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Dream Forest Adoptions Version 5.0

Welcome to the new remodeled Dream Forest Adoption Agency.  I have decided to remodel this site completely.  I'm going to get rid of the old designs and start over again with the new creations from Remy's Lab.  The poll said that the old ones were fine, but I don't like those so much any more.  To make a compromise, I've decided to keep the old sprites, but in the download section as zip files.  I will now use the new templates to make the sprites.  

The poll results said that people would take either the old or new.  However, based on the other poll results, most people preferred the new sprites to the old ones.  ^^



It's been almost a month since I've updated.  It's a combination of school and new projects.  

I haven't been up to making any sprites recently.  I don't know what's wrong.  It feels like I've lost something.  Also, fateback's too slow.  It annoys me.  





Dog Tags

Original Layout © Angel Dust | Modified by kiri