Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "muse".
452 matches:
- 0000_lj_writers - 0000_lj_writers
- 69lovedsongs - 69lovedsongs
- ________supremo - Supremo
- _____hxc_cunts - HardXcore Cunts
- ____fuckingxrad - Fucking Rad
- ____whore - _For Music Addicts;;
- ___brightdivine - ___brightdivine
- ___cure - ♬♪ THE CURE | NEWS ★ ICONS ☆ TOURS ★ PHOTOS ♪♬
- ___demented - ; ; ; play time is over <3
- ___dontfakethis - Be true. Don't fake this. It's you.
- ___emoscene - The Scene
- ___goddamn - here's a story for the kids..
- ___singamuse - Singing our Muses
- __areyouthesex - Are You The Sex?
- __bangx3bang__ - Bang bang...
- __ohioemokids - __ohioemokids
- __post__harmony - Genres are Dead
- __randomxclicks - a rating community
- __rock_music - *Everything That Rocks*
- __slushie - Slushie
- __snapshots - __snapshots
- __the_music__ - The Music
- __vintageshine - did you see the stylish kids in the riot?
- _band_rate - Critism and Harrassment On Your Favorite Bands
- _blueberrybagel - _blueberrybagel
- _chikinki - Assassinator 13
- _commonpeople - _commonpeople
- _drug_scene - _drug_scene
- _eargasmic - Sounds good. Looks good. Feels good too.
- _emo_kids - _emo_kids
- _faded_fiction - Faded Fiction: A Marauder Era Fanfiction Community
- _fucking_rock_ - Do You Fucking Rock?
- _hardcore_nerds - _hardcore_nerds
- _indieandbitch_ - we like good music, and we like to bitch
- _lovely_losers_ - All the Losers Who are Still Lovely
- _matt_bellamy_ - Matt Bellamy Guitar god + all the latest band news
- _maybememories - Maybe Memories
- _muse_chris - A Community Dedicated To Chris from Muse
- _museus - _museus
- _music - ♥ music
- _music_freak_ - Manson/Muse/COF/HIM/Korn+ all Music Freaks.
- _newscene - Before You Got Too Cool
- _raindrops - (not) cool
- _redundant - x
- _royden - ROYDEN
- _soulstice_ - _soulstice_
- _syndrome - Muse Icons
- _the_basement - independiente women
- _typewriter - typewriter
- _unique_vanity_ - ×Beauties×
- _workingtitle - Working Title Inc.
- about_poetry - Poetry Prose: Writing About Poetry
- absolution_muse - absolution_muse
- abx - Artbox
- aerismuserei - aerismuserei
- ahoax2livefor - Modern Morbid Prophecies
- aidot404 - The Official Lj Community for [insert band name]
- albion250 - Albion!Love
- albion_fic - twenty-four hour slashy people.
- albioninthepark - Albion In The Park
- alt_asian - Alternative Asians
- alt_boutique - Alternative Boutique
- alt_ern_ita_ve - aLt_eRn_ItA_vE mUsIc JuNkIe
- amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
- andtheyobey - Kinesis
- aphairaisia - holeinthehead
- ardaslash - ardaslash
- ardentadore - lyrical virtuoso
- art_cocktail - Where Artists Come to Mix and Create.
- art_rock - art_rock
- artsyfarts - artsyfarts
- attackthelabels - because "all you nonconformists are all the same"
- auditory_orgasm - auditory_orgasm
- awesomebands - Awesome Bands
- azkids - arizona emo/punks/ska
- badgers_r_furry - (the) h0le
- badlyrics - songs written by people who shouldn't write songs
- band_discussion - Post and Discuss the bands you love.
- bandsthatrock - Bands That Rock
- be_bop_a_lula_ - ...
- be_some_dead - ›››«Be Some Dead Community»‹‹‹
- beat_hotel - beat_hotel
- beathotel - beathotel
- believeinlove_ - believe in l.o.v.e_
- belowtheradar - Anti-MAinStream Establishment of True Art
- bigdayout - The Big Day Out Community
- bit_o_emo - i'm not wishing anymore.
