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Prayer to Above

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[05 Dec 2005|04:25pm]

my 89 year old grandmother just fell down a flight of steps and landed on her back and head on a ceramic/concrete floor, the ambulance just took her away. please pray for her health!!!
lay on hands

[28 Nov 2005|05:06pm]

thank you everyone who prayed for me! i felt great on Friday!

lay on hands

[24 Nov 2005|03:28pm]

hello, this is sort of a selfish prayer request for myself. i had two impacted wisdom teeth removed almost a week ago and my mouth is still not healed and my face is still very swolen. please, please pray that i heal immediately, preferabley by friday (tomorrow). thank you so much to all who pray this means a lot at the moment.

your friend,
lay on hands

[20 Apr 2005|11:12pm]

Please pray for my friend's family dog who was put to sleep today. Please pray for the dog and for the family to get through this.
lay on hands

[19 Apr 2005|11:43pm]

Please pray for a woman in my neighborhood who was found dead and for her family, friends, etc.
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[17 Apr 2005|12:46am]

Please pray for the healing of all of those who have HIV or AIDS or any other illness.
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[07 Apr 2005|03:16pm]

Please pray for my great uncle who has passed away today.
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prayer request [14 Mar 2005|09:24pm]

please pray for my great uncle who is undergoing open-heart surgery.

thank you and God Bless.
lay on hands

[08 Mar 2005|04:06pm]

please pray for my boyfriend's grandfather. he passed away today. please pray for the family and friends.

thank you and God Bless.
lay on hands

[24 Feb 2005|06:54pm]

please pray for 2 of my cousins who are both pregnant. please pray that the pregnancy will go well and the babies will be happy and healthy.

please also pray for my grandmother as well as the rest of my family to heal them after my grandfather's passing.

thank you and God Bless
lay on hands

[03 Feb 2005|10:45pm]

my grandfather passed away today. please pray for him and for everyone- especially my grandmother. thank you and God bless.
2 blessings| lay on hands

[01 Feb 2005|04:10pm]

please say a prayer for my brother who is going into surgery tomorrow at 830 am. thank you so much in advance and nay God Bless you.
lay on hands

[25 Jan 2005|09:19pm]

please pray for a woman that has been found dead and her family/friends/etc. pray that she will go to Heaven.
lay on hands

[19 Jan 2005|09:17pm]

Please pray for traveling mercies for everyone and that everyone will be safe everywhere they go especially in the icey/snowy weather we have here. thanks
lay on hands

[18 Jan 2005|06:08pm]

Please pray for my friend's brother. He has brain cancer and can't even walk or swallow.
lay on hands

[04 Jan 2005|09:51pm]

please pray for my grandfather, he's back in the ICU
lay on hands

[26 Nov 2004|01:39am]

thanks for your prayers, the boy was found and all is well:)
God is the man!
lay on hands

[25 Nov 2004|12:54am]

please pray for a missing child that he will be returned home safely, alive and well.
lay on hands

[24 Oct 2004|11:42pm]

pray for grandpop please
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[08 Oct 2004|11:48pm]

please pray for the aunt of a good friend of mine who has just been diagnosed with leukemia.
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