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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "rock".
420 matches:
_aimee_allen_ - Aimee Allen
_dream_theater_ - The Dream Theater Community
_punk_in_blood_ - _punk_in_blood_
_thedreaming_ - A place for The Dreaming fans!
_w_ - =w=
abouttorock - The Original AC/DC LJ Community
advice4teens - Advice 4 Teens Community
alanism - Alanis Morissette Fans
albums - Music - Album Reviews
allthingsrock - All Things Rock Fans
amalgamuts - the amalgamuts
angelgabriel - Fans of PeterGabriel
anti_anti_cnfrm - anti-anti-conformity
anti_pop - Anti Pop
antigonerising - Antigone Rising fans
antivanity - [minus] fans
artxmusic - Art + Music
atrophiedhearts - Morbid Faith
awardshowjunkie - Award Show Discussion Community
b0red - Are you b0red? We are too, so join us! =P
ballxaque - Ballxaque!
band_aids - Miss Penny Lane
bara_no_seidou - † Sanctuary of the Rose †
bass_players - Bass players
bayareamusic - bay area music
bcde - Burned CD Exchange
be_lj - Blackout Electricity
beastieboys - Come and Rock the Sure Shot
beautifullies - beautiful lies
belluspoena - Bellus Poena
bensweeklyband - Music Fans
bhcfans - The Lovecore Community
bigpicture - The Big Picture
billboard - Personal Billboard Charts
bitchingnmoanin - Tears show feelings; Words show hurt
bizkithead - Bizkithead
blackeneddreams - Blackened Dreams
bobandgeorge - Bob and George - The Livejournal Community
bobdylan - Another Side of Bob Dylan
bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
boredpeople - Bored People
borntobe - Born to be a fan of __
bostongamers - The Bostongamers LJ Community
brisvegas - Brisbane Music
brmc - black rebel motorcycle club
burndxntfreeze - There's Nothing Pretty About A Junkie
burningfield - The Burning Fields
cancerslug - Cancerslug Fans
canttakemehome - Missundaztood Pink Fans
cdreview - Review Recent Music Purchases
chairhead - chairhead
champnshipvinyl - Championship Vinyl
changeyourmind - Sister Hazel
chatterboxes - Chat All Day, Chat All Night
chris_cayton - That looks like a tube of cookie dough!
chriscornell - Chris Cornell, RATM, AS, and Soundgarden Fans
christianrock - Christian Rock & Metal Fans
churchofdio - Church of Dio
cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
cirquedunoir - We'll Hurt You
classicrock - Classic Rock
cleveoh - the rock, the lake, and other things
cold_army - The COLD Army
comeasyouare - KuRT's KuLt
communist_ace - D-boy
compgeekz - Computer Geekz
composing - Composers and Composing
confusionxcore - confusionXcore
coversongs - we <3 cover songs
crate_digging - searching for the perfect beat
crayonofdoom - Crayon Of Doom
crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
crescentfresh - Crescent Fresh
cringefans - Cringe Fans!
cultofcorgan - Cult of Corgan
cyberdork - A community for all dorks in cyber space..
d3dlynit3shad3s - Deadly Nightshades
damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
damnportlanders - Portlandiaphile
dandys_rule_ok - DANDYS RULE OK!
danieljohns - Supporters of Daniel Johns
darklordscrypt - The Darklord's Crypt
dc_musicians - DC Musicians
dealerkids - Dealerkids
default_fans - default: the fans
deftonesfans - 7 Words
desirock - d e s i
diverse_music - Diverse Music
djashba - Dj Fans
dope_show - speedin' demons
downloadthis - dOWNLOAD tHIS
drag_kings - Drag Kings
druids - The Druidic domain
edith_grove - December's Children
edwinobsession - Edwin McCain Obsession
emotionxsikness - :.DiSTorTeD.eYeS.:
envision - minds & the alternatives of Rx
everclear - _i wanna die a [beautiful] death_
everclearfans - Sparkle and Fade
eversogood - The Official Ever So Good Community
f81 - Factory 81 Fans
facetoface - Face to face fans
false_smiles - xXx False_Smiles xXx
falsepride - False Pride
fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
femalemusicians - Female Musicians
fewpies - The Few
filthyclones - spreading the filth
fire_anqel - Flein Leigh
fleas - Fletcher Lea Fans Community
folk_implosion - Folk Implosion Community
fopo - faux-po amalgamation
for_life - Bands on the Run FOR LIFE!!!
