmother made me


It depends on who is bored and who isn't...

[info]saraphin cause she sent it to me



Cottage cheese roast, mashed potatoes, peas and spinach quiche

Current Mood: sleepy

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Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 11:49 am
I'm starting a club...

Only smart people are allowed. Not only do you have to be smart but you have to be nice. I'm not saying teasing and such isn't allowed. It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't but you have to be the kind of person that knows when to stop and when you are taking things too far. You have to pick on people equally.

You can't be one of those smart people that can never admit they are wrong either. Just because you are getting a little constructive criticism doesn't mean you have to go on the defensive. Maybe someone knows a better way... or maybe they like things done their way. If it is their stuff then they should be allowed to have it the way they want even if you think it is wrong. Honestly no matter how intelligent you are there could be other options out there that work better. Don't be so closed minded to them.

As long as I am making a list... I think I will add that no unforgiving people can be in the club. People are going to screw up. Even the smart ones make mistakes. Maybe they are too tired or just generally having an off day. No point giving up on someone for a few mistakes. Sure you shouldn't let bad eggs stick around but no one will be perfect all the time. Not even me. ;)

My club would likely be small. In fact I don't think even I would qualify for it, but it's a nice dream to have.

Current Mood: grumpy
Current Music: Blackfield - Lullaby

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Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 12:09 pm
If wishes were fishes

Another night of belly dance, another night of feeling inadequate.

Before you worry I hate belly dancing, I really don't. I enjoy it. It's just that my competitive nature and perfectionistic tendencies are making me very depressed about what I see as lack of progress.

I can choo choo but I can't transition from side to side or go around a circle. I can gwazi but turning and arms is just a bit too much for me. We learned the basic egyptian which I seemingly get but switching from left to right and walking back seem to be lost on me. The shimmy happens for me and sometimes the shoulder shimmy but I feel too tense to just let go and dance. It seems to be a fine line between trying to do this thing right and trying to let go enough to really relax into it.

One thing that really gets me about the whole thing is that I have never been able to tell my abdominal muscles to do anything. They are strong under my fat... I know they are. I can feel that. Telling them to be in control of making the rest of my body is an entirely different matter. I have no idea where my movement comes from but it doesn't seem to be from my abdomen. Honestly it could be and maybe I just can't tell.

I need to actually practice this stuff. Practice it away from the teacher and the rest of class. Perhaps that would let me relax a bit more. I already find my hips moving involuntarily when there is music playing, even if the music is only in my head.

*shifts her shoulders from left to right while sitting at her desk*

Current Mood: gloomy
Current Music: Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line

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Saturday, September 25th, 2004 11:45 am
Happy Birthday!

I can't really say it much better than last year so happy birthday, my dear [info]percible.

You are older than me and I will never let you forget that.


Current Mood: happy
Current Music: [info]golfbisquit's golf game

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Thursday, September 23rd, 2004 11:05 am
Meme, meme, meme...

1. Think of a word you would use to describe me.
2. Go to Google Image Search and search for that word.
3. Select the picture you see as most fitting, and post it as a reply.
4. Post this meme in your journal.

I saw this many places. Do it or not, whatever you wish.

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: The Cure - Fascination Street

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Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004 09:30 am
Doesn't Make Sense

I offer to do something to make life easier and I get treated like I have just committed the unpardonable sin. Pretty sure that's not the case. I know for a fact my intentions were good and I was just trying to help.

I wish I could say it was an isolated incident. I wish I was just just being too sensitive or something. If the irritation isn't real then perhaps I am less in touch with the world than I previously thought.

Sometimes I think people do things so they can hold them over you. Like a boss that will get budget approval for some new equipment you requested only to spend the next 6 months reminding you they got you the money you needed. Or someone offering to clean your house and then eating all your food cause you owe them for the cleaning they did. It is especially bad when the "favor" is unasked for and not necessarily wanted. Sometimes the nice thing just isn't worth all the crap the person is going to give you because they did that nice unasked for thing.

It would be entirely different if a person is asked to do something. Then they enter into things with a responsibility.

I guess I am just tired of feeling like I have done something wrong all the time. If I wanted this kind of thing all the time I would work for and live with my mother.

No man is an island, but I am thinking I could stand to be a barely attached peninsula. I think I understand why some women become cat ladies.

Current Mood: confused
Current Music: Björk - Human Behaviour

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Tuesday, September 21st, 2004 09:06 am
Yet another failure.

I fear [info]peagles will be calling BA and try to change his flight to an earlier date. I really hope he meant that about doing nothing being fine with him.

Yesterday I was told to go shopping for my boss' going away do. I had to visit some very girly stores. One was Hobby Lobby which already had the Christmas decorations out and the other was a store dedicated to scrapbooking. And of course I dragged Paul and [info]rethought with me. Sorry guys.

After the bit of wandering in afternoon we forced [info]peagles to watch the horror that is Overdrawn At The Memory Bank. I am pretty sure he wondered about us for liking it. Really I think we were all too tired to really giggle at it. MST3K does rather rock though. I hope he doesn't give up on them because of that one experience. Though I do think watching it with the Taylors is the best way to go.

Soon it was time for us to wander down to belly dance. While there were some things that were definitely easier this time, our teacher added a lot of new stuff and I felt overwhelmed by my badness yet again. The isolations went a little better but I was falling all over myself when we were doing the dance steps. I can't focus on all of it at once. I can get the feet or the hips or the hands but I can barely get two of them to not mess up let alone all three going together.

I know it was the second class and I have a way to go, but there are only 7 weeks of this class total and I do wonder if I will get it even a little by then. In the end the purpose is served... I have begun moving though I need to move more.

At home I flopped on the couch with Paul and watched various things until bed. If nothing else Paul will be well rested when he gets home.

Current Mood: sore
Current Music: No Doubt - Simple Kind Of Life

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