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26 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in apocalypse now. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
437 matches:
3pipeproblem - knotted by the stout cord of an ampersand
_bud_ - _Bud_
_cath__ - cath
_denis_leary_ - Doctor Denis Leary
_feb_31_st - dave
_iamjackslj - Winston Smith
aardvark - mark says
abacinate - Batwoman
absolutmatahari - Mata Hari
aestus4black - aestus4black
afternoon_ninja - natizzle
agk0505 - Adam
alexthecat - Ratatouille Strychnine
alifedenied - F. Cody Pancake III
all_day_long - Matt Paradise
allocca - The Alloccavenger
almalthea - Almalthea
amadan - Key to December
amanonfire - [amanonfire]
amenthea - Vampire Hunter D
amerikangod - das Phasenjournal #2641191b
amylovesyou - Amy
anaxsunamune - HOT HOT He She.
andrewcatt - Andrew Haxton
andyblue - Andy Blue
animal_mother - 4N!M4L M07H3R
anothererratum - Iludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
antimatter - antimatter
antipush101 - chancellor of the dead
appakz - Jesse Xer0
archangel18646 - Josh
atomatic - BennyC
atrocitor - Orion
attorney - Attorney
atypicality - Gambit
august21 - Sparkles [has an AK-47]
b_train - Rollo Tomasi
badkarmaboy - Slutmonkey
bags - Bags
bakedgoldfish - P
bear_teddy_bear - teDDy
beautifulfight - This Song Was Supposed to be About You
begofyou - translating the name
bigr - Roarke
bladerunner - Mr. John Murphy
blue_condition - the wage slave at the end of the universe
blurppi - Courtney
bogman_bass - bogman_bass
bona_drag - Dan
bontasticmlant - Señor Saskatchewan
boogerhead - Adjective
boourns28 - Jakemiester
boundradiosity - tinnitus
boydyob - Master Shake
britbitch - missohsoyoungandpretty
cactuar - Cactuar
cannibaljesusx - Your Oversexed Lord And Unholy Savior
carrion_feast - Maggot
cassielsander - French = Freedom
catachresis - James
chaeche - Rachael
chang8ling - Matt
charteredtrips - space cadet
chaudfeu - Becca
chemicalburn - braden
chemicalwire - Simon, God of Hairdos
cherryblossom19 - Everything in its Right Place
chevyfried - P Funk
ck23 - the land-surveyor
claine1283 - Chris
cmm11 - Christine
cmorryieux - Carolyn
cobraclutch - Munk
cocainecomputer - Joseph McMurphy
collarbone - petra
crabcakes - KRSiten
crack_hitler - Michael
crapatsubbuteo - Miriam
crashmaster - mr. T
crazy_giggles - M'ija
crusaderr - Антон
cryphyx - Michael
crystal_ship - hrmmmmm
crystalline9 - apologies are useless.
curefan007 - Christopher
dandelion_black - Kat!
darkskies - Jesse
deeteeuk - DeeTee
demon_surge - demon-surge
deucemcmanus - Rocco the Devil
dfitzpat - dfitzpat
dim_sim_sophia - stoned in a bookshop, sober in a nightclub
dindin - Don't Look at Me in That Tone of Voice
dirtypants - Mr. Dirtypants
disintigration - Your Hero
dislntegratlon - De Las Ondas
division_x - Love X Nowhere
doc - Doc
dragonishfolk - dragonishfolk
dragynfyr - TheLizardKing
droids - A
eastbayrockrgrl - eastbayrockergirl
emilmuzz - AJ
emochanteuse - I might seem aimless but I follow my heart
endvic - Vic
enfeebledmind - Infinatias
eralciram - Brian
erictragedy - tragedy
erostratus - Robin Patterson
erykahstar - Erica
etherealasylum - It's gonna be a glorious day!
evilneal - gin soaked boy
exquisitemayhem - angelhex
extremelynormal - extremelynormal
eyeinthepyramid - A Boy and His Machine Gun
fanafox - Julia Grammer // Fana McCloud
farfromruin - turin turumbar, master of doom
fatnewt - fatnewt
ferggunner - Ferg
fia5co - MaFF
fireflyonice - she's not there
flegmatique - Fannie
force_of_will - Will Rieffer
fowlsmell - Nico the caca head and the brenda hater
francescadani - Francesca Dani
freakdoorsfan - Sarah
fullerific - Andrew Fuller
funfellow - Winchester Appledumpling
geisa - ghost of wonderland
ggollerkeri - Gaurav Gollerkeri
glasswar - desioaren ehundurak
glowwormjew - Lindsey
glueyporchboy - Filler Bugsy
gnome911 - Itzstak
godzillablistex - Hulk Heroin
gorkerina - Karin
granting - Grant
greenwavedave - Omaha Scratcherbacker
gregwalrus - Mister G.
gtpisser - Bones
gunpointlove - YOU'RE NOT READING THIS
hadamart4 - Harrison
haemoglobin_2 - Voidal Disfunction
halcyon7 - prinz mesha
halfnorn - Stranded With The Rest Of My Species
harkonnen - The Angry Lawn Gnome
haruspexy - DAMN you big O!
