Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "semantics".
61 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in semantics. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
438 matches:
- 1tophi - Brian M.
- 76trombones - 76trombones
- _lizappelin - Lizappelin
- _olya_ - Olga Mitrofanova
- _stx_ - Dominic
- aardwolfe - Wolfe
- aaron_the_emo - aaron_the_emo
- abarrach - Joël
- abcrocksteady - voweldispersion
- academicassassn - What Would A Klondike Bar Do For You?
- ackack - ack ack
- aegan - g33k
- afterthefall - Falling is like This
- akaliko - Elizabeth Bennet, or so she'd like
- aleph - The Architect of Zen Chaos
- algebraicring - AlgebraicRing
- allrightjill - cocquelicot
- allyx - Festival of Lot
- alvekatt - ÄlveKatt
- amanda_mary - amanda
- amberite - Immanentizing Wonderland
- amities - mikel kyirda
- anan_ab - Matt
- anansi133 - standard deviant
- andythetical - Looshifuge Rofocale
- angharad - Angharad Elwes
- anomander - Rahul
- anthrophile - Anthrophile
- antipleasure - so what if i am
- aphexjoe - aphexjoe
- apotheon - Autolatrist
- ariestar - a precious combination of awesome and honest
- aristoloche - Aristoloche
- ariston - kbh
- arland2012 - arland2012
- asphxiate - played like a pitbull in a basement
- astra_valyesky - Doesn't Play Well With Good People
- aussia - Heidi
- aviatrix - Aviatrix
- avkhasia - Zoot
- avuncular - Sean
- aziraphale1334 - Azazel the Chaosopher
- badhisattva - Kukla
- beez23 - assignment function
- belladonnarosa - Raucotári, Angel of the Morning
- benhimself - Ben
- betamantis - B.J. Vankoughnett
- betweenwords - between words
- bgirlnat - ·•¤•·::sweet:x:torture::·•¤•·
- bjackrian - Brian
- blergeatkitty - this bird has flown
- blindingshade - BlindingShade
- bluecollarmoxie - ready cassette go (雪莹)
- blutundboden - Ariana
- bonscott - SWL
- boofaloofu - boofaloofu
- bookcat - Sharpie
- brainspew - BrainSpew
- bramble - bramble
- brenk - BrenK
- broman - Three Sisters
- brotherriparius - Andrew Jenner
- bruhinb - Bob Bruhin
- buckledown - Dirt McGirt
- c2k2 - Sisyphus
- call_me_deb - Come and Ride the Fantasy...
- cancerat - J~Nathan
- candass - Candass
- capfox - Moti
- captaincommiex - anna
- carbonatedink - Nicklas
- catoncrack - steffikitten (WHAT A GIRL)
- catullusa - Neville
- ceciliaj - filia novis rebus
- chasingdivinity - •
- cheryl_ann - I'll be that girl...
- chess - Michelle
- chibi_neko - Neko
- chrestomanci - My Very Own God
- cicadasilence - D
- cimorene111 - prinsessa
- circumstances - C
- claudecub - wabi-sabi
- clearskye - ClearSkye
- closet_goth_gal - J - Money
- closetmonsters - Little Ms. Bubbletoes
- cmouse - Catherine
- coeus559 - Alex
- concrete_angel_ - I Love Windom Earle
- coug_ee - SD
- crazicreek - cataclysmic catalyst
- crescentfresh13 - subtle like a brick to the small of your back
- crystabella - Polly Glot
- ctakahara - Phil
- d2leddy - David
- dailyrebellions - Daily Rebellions
- dana13 - dana
- datavore - Marty Smyth
- dbananza - a dreamer of pictures
- declanmcmanus - Working for a better world
- deidrecorwyn - Deidre
- delirium - sp00ky DeluXe
- delusion42 - delusion42
- delve - Christian
- dervish - Rachel
- deusdiabolus - deus|diabolus
- dhr_eigen - My Ainsel
- dinaofdoom - dinaofdoom
- dorianmauve - Jay
- dragonwyn - dragonwyn
- dreamattack - ganglion cysters
- dreamlogic - min
- dreamsofxion - Jeff Moody
- dweezie - Amanda Shay Permenter
- dymaxion - Paul
- educatedidiot - Dave
- efp - Elias Ponvert
- eiaboca - eiaboca
- eileen88 - boondielady
- elfwreck - The Elf ½
- eli_ - Elijah
- elwe - Ryan Gabbard
- em_me - Un qui m'incite à rougir beaucoup
- emaleth - Don't Panic
- emeraldiii - Eric
- empire74 - Kelly
- erislover - Heather Mason's Lover
- erix - eric
- erlack_kevin - Kevin. Kevin, ah, Entwhistle.