- blindreviews - Reviews for the Blind, Deaf, and Dumb
- bournvita - BOURNVITA
- bras_suck - Bras Suck!!
- britbands - britishrock
- british_bands - For Lovers Of British Bands
- britrockerlurve - Society of British Rocker Appreciation [S-BRA]
- brok3n_star - You Need Me Like A Bad Habit
- bulletsnoctane - Rejection's nothing new to me
- bunny_farm - Adopt a Plot*
- byeha - Byeha
- catonmushrooms - Cat on Mushrooms
- cbgeekfest - cbhommies4lyfe
- celestialcity - Celestial City
- cells - critique
- char_anon - Characters Anonymous
- chrisofmuse - Chris Of Muse
- claim_muse - claims community
- cmc_firstcourse - Наше комунити
- coachella - Coachella Music Festival
- colourlesrainbo - mana... nd all his prettyness
- comfortinsound - Indie music
- complain_on_me - ~My Anger on You~
- concert_addicts - concert_addicts
- concert_review - Concert Review
- confuse_me_more - Ashamed
- cool_cats_only - Just cool cats in small towns
- coolkidalert - _Current_Obsessions_
- copacetic_sexes - The Copacetic Sex's
- craig_icons - _craig icons
- cramlingtonuk - Cramlington community, uk
- creativegirls - for creative girls
- csf_kids - Shakespeare Camp Shizpots
- cuteboys - <3
- cutoutmylungs - The Atlantic Was Born Today
- d4rk_1nsanity - dark insanity
- daily_hipster - The Daily Hipster.
- dan_fish - Team Fisher::::
- delire - Delire Icons
- dickswithhips - Guys who have hips and aren't afraid to shake it!!
- diehardcranfan - a community deticated to The Cranberries
- dirty_life - Dirty Life
- dischord_breath - Cabron April
- dolly_icons - +Dolly Drowner Icons+
- dollyheart - Dolly Heart
- domofmuse - Dom Of Muse
- dontlookd0wn - Dont Look Down yo
- douchebags_r_us - Douchey McDoucherson
- drabble_me - Drabble Me!
- dream_catharsis - dream_catharsis
- dream_escape - Dream Escape
- dreamhouse - Centrale Surréaliste
- drop_d_rock - Drop D Rock... Is There Any Other Kind???
- effteepea - the kids vs. core
- electric__sexxx - you cant get with this
- element_musings - An Elemental Haven
- emo_lyricz - Emo lyricz <3
- emo_manifesto - Rad Emo Kids
- emo_wilmette - emo_wilmette
- emo_x_rejects - Emo Rejects
- emolyrics2 - Emo Lyrics
- enchanted_elms - ...Enchanted Elms, Community for Romanticists...
- endeavormusic - Endeavor Music
- eresmusic - Музыка Ереси
- ethereal_beauty - Ethereal_Beauty
- exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
- fairy_icon - fairy_icon
- fallenheros - .
- fanfic_help - Fanfiction Help and Review
- fanfics_united - All fics, all the time
- fenriklane - Fenrik Lane fans
- fnx - FNX 101.7/92.1
- fobisagang - we're gonna make you dance
- freelondon - free stuff to do in london
- fully__sick - The Cup of Lyfe
- furuguck - furuguck
- g07hch1ld - musicians unite
- get_free - The Vines
- gilded_cunt - Gilded Cunt
- girlpoets - girlpoets
- give_a_shit - Who Gives a Shit?
- glamishx - love me, robotx.
- gothicpoets - gothicpoets
- haunted_by_hyr - Haunted by Hyr
- head_cage - Head-Cage
- hisgarret - Moulin Rouge Fan Fiction
- hot_fxking_core - *.H.o.t. f <3 c k i n g .C.o.r.e.*
- hotlikesex - Only the careless can handle US
- hott_like_duh - ~A Less Classy Rating Community~
- hunchback_core - xxHUNCHBACK_CORExx
- hxcglamour - Pretty Lil Hardcore Kids
- i_had_a_dream - I had a dream: Poetry
- i_think - Synapse
- imaginary_cure - CURIOSA ♥ THE CURE
- imsoc - The IMSoc Diaspora
- in_your_world - Muse Community
- indie_rnr - capital BLAH.