heavenfallshard - Danny
heavenward - Heavenw@rd
hege - Hege
heisey - Jimmy
hellmonkey - Theo
hellwithout - A symmetrical man in a life resembling raw sharks
hennahokum - Henna Hokum
hepkitten65000 - miss sPuNkAy
hollowmisery - _____she b_reaks n e c k s#!
hoorayforpokey - Commander X
hypotes - Så nära det bränns...
i_am_a_tiger - Leyk
i_hate_it_here - Creature of the Wheel
icallhimgerald - Rupert Thong
iluvpokeystix - trained to fail, doomed to succeed
in_her_shadow - [it's a cruel reminder it's all in my head]
indigo22 - Rod Longwood
infinite_black - I saw into the void
ingridbergman - pegleg jennaface
inharmsway2 - Rabbit Troop Sucks!
insidethebullet - emeeh
intheflatfield - Union of the Snake
ithurtsinside - James
itzprankish - Everything Must Go!
jacensolo77 - A Young Padawan
jacky_white - jacky_white
jacquesk - The Jungle King
jadedsurrealism - Melosa Conejita
jagr66fan - Super Steve
jammyjar - K
jayjay2001 - Jay Jay
jeesussuvi - mr. tristan S.
jeroenwing - Jado
jimijazz - jimi jazz
jix - natasha
jmhudson - Baby Elephant
jonnynation - jonnynation
jsb43 - jerm
jsjackso - jsjackso
juniperivy - The Defenestrator!!!!
jusmg - Justin
kablamey - k
kaeljohnsen - Kael
kayvon - The 8th Wonder of the World
kearns - Kearns
kenny_et_margot - Poupée_Mechanique
ketchyshuby - a flower in a hothouse
killoompalompas - Gabby
kindgott - Kindgott
king_dong - Alex Martell
kiritateru - Fuck Ya
knight_monk - Knives and stars, and sweet surprises
kurtmorris - the werewolf in my head tells me what to do
la_magdalena - por qué me has abandonado
lacomediedivine - Miss Kenza
lacyunderall - revenge is best served with cold cuts
laplandmoon86 - Lapland Moon
ledjo4894 - Ledjo4894
leeshhewson - Alicja
lefragileebouy - アダム
leftwinger - Herr General
legolassbitch - Samantha
letthefeverplay - Bobephanie
lifeasuliveit - strolling red lows
lijjie_outlaw41 - Prot
lilla_my - sisu
lilshorty04 - Beautiful Disaster
llamascout - Jacob
lolitalove - Kristin Lee
lordofabstract - Down to mah last smoke and all outa bullets
lordvericuut - Vericuut
lowondust - Dougie
lullysing - D.Odd.Lullysing's Realworld/Evilsmiley World
lunalavalamp - Snoozer von Boozer
lydia_k - Leashy bebes
lykaios - So You Want to Reclaim the Throne of Gondor
madsen23 - Mental Wanderer
mahash - Greg
maid0fdishonor - Jenne
malachite77 - Devlin
maldeluxx - Silver M
mama_mia - Varia
mantid - Keely
mark72 - Mark Cuthbertson
marlais - Poppy
marsobig - Mario
mattpimper - mattpimper
maverickpax - sandy
mavican420 - Mavican
meatpipe - adam
megitah - musae
michaelmichael - michael
milliardo929 - Jeff
minno - chris
miryoku - music is my radar
missbunnieblu - Sarah Sae
mistakeofnature - Tony
mistn68 - Audra
mistressnelle - The One and Only Glamour Klutz
mistresszipples - Lady
mnlandshark - Jeremy Esensten
moogleman2 - Moogleman
moomoocow - James
moonroach1 - The Moon Roach
morphy - Morpheus
movieguru101 - Cookie Monster
mr_blowhound - Obvolve_O_Matic_Blowhound
mrbigglesworth7 - Pete
mvk - mvk
mydreamsdie - my.dreams.die.
mysteron - Keith Ferguson
nacowafer - mostly miffed
nani_san - kanani
naut - you can try to stop it but it keeps on coming
negativeentropy - Melospiza melodia
nemica - Nemica
neonblack718 - Lottie
new_night - Dallas
nexuswolf - Nexus
nickfrmh - Nick
nimrod44 - Travis_Bickle
ninfan - liam
nocturnalpoet - Runt
nonstatic - nonstatic
novembersfire - Alone and Forsaken
noxiouspoor - noxious_poor
nunswithguns - Bigger On TV
oakface - Benjamin
oldham316 - Steve
omegachicken - jar
ona_k - ona k.
ophelia24 - Faithless- therefore trustworthy.
optik_phiber - Feet First is the Only Way
ortchel - Ortchel
ourstarisrising - anna
owlmonapia - THE OWL OF JUSTICE!
p0wers007 - Corey Michener
paginavilot - GrooveHolmes
painunbound - Painunbound
passenjer - Passenjer
pastel_pink - danielle love harrison
pax540 - sandra
penguin_antlers - Jördan
peskynymph - Kato
petrochile - MarKus
phaseout - mindphaser
phinestoke - Bound For Glory
photostrand - R. Mutt
pilch - Chris Pilkington
planetnikita - Your Mom
pocketmonkey - boom, boom, bang, bang, lie down you're dead
polaroidgirl - polaroidgirl
polopinojoe - Joseph Kuziomko
poppycocteau - Poppycocteau
pragmaticpest - k a r e n
pralaya18 - Chris
principalsnyder - Principal Snyder
profoundlyempty - Reverend David H. Christ
pseudocide - a thing of lace and bandages
psu - Andrew
psychee - Fertility Hollis
psychoant - Marco
qofe - Her Royal Hine-Ass
quehaceres - sam
rageismad - Dave
rajankhanna - Rajan
randomwhiteman - Random White Man
rcroaky - rcroaky
realife101 - Andrew
redinjune - Nicky and her Blue Star*
rekcuf - DERRICK
ricochet_rabbit - Yehudah Trottier
rottenmilk - whit
rumigrl - I am at heart a gentleman
sabatuer - Cardinal Francis Arinze
sablesoul - SableSoul
satanicharisma - JM
satanscientist - James Generic
say_kid - Boys in the Morning
scandoughluss - methylate, dialate, and destroy
scarpia - Overpaid Hack
scioptic - Scioptic
scootdoggydogg - Nothin' but Trouble
scowlingpenguin - Hayley
screaming_life - Screaming Life
seanbateman - Sean Bateman
second_born - brian
seori - Rosie
sephirothct29 - C. Isaac
shadowy_lady - shadowy_lady
shaman_skytree - Alex Skytree
shane_a_t - Shane
shatdow - deutsch
sheenaramone - sheena ramone
shenlongdragon - dead
shinzon79 - Chuck Amuck
shyviolet15 - Melissa Lynn
silverwingkat - Kirjavaa Cat
silverwinks9 - sarah
simply_evil - simon
sinister_simon - simon
skahottsan - Scott Ruegg
skeletalremains - everything you hate
skineej228 - heff
slavedrivesong - emma joshi
slts - The Ministry Of Silly Walks
sockdog - Radioactive Kung Fu Fridge Boy and Monkey Slayer
soiledbymisery - Robness
solipstone - a fire that no water can put out
somethingboring - Matt
sonofkyuss - Alex
sorssalutis - Ken
soullessflyer - Nevermore The Raven
soundslikedoves - justin d. walter
soupaboy - Funkadelic Moonsidian
soycansadohoy - Jason
soylent_green13 - Alli
specialkati - kati
spikybobby - ctrl.alt.delete 03201812011220040512
spiritus93 - Mitch
spookycams - ♠ scarlatina ♠
sslounge - Kevin
star_fucker - Schadenfreude
stigmatamartyr_ - 1 half of the Hate Crime team.
stinkoman20x6 - Your Humble Narrator
suburbia75 - suburban kid
suzukigrrl - cindy
swallowedfacade - Rebecca
sybilfilm333 - robert
taloet - Billy Birrell
tamgollerkeri - GG
tanguru - tanguru
tbsmkdn - Tough actin' tbsmkdn!
teknokrat - Patrick
terenceeaton - Terry
thatmaidmaria - .........
the_rev - ian
theevilsam - the killing moon, will come too soon.
thefaux - The Left Hand of Evolution
thegreenlight - gusty emotions on wet roads on autumn nights
theicon - Ryan The Icon
thelastcivilian - thelastcivilian
thelaststanding - Mark
themilkrat - Doug
thenagual - TheNagual
theomegaman - Jason
thesafety - giant arch in square field
thothrwhitemeat - Gordon Jenkins
throwwayyouth - I brought marshmallows!
tijuanacartel - Emmanuel Goldstein
tizitchy - Nick Pashia
toby_b - Toby
topher223 - You Stink
tranquil_riot - Tragically 1337
trogdor07 - Chris Beaudoin
turtleface - Turtleface
twisted_neko - Amanda
tyler1968 - Dark Beer and Sore Fingers
type_quantum - David
uberbitsch - Mistress Uberbitsch: Urban Guerilla
uglychildosb - Are You Really What You Dream?
unrepentant - UnRepentant, The Cranky UnDead Bastard
unstabletruth - The Baby Jesus
v3x - lithium flower.
venttruth - Merovingian
violent__violet - evil bitch monster of death from hell
violetjones - Violet Jones
visxera - noizestradamus
waldo_jephers - Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo
watcher175 - Ryan
whatisbiscuits - Millie...
whitkneeeee - whitknee
wildeyedundine - Salome Mason
wilteddaffodil - Her Very Lowness with her head in a sling
wingshy - Death Warmed Over
withintetsuo - Seth
wrecked_pig - <...>
xander__harris - Xander Harris
xanderexcel - Alex
xfilthyx - filthy
xhamishx - biscuit-dough-hands man
xpander - The Talented Mr. Cross
xsleepflowerx - gemma-angharad
xxxtaibshexxx - Captian Giggles
yuenmei - Ariane
zero6zero6 - Randy
zeroemie - Johnny Depp's Sexslave
zjkilz - tomorrow's another night...
zorngalas - Nate
zydecobot - Wonderboy Joe