- etc - analysis paralysis
- etoilemusicale - Tina
- euqubud - Dubuque
- extrastout - Tortfeasor
- ezrababy - ezra, baby
- f_nietzsche - Friedrich Nietzsche
- failegion - Sean
- far2wise - The Wise One
- filmcritic - THE Redhead
- flowery_twat - you and what squirrel army?
- fluidspace - put on that bobby womack
- forgottenman - Ran
- forioscribe - John Palcewski
- frankepi - frank episale
- frostflake - Catherine
- furrylemming - furrylemming
- fuxupyo - Josh
- gabkdlly - Gabriel
- gconnor - Greg Connor
- geminijaney - Janey from Rain
- genequagmire - Gene Quagmire
- ginsberg_blow - Heathecore
- girasole04 - Ashlan
- gmalivuk - Greg
- gnawingonfoot - would you like an omelette with that diet coke?
- god_of_atheism - The God of Atheism
- gothicfemme - gothicfemme
- graciana - Shirley Grace
- gravity_ - Hairbrained Scheme
- graygoo - gray goo
- greta_enchanted - greta
- groovebot - phyla errata
- gruntinator - Andrew Q. Gruntinator
- guilty_innocenc - hi ho
- gullyvuhr - My superiority is not a complex..
- gustavolacerda - Gustavo Lacerda
- haiku_de_grace - King Syphilis
- hallo_spaceboy - Rob
- harlequinfetus - Natasha
- hazeboy - The Irony Inspector
- headxmaster - Your Virtual Nightmare!
- heatheredrose - Nicole
- helenangel - Mattie's Sweet Relish of Death Angel- pickley yum!
- hirokache - Hirokache
- hommedeterre - Rumspringa
- howdoesitfeel - only in dreams
- i_know_ninjas - cathy
- iadork4life - Mariel
- ignote - ignote
- igobydrew - igobydrew
- ikilldyourmom - shawna shykes aka: jesus
- iluvyuri - Eddy
- imperial_wicket - Kristin
- indyonaro - indyonaro
- inex1le - daboywhuishidininexile
- ireth - [in][glittery][madness]
- ishityounot - DORKFACE
- itallow - meg
- iwadoj - Iwadoj
- jabber - Arrow In A Stream
- jackalish - jackalish
- jackhorkheimer - Morbious//Jack Horkheimer//Pumaman//JH
- jasiri - the only child there is
- jasonkelly - Jason Kelly
- jasonrhode - The Chief
- jaynedeaux - Jayne Deaux
- jesuit_fallen - jesuit_fallen
- jon_bob_iggy - Jonathan
- joranbelar - Joran Belar
- jspurlin - "if there's a problem w'that, we can get it on..."
- junkbondtrader - Saturday
- just_hsut_me - Alex
- justaslyfox - James the Jamesian
- kahnman - Shmuel A. Kahn
- kareltehrobot - KareltehRobot
- katzenfrau - katzenfrau
- kelbesque - The Great General
- kelquestor - kelly green
- khamura - kmr 「火霧羅」
- king_kai - F.Stylus, Rex tremendae maiestatis
- kirinqueen - Erin Stevenson
- kitsuandy - kitsuandy
- kittyface - kittyface
- kooshballrivky - Kooshalicious
- kopernik - I'm not gonna be your monkey
- kraant - The Golden Boy with the Teflon Suit
- kronosoam - Ron AmoriM
- krysto4 - acousticat
- kwith - Dick
- kymbia - alora
- lauremo - The Greatest Genius of All Times and Places
- leesawmay - Lisa
- leksa - the girl with the cow-eyes
- leoz - Lionheart
- leperdu - LePerdu
- lessthanbrazen - diplomacy's_virgin
- level_head - Level Head
- lexicat - Lexicon
- lickthespoon - the giddy end.