- indie_shit_head - indie in tha hizzouse
- indie_socks - Garden State
- indie_wilmette - indie_wilmette
- indiebitch - Indiebitch
- indierockmix - [[mixes]]
- indievidual - charming folks
- indochineamour - Indochine Fans
- indyphoenix - Phoenix Rising Indianapolis
- inspiring_music - music is a healer
- irkenempire - The Irken Empire
- isellyousell - matt and lauren
- itsindiejesus - It's Indie Jesus!
- java_cafe - 14
- jjj - Triple J
- juicecomics - Home Of Dave the Bastard.
- julnawrimo - Julnawrimo
- justplaytragicx - I wore these jeans for the last four weeks.</3
- keepussane - keepussane
- kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
- kick_intheeye - Kick In The Eye
- kim_n_jen_land - Kim and Jen Land!
- kissatlanta - *KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party
- kissing_the_sky - [kissing_the_sky]
- krisradio - krisradio
- lainey_fan - lainey_fan
- layoutsarelove_ - layoutsarelove_
- lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
- le_fuzz - the fuzz
- le_libido - le_libido
- lemontoss - LemonToss
- levelmanga - leveL Community
- lexchucks - these words at best were worse than teenage poetry
- life_is - life_is
- linesintophnix - Lines into Phoenix
- linux_audio - linux_audio
- lip_service8 - Lip Service
- literarygrrrls - Literary Grrrls
- litopia - Litopia Writers Group
- ljstories - LJ's Stories
- loserkidz856 - Loser Kidz
- losers4dummies - How to be a Loser for Dummies
- lost_our_way - emo-indie-screamo kids
- love_muse_or_di - Just Break The Silence
- luck_bin - luck_bin
- lunchtime_fic - Lunchtime Challenge Fics
- lyrical_photos - Lyrical Images
- lyricalinferno - Lyrical Inferno
- lyricjunkie - sweet, sweet lyrics
- major_fuckup - Are you a rebel?? Think you're hardcore...
- maroonxstrokes - The only community for Maroon5 and The Strokes
- matthewbellamy_ - butterflies&hurricanes
- mattofmuse - Matthew Bellamy Appreciation
- media_monger - For media whores
- meeting_place - meeting_place
- melodicore - MelodiCore
- metrometric - __________ // METROMETRIC!
- mi_muse_fans - Great Lakes Muse fan
- mines_eye - Mind Sigh
- mixeyed_cliche - mixeyed_cliche
- mixtapery - //yet another mixtape community
- mixtapestories - The Mix Tape Stories
- moderndaymuse - Modern Day Muse
- morpheusreverie - morpheus's reverie
- mp3_xchange - .:MP3 Exchange:. Request A Song Here
- muse_man - Muse Fans Everywhere Come Here!
- muse_me - Muse_Me
- muse_of_angels - Muse_of_Angels
- museband - the erased citizens - a muse group
- musec_box - The Musec Box
- museeh__ - Muse + Canada = Yay! [Canadian Muse Fans]
- museings - The Mused
- musejuice - 100% Inspiration
- musemuggers - MuseMuggers
- musemuggers_2 - MuseMuggers
- museslash - museslash
- museteasers - Muse Teasers
- mush - MUSH
- music_fanatics - Music Fanatics
- musicads - Musicians Network
- musicalley - Music Alley
- musicfansuk - Music fans in the UK
- musicforthesoul - musicforthesoul
- musicmilitia - musicmilitia
- muzikology - Muzikology
- myconcerts - My Concerts
- nature_1 - Nature_1
- new_born_muse - new_born_muse
- nextbest_thing - Oh isnt that so hot...
- nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
- nj_indie_experi - Indie/Experimental/Instrumental New Jersey
- nocturnal_orgy - feel this fall
- nonaverage_mix - Non-Emo/ Non-Indie Mixtape Community
- northeastchat - The North East community for anyone from the area
- northumbria_uni - Northumbria Uni community
- numenwriters - A place for writers to share their muses
- numetal_ru - numetal_ru
- obstructions - Obstructrions To Society Community
- oh_dear_god - oh_dear_god
- ohsoxjaded - ohso jaded
- omg_icons - omg_icons
- optionalcontent - Optional Content
- oracolo_dei_mus - Oracolo Dei Muses
- original_inc - florishing the muse one step at a time
- oxegen - oxegen
- p_p_paper - The Princesses Paranoia Paper
- paladin_or_bust - Worship Paladin Bitches!!!
- pervygirls - pervygirls
- phwoar_muse - Mmmmuse
- pim_pam_poem - pim_pam_poem
- pink__chimneys - music news
- pink_love - Red Sun Sets
- placebo888 - ~~Placebo~~
- poetictritones - Free Verse Outlaw
- poetmotel - Poet Motel
- poetspunishment - poetspunishment
- poorly_stories - Poorly Stories
- popmusic - Popular music discussion..all genres
- poprockfansss - Pop rock
- pouremptysoul - Paradise Found
- pretty_days - Just for those pretty days
- pritty_pictures - pritty pictures
- projectmuse - The Muse
- punk_prozac - drugged up rockers
- punkrockaust - A Place For all Aussies Into Punk
- pussy_x_patrol - PxP
- radio_muse - All things Britrock!
- radio_rentals - JUST TRASH ME AND YOU, it's in everything we do...
- random_rock - random_rock
- random_square - random_square
- rawkicons - Rock Icons
- rock__on - Rock On, Baby
- rock_ride - ramble if you like rock and ride
- rockin_roosters - Can you rock like a cock?
- rocklyrics - Lyrics Of Rock, Metal, Indie and Punk
- rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
- rockology101 - rockology101
- rockstar_island - Rockstar Island
- rockyourface - Rock. YOUR. Face.
- rollingsixes - rollingsixes
- romantic_warren - Warren
- ru_maximum - ru_maximum
- ru_muse - International LJ community of MUSE fans
- ruledbysecrecy - There's No J.Lo In Here!
- same_oh - same-oh!
- sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
- scarletharlots - Warrior-Witch-Harlot-Mystic-Maenad-Murderess
- scene_fuckers - press play and keep headphones on.
- sceneornot - A devious look and a cold glass of lemonade
- schikkung - schikkung
- sebamed - science for a healthy life
- sensitivebunch - A Sensitive Bunch
- sensoriaseventy - *sensoria seventy*
- sensuous_talk - Sensuous Language
- seraphtron - Seraphtron
- sexaphobes - touch me. kill you.
- sexy__dorks - Sexy Dorks :P
- shardsofsanity - Shards of Sanity
- sharptattoos - SharpTattoos
- sherston - sherston
- shiny_starling - Shiny Starling
- shivers_emo - emo sex
- showbiz - Muse
- sightandsounduk - sightandsounduk
- silenceiseasy - silence is easy
- silentskymedia - Silent Sky Media: Enjoy Music.
- skin_deep_ - Beauty is skin deep.....
- skin_deep__ - Beauty is only skin deep
- slayer_icons - || Slayer Icons ||
- snapflash - SnapFlash!
- so_punk_rock - so_punk_rock
- somati - Журнал группы "СОМАТИ"
- somethng_secret - Something Secret
- songwriting101 - Songwriting 101
- souless_village - Area 51
- soulinstereo - Music Rating Fun
- soundsalive - Sounds Alive
- soundxcheck - Soundcheck Music Club
- spark_my_muse - spark_my_muse
- spiffyhigh - spiffyhigh
- spoonandfock - Siouxsie and Katie
- stalking_jordan - stalking_jordan
- stereo_typical5 - stereo_typical5
- stevesplace - Steve's place
- story_asylum337 - The Stories Asylum
- stratacommunity - Strata Community
- subs_jets_tanks - Sub Girl
- subverse_poets - Subverse poetry
- succexy_indies - succexy_indies
- sugarisnewcoke - Penny Lane.:.*
- surf4c31ng - Don't ever judge
- swankers - Brit Poppers Utd.
