Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "martinis".
123 matches:
1135decatur - 1135 Decatur
__danceparty - Dance Party!
_bachelorettes_ - The Supreme Sextacular Godesses
_betterthanyou - 1337
_cocktails - Cocktails, baby!
_olivexevilo_ - For Olive Lovers Only!!!!
_waybackwhen - Way Back When
a_boy_named_oi - the bold and the beautiful.
acidkizz - ~LAGoths Unite ~Club, Concert, Gossip, Event Info~
artifaces - give him a mask and he'll tell the truth
atlanta_eats - Atlanta Restaurants
barbie__world - ♥ BARBiE__WORLD ♥
bartendersecret - BaRtenders secret drink recipes
beingdrunk - Strunk and Droned
beverage_junkie - Beverage Junkies
bitter_singles - The Bitter Singles Club
boredmoms - boredmoms
boston_lushes - Weekend Lushes - Boston
brian_setzer - Setzer on Live Journal
classic_banners - Classic Banners
classic_coasts - Classic Coasts
classy_skirts - classy_skirts
cocktailparty - The Spirit of the Party
cp_party_posse - The Corn Pone Party Posse
crdc - CRDC
dahlia_lounge - Dahlia Lounge
deeply__shallow - DEEPLY shallow
do_me_amazon3 - Do Me, Amazon Trio
dramada - THE DRAMADA
drinkinggames - Drinking Games!
drunk_grl_rules - drunken girl rules
drunk_phonepost - Drunk Phone Posts
drunkards - Drunken Simian Miscreants
drunken_masters - Pink Eloquence On Parade!
drunkenbastards - DRUNKEN BASTARDS!!!
drunkenrambling - oamg im dr unka nd im stu9id
drunkreport - Spiritus Supra Omnia
drunkxsincerity - i did what?
dwsnyc - Drinking With Strangers
eastcoastrab - east coast rockabilly and psychobilly
ecesisdotorg -
espionagemud - Espionage MUD
evil_hoez_unite - we so evil
fab_four - fab_four
foodfriends - Food Friends
frugalindulgent - Drama, style, verve, and very little cash
gaypimpsrule - The Casey and Ryan Show
gcc_nola - Girls Cocktail Club goes NOLA
gemutlichkeit - gemutlichkeit
goldenera - Prepare Yourself...
gotheeshop - the goth coffeeshop
gotta_luv_livin - Live every day like it's your last.
hand_basket - Hand Basket to Hell
highnumbers - high numbers society
hipsters_r_us - We're hip, we're hoppin'!!!
hotelgendo - "Where's my martini?" love the martini gendo.
i_drink - I drink!
i_hate_sxe - sXe can kiss my ass
illustrated - fashion illustration & girlie art
ima_barbiegirl - Barbie Girls
inner_square - The Inner Square
intrepid_fox - The Intrepid Fox
jenandsue - The Adventures of Jen & Sue
jivegoddess - jivegoddess
justrestaurants - justrestaurants
karebearnpoodle - Sean and Megan / Jack and Karen Fans
kickmybutt - motivation for procrastinators
kitten_caboodle - kitten_caboodle
leschatsnoirs - Les Chats Noirs
liqs_a_lot - Boozed For the Better And Better For the Boozed
lisafoxx - lisafoxx
lmu_scwr - fade in
lumatorium - lumatorium
lush_linguists - lush in translation
lush_tales - Drunk Lush
lushes_r_us - Lushes "R" Us
markfarris - markfarris
martini_lounge7 - Relax & have a drink dahling
martini_time - Cocktails and Hipsters
martinithink - Ketel One, Dry, Olive. MAKE THAT A DOUBLE!
mash100th - The M*A*S*H 100th
mash_icons - M*A*S*H Icons
metrosexual - The Metrosexual Male
miserablefucks - we are miserable fucks
missingcalif - California Dreamers
modern_ebriety - The Contemporary Alcoholic
my_vip_room - My V.I.P's
mygirlsretro - that's cos my girl's retro.