fotofetish - Foto-FetisH
freakcentralcom -
friendshipxclub - we like rock n roll
fruheads - Fans of Moxy Fruvous
futurerockstars - Rock Stars in our own minds
gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
geddy_lee - Geddy Lee Fans
girls_are_evil - Girls = Evil
girlsinbands - girls that rock.
girlswirl - the girl swirl conspiracy
glam_rock_stars - +RoCK STaRs+
glasgow_clubs - Clubbing In Glasgow
gnr - Guns n' Roses
godsmacked - + Godsmack's moonbabies +
good_taste - ~#*SHiNE*#~
gothicpoetry - Blackened Memories
greeneyedfreak - freaks of houston
grrlscouts - Razor Burn//Glitter Scars//Fucked By A Star
grunge_rock - A Tribute to Grunge
guitargeek - Guitar G33k
guitargrrls - Guitar Grrls
guns_n_roses - Guns n Roses
harlowfreak - Beautiful Hell
hear_it_here - post your mp3s!
hear_to_learn - Mix Tapers Anonymous
herishim - Official HIM Community sanctioned by UniversalJFRC
heyyoukids - The FBR/Impossibles Community
hifikiller - American Hi-Fi Fans
hit_the_skids - local_H-ers
homemadeego - .:Egotastical
hoon_lovers - Shannon Rocks Our Socks
horatioc - Horatio and the Cunning Linguists
hottopicemploye - Hot Topic Employee Lounge
houston_music - Houstonian Music Fanatic
houstonoddities - Houston Oddity Gathering 93
i_m - International Music
i_rock_out - [i have rock in my bones]
ikaracolt - Chat And Buisiness
ilikeswitchfoot - >>> The First Switchfoot LJ Community ||
indigogirls - indigo girls
indymusic - Indy Music Scene
inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
ingramhill_fans - Ingram Hill fans
insect_kin - Insect Kin :: Fans of the Band Bush
irkenempire - The Irken Empire
islandrockers - Staten Island Rockers, Punks, and anyone else
iwearblack - I wear black
jbh - Jack's Broken Heart
jetstobrazilrox - I like Jets To Brazil
jimmyxfallon - jimmy fallon fans
jmusicwhore - Japanese Music Whores
juliana_theory - Hold Everything Dear, In Your Hands
juniorhigh - i thought you knew
just_connected - The Connected Community
karl_rock - The Karl
katell_keineg - The Katell Keineg Community
kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
killing_joke - KILLING JOKE
kiss_n_diss - behindtheglam
kiss_nation - KISS NATION
knox_musicians - Knoxville Musicians
larevolucion - La Revolucion Rock
lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
ldeadlorlalivel - Corey
leeches - Axis of Somewhat Evil
leedsfestival - We Love Leeds
legendaryclutch - legendaryclutch
let_go - The 1st & largest LJ community for Avril fans
letthemlisten - Let Them Listen
li_scene - Long Island Scene
limpbizkit - Limp Bizkit
liquidradio - LiquidRadio?
lisaloeb - The Lisa Loeb Community!
ljfreaks - LiveJournal Freaks
lollipopghostie - Lollipop Ghosties
loser_kids - Loser Kids
loud - LOUD!
lovelychloe - heather * ' ` <3
lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
lplyricist - The Lyric Master
lummer - lummer
lunachicks - lunachicks fans
lyric_xchange - Lyric XChange
m_bomb - ~+sCrAtChInG~pOsT+~
mable54 - We Actually Write Here
mad_as_a_hatter - Mad As A Hatter
malerejection - Male Rejection
mcred - Mike Shinoda Fans !!! :D
megamanmush - The Mega Man MUSH Community
mekaniks - The Henry Rollins Forum
mixcds - Mix CDs
mixmusic - mix tapes and cd's
mixtape - Music Experience
mixtape_a_gogo - Mixtapes A Go Go!
