The Wayback Machine -
Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Tool Fans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "tool".
400 matches:
00freeipods00 - Get a FREE iPod!! (the ORIGINAL community!!!)
0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
10questions - 10 Questions: A Music Game
11centsolution - No Assembly Required Fans
150interests - Interested People
17thdecember - ♥peter and lara♥
2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
420_surplus - 420_surplus
46_2 - 46 and 2
55_tears - 55 tears fell in silence
69lovedsongs - 69lovedsongs
___cure - ♬♪ THE CURE | NEWS ★ ICONS ☆ TOURS ★ PHOTOS ♪♬
__darkobsession - __Dark|Obsession__
_afterlettinggo - .:After Letting Go:.
_drug_scene - _drug_scene
_intothevoid_ - A image community dedicated to NIN
_lyrically - _lyrically
_oddlycutie_ - Welcome to _OddlyCutie_
_remember_when_ - remember when..
_starfuckers - _starfuckers
_welove90 - 1990 - 1999
a_love_4maynard - admirers of maynard james keenan
a_whoring - Exodus 34:16
acidkizz - ~LAGoths Unite ~Club, Concert, Gossip, Event Info~
adarkersideofnj - Darkened New Jersey
add_me_freak - Alternative Friends
admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
adultthemes - adult themes
aenima - a e n i m a
afilamentparson - THE AFP FANS
agitprop - society's whores
alientheory - A safe place for toolfans to play
alt_forum - Alt Forum
altrockbands - Alternative Rock Bands
amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
anticonanobrien - Your Stalker
apanon - Apathetics Anonymous
are_you_rock - So you think you're rock 'n' roll?
areyousober - Lucy Furr
arthousers - Arthouser
asbelowsoabove - lateralus
ashen_elysian - Omnipotent
asyouwishrock - ...As.You.Wish...Rock.+.Roll...
atrophiedhearts - Morbid Faith
audibleodyssey - Audible Odyssey
awesomequizzes - Awesome Quizzes!
azunderground - Arizona Underground
band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
bellflower_ca - Hellflower
betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
biased_review - biased_review
bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
black_duct_tape - HOLY JESUS BLACK DUCT TAPE!
brandt_cooley - Brandt Cooley Official Fan Community
breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
brokensouls - sunshine, flowers and everything that sucks
bunglearmy - ma meeshka mow skwoz
bydivinewrite - the Celtic Cross Collective
carried_by_six - Carried By Six
cd_sale - cd_sale
chalkwritings - the chalk writings of autum leaves
chas3rs_world - Chase's World
chemical_valley - Adventures in redneck hell.
chew_toy_hearts - ×Chew Toy Hearts×
chronic_boredom - Boredom
cinciofthedamnd - nothing better to do
cinematicverses - the dope fiend splashes gash like a nailbomb
circlejerk - Circle Jerk
cirquedunoir - We'll Hurt You
classicrock - Classic Rock
closetgoths - closet goths
coachella - Coachella Music Festival
coal_chamber - Countdown to Destruction
coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
cold_glam - cold_glam
coletta - Coletta
colorofclarity - A band called Clarity
commoneffect - common effect kids
communitiessuck - Communities Suck
concert_review - Concert Review
crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
criticscorner - Critics' Corner
cult_of_wenis - wenis
cuntspam - CuntSpam
d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
dallasgoths - Dallas Goths
dannycarey - Danny Carey Fans
dark_artt - Dark Artt
darknesslegion - The Dark and Demented
deadlypassion - A Deadly Passion Claim Cummunitie
deadlyverse - Deadly Verse
death_to_mtv - MTV is a corporate whore
dementedvampire - Something to sink your fangs into ...
desired_enemy - Desired Enemy
devianc3 - devianc3
deviantbeauty - .Deviant Beauty.
