Friday, September 20th, 2002
7:35 pm - Types
Today I did the chaper in my C book dealing with value types such as int, char, float, double and what not.
I hate this stuff. Though I know it is important I have hating to make a program that intentionally overflows just to have an example of what it looks like on the screen. It's nice to see that Max OS X actually has a concept of infinity since that came up as the result of some of the intentionl mistakes.
current mood: bored
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| Wednesday, September 18th, 2002
4:29 pm - C Primer Plus
Well, my copy of C Primer Plus has arrived and I am going to do the assignment from the first chapter. I have been instructed to create a program that will convert inches into centimeters.
I have been asked to... 1). Define the programs objectives. 2). Conceptualy design the program.
This is easy
1). The program will convert inches into centimeters. 2). The program will ask for the user to enter in a value for the amount of inches they wish to convert and the program will then display the centimeter equivalent, after it has multiplied the inches by 2.54, the amount of centimeters in an inch.
current mood: happy
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| Tuesday, September 17th, 2002
11:00 pm - Dungeons and Dragons
Chris wants me to start a DnD game for some of Anna's peers to play in. This would include Cam and some kid named Chris who supposedly has previous experience. I am not sure what to put together. I really don't want to DM... but then again I can't trust anyone to do a better job than me. Furthermore, I have decided to spend my free time learning how to program so I am not sure where I am going to find the time. I do know one thing, however, if I am to host a game, I think I want to have it be more of mystery solving type of game rather than pure adventure. Something along the lines of Scooby-Doo or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I can do something of the sort within the bounds of true DnD game, but I think Call of Cthulhu would be more appropriate. One problem with that approach though is the high fatality rate of such a game. If it's played properly, no character should survive longer than a few game sessions before meeting a terrifing end, or becomming completely insane.
Oh well. We shall see what we shall see.
current mood: discontent
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| Sunday, September 15th, 2002
3:56 pm - An Interview
Beth just interviewed me for an assignment for her English class. Two of the questions she asked me were: "What did I want to be when I grew up?" and "If you had to change something about your life, what would be it be?"
I found those questions interesting. They made me wonder about how different my life could be right now. I told her that I would have stayed in college and that I wanted to be an astrophysicist. After giving it some thought I realized that I had not abandoned my calling as I long thought I had. You see, in the end, all I ever really wanted was to explore the mysteries of the universe and solve its riddles. I once thought that science would have all they answers and that they would be out there somewhere amongst the distant stars, waiting for me to find them. How very different the path I took turned out to be.
Without the discipline of science to structure my thinking, slowly, but certainly, spirituality began to offer me the answers I longed for. Everyday I live with a peace in my heart that I can not say was present only five years ago. The people I have met and the experiences I have shared have all contributed to the forging of the person I am now. I am truely happy. My spirit and my mind are quite at peace with each other, and I am a better person because of it.
When I established this blog, it was for the purpose of detailing my attempts at learning computer programming, I specificly chose to exclude my everyday life. Maybe I shall reconsider that decision. I think I like this public journal thing after all. :)
current mood: peaceful
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10:18 am - Embedding LiveJournal
Using the the tutorials located at LJ, I learned how to insert my LJ into an external website. The content of my journal can now be accessed at my own domain by visiting http://blog.viridianmoon.com
current mood: accomplished
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| Saturday, September 14th, 2002
5:40 pm - Still Waiting
The book I have order from Half.com about C programming hasn't showed-up yet. However, it was sent by media-mail which can take forever to arrive. Anyway, I hope to be programming soon within the next few days. I need a topic in mind. At first I will only be capable of simple comand prompt based applications I wonder what I will make. Maybe a simple DnD dice roller. Who knows.
current mood: contemplative
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| Friday, September 13th, 2002
8:16 pm - Finalized my blog
There. I have finalized the look of my LiveJournal blog.
6:54 pm - Gettting Started!
Well, I've done it. I have broken down and decided to pick up on this latest trend of creating blogs to share my life with the world.
There are a lot of things I would like to learn. One of them is computer programming. So I have decided to learn how to program for my platform of choice, Macintosh. Specificly, I want to eventually be able to make Cocoa applications. This means learning Objective-C, which means learning C first. I have NO programming experience whatsoever, so I know this is going to be a big challenge for me. But, if I succeed, I will feel like i really will have accomplished something.
The purpose of this blog will be to chronical my attempts to learn real computer programming once and for all. Will I succeed or fail. I don't know. But my attempts will be noted here.
current mood: hopeful current music: Before Your Love (Very Clear!)-Kelly Clarkson-American Idol - Sep 3 (by JLT)
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