moments_in_love - Another community designated for music lovers
montrealindie - montreal indie rock
moseleyshoals - the Ocean Colour Scene community
mountain - For those who enjoy reaching the top
mp3trader - MP3 trading community
mp3warsx - the everlasting contest of the mp3s / mp3
mr_shwanky - The Undeniably Suave Mr. Shwanky
mrtinkertoys - MrTinkertoys Web Design Forum
mtvsucks - MTV Sucks
mudfun - Get in the Mud(Vayne)
murderdolls - Murderdolls
music2mosh2 - Music 2 Mosh 2
music_is_mine - the day the music died
music_junkies - Music Junkies Unite
music_producers - Music Producers Community
music_reviews - Professional Appreciators
music_tips - Give us your music choices
musicads - Musicians Network
musicgeeks - musicgeeks
musicians - MUSICIANS
musiclovers - Music Lovers
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicstuff - Album Music Reviews
musicwhores - The Music Whores
musicxchange - Van Goghs Music Trade
must_be_pop - Must_Be_Pop Community
mwcggbumhhwlsse - MWCGGBUMHHWLSSE Community!
mxpxfans - MxPx Fans
my_adidas - My Adidas
my_bitches - Yet another claiming community!
namethattune - Name That Tune!
narwhal - Narwhal
nashvillians - Nashville People
ndsj - Catholic Cult
needmorefaith - Mike Patton Is GOD
neilyoungfans - Neil Young music appreciation
never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
newburycomics - Newbury Comics
newsboys - Newsboys' Crazy Freaks
ninagordon - Nina Gordon
no_depression - no_depression
noise_pollution - Noise Pollution: A Community For Music Addicts
notgirlyenough - Not Girly Enough
nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
nuestramusica - Rock in Spanish
nw_druids - North West Druids, Shamans and Spiritualists
nwpartykids - NW party kids
oa515 - Oasis Lives Forever!
oioi - annie & julie
onebigmoshpit - iowa concerts
oneminthought - The One-Minute Thoughts of Rebecca & Company
onlinequizwhore - *~Poetic*Creatures~*
onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
oregon - Oregon
orlandofl - OrlandoFL
over_18yrs - Over 18yrs - Add me Community
overatedmag - overatedmag
ozzman_commeth - Ozzy Osbourne
p_noize - Pinoy Bands Fans
painaddicts - NoPainNoGain
paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
pallas_athena - pallas athena :: the david bowie community
party_hard - Andrew WK
passiondust - Foxy Little Pimpette
passionformusic - PassionforMusic
pattismith - Patti Smith
pdxtwentiesonly - Portland Twenty-Somethings
pearljammers - Pearl Jammers
perfecthell - brokenxhearts
philly_concerts - Concerts In Philadelphia
philomafia - looking into our i
pick_yer_poison - Not another claim community
pink_elephants - intoxicated youth
pinkfloyd - obscured by clouds
pinkponydiaries - Teh Pink Pony Pirates
playlist - favorite five songs
poems - Poetry Reading
pogopunx - PoGo PUNX!!
pop_music - Pop_Music
progfans - symphony of shadows
pumpkinheads - Smashing Pumpkins Fans!
pumpkinland - The Smashing Pumpkins
punk_knitters - Punk Rock Knitters
punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
punks_freaks - Freaks and Punks
punksters - RaViNg PuNks
purejackass - crazy bastard
rahhhh - anything and everything
ramones - The Ramones Community
random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
rawk_ass - *Rawk....Like Whoa*
reading2003 - Reading Festival 2003
realfreaks - : freaky :
reclusepunk - Cute Without The E
recordings - Recordings
redhotchilli - RedHotChilliPeppers
reviewfetus - Review Fetus
ripe_with_decay - Emo_geeks
rise_and_shine -
rivalschools - rival schools unite
robot_jox - the Robot Jox
rock_icons - ROCK iCONS
rockman_claims - Rockman Claiming Community
rockstarsonly - Rockstars only
rogue_rawks - rogue lovin'
sanantoniomusic - San Antonio Music
scary_kids - Scary Kids Scaring Kids Community
scaryminds - Scary Minds
seespotrun - Seeing Spots
send_me_songs - Looking for some new rawkin' songs? Check here!