pajamarama - LJ Pajama Party
philtre_filter - Nasty Shafter's Review of Beer And The Like
piristil - Piristil
practicalwisdom - guiding light
providence_ri - Providence, Rhode Island [moderated]
r_u_a_pinup - r_u_a_pinup
retrodolls - Ace Retro Rating Community
retroliving - RetroLiving
rockabillydate_ - ROCK N ROLL
satc_rpg - Sex and the City RPG
seannmeganfe - Scene Stealers! The Best Couple there Never was!
sex_in_the_city - Jake's Bar & Grill
shallowbitches - shallow bitches
short_cncrtgoer - Vertically Challenged Music Fans
sn - Silent Noise Productions
so_gingerly - Pre-Franz Love
socal_snobbery - SoCal Elitists
soo_trashy - Stronger Than Dirt
ss_terrace - Sunnyshade Terrace
steinmart - Stein Mart
texaspinups - TexasPinUps
the_blackorchid - The Black Orchid
the_hot_martini - $
thehouseofvirgo - Amy, Merin, and Annabelle
to_the_bottle - Wine, Beer, and Spirirts
uberlush - Thee Order Of Uberlush
ultmash - Ultimate M*A*S*H
varga_girls - varga_girls
venustears - Venus Tears Bar
vodeville - Vodeville
vodeville_news - Vodeville News
wgquotes - Will and Grace quotes
xselloutsx - The Sellout Society
xx_bang_xx - xx_bang_xx
Interested users
The following users are interested in martinis. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
440 matches:
1atom12 - marissatomic
2002esq - 2002esq
_draconis - fools rush in | where angels fear to tread
_platinumbettie - jen
ad1025 - Adrien
admiralkatt - The Second-Greatest American Hero
afreakgirl - Angela
aguacates - sarah
aidenraine - The Petulant Carrot
alamaya - Thunder wishes it could be the snow.
alleykit26 - Alleykit26
alluna - lisa
allytart - Allison
alwrites - Alysha Vaughn
anath - Anath Viera
angeldiva11 - V $$$
angryjonny - Awesome "The Yellow Dart" Man
anison178 - Alison
annashea - Alexis
apocalypsefad - ApocalypseFad
apryl_dawn - apryl
arctic_blue - Callum
aretimis - briJit
argylesox - je t'amour
arkos - Roger
artsycub - Sean
arykabliss - aryka
ashleyc - Ashley
aspen - Anna Banana
astrogurl - baudrillard's penguin concubine
asugarhigh - Faithee
au__naturel - yours truly
auri - mar
autarchicflux - I'm with stupid
awoehler - Showme Kenobi
azael - Laura
azul - m
baristababe - fish
basejaxx - christopher
batty - Batty
bebby - Bebby
benjamin54 - Benjamin
bettyx - BETTY X
bezerny - Bethany Dawn
bigmeanie - Big Meanie
bitzar - A twelve step sailor
biz0unced - Thom
bkb9206 - Ben Baron
blackthorne6 - Dean
blackturtleneck - Tongue N. Cheek
blue0rion - miss kittee
bluebuddha - Darren
bluemars1 - Blue Mars
bohemianyuppie - The Bohemian Yuppie's World
bookbird - Bec
britpop5 - The future Mrs. Kelly Jones
brookielaw - Lawb*tch, Esq.
btbones - Barry
btflyqueen - btflyqueen
burgandyroom - Burgandy
burntflowers - Burntflowers
burroughed - Respect the Delicate Ecology of Your Delusions
cgm13 - Charles Mills
champis - chaMpis [ si la de la pizza de champiñones]
chaunpop - mr. bojangles
chemicalwire - Busy Busy, Busy Scissors, Oooh Oh Oh Oh
chloealexander - Twnkl
chrrlong - Christopher
citizentanner - the b'jesus
clearnick - Clearly Nick
cleft_in_twain - Caleb
clewell99 - Dustin
coffeebean - Holly
colour_of_water - Becs
coolredelusive - Liberteeny Bopper
cosmicserpent - Eric
crashintoyou - Queen of the Harpies
cremice - Joey
crousetopher - Smiling Politely
cry4help - Player Piano
cultureslut - =*=Red Hot Riding Hood=*=
curveappeal - Tonya
cyflea - cyflea
cyn -
cyphon - Cyphon
daikan - dorkus erectus
damiel - Idiot Syncretic
dana809 - Dana
dangrmous - dangrmous
darenzia - Asphyxiation Blue
darkflight - DarkFlight
darksyn - Amanda
dashenka - Don't Mess With Minnesota
datwahine - she's so jaded.