- sweaty_snowmenx - LoveMuffins
- switch_and_goo - Switch & Goo Nightclub's Community
- sylvia_plath - Sylvia Plath Community
- synapsesynopsis - .Creative. .as. .Fuck.
- teamcooper - sharks fly the nite sky
- teenagedna - teenageDNA
- teenpoetsociety - teenpoetsociety
- tekneh - Guardians of the Unicorns
- terminal_shock - The Best Sheep of the Herd
- th_org - Taylor Hanson [dot] org Forums
- the_brat_pack - You can't ask us to tell you who we are...
- the_cause - Rebels WITH a cause
- the_punk_life_x - Punk Life, Punk Love
- the_sirens - the sirens
- thecoolkids_ - The coolest kids on the planet.
- thecure - C U R E
- thecure_ru - The Cure
- thefalcons - JP and Jose's MAD INSANE PLACE FOR ALL TO POST
- thefastnfurious - The Fast and The Furious
- thehfc - thehfc
- thekhsgeekposse - The KHS Geek Posse
- thelittleroom - the little room
- themorningdew - The Clash City Rockers - Saves the day tabs
- thenew_craze - experiment
- thewarsawpact - We slow it down so you can throw it down.
- thewritersmuse - The Writer's Muse
- theycallus_lame - be uncool; or die
- thinkoutloud - make more sounds
- thisprovidence - thisprovidence
- tomkirk - Tom Kirk
- tommy_sunrise - ::Team Tom::
- tomorrowshine - Feeder community
- tradethis - and I'll love you
- triviumfans - Trivium
- ukbands - Uk Bands
- ukrepresent - Representing the UK alternative/underground scene
- ukrock - UK Rock
- uninvitingparty - The Uninviting Party
- unitin_emo_kids - unitin_emo_kids
- unomuse - Muse Community
- unsung_muse - unsung_muse
- unworthy_losers - We may be unworthy, but we listen to good music.
- uptown_girls - uptown_girls
- urban_hotels - urban_hotels
- utah_kids - eight zero one
- v2004_festival - \m/ V2004 \m/
- vain_bastards - vain_bastards
- vanity_is_cool - Vanity Is Cool
- vermont_poets - Vermont Poets
- videos - Holy Vampire
- virginboy - virgin boy, the one who makes your heart beat fast
- vse_nashi - Все Наши
- wake_the_muse - Wake the Muse
- waynesworld22 - Wayne's World and Boredness
- we_hate_muse - We hate the band Muse
- we_kill_fuglies - We are the Pretty, Petty Things
- wedance__alone - discovering the treasures of the world
- wedont__care - eat your heart out
- wedwellinhell - Hell Dwellers
- wirdnsscrusade - the weirdness crusade
- words_inblood - Words in Blood
- words_of_tears - may cause bleeding...
- worldjonesmade - Cosmopolitan Bloodloss
- writerspov - The Writer's Point of View
- x___dirtyego - x___dirty ego
- x_fold_ourhands - For Hot Tots
- x_guitar - x_guitar
- xa_new_hopex - xa_new_hopex
- xelmos_worldx - lalala elmos world
- xhangingoutx - Music Lovers
- xhardcoredancex - Hardcore Dancing
- xonexlastxwishx - • music music music •
- xxacid_tearsxx - xXAcid_TearsXx
- xxlove4music - Love For Music
- xxmusicxx - xxmusicxx
- ya_nxd_view - Ya NxD View
- yume_unmei - Katie's Literary Works
Interested users
The following users are interested in muse. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
452 matches: