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[03 Apr 2002|12:43pm]
[ mood | shameul! ]
[ music | ladytron ]

hmmmm.. this is how crazy i am!
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

it's good to see that i am mighty productive today... playing hooky in attempts to catch up on all the studying i've neglected.. and now i'm neglecting that as well!

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[27 Mar 2002|02:17am]
[ mood | loved ]

somehow, who knows how he does it.. makes my unsaid worries just disappear.. why do i even bother to worry anymore?

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[26 Mar 2002|03:10pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

so many aspects have entered into my life that are making me re-think love.

friday-feeling very insecure. sitting with matt and kim, the ex, walks up asks me to move so she can have a hug... later i am informed that she "loved dating him for 2 years"... insincere bitch. too many feelings involved with this, too many memories.. been hurt too many times.. drowning myself in tears, coke and vodka seemed to be the solution.

today- the idea that during sex, both partners are most likely to be fantasizing about other people... this saddens me. to think that i'm sharing this wonderful physical and emotional act and he or she is not really there with me, but is with another person.. being there physically is only half of it, mentally is so important. sky, saying that he could not fall in love with someone unless they were perfect 10 beautiful... his abomination that people who are 65 still are physically attracted to one another..

i always thought that love conquered all.. why can't it? these little realizations are frightening. i always knew, but i also always thought that they didn't happen to everyone. that maybe matt and i wouldn't fall into the stereotypes. but i know it is probably inevitable. with my insecurities about, well, everything, i just feel such uneasiness... trust isn't really sitting well with me. bad bad feelings just keep on erupting from one thing to another. boo.

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[21 Feb 2002|07:20pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Huh, Punk? Do Ya? What about the HYPNOTIC Bunnies?

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

perhaps i should just write in this instead of just posting up silly things.
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[09 Feb 2002|05:43pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.

yay! she's my favorite!

anyway... life has been quite odd. so many things have changed relationships between friends have been modified too much fluctuation it's become so alien to me although i am swept with the tide of movement being that i'm experiencing it and should have gotten used to it nothing seems 'right' it is like a puzzle and all the pieces are there but they just do not fit together or make the right picture anymore

boy do i crave it not just any type though just some dirty dirty sex too bad matt is too timid and unoriginal to really do anything creative to me but it is also my fault for not knowing exactly what i want next

my wonderous plan was to give matt a sixpack of his favorite beer and give him something either sexual or sentimental well i hinted to him with a riddle of what iwas to give him and he replied with an i thought we were not doing anything for valentines well it is a little sad when your boyfriend does not think that you would want something thoughtful well boo

nothing because my cd player is out of commission listened to yo la tengo told matt that the song that makes me think of him was on he did not care why do i end up with such insensitive men maybe girls are the answer
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[22 Jan 2002|04:57pm]
[ music | Clifford the big red dog is on tv ]

it's been quite some time... but updates..

ben was in a coma.. quite frightening.. i cried and cried.

but he's back to normal better than ever

i woke up for the first time and my ass cheeks and thigh muscles were severely sore

despite the scare with ben, my recreational use is still prevalent

matt told me that i was the first and he hopes i'll be the last
quite the statement to hear... i don't know really what to believe.

amy has been sucked back into the trivial life as a high schooler
and we all thought she grew up a little bit

school is back in full force.. good thing, bad thing. i'm becoming indifferent already.

M * A * S * H

You will marry CHRISTIAN (played by Ewan McGregor) from Moulin Rouge, live in a sparkling elephant at the Moulin Rouge, and spend your days righting wrongs and singing songs because all you need is love (and it helps that it's Ewan McGregregor you're living with ^_^).

What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

absolutely lovely!
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[02 Jan 2002|03:14pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Brittle Stars with some shitty music from the older brother ]

come and get me 2002.
this year will be different, well, because i can make it that way. anything anyone wants can always happen if they're willing to actually really do it. no one truly lives up to there potential. ever. i think it's due to the realization that they are able to do it that makes them lack the actual execution of the task. anyway this year... things are going to be different!
i will:
*lose 25-40 pounds, that's right it's finally time to be the truly hot indie girl that has been dying to appear. it's not that i'm fat or obese, just not as aestheically pleasing as i'd like to be.
*read read read, i read plenty, but reading more is never a bad thing.
*let matt know that i love him as much as possible and to never let him feel like i take him for granted
*talk to more people and get to know them and allow them to know me better
*do school with the utmost ease, college hasn't been hard, i just lack all care and motivation. so i should easily be doign well if i just let it be
being jealous and defensive needs to stop

i think that's good enough to start off.

new year's eve..
let the poison flow! all i had was a 2 cups of beer and 2 mixed drinks and a whole lot of coke. so i was pretty much fucked up all night long. wandered from condo to condo. not really talking to anyone about anything. oh well, better to not spill my nonsensical drunken words and just keep quiet. saw david pettibone the man, and finally all my feeligns for him have melted finally! door shut on my life, it's very nice! found old old friends from high school. kissed sky's girlfriend about 80 times. that fulfilled my goal for new year's.. watched matt puke and be subjected to dry heaves. hmm. i think that's really it. not too original, but all in all a very productive evening!

a little note from the wonderful band Black Box Recorder-
*kill yourself or get over it

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[01 Jan 2002|02:50pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I am 82.5% British, just like
Mr Bean
Shy to the point of ridicule, you've probably never been out of the UK.

Take the Brit Quiz at

Quiz written by Daz daz71

oooh! too bad it's really that i've never been out of arizona! happy new year's! stories of the eve to be told later
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[31 Dec 2001|12:49am]
[ mood | excited ]

i have entries from my laptop that do need to be transferred over to here. will do another night! new year's eve! yay! drinky drinky drinky drinky drink!

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the least merry christmas ever. [25 Dec 2001|01:43am]
[ mood | disappointed ]


no tree, no decor, no presents.

no cheer nor merriment.

house is cold and empty.

emotionally and phyisically.

my wicked brother is back to darken our household once again. striking from the east, he flew in last monday and has clouded the minds of parents and relatives from all around. his mission, to convince them that he is some sort of saintly figure in which all younger must try to emulate. bull fucking shit. my brother is a load of crap, trying to put on this holier than thou bullshit facade that is, yes, brainwashing the load of us. he leaves az, with a scholarship which he loses due to his involvement with a racist asian fraternity, many tabs of ecstacy, and attempted sexual escapdes with youthful minors. oh yes, i am to be of so proud of my big brother. he tells me to respect my parents and about how close family needs to be... hm, is this advice coming from the boy that never calls home unless he can't make his credit card bills? is this the one who locks himself in his room to pick up chicks on asian avenue and doesn't even come out to speak to his parents? really, fuck that shit. yes, i've done my fair share of bad things, but i'm not preaching anything to any body! bleah! my brother can bite because he sucks to the max. unbelievable.

xmas... first xmas with matt.. so i've attempted to buy gifts for my surly man, but i don't know.. i don't think they're adequate.. rather i think they're shitty.

2-hunter s. thompson paperbacks
1- dj magazine from the uk
1- akira special edition dvd
2-12" by fat boy slim which still have not come in the mail. boo

i don't know, i tried and spent an assload on that boy..i don't care how much money i spend, i just want him to like it.. i hope so. fuck fuck fuck

and yes, i'm full of raging hormones.

gosh it's fantastic to be a woman

he's still absolutely wonderful. although we did have another spat at the strip club. i guess i do become the jealous type, especially when there is another woman's crotch in his face. just a little bit. but everything is sorted and i'm completely his. completely in love with that surly bastard. one look at him and i melt.

i'm a fan of:
dexter's labortory
powerpuff girls
coctail parties
sangria, cheap cheap mexican wine rocks
royal tannebaums
lord of the rings
chrono trigger, which as taken 11 hours of my winter break, which i've beaten 5
times already
calling in sick when i just don't want to work 5 days straight
new year's eve
my parents on their anniversary, they're actually civil to each other
matt's parents, because they're still oh so cute
summer the summerfield dog

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brrrr! cold cold cold! [11 Dec 2001|04:11pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | divine comedy- thrill seeker ]

i am now free from the shackles of higher education.. well, on hiatus.. 3 weeks of shitty work and loads of sinful happenings. chopped off some hair today. it's cute, oh yeah. meaningless drivel which fills my journal. so sorry. really, i reserve my brighter, soul delving topics for real people and not the internet. this is really so i can play with the mood icon 'cause it's oh so cute!

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[04 Dec 2001|10:00am]
[ mood | anxious ]

rain rain rain rain!

debauchery tonight! finals on thursday!

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[03 Dec 2001|03:41pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | the softies-hello rain ]

i have my very own snowball! yay me! too bad it's already a third gone.. boo. but it's so precious and snowy white.. i love it love it love it love it! no i'm not a fiend, but it is sure nice to have my very own bit of snow!

stress level-low.
1 paper finished, quite shabbily, however who gives a fuck.
2 dirty nights
3 dollars for a cup of chirstmas aka chai latte
4 o'clock it's almost
5 tests until the semester is fully and completly over
6 times, i'm pretty much worn out
7 blood red painted fingernails
hm. 1/2 seconds before i drift off into la la land. add is supposed to get better throughout the years.. i just think mine has progressed into a chronic state. alas alas!

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[30 Nov 2001|08:44am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

devastating news...poor george.

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[28 Nov 2001|03:06pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | who loves the sun-velvet underground ]

sitting/freezing at the computing commons.. attempting.. trying.. fighting against all odds to write my paper.. and i think i'm losing to the elements that be.. the man to my left.. his unique odors are wafting my way.. making this experience oh so much more.. hmm wonderful. i've got my blasted radio in about an hour. perhaps i'll luck out and get zero callers again.. boo to the max. i think it's like my last show this semester! eep! i'll play the whole belle and sebastian ep! that'll show 'em! then perhaps peeps will call in. matt will pick me up and maybe i'll get some action. yay. this song works. i love the sun, to the max! well except for when it's raining, then i love the clouds.

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[27 Nov 2001|05:15pm]
[ mood | cold ]

freezing freezing freezing! it was 41 degrees here today! yes, that does mean i'm a wimp. but holy moly! a v-neck sweater sure does absolutely nothing! turkey day. ate with family. slept. worked. partied hard that night. had a little bit too much of everything. got upset... i know i did overreact.. so matt and i talked for hours which was fantastic. yes, talking when your fucked up is good. but we went to go to sleep out in the hallway and we suddenly hear "crash" by dave matthews band (i hate that band with a fiery passion.). i look over at matt and he had this far off longing look in his eyes... knowing that the kim (the ex) was completely in love with DMB, the song is a relationship-esque song, and just by the look on his face... so i got upset.. yeah.. we all miss our exs or are fond of good times you've shared.. but right after you've told your current girlfriend how happy, in love, and how things are so much better, to go and get lost in an old moment. yes, i know songs trigger memories.. but i don't know. right after fucking your current girlfriend? it just really set things back. argh. gee.. bleah.


saturday- saw weezer, tenacious d, and jimmy eat world.
jimmy eat world- hmm. local boys that made it big. yeah, i'm proud of the fact that someone has been good enough to make it out of this wasteland. but.. they're not that great. sorry. but! jim adkins had come in to the station on weednesday just to pay us a visit, and picked up a BLAZE shirt and said he would wear it at the show.. in my mind: uh huh.. right. you're full of shit. but lo and be hold he did! that made me so happy! almost happy enough to like jimmy eat world.

tenacious d- hilarious. it's jack black what else would you even excpect?

weezer- no enough pinkerton. too much shitty green album.. boo to the max.. even still i screamed my head off and yelled "i love you rivers"

went back to the condo. got trashed off of only one shot of vodka and 2 beers. amazing! got upset. ugh.. that is a reoccuring problem! i've been getting too emotional while being fucked up. no good. maybe i just suppress my feelings all too much when i'm sober that they just come rushing out when i've got a bit of something in me.. boo. no good.

sunday- happy birthday to me! i turned the big insignificant 1-9. yup one year closer to not being a teenager. i can serve alcohol in arizona now. woo! got some stuff from my sis. got happy birthday wishes from friends. all in all very chill. nice. :)

monday- ate dinner with matt's family. watched harry potter. it's a pretty fun movie. i did get a bit antsy towards the end. but it's allright. i bet even tons more fun if you were 7. enjoyable. especially with the cute british boy.

tonight: hopefully i'll do some of my paper.... ick. tuesday nights, i'm usually over at matt's watching 24.. yes, he's reeled me into watching it. it's not bad.. but it's not good either! but i should really really start this god forsaken paper.. stupid wide sagrasso sea.. you're too shitty for words!

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[21 Nov 2001|09:19am]
[ mood | loved ]

perhaps i'm just getting all together too mushy, but i think i would be content to spend my life in matt's arms, nothing more. yeah. well, i'm still riding that wave. i'm sure next week i'll be a little bit more ambitious with myself. i ate deer and elk for the first time. matt's hick of a half brother hunted one down in oregon and grilled them up for us last night. interesting, but pretty yummmy. sky said that he would kill himself than stay in bed and watch tv with his loved one. i think it's lovely. whatever. being able to lay or sit next to the one you love and just relax and waste brains cells together. and during commercial breaks you can make out or talk. whatever. life doesn't always have to move. being in a standstill is wonderful.

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[17 Nov 2001|03:36pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

that's right! mai the guard llama, the protector of all goodness that is in socks.

yes, i'm goofy. i attacked matt puppy style and made my friends laugh. hardcore cleaned the bathroom and then proceeded to do so to myself. silky smooth mai!

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[02 Nov 2001|02:33am]
[ mood | drained ]

yeah, just call me an asian slut, asian, sensation, asian love goddess, saigon whore, etc etc. 'cause finally after 6 years of being taunted with such names, i finally lived up to it. yes, that's right. i disgraced my entire family.. straight to my great ancestors. granted that, from what i know, no one in my family ever was an asian ho, but well, you never know. yes, halloween came and went. i busied myself with my radio show, which 4 people called for requests. awesome! hoofed over to the condo. dicked around with the boys. watched the game. poor d-backs. if i ever was an athlete of any sort, i think i would cry. peopel yelling at you, the pressure. yes, i'm sure it's fantastic when you win, but fuck all those people who hate you? boo. no good at all. anyway, sky and jeremy finally arrived. i busted out my vietnamese dresses. mind you, they're slit up all the way to the waist and the "proper" way to wear is with pants.. but when you're a whore, why wear pants when you can wear fish nets? so we paraded up and down mill. me, hitting on almost every man out there, offering sexual favors for $5. ran into a group of pretentious fucks, who opted not to participate in the festivites and just stand on the corner in their tight pants critiquing the revelers that passed by. sad thing i actually knew some of them, and instead of greeting me with smiles or even treating me like a human being, heads were turned in attempts of hiding their identity. oh, so the fact that i dressed up for halloween, succumbed to popular culture and decided to just have fun makes me so typical, such a tool of society.. fuck that shit. it's fucking halloween. and what makes you so high and mighty? you're all down at the corner watching us have a good time. i guess when you're a pretentious fuck, making fun of people having a good time is a blast. ugh. to think i even thought these people were people i wanted to know. you're so different that well, you're all the same.

despite the bastards, i had a wonderful time. i guess being a slut is quite empowering. i became the part. well, not entirely. nothing really went beyond offering sexual favors for $5 and being suggestive to every costume imaginable. but the looks, the cat calls, the responses... to think that women can hold on to so much power by showing some skin, rather just being confident. i don't believe the attention i received was solely from the fact you could see everything from my ribcage down (underwear was part of the costume), but from the confidence and the waty i carried myself. so, i suppose i do understand what the prostitutes and strippers say when they respond with the line that they're really the ones in charge. in a sense they are.. i think it's because men are stupider than we are and well most of they're thought process just revolves around their penises.

choping off my feet would the most wonderful thing right now.. well parts of my feet are mysteriously numb.. bad? yeah, i think so.. nerve damage from 3 inch heels? possibly!

better note. survived dinner with matt's parents and grandparents. had a wodnerful 3 days with him. today, matt came into work and gave me a flower. darling, absolutely darling. and saturday he bought me weezer tickets because they're coming the day before my birthday. darling oh so darling. hee hee

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[27 Oct 2001|02:36pm]
[ mood | amazing ]

You were Shirley Manson in a past life! You're not afraid to voice your opinion on just about any topic! You have can be bubbly and happy but you can also suffer dark, soulful moods, which reflects in your song writing. You have your own unique personal style and you radiate an air of sophistication wherever you go!

oh yeah baby. she's hot to the max. but me, an air of sophistication? it's pretty true, but doesn't everyone have mood swings? well, probably not as much as i do!

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