daveohyeah - Dave
dc_commons - emotionally medieval
decon - Pussy Superstar
devilsdaughter - Maddi-Mae
dichochic - my dichotomy
diktat - ne travaille jamais
dinkydo - High Priestess of High Heels
dirtystyle - dirtystyle
discodan - Tennessee Tuxedo
divajess - divajess
divamarci - Marci
divasteph - Stephanie
divatentazzione - *Savage Temptation*
djgirl - Sway
djpope - DJ Pope
dolcediva - chillin' like ice cream fillin'
dongorgon - Pope Beligerent I
doogloose - Amy
dorkboi - JaY
dr_nic - Enter the Proto-Mo
drewzhrodague - Drewzhrodague
dykestar - Directly Into His Mouth!
e6 - e6-
edges - edges
edric00 - Juan Muñoz
eideticfade - givin' it away like goldfish at a carnival
ekstasis - stacey
electriceric - Eric
elizabethawise - elizabeth
endofsanity - Self Destruction
entj - My online garret
ephemeralleaves - Cat
equivoque - brooklyn
ericscott - Turkish
etherealhammer - Nicolas
evilbecca - Becca
exnaywendypay - Wendy
faeriegoddess13 - Aradia
fairymelusine - Fallen Caryatid
fei - Fei
finabear - Sarafina
finris - memu
fiorile - Don't you know who I am?!?!?!!!
fitzwinter - Becoming Excellent
fordgj - Graham
fuckonthebeach - shithead fuckpod
funkyhousekitty - ..::iM the TesserAct::..
fuzzifox - Fuzzi-Fox
galaxy - Ariel
gammaphicutie19 - Caitlin
gayburblife - GayBurbLife
gday - Graham
geekgrrrl - Geekgrrrl
ghostyo - Ray Fawkes
girlnamedgirl - girlnamedgirl
girlonx84 - Ursula
glitter_burned - my mom almost named me polly
glitterybitch - My Little Drag Queen Pony
goatgirl - Kimberly
goddessolove - Bee Near Me
gothik - Jon M.
greenshadows - Jay
gremlingirl - wEEpinG InsOmnIAc
guava - toxic : lisa
guccigirl - Just when you think she's yours....
gushing_swine - Gushing Swine
hallo_spaceboy - Rob
hanabanana - hanabanana
helditallinside - kristina
hypo1976 - Hypo1976
igboricua - Igboricua
iheartincubus - Library Hermit, Sex Phene, Feminist FrEaK...
ilovefosse - smooth criminal
iluvmaroon16 - <3Heather<3
incrediblyfake - She who dies with the biggest [hand]bag wins!
insomniac - Seph
isatope_angel - covered in paint
jadedgyrl23 - Mad swift because I got that gift of gab.
jadedlizard - Jade
jagged_angel - static
jamievw - jamie faggot face
jamzilla - more like crapzilla
jayfo - livin' large and steppin' easy
jeepch1ck23 - Meegan
jessicajazz - Jessica
jezibel - Jezibel
jgd3 - John Dennett
jillyfishie - Jillie the Incorrigible
jimibudah - Budah, James
joeyshithouse - Shit Luck
joiseyguy - JoiseyGuy
jr_surfer - Joe
jrsnead22 - Jason Snead
junglegirl - ...
kaoticconfusion - barenaked
karmicunderpath - allergic to love - what's past is prologue.
katycapone - Lonesome Traveler
keagan - Keagan
kfink11 - kelly
kimarama - Kim-a-rama
kimi_chan_vamp - Kimi_chan_vamp
kitsch - Jordan
kittyglitter - KittyGlitter
kittymeeow1313 - trials and tribulations of a drunk
klang - fishtank
koolwithak - chad sexington
kornqueen - KoRn Queen
kowchow - Vicky
kristyclueless - Kristy
krizsa - sugar-kriz! shaken not stirred
ksrim - the nicest girl to ever kick your a$$
kylec - lupus yonderboy
kyrin - Ben
lajane - Jane
latentlunacyie - someone who doesn't matter...
lauralax26 - lauralax26
lauramander - Vampire Piggy Hunter
lauraxz - Laura
leatherwoman - leatherwoman
leopardprint - Kelly
lesa_marie - Lesa
lesbianpoetgrrl - robin melody
levall - Levall
lillulu7609 - ((babi $arah))
lionsaoi - The Wanderer
lipglosstar - °•..•°•. cherryvenom .•°•..•°
liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
literaltruth - Iain
livesirenn - oh shit son, it's effie
loftytart - Kacee
lolaogeisha - Lolita
lolliejean - lolliejean
lollipoptrollop - Mrs. Rabbit
londnrose - LondnRose
lonelyplanetgrl - Brenda
lounge_lizard - Mr. Martini
lovelyjessy - J
lovepink - LovePink
lukie - A Sip of Victory
macbrain - MacBrain
madamev - Madame~V~
maddykatt - girl in the machine
maeveduir - Paige
maize - Shannan
majorweather - shasta
markalicious - Markalicious
mars - marsley
martinigrrl - MartiniGrrl
martinsoba - Martin
marygirl - Meri
me8383 - A Beautiful Mess
mezdeathhead - St. Mez of the Undead, Patron Saint of Zombies.
miark - Miark
mindermoose - melinda
mintytrina - Trina
misschelsea - Camilla the Clucker
missmodular - Jagged Thoughts
missrachael - woodchuck is entirely surrounded by water
misssatori - Satori
mojosister - Mojosister
moonberryq - Ali Babble
moonpics - moonpics
moonwick - Jonathan "Moonwick" Bishop
morggie - Morgan
moriae - Moriae
moseycatcm - Christy
moxybyproxy - Éireann
mriver80 - Mike: A Road Less Taken
mrsdarkness - the baddest of the bad
msalice - alice-in-wonderland
muffintastic - A Muffin Called Jen
mugsy1274 - Mugsy Malone
muskox - Michael Smith
mzzjoplin - The pop sensation that's sweepin' the nation
najniran - najniran
ndaeagle - K.
neb777 - ben - neb777
no1suckslikeme - =*= ReD hoT RiDinG H00d=*=
nooodles - Noodles
not_an_arsonist - jen-jen
nothereyet - nothereyet
nuptse - where no one goes
nymie - Lurid
nyyvonne - yvonne
oksweetpea - Sweet Pea
oldmanmaynard - Matthew
omorashi - Irritable Bowel
omy - Omy
one_eightseven - Burn out, not fade away.
onestpahd - Michael Duffield
ophelias_lament - Sugar Starr
palerecluse - pale
pamella - Pamela
pbmaxca - pbmaxca
pelle79 - Matt
phoenixcub - Ron
pineappletheory - umayyah
pink_bunny - Soni
pinkdomino - domino
pinkhollywood - .·:♥ HeAtHeR ♥:·.
pinqpanther - Hi...I'm Gay MIke
piperfeehily - Piper
pistolpfm - Pete
platniumblonde - platniumblonde
pmhrh - Pastry Making High Rise Hottie
popstarness - anastasia
powerflirt - simultaneously gregarious and shy
princeeric - Carter
projectjason - ☆Jamais Vu ☆
proletariat - courage d'escalier
psymonetta - Psymonetta Isnoful
queenlura - hunnybunny
queennoise - Sarah
quigs - Quigs
qwixotik - [noodle]
rad_jose - radly j. phoenix
raeweinstein - Rae Weinstein
ragga_muffin - .happyinleisure.
randall - Rbhess
randomlyenamord - randomlyenamord
rapier - Caliban
raton - Steen
ravenwater - Ravenwater
redchainsaws - Krystyn
retrodiva68 - retrodiva
rhondak - RhondaK
rickimsears - The Rickster
riotnrrd - Trevor
risekevin - Kevin
rockingrrrl - Rockin'Girl
rockstahinmycah - rockstahinmycah
rowerbry - Bryan
roxivang - Roxanne
rroseselavy - Julia
rrrozz - The RRRozzland Ballroom
ruggedangel - Kahmeela
ryan0 - ryan
safox - Amanda Savita
sagehawk - Sagehawk
sammielynn - Samantha
sandypru - Sandra
saraicat - saraicat
sasha_pervaya - Sasha
scdd - Carrie
scottecook - Sloshed Scottie
seraphim845 - Seraphim
sexiiee_babiiee - sexiiee_babiiee
shaiguai - shaiguai
shambhala - tenzin chöphel
shannonpants - Ms. Pants
shazam - Captain Underpants
shescomeund0ne - Bex
sickitten - .me and mine.
sidlessnancy - Lore
singlegirlsaga - The Single Girl
sinnie - Visual Distraction
sirgeoff - Chris
skeltakat -
skoth - Skoth
skylinear - phoebe
slackferno - Slackferno
slg - .:♥tuffgirl♥:.
snowbunny - Julie
sol_breed - Sol
son_of_gir - Brad
sour__gurl - sour__gurl
spacemonkey475 - space monkey
sparc - sparc
sparkle_muffin - oh the muffin
sparkledrop - lost girl ramblings
spiraleyedgrrrl - Bean
spotlessmind - spotlessmind
spring_1970 - Spring_1970 (also known as spring_1970us)
squarebear - Square Bear
staceyivy - Stacey
staceylynn - Punk Prettie
stained_ribbons - ELI(zabeth)
stargazingdream - Lillie
starrybean - Princess Erin
stevie19 - Stevie
stinkybum - StinkyBum
sunshynepunk - Desiree
sushispice - Sushi
sylverdiva - §©º°¨¨°º©§ ★sOlO un sueñO dentrO de un sueñO★
takque - Takque
tara3056 - Tara
teedotgirl - christine
texastechgirl - you can not reduce me
theaccident - The Accident
theda_bara - Eidolon
theicon - Ryan The Icon
thejayydogg - buddy
theoneash - french poseur
theotoky - #4
theredheaddiva - The Impenetrable Junglefluff
thirdbaseman - Dave
thisoneslife - Laurie
thomasklement - Tom
tjtaylorjr - Thomas Taylor
tricky_cracker - polyester criminal
twinkycosmo - Brie
twisted_child - To Neuter Is Cuter
twolf - TWolf
twopence - Laura
tworandomgirls - OneRandomGirl
typhoo - Typhoo
u16girl - hilary with one L
unhappymeal - The Brit of Pomp & Circumstance
unity - unity
unknownnorway - UnknownNorway
urbancynic - urban cynic
urbanenigma - Danielle Marie
valentinemichel - Valentine Michel Smith
veevee - veevee
venus_diablo - Princess
venus_starlet - sugar crush baby
viciousduck - Louis
violently - mary
violetfire - Sakura
violetpretty - Che Bella
vioman - jimmy pattern
vixette7 - Pervy Elf Fancier
vixyash - Ashleigh
wangenra - Becky W.
wendyindisguise - Wendy
wicked_dollz - wicked_dollz
wickenden - Van Donegal
wildhalcyon - Dancin' to the rhythm in my head
willworkforsex - Brian Bernstein
worthwhilejoe - Deliziosa e Rinfrescante
wymblie - Sarah
x23whtmice - emily
xandria - Mercury in your veins
xanyboi - xany
xshootingxstarx - .:sounds like a superhero:.
xvance - Chris.
xwontonx - Wonton
xxladyjxx - My butch rocks me hard, hear me scream for more
yojimbo - GB2K
your_arsenal - gba
zevious - Ryan
zimbu - Phil
zoegaze - aaZHydchinadoll
zombie_dreams - fuck you she's a zombie
zorra - Zen is In
ztbb - ze top blurberry