sex_sells - sex sells more records than rock
sfljbash - San Francisco LJ Bash
sgcfans - Soleil Go Code Fans
shampoopittboys - The Shampoo Pitt Crew
sharethejoy - Music for the Masses
shastaroman - Stoopid
she_rah - Poetry
showbiz - Muse
showbizkids - Steely Dan Community
sid_wannabe - *Riot*
siflnolly - Sifl and Olly
silverchairrock - Too Much of Not Enough
sirensrpg - SirensRPG
skilletfans - Fans of the band Skillet
snowsuitsound - Sloaners
sociald - Social Distortion
sofla_musicians - south florida musicians
soflarock - south(east) florida ROCK!
soleilgocode - ~japanese businessmen~
song_n_emotion - 歌 と 感情
songexchange - Song Exchange!
songmeanings - Song Meanings
songwerds - Music and Lyrics
songwriters51 - song writers
soulcalibur - The Soul Calibur LJ Community
specialones - the special ones
sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
spunkers - Party Stories and Fun Stuff
squeal - gwen is hot
static_x - static-x community
stephanjenkins - Stephan Jenkins Community
stevenpagefans - The Rabid Steven Page Fans
strange_claims - Strange Claims
streat_teem - streat teem!!!
strokes_icons - icons of The Strokes & more.
suck_this - Anti Poseur
superbitches - SuperBitches
supersonicmag - SuperSonic Mag
surfing_usa - Surfing across the Globe
tammyfayebakker - Tammy Faye Bakker
tapetrade - Tape Trade
tbsfansunite - Taking Back Sunday Fans Unite
teenchat - TeenChat
teenunity - teenuniTy*.
tempest_00 - azura
tendeadfingers - UK Bracelet Trade
the_anniversary - sugar come on
the_band_toast - Toast
the_black_drop - The Black Drop
the_evil_angels - TEA
the_eyeliners - the eyeliners fans
the_luvmuffins - The Luvmuffins
the_pixies - Pioneers of Aerodynamics
the_radio - Welcome to The Radio
the_sporks - The Sporks
theairplane - The Jefferson Airplane Community
thefreaks - thefreaks
themusic - The Music
theneed - The Need
thepityparty - The Pity Party
thequestionclub - The Question Club
thespecialppl - The Special People
thetabloid - The LiveJournal Tabloid -- Extry! Extry!
thewallflowers - The Wallflowers
thewedge - Fans of MuchMusic's The Wedge
thirdeyeblind - Starring Down the Sun
those_virgins - orgee board
throne - throne
tomorrowshine - Feeder community
tonefetish - tone fetish
toolfanadam - Adam Jones
toronto_bash - Toronto LJ Meetup/Bash
tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
train_fans - Train Fans
trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
u2 - U2 Fan Community
uk_clubbing - Clubbing In The UK
ukrock - UK Rock
underthecouch - UTC
uuslave - Union Underground Community
va_punk - virginia/ dc punk
vampires_ - We are vampires
vamplestatband - The Vampire Lestat band
vamusic - Videogame and Anime Music Den
velvet_goldmine - Velvet Goldmine
vexd_cantsmile - What It Is To Be Both Vexd and Red
vs - veruca salt community
vulva_love - Wild Succulent Women!!
warpedradio - Warped Radio
we_like_to_rock - we_like_to_rock
weidontcare - fuck everything
wetbottoms - Wet Bottoms
what_do_u_think - Advice and Answers
wheniamqueen - Jack Off Jill
whore_names - Whore Names, pick your Whore-dom
whydotheycry - why do they cry?
woman_of_grace - Shakira Fans
xsilentmalicex - Rachel
xxdarkkittiexx - *Mindless self indulgence*
yellowledbetter - A Pearl Jam jammy jam
yesfans - close to the edge
zebrahead_fans - i <3 zebrahead
zwanatics - Zwanatics
Interested users
The following users are interested in rock. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
472 matches: