Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "epiphanies".
19 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in epiphanies. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
433 matches:
- 0mniscient - Universal Machine
- 1dandelion4you - .my dandelion.
- 1nvrknoz - Jason
- ____inadvertent - and we've tried.
- __sleepwalking - satellite of love
- _captain_jack_ - Clearly, you've never been to Singapore.
- _dedalus_ - Gerard
- _letizia_ - myra
- _requiem4adream - 5ive
- _vulnerability - Embers that never fade
- abab - .S a r a.
- abbandono - Abbandono
- abbracciare - to embrace
- abitofalright - abitofalright
- aengelwynd - Crimson { Nara }
- aevumcaruivos - Filia Et Vae
- afr0_mu113t - adam
- afreet - Afreet
- agent_of_karma - Ed
- aitp - An Interested Third Party
- ajka - Grace
- ajourneywithin - Jack
- aldehyde - trichinopoly ash
- aleatory - Charlie Lou
- alien42 - Kaethiel, ドラゴンと猫の。
- allaboutnumber2 - All About Me
- alphadiva - AlphaDiva
- alteredthoughts - Altered Thoughts
- alwyninatlantis - Alwyn Blayse
- amolarte - amolarte
- anchovie - Devouring Nymph
- andriette - Andriette
- anjibee - Anji
- anotherposer - fabulous girl in training
- antaresoul - eva
- apatheticsky - ><
- apocalyptic_ash - Dandelion Wine
- apollonius - For justice thunders condemnation!
- arimathea - king-nomad-lion-warrior-priest
- ascian - Adam the Dreamer
- ashkekechara - Stace
- astrice - Neia
- augustdaysong - don't touch her there, she's blindfolded
- avivaviva - Aviva
- awful_sweetness - probably not who you think.
- azaelilylacia - Christy
- band_aids_ - Alex and Erin
- bartgroks - Hi I'm Bart...and you're not
- basketweaver - Basketweaver
- batch27 - \randomsomebody\
- battle_angel_9 - A BAd PeRsoN
- bbbbbtony - i have humour cancer
- beatnikside - beatnik sidearm
- beccamecca - BeccaMecca
- belladonna2881 - Maxine Demon
- bellasateene - bellasateene
- beulahgirl - Erin
- birdofparadox - Deirdra
- bitch_much - demented
- blackbeanz - blackbeanz
- blackfromblonde - the worst company that you have ever kept
- blacklynx - lights! camera! action!
- blackrabbitlix - blackrabbitlix
- blindambition - 100% Acrylic
- bloodred7 - annie
- blossoming_in - . . . .
- bluepisces - Baby Blue Pisces
- boo_kodama - Boo Boo
- boxclocke - Leo Baylor Johnson
- boxesofrain - restaurant at the end of the universe
- buglet83 - me
- bungeehair - Anastasia
- bunnymistress - The Mistress Of All Things Bunny
- buytradesell - buytradesell
- bwh - searching for ataraxia:
- c_to_the_har - c_to_the_har
- castaside - Kira
- caughtbetween - Mischa
- cheebah - josh
- chemicalxsmile - Xandrea
- chiao - Stephanie
- chicalta - Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined.
- chocolaterain - Sharm
- chromal - Ben
- clairdeluna - Clair de Luna
- clewell99 - Dustin
- clinkclink - clinkclink
- coffeewurm - Josh
- complexity - eos
- coudray - Raphael du Coudray
- cowzrthebest - Beckalacious
- coyotita - Shannon
- cracklin_water - a girl of nothing but gray
- crazyjenny211 - Picklepants
- creatureofhavok - creatureofhavok
- crewgal - Emily
- crippledance - desolation row
- crystal_skies - Susan
- cuervocrow - vicious_chia-pet
- dabahdabah - Pookie
- damienruud - Damien
- danasuperstar - i.
- danceinrain - Audrey Olivia
- darkestsunshine - color-me-happy girl
- darkfaerie - DarkFaerie
- das_ferret - A Red-headed Devil
- dashiva - Ryn
- deepbrowneyes94 - Marlena
- define_disaster - megan massacre
- dental_unit - finding out about fish
- derprankfurter - Syntax Evasion
- dilettantess - Dilettantess
- dimfaith - Greggles
- dirakj - DirakJ
- dirtyfacade - dirtyfacade
- djamel - djamel
- documented - bεαηs τнε ςατ
- doublesidedtape - Scooter
- dreamaday - duty free
- drizzle - drizzle
- druid_allah - Lime
- drunklogic - The Drunken Logician
- duel_in_pink - duel_in_pink
- dziban303 - Idioticus Maximus
- earthlydelites - Melinda
- effluxofthesoul - Anony Mous
- ellenjames - indeed.
- elspethkat - Elspeth
- emotionaldemise - emotionaldemise
- empressdaleth - The Gate of Heaven
- emptylittlestar - Leesa
- erstechen - Christopher
- essjay - Ointment
- eternitys_hour - eternitys_hour
- exquiscadavre - C
- facetion - paul
- fairy_sit - PoetJacki
- fancyseraph - Ciggie
- fevawhenukissme - fevawhenukissme
- fiercepixie - transformative
- firestorm - Have you ever been struck by lightning? It hurts.
- fixed_content - papa john's dainty dish
- flanellaluna - Ruby
- flash101 - Flash
- followghost - followghost
- fortunato - Jeremy Gallian
- fuckme - Raw
- fumeioojisama - Some White Guy Named Omar
- furre - furre
- gael - gAel
- garnerbabe - Pution
- gaudeovoro - Ryan
- giltedge - Shanon
- gloam - Cog
- godsmackchic197 - Crystal
- golddustlove - craving pink glossy lips
- greenetea - Christie
- griffen - Killer of Sacred Cows
- gwendy - g(wendy)olin
- gyaritamahome - Gyari Tamahome
- gypsylady958 - Angelica
- harlequinkitty - Harlequinkitty
- hawaiian_mage - Hawaiian mage
- heavenstabetsy - Six days does not a week make
- hetaira9 - Katharine
- hevb115 - Heather Burrage
- hikarinotabi - Hikari no Tabi - the journey is forever
- homey_gbp - Of the Important Kind
- hopendures - Thorn
- i2i247 - lynnette
- i_was_justin_u - Justin
- iambutatree - vicarious by nature
- iamnot - martin
- icebluenothing - Six
- iceburn - This Space For Rent
- icefacade - cadhla
- igotlakas - igotlakas
- ilpostino - Post Mortem
- imaginarytruths - imaginarytruths
- imitategrey - bicycle belle
- imploding - My name is Distance.
- imsosquare - The Human Trampoline
- in_effigie - sympathia malevolens
- in_veritas - in_veritas
- infoprof - Claire
- intertextnet - intertext
- isolated_dreams - sally owns your ass
- isosceles - robot charm
- iwinus - magna aphid
- iydkwydhysbh - Barak
- jadedoptimist - denii
- jennbgood - Dragon Fly
- jer21 - jer
- jeweledfrog - The Jeweled Frog
- jonpie - jon de la pie
- jpnightraven - Jennifer
- just2bdeviant - Justin Linde
- justin2me - One monkey typing and still no Hamlet
- kaethiel - Firith Elenath
- karlito1984 - THIS Is The Life I Always Imagined...
- karmaxslave - karmaxslave
- kasooomi - Kasumi
- katori - -:(~violet~):-
- katwinx - tami-ami
- kemintiri - Shannon
- kingforks - Rex Forkus
- kingfox - ☞Rex Vulpes☜
- kingfox_lite - A lighter version of Kingfox
- kire_2004 - Tobias
- kissingchaos_ - And in her eyes, you see nothing
- kplus - Katherine
- kristyn - ♥ kls
- kvok - KVOK
- lachrymoselife - live to the point of tears
- laughingwoman - Light Fuse And Get Away
- lausa - lausa
- le7el - •brandon•
- lefrenchdisco - ♥ Dorothy ♥
- lel - Your second worst nightmare
- lemonmerchant - The Lemon Merchant
- letsmoveitalong - jessicles
- londoninpink - pop culture princess
- lotusflow - lotusflow
- love_for_sale - jenna.
- loveislife - please believe
- lovelydisease - when I'm insane
- lowfat_muffin - lowfat_muffin
- luctifer - luctĭfer
- lucyharmon - Lucy
- lullabyhaunted - Manda
- lydiamichelle - Lydia
- maiden_melfina - Kate
- manoftheyear - Soon...
- mariposalove - mariposalove
- masymmas - Not a pretty girl
- matttrax - Proud Member of the North Avenue Trade School
- mazlin - pretender
- mdketch - Michael
- me_gusta_orange - Aps
- medium_sticks - medium_sticks
- meemie - Mimi
- meladorimagpie - Pu
- melamin - Edna
- mercurialgirl - Avatar of Ambiguity
- mercymanic - Mercy
- michael_fearon - michael_fearon
- miniapt - mi-ni apartment
- minniethemoocha - Retarded is the new Awesome
- mme_chaumin - mme_chaumin
- mobyphile - moo
- mommacherry - mommacherry
- monalyisha - Alyisha
- monkiegrrrl - Just the facts ma'am...
- moonshine - ryan
- moonsprinkle - Linnie Swiss Miss
- morbidy - morbidy
- morningloree - guh-LO-ree Nannie <3
- mountainmolehil - Julie
- mouseandcat - Joshua
- mr_otter - mr_otter
- mr_prufrock - WonderMonkey
- murkybubble - the incredible edible egg
- myalba - anneli
- mydisposition - Somedays I rather be whistling Dixie
- mytwistedpsyche - a.gloomy.girlie
- nancynewt - Astraea
- nanoneener - nanoneener
- nashata - Amanda
- neenerface - Kel
- new_skies - Jennifer
- nic_nac - .nic.
- niphrydel - niphrydel
- njosnavelin - p h o t o g r a p h i c a
- nostalgickisses - Elisa
- october31st - the dearest, prettiest girl in all of Christendom
- omishrakefight - Newly Human and Strangely Literal
- oneirus - a choice is facing you, a healthy dose of pain
- orangepeel87 - orangepeel87
- osmanspare - Brian Oblivion
- paigegirl - Paige
- pajalusta - Matt
- paper_epiphany - one among many
- papercrane - rockin' rockstar kitten
- paxsenarrion - Girl Goddess No. 9
- perversions - Diabolique ou Divin?
- petitevicious - Sedatives and Cold Champagne
- phoenixdaisy - Lyandra Angel
- pinaywut -
- ping_win - Eulalia Finkletib
- pinkie_kat - It's not me, it's you.
- pmegan - pmegan
- pocketsofmine - pocketsofmine
- polly_snodgrass - Polly Snodgrass
- posty54 - FunkyMonkeyButler
- pretty_alice - BlackRose
- princess_proton - Blan D.
- promisscuoz - .:.La Femme Fatale.:.
- promsaredumb - promsaredumb
- prplnova - PrplNova
- punkrockr85 - Angelic Star
- purplelephant - Annie
- purpleyduck - purpleyduck
- purrrgatori - Goddess of the Green Dream
- qtblondy01 - Christina
- quabala - A Darker River
- queenofsmut - QOS
- quest - Quest
- quietmoments - quietmoments
- raeth - The artist in the ambulance
- rantludicrously - The Summation of My Being
- rat_girl - La Guillotine
- rawdolphin - OUT OF EXILE…NOW WHAT?
- re_set - Lex Icon
- reneza - a girl named renee
- reticentdream - Transparent eyes
- ribbonmic - RibbonMic
- richa - richa
- rowrupa - rupa
- rtks - bobíssimo!