disturbingminds - psychoTIC childERN
do_not_disturb - DND - Do Not Disturb
downloadable - d.o.w.l.o.a.d.a.b.l.e
downloadables - The Downloading Community
dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
drugdialogue - Alex Carbon
eclecticax - *EcLeCTiCaX*
edgar_society - The Edinburgh goth & rock society
empty_arms - empty | arms
empty_thoughts - forgotten
eoh - we represent the EB crew, EveryBody
eroticnightmare - Strange
esitu - Electromagnetic Spectrum In The Ultraviolet
esoterictool - Esoteric Tool
evadreamdigital - A place for lost thoughts
exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
f81 - Factory 81 Fans
f_a_t_l_y - Fans Against Teenies Like You
forumzers - @Forumzers
frigginweirdos - Friggin Weirdos
fucked_up_kids - fucked_up_kids
funcore - FUNxCORE
gayboi - GayBoi's
giving_in - to the edge again
glassjaw_net - Glassjaw Lj Community
glitter_grrrls - GlitterGrrrls
godisinthetv - g0d is in the tv.
gothic_art - marie
gothireland - Goth Ireland
greggys_ass - it all comes down to greggy
hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
halo0 - LJ NIN Community
hard_rock_grrls - Hard Rock Girls
hardfuckingcore - MuSic ThAt KiCks YouR AsS
heartcarter - I heart carter
holy_triptych - holy_triptych
hopefulromance - ~~~evryone who has felt true love~~~
houstonmetal - Houston Metal.
hypodermicscars - ♥╬Just beneath the surface╬♥
i_heart_tacoma - we're in love, right?
i_vomit_rainbow - LoCaL ShOw JuNkIeS
icdedppl - i see dead people
iconsofhellview - iconsofhellview
ihatehaiku - i hate haiku
im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
imperfectedncrl - Imperfection Perfected Community
in_retrograde - in_retrograde
indieemo - IndieEmo
inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
jack_sabbath - Jack_Sabbath
jameshkeenan - Anyone who loves MJK!
jamesmaynard - sweet revelation
jellojesus - Torpedoe Titties
jjj - Triple J
joelnjess - our journal
just_music - just_music
justaheadofme - *46AND2*
kelleys_homies - Homies of KellEy
khaos_theory - §Digital Blasphemy§
knotlinear - knot([lin<e]ar>)
kzim - DJ Gir
lasciviolent - :llusion
last_falling - Last Falling
lc_sirens - LC *sirens
lesbinepanties - ...and you will know us by the trail of peeps
lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
lie_fans - Fans of Eli & his Sexcellent Friends
life_or_death - Life or Death?
limpwrist_mafia - limpwrist_mafia
literatejackson - Literate Jacksonians (and Quasi-Jacksonians)
ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
loser_kids__ - pull the trigger and the nightmare stops
lost_n_euphoria - Tool/ NIN icons.... and more
lotusexperience - grave reverence
loud - LOUD!
loudandhardcore - LOUD&HARDcore
loudmusicfreak - loUd MusIc FanATic
lovely_freaks - Delicious Freaks
lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
lyric_xchange - Lyric XChange
lyrical_photos - Lyrical Images
lyricalgraphics - lyricalgraphics
lyricjunkie - sweet, sweet lyrics
lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
m_f_r - XOrenZOcaHtHOzX
makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
maynards_tits - maynard's big and rounds
maynardsworld - Magdalena
mer_de_noms - A Perfect Circle Community
meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
messengershot - Shot Down
metal_alliance - We Are MeTaL
metal_heads - Metal Lovers
metal_inc - \m/ METAL \m/
metal_kittenz - Chix that Rock
metal_sludge - metal_sludge
millencolinrock - Chiquita Chaser
mindset_nj - mindset_nj
murdercrows - A Murder of Crows
mushy - Mushy
music2mosh2 - Music 2 Mosh 2
music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
music_passion - [..`a passion for all things music`..]
musicfanatics - .music
musicforthesoul - musicforthesoul
musiclandfill - Mtv makes me want to smoke Crack
musiclust - Music Lust
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicrawks - yer mom
musicsluts - Music Sluts
must_be_rock - ::Must Be Rock::
mwcggbumhhwlsse - MWCGGBUMHHWLSSE Community!
myisolatedstars - GrOmit
nadja_fan - Nadja_Fan
narmusic - ***No Assembly Required***
nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
new_pollution - grey street
newdeity - experimentalism as a medium for change
newmusic_ - The New Music Community
ninchat - #en.nin
nine_inch_nails - NIИ: WITH TEETH
ninja_mafia - ninja_mafia
no_murder - Is it a mistake? You set me up
noandroid - coke babies
north_county - North_County
nosinfernalis - We, Infernal
not_too_young - the power of choice...
nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
numetal_ru - numetal_ru
october1st - 1st
oddballs - oddballs
one_or_ten - see you auntie
onewingedangels - one winged angels.
onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
onumik - closed.
paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
peopleofthesun - People.Of.The.Sun
perfect_0 - perfect_0
perfecthell - brokenxhearts
peter_sotos - peter_sotos
phantasmacy - phantasmacy
pierced_sluts - Pierce me, Bitch
pla5t1c_star - pla5t1c_star
play_my_song - sharing music and meaning
postedoval - Posted Oval
princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
prisonerscinema - Prisoner's Cinema
private_tune - My Private Tune
prodigy_classic - Prodigy Classic
progrock - Progressive Rock Community
projectathens - Project: Athens
psycho_corner - psycho_corner
pukedthedayaway - Hear Me Now
punkermuffins - punkermuffins
punkheads - *~*PUNKZ*~*
punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
punkrockaust - A Place For all Aussies Into Punk
punkybroodster - Amber
puremetalmusic - puremetalmusic
pussy_all_night - The Awesome Community
pussy_palace - the pussy palace
pyrolixious - official pyrolixious community
quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
quotez - the quote community
r0ckers - _.+?r0cke
rad_rejects - rad_rejects
ragingspeedhorn - Raging Speedhorn
ramet - Ramet
random_square - random_square
randomnation - randomnation
randomnessage - Randomnessage
randomosity - a place for randomness
randompoetry - fireclad
raveanddave - Raven and Dave
real_sdmusic - REAL Good Local Tunes
reevolution - Personal And Societal Recreation
reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
retardsammich - retardsammich
rev_maynard - rev_maynard
rhcommunity - the thieves
ridethespiral - RideTheSpiral
rocklyrics - Lyrics Of Rock, Metal, Indie and Punk
rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
romantic_warren - Warren
savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
scaryminds - Scary Minds
seattlebands - seattlebands
sectforum - Sect Forum
sevendust_fans - Live Again
severed_stars - Blame the Stars
sexy_goth_bois - Sexy Goth Bois
shastaroman - Stoopid
she_rah - Poetry
shsukids - shsu kids
silenceiseasy - silence is easy
sinisstar - Sinisstar
songs_hurt - Comfortably Numb
songsinmyhead - Something Lyric-y
soulabortion - Vampire-Related Graphics.
soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
sp00kykids - SpookCity
spacesongs - space songs
spoonyb_lyrics - Spoony B
squeedle - we're all asquee!
stainlessart - stainlessart
steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
steriogram_kids - better than the other steriogram communities....
stratacommunity - Strata Community
strictlytool - Tool
stuckinplay - Stuck in Play
sufferingexists - living is sorrow
sugarwh0re - xXx Sugar Whores xXx
suicidealliance - a place to excape
t00l - Spiral Out, Keep Going...
tapewormproject - The Tapeworm Project
teh_sex0xrz - Teh_Sex0xrz
tempest_00 - azura
templeofrock - Temple Of Rock
texas_lawnchair - Don't Mess With Texas
the_afterparty - you're either in or left at the venue
the_bazaar - The Bazaar
the_boredome - the_boredome
the_burow - the burrow
the_cellar_d00r - Welcome To the Cellar
the_hate - The Hate
the_nightbreed - Midian
the_oddities - the_oddities
the_reckoning - All the lonely people....
the_rock_shop - The Rock Shop
the_strange - the strange
the_twisted - As Twisted As We Want To Be
the_uncool_club - You Might Be a Part of It Sooner or Later
theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
thecure - C U R E
thelegacyvirus - TLV community
thenobodies - The Nobodies
theresnotomorrw - Last Dance Before An Execution(R.I.P.)
thetragic - The Tragic
thinkoutloud - make more sounds
threedayweekend - three day weekend
tongueofcolicab - wes borland fans
tool_ - #tool
tool_lateralus - The Tool / A Perfect Circle Community
toolarmy - Tool
toolband_ru - toolband_ru
tooldissection - Consideratly Killing Me
toolfanadam - Adam Jones
toolgathering - toolgathering
towishuponastar - ToWishUponAStar
traumahounds - deepdowntraumahounds
trent_is_a_god - ♥ ♥ ♥A Community Dedicated To Trent Reznor♥ ♥ ♥
tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
trovenious - Trovenious
trustyliarsclub - Why We Do What We Do
tuteheads - Heather&Jon
twipshiz - twipshiz
twisted_reality - Twisted Reality
ultimate_freaks - Where the freaks can be loved...
unique_you - Unique You
unknown_mistery - unknown
urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
vanity_skanks - ______vanity
verysadgirl - the girl come undone
vexd_cantsmile - What It Is To Be Both Vexd and Red
videos - Holy Vampire
vodevil666 - Ambient
we_like_you - the end has no end
web_of_tzadikry - web_of_tzadikry
weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
weloveannonymos - We Love Annonymos!
welovetmoon - welovetmoon
whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
whileitrains - Art In the Rain
wicca69 - wicca69
willuminati - Fans of Phoenixwings
wither_blister - Stabbies
wltownies - if you have nothing better to do
worshipmaynard - Maynard's Childred
wounded_4_life - wounded_4_life
woundeddingo - wounded dingo announcements
woven_music - Woven_Music
wristsare4girls - Wrists Are For Girls
write_club - Write_Club
wycked_7 - Wycked
xcandyxcuntsx - x Candy x Cunts x
xerotolerance - A-Ok Kids
xfullcollapse - .T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y.
xnxyxcx - NEW YORK SCENE
xratemex - xratemex
xxfebruaryscars - ....Self ExPrEsSiOn...feel it.
xxrejectsxx - AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!
yellowratbastid - open notebook
yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
youwishyouwish - Jesus Hates The Meek
ziggycomics - Ziggy
Interested users
The following users are interested in tool. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
468 matches:
101100101101001 - Ben
abstractform - Daniel
acidkiss - merrique
acidmoon - acidmoon
aenimion - SPC dAn
aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
aestetrix - future kitsch
agony - agony
ahatfulofhollow - Toys'R'Us Kid
akito - Dirty Mess of Grime
alicewonderland - alicewonderland
altar - Altar
ameigirl - ☆@MEiGirL™
amnion - WoBbLy-HeAdeD BoSkiTo
anabelle - the queen of california
anathama - Sick Boy
andy856 - *Andy*
angelina - fond but not in love
angelvomit - Kelly
angpang - Angela
annamossity - Anna Mossity
annelei - Annelei
aperfectincubus - Rin
aquemini - tau
archaeopteryx - Amanda
asisani - Kat
asterick - Bryon Vandiver
astrocreep - Joey Kerstanoff
asuka - sharon
audiox - Audio X : the digital kid
auryn - JyL
axlrosechick - Well, Fuck.
bacos - 'nny
baggy - Captain Baaaaaaaaaaag-maaaaan!
bake - Bake
balistikspaz - .?:rAwk kiT
baphometmoon - Dr. Death
belve - Belve Marnik
benna - benna
bettie - *Unweighted down by passion or intensity*
biglizrd - That Crazy Fucking White Boy In Tijuana
binitza - Vorticose
blackspiral - blackspiral
blasphemy - Blasphemy
bludroses - amber
bluejacket - Ben
blueskiesfail - Holly
br0k3n - soma
bridget - Bridgette
brokn2pieces - Queer as FUCK
bubbajake - Sonic Death Monkey
bukko51 - himay
buttercupp - Buttercupp
butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
captaintemerity - Captain Temerity
carley - the bee. like, from nature.
cary - cary
cat - Cat
cato - all i am is the words.
caustic - ::first but last::
caustic_x - Caustic
ccorven - Jason M. McCharen
cherubrocker - iron willed fuck up
chewysalamander - Jesse Mays
chizad - familiar...and overwhelmingly warm...
chrispina - mmmmm water
claudia - Teddah.
cleanlikegod - Elixir Sue
cloud696 - pretty likely
cmdr_pooky - Cmdr_Pooky
colinm - Colin Matthias
crackslut - I no longer reside here goto iworshipsatin
craqueroques - carcinogen
criesofcarrots - T
crimsongarnet - Crimsongarnet
crowley - Crowley
cru - Chris
crucialseven - matto
cybrsissie - Nico
cyruskhan - joe
dakus - ablebodied no one
damagedgoods - Joshua Alexandr: The Idol of My Age
darcyzero - Tiffany
darkangel - Der Kailmeister
darkladyofnight - Live Jennie
darksyde - Jawsh
darkzine - Jeanette
davethebrave - Dave the Brave
david - God
deadlyblueeyes - *~*JenJen*~*
deborah_foreman - Deborah Foreman
deek - Event Organizer
deftscythe - Count Rockula
dehlatem - dehlateM
demonickittie69 - UnSweetened
demonlover333 - Demonchylde
destroika - paniek
destroll - That 1 Guy
deviation - Hate as pure as sunshine
diablodavid007 - Disappearances can be deceiving
dick - velvet rainbows & opalescence
disassimilate - You Say Potato, I Say Vodka
dissolvedego - Legion
dizzy_d_ranged - DiZzY D. RanGeD
doom - Doom
dorisp - Dorkis
downinflames - DarkLament
duckula - Monkey stuff
dulcinea - Erin Kelly
duo - Duo
dupin - Jay
effigy - Octavious
elimnist - Jo3: The Token Bad Guy
ellorastarr - Ellora
eltoozero - eltoozero
emberose - jen
embryo - Tim Fitz
emyrs - Rob Simpson
ericdraven - Eric
error_203 - Alex
evilandy - The AndyChrist
evolve - take your hand
exposed - X
fakeangel - Trina
fakeplasticadm - Adam
fartbag - andy, the walking oxymoron
fatdoglick - Sarah
fedallah - Jamie Blondin
fiendling - Fiendling
filialuna - Pandora Rose
fillerbunny - azn to the max
filth - malice
fireriven - Deborah
flare22 - Sara
folterte - folterte
forgottenkara - Goddess of Eternity
four - Ryah
freak_ - Bartleby
freakyme - Elvis Mobley
frogin8or - Joshua
fuckyou - Amanda
fusako - fusako
galahad - Loop
garygetsnolove - Disassociative
giawitch - GIA)/\(ITCH
girth - NiK
glitrfairygodes - xPunkRawkPixiex
glitterylimes - Andreaaaa
glitterystar - deeper than love
gluck - Magick
glycerine - Glycerine
gorphdude - Victor
gorrilagirl - Meg
gothicdramatica - Lucky 13
gothicnightmare - unperfect woman
gothixycho - Joe Psycho
grahams - grahams
greeenboi - Jeff Molyneux
grungenut - fuck you
guru - Guru
guttergod - Umbilical Death Noogies
gypsyphish - midian
halloweenboy - Nexus Spider
halonin - Fayga
heavenlyangel - Squirtle
hed - PaVo
hespera - My Delirium
highdroponyx - Josh Reitz
homesickalien - anthony
housebrownie - Lifestyles of the Witch and Fae
i_dont_know - Evelyn
iain - Iain C.
iamaduck - Tracey
iceb - nic
icicle - .·:*¨¨* :·.Carisa.·:*¨¨* :·.
ilasli - ilasli
ilovekorn - ...:... i want to make you feel beautiful ...:...
indecisive - Mike
infernos - Christ Sol, the atomic thunderpuppy
innocence - Innocence
inorbit - jason
ironarmoreros - microscopic cog in a catastrophic plan
ironman1231 - Mason
jack_ - Alex
jackfoley - Jack Foley
jagger - Robert S. Jagger
japanfreak - Bryan
jax - Jackie
jayness - Your saint, your monster
jeek - Unpa Nasa
jeepbear - JeepBear
jenna77 - J
jennifaerie - jennifae
jennrubenstein - jennrubenstein
jessofer - Jess
jher - jher
jigsaw666 - Dan
jillianpie - Squid Grrl
jimmy10 - Jimmy10
jimmyeatworld79 - Girl With Fraying Ends
jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
jordy - timace
juliet37 - Juliet
just_a_girl - Russa
kalayamdsn - Michele
kannan - place your hand in mine
kaoslyon - Lyon's Den
karren - Sidhe
katheter - Katie
katie_ah - Wakuhm Patrol
katkillad - Dustin Marcum
kayin - The Nethack Samurai
kellylev - Kelly
kheldar - Kenny
kid_ra1nb0w - kid ra1nb0w
kidincubus - Joe
kisama - Daniel Millage
kiss - anamnesis
kissingnuthing - Jerk butt
kiten - kiten
kittypie - Meow
kmarn - Kenny
korndawg - Rye-Rye
krock - Kirsten
kurushimi - and buffalos fell from above
l0ser - >>>b r a n d o n
ladyepiphany - Epiphany
laeos - Laeos
laf - Laf
lalenalefay - Jaime
lame - Mr. Blue
langseth327 - Drewness
leader - Mike Leader
leah - Leah
legato - PIMPTASTIC!
lemmethink - amber
lesslyn - Leslie
lilhottie019 - *~Colette~*
lilu - Lilu
litswd - A Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
livesidog - mark robinson
livvyelf - Enfys
lolir0t666 - ___i eat shit___
longhairelric - DewiSant
lora - saucy lady~
loss4words - i lied, i said it's easy
lostness - Andrea
loungeact - life is but a walking shadow
lozzo - Laurence Paul Balaam
lsdchick - i'm boring, don't read this
lunatic - Lilith
lurgee - :·:
lush - ♪ ♥ ¤ sea of names
lynette - Lynette
m00n - Eric
machine - Machine
madeku - Madeku
magdalena - Sarah
malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
mandalee - MandaLee :)
manticore - High Priestess of the Ducks
mark - Mark
markelle - Anti-Christ Snatch
meatkatie - Katie
meemee - gatita mala
mekare - un cielo sin lunas plateadas
melancholic - Melancholic Chickee
messiahd - Messiah Divine
mici - Michelle
mickasso - Brick Mickasso
mikale - Carpe Praedam
milagros - Anais
mirriam - Victoria
mish - mish
mommiemilo - Shana Markham
monicanagent - what was
moonshine - ryan
moosie - Mr. Mxyzptlk
moricand - moricand
moronperdight - Heather
moteuchi - Brad Rankin
mr_dark - Mr. Dark
munche - MunchE
my_ophelia - Ophelia
nailboy - Mike Norwood
nameless - Nameless
natrix - natrix
naygoo - Scott, PE
needles - Needles
nefarious - Your favorite distraction
never_forlorn - Dan
nexusnrg - I'm the alien
nick33 - nickbahulaisdead
nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
no1suckslikeme - =*= ReD hoT RiDinG H00d=*=
noangelcame - randie
nonsence - lonly/jester
nookie - Sketch
noone - king whackit
nozza - Steve
nyssadark - Insouciant Mistress of the Ðark
offshoot - apryl
ogopogo - Miner at the Dial-a-view
oldjournals - crazyslut
onerag9 - New Year Sunrise
opeth - Opeth
organizm - *twitch+foam*
ox0downtown0xo - Chelle
pabloi77 - been fucked over by every *friend*
papaneil - Papa Neil
petstar - Gregory Allen of the Underbrush
phasoms - Ryan Adams
pinkmoo - Nicky
pinky666 - Kari Ann
pip - pip squeak
pissygirl - Not So Super Girl
pixiface - pixi 華
plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
playboychickaro - miss maggie mae
pnutmofo - i hate people
poison - 18 rabbit
poisonedkandy - Esoteric
pokee - Mark Young
port_gal - You simply cannot offend me
princesskilstar - Tinkerbell
princessofdoom - +-+broken+-+
princessstar - ~*Lisa*~
projectjason - ☆Jamais Vu ☆
psychosarah - golgotha
psychoticmisfit - Psych0
puddle - Jewels >;-) winkin' atcha
punkstar - ★☆ rachel ☆★
pushed - Push
rabidbutterfly - Miss Scabtree
rachel_10101 - Rachel
rainy - Renee Marie
ravenx - Sexy T
relievedgrace - Grace
reppedroad - Katie
reznormoon - ReznorMoon
rhino777 - The Matador
rick - Jessica
robobrien - Rob O'Brien
rutalia - Rutalia the Lemon Goddess
ryos_mistress - Amanda Perry
sadnessnpeace - brian
sahrie - dissolves instantly
samadhi - Matt
samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
sameer - Consequences
saphiremoon - Anjuli
sarcasm - sarcasm
sarcazmic - sarcazmic
sardoniclaugh - Max
scenequeen - Paxity Jaiyne
scuba - The midnight bomber what bombs at midnight
seaofsin - Manda
sebastian - see-bass-tea-anne
sekretboi - Chris
selfhate - miss take
selphie - Violet Teardrop
selwonk - Ryan Knowles
sexkitten - 'Nny
shaggy - Making sophists tremble since 1973...
shajuana - Miss Shawna
shanno - blah
shefell - Mecha-Meg
shimmergloom - Mozartsmuse
siktripp - Dave
silentsadness - This Moment
sillycat - Sandy
silverchair - Kaytea
silverflame - Jennifer
silverglitter - Beautifuk
silverllama - someone
silveroak - SilverOak
silverraze - This Little Masochist
sk8grlpunk - anah marie
skinlayers - Skinlayers
smashkin33 - Melissa
smeed - Smeed
smitty99 - Chris
smurfette1169 - emily
smurfysmiles - Toothpaste
snazin - Snazin
snottytramp - Eliza Day
soleil - Soleil
solitary - Jessica
somatori - everyone else's girl
spacefool - Karf
sparklegirl - I am not as well adjusted as Emily Gudgel
special - Steffie
spectrsoviolent - trigger
spiderella - spiderella
spiritwalker - Dream
spookykittie - SpOOkyKiTTie
spot - tom callaway
squash - Jº§HÜå
star72677 - Jennifer
starlet - Cynder
statictool - MaNdErS
stellarstarchic - Talon Chaos
stephie - Stephanie
sublicon - Geoffrey
sugar_girl - Every mistake that I make I couldn't have made wit
suicideking - Cap't Howdy
sullen - Scott
sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
swompy - Bea Funklips
syl - jaxx
sylvester - Sarah
system610 - System610
tallon - ~The Crowned Queen Spreading Her Blackened Wings~
talmanes - Jess Hart
talula_belle - -Talula_belle- ///---profile
tampsteve - Captain of the Rocketsledd
tenaciouse - Tenacious E
terriblelie - terriblelie
tetigistus - moo
the_frail - Vash the stampede
the_horndog - Scott Dills
the_moo_cow - Jesse
thebeerfairy - margherita
thebluestar98 - death to madness
thecrazyjoey - Wrong fucking station.
thedarkside - Heaven Scent
thegreenzebra - theGREENzebra
themorbidhippy - The Morbid Hippy
thepuncturedone - J. Vernon Johnson
thoth - Joshua
tiagro - Your Favorite Matt
tingaling - Amar
toadgirl - Stacy
tommydiablo - The Motor City Madpup of Jackson
toriamosnin - Beth
tormentedfalcon - The Falcon
toxi - Jacqueline
tragiclife - tragic
treeshaman - ☼ the carnival is over ☼
truculent - Ruca
twgyschk - *//* Missa *//*
twilight - Twilight
unamerican - haste
usagicam - Houkou Usagi
utopia89 - L-Dogg
vampiress144 - ♥ 'ello poppet! ♥
vampryss - meg
velouria - Colleen Divine, Oh So Fine
verotika - Verotika
vertigo - Michæl
vexilar - Sailor of Forgotten Waters
vickster31 - Vixen
vinylusagi - ~the vinyl usagi~
visionx - David White
wickeddeeds - The Mysterious J
wildkarrdex - Rockets Fall On Rocket Falls
wuxiapian - schmollen
x - Bradley
xbluemoonx - Naughty Miss
xklutzyfreakx - k8isgr8Xcore
xrubyx - hinchada
xsarahx - Wondergirl
yamagata - Ryu
zang - I Am Zang
ziggy_stardust - brian
zuhalterin - 8-stallion stamina man
zztzed - Michael