- lil_miss_d - D Sita
- lilairen - Darkhawk
- ling_tso - Ling Tso
- lizappelin - Lizappelin
- lo5an - Lo5an
- locolobo - Tatterdemalion
- lonestarslp - Ann
- lostnthejungle - Aldous Christ
- lostwoman - Lost Woman
- lousydog - ralph wiggum
- lovelyhead - is that how you tell us apart?
- lover_murderer - These Hybrid Moments
- lulufallsdown - Lulu
- lumiere - Lumiere
- lyndastreet - Lynda
- lynxcat - Lynx
- maddhatteraz - Mr. Mike
- manticore - High Priestess of the Ducks
- maradydd - Meredith L. Patterson
- margoeve - Storm Bringer - cleaning sins with torrents
- mariah - Moo says the kowala
- marienkafer - marienkafer
- marlo - Straight Hedge Yardcore
- mathminusme - Elliott Pallas
- mcbloom - mcbloom
- melodymuse - Melody
- mercurystar - Rhiannon Mercury Starlight
- merina - Merina
- messiahd - Messiah Divine
- meta_x - Designer Voodoo
- misfitsparade - Misfits on Parade
- misquoted - Embracing the Chaos
- missalicia1973 - Alicia
- modality - excursions in S4
- momus - Momus
- mordwen - tall, dark and elven
- morian - Morian
- morningstar1009 - Dustin Grothaus
- mouton - I dug the Mariana Trench.
- mowcher - Mowcher
- moxiedacolorbug - shanny jean
- mutablemonolith - Algernon Louis Dunston
- mygradadventure - Crystal
- myrlings - the myriad
- nakedsockpuppet - D. Evil
- nakulshenoy - Nakul Shenoy
- ndrtoon - Dylan NDR Edwards
- nekonikoban - Jessica
- nerokassil - Memoirs of Oblivion
- neuroticphil - Phil
- nightsinge - Nightsinge
- nimiety - Her Nimiety
- nimis - an island off the coast of Companionship
- nobodysbetty - camille talks trash
- nohaybanda - Nohaybanda
- nohfirth_wulfe - Scott
- novanglus - Novanglus
- offyourorbit - Jean Bean
- ofydien - ofydien
- oninofro - O-fro Tonii
- onyveth - Cameron
- optimussven - شيخ الحب
- oralelk - Alexander
- pabstreally - the bee's knees
- pants_of_doom - pants of doom
- papertygre - Ratha
- pdanielson - Paul Danielson
- pennjamin - Matthew
- petrovnik - Eric(h)
- philosophyjeff - Jeff
- phoenixxfire - Ellen Claire
- piezocuttlefish - piezocuttlefish
- pimpmamicass - One Bad Mamma Jamma
- pimpwiththeears - Stevie
- poee - poee
- poeticriot - Laura
- prapaebutterfly - Kimmi
- pure_absurd - Vadim
- q_pheevr - Q. Pheevr
- queenkakia - L-O-L-A (Lola)
- quent_stories - quentin fables
- raab_bustamante - raab_bustamante
- radioactivclown - A Balanced Part Of A Complete Breakfast
- raulia - Amy
- raykat - RayKat
- reesey - Elder Zak'thul the Soulless
- reformedjap - rick's expoé
- renarden - Renarden
- replicantlizard - Robert
- republic_of_roh - M. Roh
- rocketllama - Daniel P
- rocknrollisdead - rocknrollisdead
- rockstarmargo - margo
- rook - rook
- ruecian - Winter's Ghost
- ryba_kit - Renee
- rzbryicet - Whale and Wasps
- sabishi - Andrew Watts
- safeashouses - letters from theoretical girls.
- sagimaitre - Nishkin Malanta
- sarabellum - saramin the human theremin
- sarahiles - MissIles
- sasspot - Liz
- sastopher - Chris, Your Neighborhood Sasquatch
- satyr_of_patmos - a consumptive, ill-contented leech
- saveyoursanity - self-admittedly strange on a subatomic level
- scarletwolf13 - Caroline... or Your Greatness is fine, too ;)
- schmurlie15 - Michaela
- scottishgirl - ScottishGirl
- scratches - all around the coin slot
- scriz - Ich mag dich.
- seamelon - mreow
- semanticvandal - FunkyMcMunkyMcBean
- semiotikos - ken
- senhor - Tobin
- sensational - la pli bel anba la bay
- sensibleknave - master of cold
- sevanetta - Kate
- sexiniceland - Patrick
- sfogarty - Arav
- shaegirl - Rochelle
- sheesh236 - Sheesh
- shemayazi - Shemayazi
- shibiriri - in it!!
- shleybento - misplaced memory
- sickfunction - Kamikaze dive
- simianlogic - Man or Monkey
- sirius23 - sothis
- sk8rnerd13 - Patrick
- skipskip - Rob
- slaeve - Shard
- slattery - Andrew Slattery
- slutmuphin - sapphic cinderella
- solipsisticfury - SolipsisticFury
- solri - Robin
- spherix - Spherix
- spooktress - (the) Monster
- spurio - fishbelly white
- spygirle - Elana
- star_fade - Bubbles McBusty
- stevkay - steve
- strixx - The House of Usher
- sublimeruca - T l2 i l< (/) l2
- suerocks - Suz
- surrealkitten - Violetta Del Toro
- swannsway - swannsway
- sweatoutheart - becky
- swine59238 - Holy Pig
- swinginpagan - The Angry Little Girl
- sykosamiam - Starz Upon Tharz
- syrpageabone - Ryan
- tagthefox1 - Will
- talaitha - +fru fru fx+
- taliszanna - * ¤ ☆ • . Talis ★ Antisocial Socialite . • ☆ ¤ *.
- tamgerine - FemTam
- taojones - Thomas Didymus Twin
- taper - Taper
- tatternym - Fierce and Mighty (tm)
- thatjengirl - ♥ Jenny Lynn ♥
- the_beaver - Reservation at the Restaurant of Death
- the_christian - The Christian
- thebill - Not an angel, but he tries.
- thepublicguy - thepublicguy
- thevillagers - thevillagers
- thiebes - Joseph Thiebes
- thinkorthwim - Think or Thwim
- thisisarobbery - Rebecca Storm
- thisisnotsteve - thisisnotsteve
- thrylos - in our bubble
- tom1417 - Painting with an Egg Beater
- torquemada - The Captain of the Gravy Train
- transemantic - Moll Cutpurse
- translikelance - swish and flick
- troublecauserx - The Most Ridiculous Girl You Know
- tuicanis - Connor Kilpatrick
- twem2 - twem2
- twistedcistern - in these woods there is often fire before falling
- uberivy - ivy
- ultimatejosh - The Ape
- unexpurgated - papercut symphony
- unfilthy - Ronnie
- unkunvinst - Unkunvinst
- unsay - you smoke her like she's incense
- vaga6ond - vaga6ond
- vampie6 - jzg
- vicrandom - Victoria
- virgoan - izzakaytay
- wackyslav - The Todal
- walkingshadow - a tale told by an idiot
- weasels_of_fire - crack and/or ham
- wendywoowho - a small, duck-billed platypus
- whirlpooleyes - H
- winter_lily - winterlily
- winterwound - winterwound [hella bereaved]
- wraith860 - Mike Roberts
- wwiinngg - an ornery hipster
- xanaxjj - Xan
- xi_o_teaz - Xi O'Teaz
- yes_lets - das Flasch
- yoeda13x - David
- yoshdosh - Josh
- zabes - Zabes
- zakh - The Ayatollah of Rock n' Rollah
- zaltys - Artistinchains
- zarabeth - Zarabeth
- zeitundraum - Katherine
- zigeunerweisen - nobody special
- zinear - zinear
- zodmicrobe - Zod Microbe
- zorikin - m/^z[wv]?or[yi]kin$/i