I was reading a few articles about the post-debate and according to most polls Kerry erased any lead Bush had over him. According to CNN; Newsweek's first post-debate poll had 47 percent choosing Kerry-Edwards, and 45 percent for Bush-Cheney (or if you want to believe MSNBC Kerry leading 49 to Bush's 46, or if you want to believe Fox Mount St. Helens is going to explode any fucking second!!! LEVEL 3!!! RUN!!! No mention of the Newsweek poll, at least that I could find.)
I feel this is great news.
The next debate will focus on domestic issues, issues that I feel that Kerry is generally smarter about then Bush. Bush doesn't have a plan for Middle America, and I don't think he relates well with Middle America in general.
He hasn't done anything of note that supports the working class in 3 1/2 years. Let's take a look:
2,931,000- Number of jobs lost in the private sector since Bush took office.
2,447,000- Number of people who have become unemployed since Bush took office.
4.1 percent- Unemployment rate when Bush took office in January 2001.
5.6 percent- Unemployment rate in March 2004.
8,170,000- Total number of unemployed Americans.
(All the above from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3/04)
$5.2 trillion- Budget deficit over next 10 years if Bush's 2005 budget proposal is enacted.
$2.4 trillion- Amount Bush's budget will raid from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds over the next 10 years.
$188 billion- Amount Bush's budget deficit for 2004 exceeds the highest budget deficit in history, which was posted in 1992 by Bush's father.
(All of the above from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/1/04; CBO, An Analysis of Bush's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2005, 3/04)
50 percent increase in out-of-pocket health care costs for workers since Bush took office.
14 percent increase in the cost of job-based health insurance in 2003; highest rate in 13 years.
61 percent percent of employers who cited rising drug costs as a major cause of premium increase in 2003.
(Kaiser Family Foundation, Employer Health Benefits Survey 2000 and 2003)
Two more:
49- Number of states that increased tuition at their public colleges and universities in 2003. State budget cuts fueled by the Bush recession have forced colleges to hike tuitions and fees-threatening access to higher education for low-income students. (Associated Press, 8/25/03)
35 percent increase in tuition and fees at four-year public institutions since Bush took office, adjusted for inflation. (College Board, College Costs 2003)
I was reading the Bush blog this morning, as is my want, and I came across this post:
"In the midst of a sea of undecided swing voters, Michigan Students for Bush members identify themselves in class, at football games, and on the streets of Ann Arbor by wearing their royal blue M GO BUSH tee shirts. Their display of pride is playing a pivotal role in demonstrating to the campus and community that there is backing for the President among students. An estimated 100,000 new voters have registered in the state since the last election, the majority 18 to 24 year olds. The shirts are high profile and in high demand, and they are having an influence on the misperception of college-age voters as liberal Democrats. A range of diverse faces are found wearing M GO BUSH and it speaks volumes about the President’s base of support at the University of Michigan."
This post comes courtesy of Anthony Sandoval who represents the University of Michigan Students for Bush. I found the line that I bolded quite amusing. Why? Let's take a look at the photo that came along with this post:
It looks pretty diverse to me (*cough*oneafricanamerican65whitepeople*cough*). So i did some searching and I found the University of Michigan College Republicans website (a website that claims that they are the best party on campus since 1892; I doubt it, the Kappa Sigma boys throw a hell of a pizza and poker night) which Mr. Sandoval is a member of. It's a pretty funny read. Check it out yourself.
That's all I got. I need a bath.
I understand that diversity goes well beyond race, but I feel that the Republican party has always claimed to understand the wants of African Americans but never seem to act upon it, but they will seize any opportunity to drag out Alan Keyes (see Keyes entering the United States Senate race in Illinois against Barack Obama, even after Keyes blasted Hillary Clinton for doing exactly what he’s doing now) or any other “black-Republican” when they think it will fit the parties needs.
I also find it funny that the only African-American seems to be strategically placed in the photo directly in the middle and right above the “Bush-Cheney” sign.
You know what. If you’re from Illinois you should check out Barack Obama, he’s an awesome dood.