- sahaquiel - Andrew
- sandradort - I Was Born a Unicorn
- saturninely - protect me from what i want
- saveyoursanity - self-admittedly strange on a subatomic level
- scarlett_echo - Erin
- scott_evil - Ξ»Sċøŧŧ·Ęvíł«Ξ
- scumbo - Scumbo
- selloutfish - colossally mistaken
- semi_sweet - semi~sweet
- seng924a2 - A Wolf at the Door
- serendipiteous - serendipity
- serendipity117 - Rachael
- serendipity958 - Angelica
- serendith - Lauren
- shadowrain - Megan
- sharkcandy - Shark Candy
- shortypeefunk - Cindy
- silentsigh - Renee
- silverblue - Silverblue
- sinfulrejoice - sinfulrejoice
- sinje - Eve
- siodhe - C. Alexander North-Keys
- sjcarpediem - Stephi ステフィー
- skadd4life - BLACK MAMBA
- skyline_fan - Matt
- slattery - Andrew Slattery
- smoothie3257 - the sea monster
- sms7711 - Minji
- snizzpod - Tastes snizzy
- so_esoteric - ** ~E s o t e r i c ~ E p i p h a n y~ **
- sockatume - Alex W.
- solzeyz - Marie "Clone Me"
- somebodyelse - an appropriate pseudonym or synonym
- soulfirerain - Aidan's Tango Partner
- sparaticlove - She's a goddess, a fashionista
- spencre - spencer
- spiritstream - epiphany
- spottedspot - ~:*tangle*:~
- starborne - starfae
- starmae - starmae
- stealthangel - Klare is...
- stephenlank - Negative. I am a meat popsicle.
- strobahedron - dostres
- stumbleineihw - stumbleineihw
- sweetjane13 - Miriam
- sybawrite - Plastic Measures
- synthesis21 - Kate
- taiteki - Strawberry Boy
- tangibleatrophy - Counterfeit Reality
- tarawillhanna - tara elizabeth
- teesameesa - Teresa
- teggy - Tegs
- texas_heat - S a r a h
- the_auror - wish I may, wish I might
- the_designdiva - Design Diva
- the_lorax41 - steve
- the_toy_revival - mister fister
- theamazingjb - jb
- thebillyshow - The Billy Show
- thedarkflame - thedarkflame
- thedoll - would you really want to
- theeinextatic - eva McB
- thefemalepsyche -
- thefrug - The Shell
- thelordsatan - The Dark and Unholy Lord of the Underworld
- thepigeonhole - Katelyn
- theriverrun - Maldoror
- thissoul - thissoul
- threedaysgone - AmB
- through_thefire - like a moth to a flame
- throwshag - Nate
- tigerbeatpoet - flowers on demand
- timore - X's out the O's
- tokenasianchick - Yangie
- total_hottie27 - Cas
- translucenttide - Katy
- treaclequagmire - alice
- triplennn - photogenic despite what the pictures say
- tristia - tristia
- truly_vexed - truly_vexed
- turbozo - turbo
- twomonkeys - twomonkeys
- ugly_duckling13 - captain retardo
- un_julie - Julie Unpronounceable
- unintendedtruth - Soliloquy
- unobserved - Opinions as worthless as everyone else
- ununquadium - ununquadium
- vampyrecat - vampyrecat
- vanesco - Crimson
- veckio - Veckio
- ventchdable - ventchdable
- verbal_bonsai - sweeted tequila in a gutteral sunrise
- veromidnight - Ash Mon
- versusforward - vs fwd
- virgin_genius - will you remember, you are god
- wackywallflower - Brittany
- watrenymph - watrenymph
- welfaremom - talk nerdy to me
- wheredidnemogo - Katie
- whisperway6668 - Genevieve
- wisps - jenna
- withoutspeaking - a fire just waiting for fuel
- writtendarkness - The White Wolf
- xfuriousgeorgex - Furious George
- xheartlikeagunx - Some White Guy Named Omar
- xwarmwinterx - xwarmwinterx
- xx_unusual - \\uncommon hearts\\
- xxquintessentxx - Ashley Lynn
- youretooblond - Me and Me
- youwatchme - Tony
- yulicorn - The Wheel of Masks
- yurztruly - * a d r i a n n e *
- zephyreplica - britt
- zuma - Zuma